
Service and Performance Management Plan 2006-2010 Corporate Director: Director of Support Services: Andrew Smith Author: Paul Godfree Committee Version 24- 04-05 1 Personnel

Transcript of Documents

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Service and Performance Management Plan 2006-2010

Corporate Director: Director of Support Services: Andrew Smith Author: Paul Godfree

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1. Background Information 3

2. Achievements of the past year, 2005-06 6

3. Meeting the Corporate Objectives 8

4. Risk Management 9

5. Learning and Development 11

6. 2006/07 Service Initiatives 12

7. Customer Focus 13

8. Diversity Issues 14

9. Resources 16

(a) Budget(b) Staff Resources(c) Capital Programme(d) Partnerships(e) ICT(f) Asset Management(g) Gershon Efficiencies

10. Performance Management 19

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1. Background Information

Personnel provides professional advice to the Council on the following range of activities: -

Personnel management Recruitment and Selection Health & safety at work Occupational Health Training and Development Investors in People Fire Safety and Security Equal Opportunities in Employment Industrial Relations Pay and Conditions of Services Staff Welfare

Personnel is responsible for the Central administration and management of personnel records, HR policy and procedures including compliance with statutory requirements placed on the Council as an employer.

The Head of Personnel represents the Council on the Essex HR Partnership. The work of the partnership has been commended at both national and regional level and authorities in other parts of the UK are studying the activities of the Essex group to learn from good practice.

(a) Service Delivery

Personnel is based on the first floor of the main Council offices at Benfleet. It can be accessed by telephone, E Mail, fax or by personal visit to the offices.

(b) Customers

Support is primarily provided to other Council departments but also has a public interface in respect of the recruitment processes and procedures and enquiries regarding employment opportunities. The internal customer base may be affected by the transfer of the highways DSO to Essex C.C., the proposed outsourcing of the Leisure Centres, the impending market testing exercise in respect of Street Scene Services and the Housing transfer project.

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These changes may have an impact on the future structure and staff undertaking the service.. This position will be kept under review as matters progress.

Personnel has contact with external providers of Council services (e.g. Steria, training providers, etc.) It has contractual arrangements for the provision of an Occupational Health Service with the Southend Health Care Trust. These arrangements are kept under regular review.

These services to Council Departments assist the development and support of the Council’s initiatives on diversity. Section 8 of this Plan sets out the Unit’s proposed contribution to the Council’s diversity initiative. In line with statutory requirements, statistics on minority groups accessing the services are recorded and reported.

(c) Policy Context

There is a wealth of legislation, codes of practice, guidance notes and codes of professional conduct that regulate the operation of the Council’s HR activities. It would not be possible to describe them all here. Examples are: -

Data Protection Act 1998 Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005 Equal Pay Act 1970 Employment Act 2002 Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations 2003 Employment Relations Act 1999 Employment Relations Act2004 Employment Rights Act 1996 Employment Rights (Dispute Resolution) Act 1998 Employment Tribunals Act 1996 Freedom of Information Act 2000 Health & Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974 Human Rights Act 1998 Local Government Pensions Scheme Regulations 1997 and as amended Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Sex Discrimination Act 1986 Trade Unions and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights At 1993

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Standards of professional conduct are regulated by bodies such as CIPD and SOCPO. Quasi-statutory codes of practice and similar model procedures are produced by organisations such as ACAS, Employer’s Organisation for Local Government, etc.

There are no specific Government or statutory plans under which HR services are provided to the Council although ODPM required all Authorities to have a Workforce Plan by 1st April, 2005.

The following is a list of HR Policies and Procedures

Code of Conduct for Employees Corporate Equal Opportunities Policy Disciplinary and Appeals Procedure Domestic Violence in the Workplace Procedure E-mail and Internet Policy Equal Opportunities (in employment) Policy Fire Procedures Grievance and Appeals procedure Health & Safety at Work Policy Statement Harassment Policy Lone Working Policy No Smoking Policy Policy Statement on Fraud and Corruption Redundancy Procedure Retirement Age Policy Sickness, Absence and Industrial Injury Policy and Procedure Stress Management Policy Training and Development Policy Whistle Blowing Policy

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2 Achievements of the past year, 2005-06

The schedule out the 2005/06 Action Plan for the Personnel Services and shows, in columns 5 and 6 how the service performed against its’ targets.

