CASTORI As rooge. But some people will' tell you that they can serve you as well as Chink...

. CBNTIW* OLMMT- ttRABUATt , Bowling 9NH, ky.—judg/ Robert Vodea. sr., hi* »c«lved a letter trom F. W. Hlnltt, president Central university. panvllle, informftg him that ha waa tha oldest living graduate of Ihia noted Institution, formerly known aa'Center callage. Judge Kod. a. wfco Is 83 years old. jyas gfsdusted In September. 1843. In a class of In. all of whom are dead. la the lather of H. C. Rodcs, of L&ilsvllle; .Robert Rodes. Jr.. prealdentg of lira Citizens' National banlt, and John li. Rodes, a lawyer, both of" thla city, and father-in-law of Judge Warner E. Set- tle, of the court' of appeal*, at Frank* fort. Judge Hodoa la the oldest mem- ber of the Warren county bar. ALCOHOL i PER CI:M- ' AVtselablelYtpMiolifcrAs stabling itr Food aoiRefca lingUe Siocochs aalBmdstf Promo lesDiffsltattlfoW rwssaudResi.Contiliuwimr Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC. AflijjKjIf Our line of Couch Caskets is unexcelled Hand-made Collins furnished Hearse sent to all parts of rliB^Tni»'ii| ii'l f t be (Jouuty All ordars by Wire Promptly Filled over the ground and compel tha coi pan/ to build one according to lh« suggestions. The railroad compan by Its representatives at tbe meetin said the reason It had not built a d pot here was because It had not d ctdtd aa yet upon (be permanent I catfon of the dlvlalon headquartei *bjch were' moved from Somerset Daft villa about four,years ago, and Utf»' headquarters should be broug baea here It would require a mm larger building than otherwise. Whlteatiurg. Ky.-^-The Lexington ft Eastern .Railroad Co.. constructing a l:ne of nHlroadjtl(rough this county, wiy start .at ohce to rebuild auch: county. roadwajW aa have been die* curbed Jpr its work. Many of the roiwla were used In the construction of tbtf railroad, which waa the baala of a v'uli son* months ago for 1300.000 ontaccoinfl of alleged damage to the rottls, which Dr. J. D. FltzPatrick, a county Judge, refused to sign. The raQroad will spend thousands ot dol- lar* In the rebuilding ot the roads. T|1X CEXTAUn COMPJJO; NEW YOKK. Phone 94- MT. VERNON, KY Guaranteed undertWfi Frankfort. Ky.—Notley Smith was Killed, and Tom Clark. Suter Clark and George Mitchell were badly Injured, when- the hand car on which they were riding ran Into John Hocker- amlth, who was asleep on a trestle of the Frankfort £ Cincinnati railroad, along the cliff about a mile east of Frankfort, and waa hurled 20 feet to the rocks below. Hockersmltb waa In- ternally Injured by the car and died the following day. The regular pas senger train on the Frankfort ft fin- LOCAL OPTION ELECTION. tltlons C. A. Kuollenburg. iLLEN COUNTY OIL L.EA8E3. FATHER AND SON INJURED. Newport. Ky.—Frank Ordnlck, driver for Dairyman Srhuerman, austalned a broken leg and other Injuries, and Frank. Jr.. bis 14-year-old son. waa probably, fatally burned when a wagon burled under several tonjj of stealing NEW WATER COMPAN' Horse Cave, Ky.—>A ne4 water com- pany has been organized hire, with the following officers: J. O. tfcdford, pres- ident: J, L. Martin, vice Resident; P. 3. Branetetter. secretary? and treas- urer; directors, P.. T. Vaughn, Clar- ence Owens, J. L. Martin.. J. K. Skagga, W. R. Lyon and W..P. Iflrtley. COLLEGE PROPERTY 80LD. Glasgow, Ky.—A deal was closed here when tdberty association direct- ed tha trustees of Liberty college to sell that institution to the educational board of p?rren county far 119,400. The college grounds and buildings are among the moat beautiful of any In Southern Kentucky and coat Liberty association I80.000. Only three years ago * new addition was built to the college at * cost <Jf ll'e.900. The coun- ty board of education will convert the otrilege Into a high school. •CCEIVBS 8TATE APPOINTMENT Mt • Stirling,. Ky.