Cat 100 tango news2012



Nuovo Catalogo Serie 100 e Serie Tango

Transcript of Cat 100 tango news2012

Page 1: Cat 100 tango news2012

INDEX100 | PAG. 002

TANGO | PAG. 028

NEWS2012 | PAG. 052





Page 2: Cat 100 tango news2012

Misce la to re lavaboS ing le- lever washbas in mixerWascht i sch-E inhebeba t te r ie

Monomando para lavaboMi t igeur l avabo

< 100 >002 003



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100 > Cromo-CRCR

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< 100 >004 005

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Page 6: Cat 100 tango news2012

Misce la to re lavaboS ing le- lever washbas in mixerWascht i sch-E inhebeba t te r ie

Monomando para lavaboMi t igeur l avabo

< 100 >006 007

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100 > Cromo-CRCR

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0 0 8 0< TANGO >< 100 >008 009

Misce la to re lavaboS ing le- lever washbas in mixerWascht i sch-E inhebeba t te r ieMonomando para lavaboMi t igeur l avabo

100 > Cromo-CRCR

Page 9: Cat 100 tango news2012

Misce la to re lavaboS ing le- lever washbas in mixerWascht i sch-E inhebeba t te r ie

Monomando para lavaboMi t igeur l avabo

100 > Cromo-CRCR

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Misce la to re lavaboS ing le- lever washbas in mixerWascht i sch-E inhebeba t te r ie

Monomando para lavaboMi t igeur l avabo

100 > Cromo-CRCR

< 100 >010 011

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100 > F in i tu ra Acc ia io Spazzo la to -ASAS

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< 100 >012 013

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Bat te r ia l avabo a incassoBu i l t - in washbas in se t

Wascht i schba t te r ie UP-MontBa te r ía l avabo de empot ra r

Mé langeur lavabo à encas t re r

100 > Cromo-CRCR

Page 14: Cat 100 tango news2012

Misce la to re b ide tS ing le- lever b ide t m ixer

B ide t -E inhebeba t te r ieMonomando b idé

Mi t igeur b ide t< 100 >014 015

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100 > Cromo-CRCR

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< 100 >016 017

Misce la to re vasca a incassoBu i l t - in ba th tub se tWannenba t te r ie UP-Mont .Ba te r ia bañera empot ra rMé langeur ba in à encas t re r

100 > Cromo-CRCR

Page 17: Cat 100 tango news2012

Misce la to re vasca es te rnoWal l mtd ba th tub se tWannenba t te r ie WandmontageBa tér ia banera a paredMélangeur ba in /douche mura l 100 > Cromo-CRCR

Page 18: Cat 100 tango news2012

Al les t imento vasca da incassoBu i l t - in ba th tub equ ipment

Aufbere i tung up-mont ie r te Wannenba t te r ieCompos ic ión bañera de empot ra r

Equ ipement mi t igeur ba igno i re à encas t re r< 100 >018 019

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100 > Cromo-CRCR

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< 100 >020 021

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100 > Cromo-CRCR< 100 >022 023

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Comando a incassoBu i l t - in con t ro l se t

UP-Bed ienungCommande à encas t re r

Mando de empot ra r

100 > Cromo-CRCR

Sof f i one p r i smat icoShowerhead pr i smat icPr i smat i sch kop fb rauseA lcachofa p r i smat icoPomme douche pr i smat ique

Gruppo te rmosta t i co da incasso due usc i te2-way concea led thermosta t i c mixer2-Wege Thermosta tmischerGrupo te rmosta t i co empot rados 2 sa l idasMi t igeur thermosta t ique encas t ré à 2 vo ies

Set docc iaShower se tDuschgarn i tu rJuego de duchaGarn i tu re de douche

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< 100 >024 025

100 > Cromo-CRCR

Bracc io docc ia con so f f i oneShower head, comple teKopfbrause , komple t tA lcachofa de ducha, comple toDouche de te te , comple t