—Forjner County ' Ijorneytoarence F. Thomas, of ttl, ty. has been appointed by the Ken JoVy insurance rating commission ti •iteetlgate certain New York com *Wes. He will retire from the flrn. f Nesblt ft Thomas, and will removt Frankfort to live. POLICE KILLING DOQS. Covington. Ky.—In seven daya Cov- ington police klljed 100 dogs, accord- ing to a report made to (&let Schuler. The campaign to tld thCclty of doga waa started following th/death of Jas. Trtcy, a boyw He succumbed to hy- drophobia Ave weeks liter he bad been bitten. ' .] 3. ( C. MeCLARY Versailles, Ky.—Robert J. Hoover. TO} died of heart disease, after a year's "•ass- He enlisted under Qen.v.Abe Bflford. and belonged to Morgan's brigade. Col. DL Howard Smith's regl- m«nt. Hla wife and three children sur- four children. Mrs. Mirgarei fa. If. H. Nave, R. J. Duncan •Emma Duncan, all of whom T/LKStiVr:—A sandy colored sow, weight about 115 pounds, c»me to .my place about six weeks ago, owner can have same by pay- i n g (ill cost aud damage, u ly, I9r3t W . M. ARNOLD, Jr. H O L D J C H O O L OUT OF 0*0OR6. Bawllnj^'Green, ky.—The Wtllte Oak schoolboys®. near Tramtnell. Allen o f n t y . "*lth lie, contents, waajmrned. There waa ao fnaurance. TlSVltln Stanford. Kv LEAVES (jENTRAL rACULTY. paarllle, Ky.-Caldwell Walker, whp waa graduated from Central univer- sity 1^ 1810 and assisted Dr.' T. L. Blayney in the modern language partment laat year, has accepted the position of principal of the ML ster- ling high school. TO VOTE ON BONO ISSUE. PULASKI CHANGEf DATES. Somerset. Ky.—The directors or fee the Wayne county f»lr Have changed tbe date of their holding their (air from September .M , to. September 10-13. Tbla waa -donei ao aa. not con- flict wl|h the falra 'of neighboring conntle*. \ J. CHAS. i DAVIS ; I THE DROGGfST FOR SALB:—One new six room hobSe and lot located on Rich- mood street, just outside the cdrpotation. For terms apply to, EDGAR MDLI.INS. July 12 4t. Ml. Vernon, Ky. FIRE AT WARSAW. Warsaw, Ky.—Flr» here cs loss ot 130,000. The,Odd Fillo and opegahouaq iferw deuroyed grocery store, Clare's drug sti a livery, a u i f l e bstcMy A & s g e d . was about 12.000.l(litKuwe. ThafTennyson or LongfelibW could take a worthless sheet of-paper and write a pMm on;it and make it worth flS.OOO-that's genius and there are others who can write a few words on a sheet ot paper arid make it worth $8,000,000 -that's capital and : this ration ot ours can take aa ounce and a quartea of gol&and" stamp upon it kn Eagle- btjd and make it worth SaO.'-tttt's money and some o f o u r y«mg ladles will'buy a hait lfe-$1.26 bnt pr'efere one that cosfcJ85.-that's foolishness. !< might sign my name t o a cee<j»e for a $1,000,000, brit It Wouldn't be worth a dirne- thnt's rooge. But some people will' tell you that they can serve you as well as Chink but-j^hat's nonsense-try me. nrlDEALEK a Marbles $nd Granite Monuments of all kinds. Esliiqates furnished on application. GEO,OWENS Propr Pone 112 C. C. D AVIS , jMt. Vernon, Ky. 1 " . PHOXE 5o. 39 <pfill<lr*ri '&ry . v f0R: fLETCHERS CA'dTORI ALCOHOL 1 PER CI:M- ' A\«8elab!elYcpa/aiiotilorAs slmitaliii2ilrFoal3aiRf«iia lingllie StoBtachs aalBwidsif Promo lesDiffsltattlfoW nessaudi!esi.Con[alii;a?imr Opiuni.Morphinc nor Mineral NOT NAHC OTIC. THE CEXTAon COMPJJO; NEW YOKK. Cunronletd undsrtl«"H Yesterday To-morrow VB4IERUAV i« but a dream. TO-MORHOW uulv a v,„io„ but TO-DAY well lived maics evory yesterdav a dream of IIHU'- E o r ^ s W r d V / n o ^ n w ! ^ to-'.Uy brllilT-ouJ**™' 0 * THE BAN'K OF MT. VERNON Then our hope is thai all your moneys will brin* you happl- nexs, and prosperity, and all your renollectious of yesterday will wilh l 'ihl» U Ba'nk t »dtl' bring yon great prosperity'.'"^ 8 " ;la " 0 "-' i THE BANK OF MT. VERNON INDIAN KILLED ON TRACK. Near Kochelle, III., an Indian weat to sleep on a railroad trark and «as killed by tbe fast express He paid for bis carelessness with bis life. Olten its that way when people neglect conghs and colda. Don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New discovery will cure them and so ptevent a dangerous throat or lung trouble. "It completely cured me, in a short time, of a terrible cough that followed a .severe atiaclr of Grip", writes J. R. Watts, Floydada, Tex., "and 11 regained 15 pounds m weight tharl had lost." Quick, safe, re- liable and guaranteed 50c. and $t.oti. Trial bottle free at Chas. C. Davis. STRAYED OR STOLBN:—White and black spotted hound, yellow around the head, with collar on her neck, left my place about June 29th. "Liberal reward offered" W . H . GKNTKY, J. P. GREEN Dentist Over U. G. Baker's Store. w . T . FRANCIS, Dentist Mt Vernon, Ky Home and office In the late residence Dr. Myers formerly occupied on Main St..;-Mt. Vernon. AKE FVER AT WAR. There are two things everlast- ingly at war, jov and files. But Buckleu's Arniua Salve will banish piles in any form. It soon sub _iues the itching. Iirilatiou, in fr^amfnation or swelling. It gives comfort, invites joy. Greatest bea'.er o r burns, boils, ulcers, cuts bruises e 'ems', scalds, pimples, •kin in ptio is. Ouly *5 cents at Chas. C. Davis. C. C. Williams, ;ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MT. VERNON. KV. WOFFICE. • On acd. floor The Bank of Mt. Vernon, on Church Spiro, Ky. street.—"Special attention given to collections. Phone No. 80. elnnatl was 30 minutes late, else li would have hit Hockersmlth, and l-robably would hare cut him to plecea. The men on the band car were mem- bers of the Swltzer section crew com- Irji to Frankfort to cash their month- ly pay checks. Another hand car. ul>op which Was the crew of another sec- tion. wa*s lust behind the Swltzer car. sad when the latter went over the trestle tbe meo on the second car put on the brakes and stopped. The men on the second car signaled the passenger train a few minutes after the accident, and It stopped and trough! the dead and wounded Into the city, and they Vere taken thence in automobiles to Q>e King's Daugh- ters' hospital. All the men live a't or near Swluer. Notley Smith Is survived by a wife snd one child. AUTO ACCIDENT AT FUNERAL. Frankfort. Ky.—An automobile car rylng a funeral party, comprising Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 8tr!nsrell0w. Mr and Mrs. T. 0. Dell and Thomas Strlngfellow, from f'arls to this city, skidded over « 15-foot embanki near the forks of HSkhorn. throwing ont Mrs. Strlngfellow and Mrs. They were seriously^ Injured. others were badly bffulsed. Tbi was behind an automobile carrying the body of the Infont of Mr. and Mrs. Strlngfellow. ment, and some connection may bel OlasRow. Ky—Mlna Belle. 8. daugh- found between tbe two diseases, which | ter of Nat Burks, who lives nqpr Horse lead^to a cure for pellagra, which i Cave, who was thrown. troro>a buggy te.fand seriously in lured a few Jfl's since. II no comSlcations GOOD. ROADS CONVENTION. Bowling Green, Ky.—The Bowling reen Automobile club met and ap- upted 1 a committee composed of Ms^or Gils E. Townsend. W. G. Sump president of the Uuslncss Men's and Dr. John H. Blackburn, pres- Ideiit of the Auto club, to extend au the business men's clubs of Louisville and NaBhvllle 10 hold the Good {Roads convention In this city during the present month. A barbe- cue and burgoo will be given at llesch Bejid park. j O'SULLIVAN IS ELECTED. Shelbyvllle, Ky.