Comando a incassoBu i l t - in con t ro l se tUP-Bed ienungCommande à encas t re rMando de empot ra r

Se t docc iaShower se tDuschgarn i tu rJuego de duchaGarn i tu re de douche

Page 25: Cat 100 tango news2012

100 > Cromo-CRCR

Bracc io docc ia con so f f i oneShower head, comple teKopfbrause , komple t t

A lcachofa de ducha, comple toDouche de te te , comple t

Page 26: Cat 100 tango news2012

< 100 >026 027

Asta docc ia con so f f i one an t i ca lcareS l id ing bar w i th an t i - l imesca le handshower

G le i t s tange mi t An t i ka lkduschgarn i tu reBar re cou l i ssan te avec garn i tu re douche an t i ca lcare

Bar ra cor redera con ducha an t i sa r ro

Comando a incassoBu i l t - in con t ro l se t

UP-Bed ienungCommande à encas t re r

Mando de empot ra r

100 > Acc ia io Spazzo la to-ASAS

Page 27: Cat 100 tango news2012

100 > Cromo-CRCR

Bracc io docc ia con so f f i oneShower head, comple teKopfbrause , komple t t

A lcachofa de ducha, comple toDouche de te te , comple t

Gruppo te rmosta t i co COMPACT da incasso due usc i te2-way concea led thermosta t i c mixer COMPACT

2-Wege Thermosta tmischer COMPACTGrupo te rmosta t i co COMPACT empot rados 2 sa l idas

Mi t igeur thermosta t ique COMPACT encas t ré à 2 vo ies

Set docc iaShower se t

Duschgarn i tu rJuego de ducha

Garn i tu re de douche

Page 28: Cat 100 tango news2012

Misce la to re lavaboS ing le- lever washbas in mixerWascht i sch-E inhebeba t te r ie

Monomando para lavaboMi t igeur l avabo

< TANGO >028 029


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< TANGO >030 031

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Page 32: Cat 100 tango news2012

Misce la to re lavaboS ing le- lever washbas in mixerWascht i sch-E inhebeba t te r ie

Monomando para lavaboMi t igeur l avabo

< TANGO >032 033

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Page 34: Cat 100 tango news2012

Misce la to re lavaboS ing le- lever washbas in mixerWascht i sch-E inhebeba t te r ie

Monomando para lavaboMi t igeur l avabo


< TANGO >034 035

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Page 36: Cat 100 tango news2012


Bat te r ia l avabo a incassoBu i l t - in washbas in se t

Wascht i schba t te r ie UP-MontBa te r ía l avabo de empot ra r

Mé langeur lavabo à encas t re r< TANGO >036 037

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Page 38: Cat 100 tango news2012

Misce la to re b ide tS ing le- lever b ide t m ixer

B ide t -E inhebeba t te r ieMonomando b idé

Mi t igeur b ide t

< TANGO >038 039

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Page 40: Cat 100 tango news2012

Misce la to re vasca es te rnoWal l mtd ba th tub se t

Wannenba t te r ie WandmontageBa tér ia banera a pared

Mélangeur ba in /douche mura l


< TANGO >040 041

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< TANGO >042 043

Page 43: Cat 100 tango news2012


Misce la to re vasca a incassoBu i l t - in ba th tub se t

Wannenba t te r ie UP-Mont .Ba te r ia bañera empot ra r

Mé langeur ba in à encas t re r

Page 44: Cat 100 tango news2012

< TANGO >044 045

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Bracc io docc ia con so f f i oneShower head, comple teKopfbrause , komple t tA lcachofa de ducha, comple toDouche de te te , comple t

So f f i onc in i re t tango la r iRec tangu la r showerheadsRechteck ige BrausenPequeños roc iadores rec tangu la resPet i tes pommes rec tangu la i res

Comand i ind ipendent i e te rmosta t i coIndependent con t ro l s and thermosta t i c un i tUnabhäng ige Scha l te r und Thermosta tba t te r ieMandos independ ien tes y te rmostá t i coCommandes indépendantes e t thermosta t ique