- At a meetli the board of directors of tbe S County Business Men's Assocl O'Sulllvan was elected tires erlously injured 1 proving Possibly no child been followed by a more relentless fate than jhaa little Mlna Belle Burks. At a year old she was so badly burned for a long time her life was despaired of. A year j ago a horse ran over her "and for a time her condition was crltljlil. | AGAIN, ELECTEO CfTY ASSESSOR. | Carlisle, Ky - On: the fifth ballot' John M. Campbell, former county clerk and present assessor, waa re-elected «lty assessor of Carlisle by the dty j council. On the flfth callot the coun-1 ell was a tie between Mr. Campbell ! and Albert L. Boll, and Mayor John 1 H. I'rey broke ibe tie by voting for | Mr. Campbell, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Georgetown. Ky.—While Mrs. Geo. Chinn. of Frankroct. was wjtlng ror a Queen k. Crescent .train, her lund satchel waa openud.and 17.5U In cash was taken, as waa a round-trip ticket to Cincinnati. Men Identified by Mrs. Chinn at those who robbed her were taken Into custody by Officer Qulnco In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOR I A :lty. Ernest Vanarsdel su O'Sulllvan aa vice presidi Mtfy Rothschild ^vaa made a • 19*11 tha vacanc# In the board by Mr. rt Vailarsdd's promotioQ. »a1 ING GREEN 18 ! U F°- i'. and Ha Bowling Green, Ky. ry. Monroe, proprietoi brought Alt against I Ing GreeS for 1880 plaintiffs claim tbi agents.aatnratei of,'their plane of business with crud oil, which the city of Bowl amagea. The the city through to;to oilier garages, and that damaged'. 1 ijiem in going to an BOND ISSUE IS DENIED. Bowling Q r e v . Ky.—The Warren ounty flscal court refused to allow tht 100.1)00 school bond Issue tor rural I'hools because Ben Porter, one of tht nlldlng commissioners appointed b) ounty Judge H. H. Dcnhardt. does ot own real estate In his own narat i'required by law. Franklin, Ky.—A representative of an eastern oil syndicate now prospect- ing In Allen county Is abouc to begin taking leases In this county for the purpose of. sinking Wells. Oil Is known to exist In the eastern portion of Simp- son county, .but no effort at develop- gmnmimmmmimmmmiwrnnmimmnimmmmnMiS | li\„ VERNON CASKET CD. I PRACTICAL, 3 UNDERTAKERS 3 FUNKRAL DIRECTORS, g AND j: KMBALM KKS § Mt. Vernon, Ry. 3 O U C H M E T A U C C A S K E T S 3 Coffins and Robes. 3 •• P Liceued Kmbaluiur will have cjiarge of that line of 3 S work for tt,e Cuiup.'iny. 3 ^Orders by wire promptly tilkjb. Hearsf sent to all points 3 §= G E O R C E O W E N S , Managers £ Office Mt. Vernon Monumental Building PHONE 11a 3 Couldn't Walk! 1 used to be troubled with a weakness peculiar to women," writes Mrs. Anna Jones, of Kenny, 11L "For nearly a year, I could not walk, without holding ray sides. 1 tried several different doctors, but 1 grew worse. Finally, our druggist advised Cardijj for my complaint I was so thin, my weight was 115.^ Now, I weigh 163, and I am never sick. 1 ride horset&ck as good as ever. 1 am in fine health at 52 years." [ Woman's Tonic We have thousands dl sueh letters, and more are arriving dajly. Such earnest testimony from those who have tried it, surely proves the great value of this vegeta- ble, tonic mediciqe, for women. Cardni relieves women's sufferings, and builds weak women up to health and Strength. If you are a woman, give it a trial. It should help you, for it has helped a mil- lion others. It is made from pure, harmless, Jierb Ingredi- ents, which act promptly and Surely on the womanly organ*. It is a good tonic. Try It I vYour druggist sells it IS' Advisory Dept. qjsttuoocs Mtdidoc Co.. r~. ,

Transcript of CASTORI As rooge. But some people will' tell you that they can serve you as well as Chink...


, Bowling 9 N H , k y . — j u d g / Robert Vodea. sr., hi* »c«lved a letter trom

F. W. Hlnltt, president <£ Central university. panvllle, in fo rmf tg him that ha waa tha oldest living graduate of Ihia noted Institution, formerly known aa'Center callage. Judge Kod. a. wfco Is 83 years old. jyas gfsdusted In September. 1843. In a class of In. all of whom are dead. H« la the lather of H. C. Rodcs, of L&ilsvllle; .Robert Rodes. Jr.. prealdentg of lira Citizens' National banlt, and John li. Rodes, a lawyer, both of" thla city, and father-in-law of Judge Warner E. Set-tle, of the court' of appeal*, at Frank* fort. Judge Hodoa la the oldest mem-ber of the Warren county bar.

ALCOHOL i PER CI:M- ' AVtselablelYtpMiolifcrAs

stabling itr Food aoiRefca lingUe Siocochs aalBmdstf

Promo lesDiffsltattlfoW rwssaudResi.Contiliuwimr Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral N O T NARCOTIC.

A f l i j j K j I f Our line of Couch Caskets is unexcelled Hand-made Collins furnished Hearse sent to all parts of

r l iB^Tni» ' i i | ii'l f t be (Jouuty All ordars by Wire Promptly Filled

over the ground and compel tha coi pan/ to build one according to lh« suggestions. The railroad compan by Its representatives a t tbe meetin said the reason It had not built a d pot here was because It had not d ctdtd aa yet upon (be permanent I catfon of the dlvlalon headquartei *bjch were' moved from Somerset Daft villa about four,years ago, and Utf»' headquarters should be broug baea here It would require a mm larger building than otherwise.

Whlteatiurg. Ky.-^-The Lexington ft Eastern .Railroad Co.. constructing a l:ne of nHlroadjtl(rough this county, wiy star t .at ohce to rebuild auch: county. roadwajW aa have been die* curbed Jpr its work. Many of the roiwla were used In the construction of tbtf railroad, which waa the baala of a v'uli s o n * months ago for 1300.000 ontaccoinfl of alleged damage to the rottls, which Dr. J. D. FltzPatrick, a county Judge, refused to sign. The raQroad will spend thousands ot dol-lar* In the rebuilding ot the roads.


Guaranteed undertWfi

Frankfort. Ky.—Notley Smith was Killed, and Tom Clark. Suter Clark and George Mitchell were badly Injured, when- the hand car on which they were riding ran Into John Hocker-amlth, who was asleep on a trestle of the Frankfort £ Cincinnati railroad, along the cliff about a mile east of Frankfort, and waa hurled 20 feet to the rocks below. Hockersmltb waa In-ternally Injured by the car and died the following day. The regular pas senger train on the Frankfort ft f in-

L O C A L O P T I O N E L E C T I O N .

tltlons C. A. Kuollenburg.

i L L E N C O U N T Y O I L L .EA8E3.


Newport. Ky.—Frank Ordnlck, driver for Dairyman Srhuerman, austalned a broken leg and other Injuries, and Frank. Jr.. bis 14-year-old son. waa probably, fatally burned when a wagon

burled under several tonjj of s t e a l i n g


Horse Cave, Ky.—>A n e 4 water com-pany has been organized hire, with the following officers: J. O. tfcdford, pres-ident: J, L. Martin, vice R e s i d e n t ; P. 3. Branetetter. secretary? and treas-urer; directors, P. . T. Vaughn, Clar-ence Owens, J. L. Martin.. J. K. Skagga, W. R. Lyon and W..P. Iflrtley.


Glasgow, Ky.—A deal was closed here when tdberty association direct- • ed tha trustees of Liberty college to sell that institution to the educational board of p?rren county far 119,400. The college grounds and buildings are among the moat beautiful of any In Southern Kentucky and coat Liberty association I80.000. Only three years ago * new addition was built to the college at * cost <Jf ll'e.900. The coun-ty board of education will convert the otrilege Into a high school.

• C C E I V B S 8 T A T E A P P O I N T M E N T

Mt • Stirling,. Ky.—Forjner County ' I jorneytoarence F. Thomas, of ttl,

ty. has been appointed by the Ken JoVy insurance rating commission ti •iteetlgate certain New York com *Wes. He will retire from the flrn. f Nesblt ft Thomas, and will removt • Frankfort to live.


Covington. Ky.—In seven daya Cov-ington police klljed 100 dogs, accord-ing to a report made to (&let Schuler. The campaign to tld thCcl ty of doga waa started following th /dea th of Jas. Trtcy, a boyw He succumbed to hy-drophobia Ave weeks l i t e r he bad been bitten. ' . ]


Versailles, Ky.—Robert J. Hoover. TO} died of heart disease, after a year's " • a s s - He enlisted under Qen.v.Abe Bflford. and belonged to Morgan's brigade. Col. DL Howard Smith's regl-m«nt. Hla wife and three children sur-

four children. Mrs. Mirgarei fa. If. H. Nave, R. J. Duncan •Emma Duncan, all of whom

T/LKStiVr:—A s a n d y colored sow, weight a b o u t 115 p o u n d s , c » m e t o .my p lace about s ix weeks ago , o w n e r c a n h a v e s a m e by pay-i n g (ill cost a u d d a m a g e , u ly, I 9 r 3 t W . M. ARNOLD, J r .