Set docc iaShower se tDuschgarn i tu rJuego de duchaGarn i tu re de douche

< TANGO >046 047

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Page 48: Cat 100 tango news2012

Bracc io con so f f i one in o t tone an t i ca lcare Shower a rm wi th b rass an t i l imesca le showerhead

Douche de te te avec pomme de douche en la i ton an t i ca lca i re Brausearm mi t An t i ka lk-Mess ingkopfbrause

Brazo ducha comple to con p la to in l a tòn an t i ca l


< TANGO >048 049

Page 49: Cat 100 tango news2012

Bracc io con so f f i one inox l i gh t an t i ca lcareShower a rm wi th an t i l imesca le l i gh t inox showerheadDouche de te te avec pomme de douche an t i ca lca i re en l i gh t inoxBrausearm mi t An t i ka lkkop fb rause aus le ich t Ede ls tah lBrazo ducha comple to con p la to in inox l i gh t an t i ca l


Page 50: Cat 100 tango news2012


Asta docc ia con so f f i one an t i ca lcareS l id ing bar w i th an t i - l imesca le handshowerG le i t s tange mi t An t i ka lkduschgarn i tu reBar re cou l i ssan te avec garn i tu re douche an t i ca lcareBar ra cor redera con ducha an t i sa r ro

Comando a incassoBu i l t - in con t ro l se t

UP-Bed ienungCommande à encas t re r

Mando de empot ra r< TANGO >050 051

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< NEWS2012 >052 053

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< NEWS >054 054


< NEWS2012 >054 055

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Page 56: Cat 100 tango news2012

TREND, ispirazione naturale, bianca, nera o acciaio spazzolato dal tatto morbido e sensuale.

TREND, natural inspiration, white, black or brushed steel with its soft and sensual touch.

Trend > Nero-3131

Trend > B ianco-1010< NEWS2012 >056 057

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Misce la to re lavaboS ing le- lever washbas in mixerWascht i sch-E inhebeba t te r ieMonomando para lavaboMi t igeur l avabo Trend > F in i tu ra Acc ia io Spazzo la to-ASAS

Page 58: Cat 100 tango news2012

Sof f i one a menso laShowerarm comple te

RegenbrauseBrazo de ducha con l l uv ia

Bras de douche mura l


< NEWS2012 >058 059

Page 59: Cat 100 tango news2012

Sh i rò > Cromo-CRCR

Page 60: Cat 100 tango news2012


Misce la to re vasca da te r raCo lumn-mounted ba th tube mixerWannenmischer Zy l indermontageMélangeur ba igno i re sur co lonneCaño bañera de co lumna

Zazzeri arriccisce il piacere del bagno ampliando DaDa e Soqquadro con due nuovi miscelatori vasca

da terra con il particolare comando di deviazione posto a “cappello” sulla sommità del rubinetto.

Zazzeri enriches the bathroom pleasure by developing two new column-mounted bathtub mixers for

Da-Da and Soqquadro with a particular top diverter-control.

< NEWS2012 >060 061

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DA-DA mono > Cromo-CRCR

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< NEWS2012 >062 063

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Misce la to re vasca da te r raCo lumn-mounted ba th tube mixerWannenmischer Zy l indermontageMélangeur ba igno i re sur co lonneCaño bañera de co lumna

Soqquadro > Cromo-CRCR

Page 64: Cat 100 tango news2012

© Rubinetterie Zazzeri S.p.a

ConceptC&B pubblicità

Photography03 Media

Pre-PressGrafiche Leonardo

PressGrafiche Diemme


Rubinetterie Zazzeri S.p.A.Frazione Burchio, 55 _ 50064 Incisa in Val d’Arno _ Florence _ Italy

P.I. 00435690482 _ Tel. +39 055 69.60.51 _ Fax: Italia +39 055 69.63.09 _ Export +39 055 _ [email protected] _ [email protected]