H O L D J C H O O L O U T O F 0*0OR6.

Bawllnj^'Green, ky.—The Wtllte Oak schoolboys®. near Tramtnell. Allen o f n t y . "*lth lie, contents, waajmrned. There waa ao fnaurance. T l S V l t l n

S t a n f o r d . K v L E A V E S ( j E N T R A L r A C U L T Y .

paar l l le , Ky.-Caldwell Walker, whp waa graduated from Central univer-sity 1^ 1810 and assisted Dr.' T. L. Blayney in the modern language d» partment laat year, has accepted the position of principal of the ML ster-ling high school.


P U L A S K I C H A N G E f D A T E S .

Somerset. Ky.—The directors or fee the Wayne county f»lr Have changed tbe date of their holding their (air from September . M , to . September 10-13. Tbla waa -donei ao aa. not con-flict wl|h the falra 'of neighboring conntle*. \ J. CHAS. i DAVIS ;

I THE DROGGfST FOR SALB:—One n e w s ix r o o m

hobSe a n d lo t located o n R ich -m o o d s t reet , j u s t ou t s ide the c d r p o t a t i o n . Fo r t e r m s a p p l y to ,


Ju ly 12 4t . Ml . V e r n o n , Ky .


• Warsaw, Ky.—Flr» here cs loss ot 130,000. The,Odd Fillo and opegahouaq iferw deuroyed grocery store, Clare's drug sti a livery, auif le bstcMy A & s g e d . was about 12.000.l(litKuwe.

T h a f T e n n y s o n o r L o n g f e l i b W c o u l d t a k e a w o r t h l e s s s h e e t o f - p a p e r a n d w r i t e a p M m on ; i t a n d m a k e i t w o r t h f l S . O O O - t h a t ' s g e n i u s a n d t h e r e a r e o t h e r s w h o c a n

• w r i t e a f e w w o r d s o n a s h e e t o t p a p e r arid m a k e i t w o r t h $8,000,000 - t h a t ' s c a p i t a l a n d : t h i s r a t i o n o t o u r s can t a k e a a o u n c e a n d a q u a r t e a of go l&and" s t a m p u p o n it k n Eagle-b t j d a n d m a k e i t w o r t h S a O . ' - t t t t ' s m o n e y a n d s o m e o f o u r y « m g l a d l e s w i l l ' b u y a hait l f e -$1 .26 b n t pr 'efere o n e t h a t c o s f c J 8 5 . - t h a t ' s f o o l i s h n e s s . !< m i g h t s ign m y n a m e t o a cee<j»e f o r a $1,000,000, b r i t I t W o u l d n ' t b e w o r t h a d i r n e -t h n t ' s r o o g e . B u t s o m e p e o p l e will' t e l l y o u t h a t t h e y c a n s e r v e y o u a s w e l l a s C h i n k bu t - j ^ha t ' s n o n s e n s e - t r y m e .

nrlDEALEK a Marbles $nd Granite Monuments of all kinds. Esliiqates furnished on application.

GEO,OWENS Propr Pone 112

C. C. D AVIS, jMt. Vernon, Ky. 1 " . PHOXE 5o. 39

< p f i l l < l r * r i ' & r y

. v f0R:fLETCHERS C A ' d T O R I

ALCOHOL 1 PER CI:M- ' A\«8elab!elYcpa/aiiotilorAs

slmitaliii2ilrFoal3aiRf«iia lingllie StoBtachs aalBwidsif

Promo lesDiffsltattlfoW nessaudi!esi.Con[alii;a?imr Opiuni.Morphinc nor Mineral N O T NAHC OTIC.


Cunronletd undsrtl«"H

Yesterday To-morrow

VB4IERUAV i« but a dream. TO-MORHOW uulv a v,„io„ but TO-DAY well lived maics evory yesterdav a dream of IIHU'-

E o r ^ s W r d V / n o ^ n w ! ^ to-'.Uy brllilT-ou J**™'0*

THE BAN'K OF MT. VERNON Then our hope is tha i all your moneys will brin* you happl-

nexs, and prosperity, and all your renollectious of yesterday will

wilhl'ihl»UBa'nkt»dtl' bring yon great prosperity'.'"^8 " ; l a " 0 "- ' i

T H E B A N K O F M T . V E R N O N

I N D I A N K I L L E D O N T R A C K . N e a r Kochelle, III., a n I n d i a n

w e a t to s leep on a railroad t r a rk a n d « a s killed b y tbe fast e x p r e s s H e paid for b i s care lessness w i t h bis l ife. O l t e n its t h a t way when people neglect c o n g h s and colda. D o n ' t risk your life when p r o m p t u s e of Dr . K i n g ' s N e w discovery will c u r e t h e m a n d so p t e v e n t a dangerous throat or l u n g t rouble . " I t comple te ly c u r e d me , in a shor t t ime, of a te r r ib le c o u g h tha t followed a

. s eve re atiaclr of G r i p " , w r i t e s J . R . Wat t s , F loydada , T e x . , " and 11 rega ined 15 p o u n d s m weight t h a r l had los t . " Qu ick , safe, re-l iable a n d gua ran teed 50c. a n d $ t . o t i . Tr ia l bo t t l e f r ee a t Chas . C. Davis .

STRAYED OR S T O L B N : — W h i t e a n d black spot ted h o u n d , yel low a round t h e head , wi th collar on her n e c k , left m y place a b o u t J u n e 29 th . "L ibera l r ewa rd of fered"

W . H . G K N T K Y ,

J. P. G R E E N D e n t i s t

Over U . G . B a k e r ' s S t o r e .

w . T . F R A N C I S ,

Den t i s t M t V e r n o n , K y

Home and office In the late residence Dr. Myers formerly occupied on Main St..;-Mt. Vernon.

A K E F V E R A T W A R . T h e r e a re two t h ings ever las t -

ingly a t w a r , jov a n d f i l e s . But B u c k l e u ' s Arn iua Salve will b a n i s h pi les in a n y fo rm. I t soon s u b

_ i u e s t h e i t ch ing . I i r i l a t iou , in f r ^ a m f n a t i o n o r swel l ing . I t g ives

c o m f o r t , i nv i t e s j o y . G r e a t e s t bea'.er o r b u r n s , boils, ulcers, cu t s b r u i s e s e 'ems', sca lds , p imp les , • k i n i n p t i o is. Ouly *5 cents at Chas . C . Davis.

C . C . W i l l i a m s , ; A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W ,

M T . V E R N O N . K V . W O F F I C E . • O n a c d . floor

T h e B a n k of M t . V e r n o n , o n C h u r c h Spiro, Ky . s treet .—"Special a t t e n t i o n g iven

to co l lec t ions . P h o n e N o . 8 0 .

elnnatl was 30 minutes late, else li would have hit Hockersmlth, and l-robably would hare cut him to plecea.

The men on the band car were mem-bers of the Swltzer section crew com-Irji to Frankfort to cash their month-ly pay checks. Another hand car. ul>op which Was the crew of another sec-tion. wa*s lust behind the Swltzer car. sad when the latter went over the trestle tbe meo on the second car put on the brakes and stopped.

The men on the second car signaled the passenger train a few minutes after the accident, and It stopped and trough! the dead and wounded Into the city, and they Vere taken thence in automobiles to Q>e King's Daugh-ters' hospital.

All the men live a't or near Swluer. Notley Smith Is survived by a wife snd one child.

A U T O A C C I D E N T A T F U N E R A L .

Frankfort. Ky.—An automobile car rylng a funeral party, comprising Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 8tr!nsrell0w. Mr and Mrs. T. 0. Dell and Thomas Strlngfellow, from f'arls to this city, skidded over « 15-foot embanki near the forks of HSkhorn. throwing ont Mrs. Strlngfellow and Mrs. They were seriously^ Injured. others were badly bffulsed. Tbi was behind an automobile carrying the body of the Infont of Mr. and Mrs. Strlngfellow.

ment, and some connection may bel OlasRow. Ky—Mlna Belle. 8. daugh-found between tbe two diseases, which | ter of Nat Burks, who lives nqpr Horse

lead^to a cure for pellagra, which i Cave, who was thrown. troro>a buggy te . fand seriously in lured a few J f l ' s since.

II no comSlcations


Bowling Green, Ky.—The Bowling reen Automobile club met and ap-upted1 a committee composed of

Ms^or Gils E. Townsend. W. G. Sump president of the Uuslncss Men's and Dr. John H. Blackburn, pres-

Ideiit of the Auto club, to extend au the business men's clubs

of Louisville and NaBhvllle 10 hold the Good {Roads convention In this city during the present month. A barbe-cue and burgoo will be given at llesch Bejid park.

j O ' S U L L I V A N IS E L E C T E D .

Shelbyvllle, Ky.- At a meetli the board of directors of tbe S County Business Men's Assocl

O'Sulllvan was elected tires

erlously injured 1 proving

• Possibly no child been followed by a

more relentless fate than j h a a little Mlna Belle Burks. At a year old she was so badly burned for a long time her life was despaired of. A year j ago a horse ran over her "and for a time her condition was crltljlil. |


Carlisle, Ky - On: the fifth ballot ' John M. Campbell, former county clerk and present assessor, waa re-elected • «lty assessor of Carlisle by the d t y j council. On the flfth callot the coun-1 ell was a tie between Mr. Campbell ! and Albert L. Boll, and Mayor John 1

H. I'rey broke ibe tie by voting for | Mr. Campbell,

CASTORIA For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Bears the Signature


Georgetown. Ky.—While Mrs . Geo. Chinn. of Frankroct. was w j t l n g ror a Queen k. Crescent .train, her lund satchel waa openud.and 17.5U In cash was taken, as waa a round-trip ticket to Cincinnati. Men Identified by Mrs. Chinn a t those who robbed her were taken Into custody by Officer Qulnco

In Use

For Over Thirty Years


:lty. Ernest Vanarsdel su O'Sulllvan aa vice presidi

Mtfy Rothschild ^vaa made a • 19*11 tha vacanc# In the board by Mr. r tVailarsdd's promotioQ.


ING G R E E N 18 !UF°-i'. and Ha Bowling Green, Ky.

ry. Monroe, proprietoi brought Al t against I Ing GreeS for 1880 plaintiffs claim tbi

agents.aatnratei of,'their plane of business with crud oil, which


city of Bowl amagea. The

the city through

to ; to oilier garages, and that damaged'.1ijiem in going to an

B O N D I S S U E IS D E N I E D .

Bowling Q r e v . Ky.—The Warren ounty flscal court refused to allow tht 100.1)00 school bond Issue tor rural I'hools because Ben Porter, one of tht nlldlng commissioners appointed b) ounty Judge H. H. Dcnhardt. does ot own real estate In his own narat i 'required by law.

Franklin, Ky.—A representative of an eastern oil syndicate now prospect-ing In Allen county Is abouc to begin taking leases In this county for the purpose of. sinking Wells. Oil Is known to exist In the eastern portion of Simp-son county, .but no effort at develop-

gmnmimmmmimmmmiwrnnmimmnimmmmnMiiS | li\„ VERNON CASKET CD. I



KMBALM KKS § Mt. Vernon, Ry. 3

O U C H M E T A U C C A S K E T S 3 Co f f i ns and Robes. 3 •• P L i c e u e d K m b a l u i u r wi l l h a v e c j i a r g e of t h a t l ine of 3

S w o r k f o r t t , e Cuiup.'iny. 3

^ O r d e r s b y w i r e p r o m p t l y t i lk jb . H e a r s f s e n t t o a l l p o i n t s 3

§= G E O R C E O W E N S , Managers £ Office Mt. Vernon Monumental Building PHONE 11a 3

Couldn't Walk! 1 used to be troubled with a weakness peculiar to

women," writes Mrs. Anna Jones, of Kenny, 11L "For nearly a year, I could not walk, without holding ray sides. 1 tried several different doctors, but 1 grew worse. Finally, our druggist advised Cardijj for my complaint I was so thin, my weight was 115.̂ Now, I weigh 163, and I am never sick. 1 ride horset&ck as good as ever. 1 am in fine health at 52 years."

[ Woman's Tonic We have thousands dl sueh letters, and more are

arriving dajly. Such earnest testimony from those who have tried it, surely proves the great value of this vegeta-ble, tonic mediciqe, for women.

Cardni relieves women's sufferings, and builds weak women up to health and Strength. If you are a woman, give it a trial. It should help you, for it has helped a mil-lion others. It is made from pure, harmless, Jierb Ingredi-ents, which act promptly and Surely on the womanly organ*. It is a good tonic. Try It I vYour druggist sells it

IS' Advisory Dept. qjsttuoocs Mtdidoc Co.. r~. ,