Council Priority

Lead Officer

Key Task TargetDate forCompletion

Target Outcome Measurement

Date Actually Completed

Actual OutcomeMeasurement

Improving the Council

Paul Godfree

Production of a Workforce Plan by 1 April, 2005 as required by ODPM

1st April 2005 Workforce Plan Completed and submitted to CMT for approval

1/4/2005 Approved Workforce Plan provided to the East of England Regional Assembly.

Improving the Council

Paul Godfree

Subsequently , the Workforce Plan was revised to support the HR Policy

September 2005

Submitted to CMT for approval

27/6/2005 Submitted to Recovery Committee for approval.

Improving the Council Paul


Produce HR Policy and Strategy – one of the Council’s four key strategies.(Key Strategies Project Group)HR Policy at Annexe A

September 2005

Submitted to CMT for approval

27/6/2005 Submitted to Recovery Committee for approval.

Improving the Council Paul


Develop and deliver Health and Safety at Work Action plan for 2005 to December 2006.

Decmber 2005

H&S plan has been developed and actions within the plan are being delivered according to the timescales

Ongoing to December 2006

Quarterly reports to CMT on progress

Improving the Council Paul


Develop and deliver the ‘Improving Member/Officer Development’ Phase I, recovery plan project.

December 2005

Delivery of Member Training ProgrammeDelivery of Officer Training Programme

Project completed October, 2005 although post assessment

Training programmes being delivered.

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Council Priority

Lead Officer

Key Task TargetDate forCompletion

Target Outcome Measurement

Date Actually Completed

Actual OutcomeMeasurement

of training programmed for April, 2006

Improving the Council

Paul Godfree

Appointment of Training officer

30th June 2005

Appointment made 310/2005 Appointee commenced 3/10/2005

Improving the Council

Irene Clark/Janine Hodge

Undertake additional training on a wider range of pre employment assessment tests (TSTs)

April 2005 Training delivered and knowledge put to use.

April 2005 Wider range of pre employment tests available to management.

Improving the Council

Irene Clark/Janine Hodge

Redesigned employment ‘Application Pack’ and ‘Recruitment Pack’ to improve image of the Council to job applicants.

30th June 2005

Improved image of Council

30/6/05 Revised packs in use and being issued

Improving the Council

Paul Godfree

Developed, administered and organised 2005 Staff Survey. Collated and reported results to CMT, OMG, Managers and Staff

31/12/2005 Survey completed, results provided to management for action plans to be developed

31/12/2005 Survey and provision of results completed by due date. Departments to complete action plans by 31/12/2005

Improving the Council

Irene Clark Provide quarterly statistics of employees to the Office of National Statistics

Quarterly Completion of quarterly ONS staffing enquiry surveys

Quarterly Survey forms completed and returned on time

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3 Meeting Corporate Objectives

Improving the Council is one of the Council’s priorities and the service supports this by the overarching objective of effective and efficient central administration and management of personnel records, HR policy and procedures including compliance with statutory requirements placed on the Council as an employer.

The schedule below sets out the two key areas of activity that The PSU will be undertaking in order to deliver that overarching objective. The Action Plan covering the detailed activities for 2006/07 is shown at Section 6.

Objectives Target for 2006/07 Target for 2009/10Links to Corporate objectives

Lead Officer

To ensure professionally sound and robust HR policies, strategy, and procedures are embedded into the Council’s operations

Implement the HR Strategy and the Councils Workforce Plan.Monitor performance against key PIs

Clear linkage between the HR Strategy and the Council’s priorities.

Improving the Council

Paul Godfree

Improve the contribution good personnel management procedures can make to improved service delivery

Review the impact on service provision of HR policies and procedures.

Customer satisfaction with responsiveness of Council services improved.

Improving the Council

Paul Godfree

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4 Risk Management

The Council has completed a Departmental Risk Management Exercise led by Zurich Municipal, the Council’s Insurers. This exercise culminated in May 2005 in the production of Business Risk Management Report for Departmental Risks. This report establishes a set of prioritised risks.

Following this process, an exercise was conducted in June 2005 to create a strategic risk register. The results of this exercise were set out in a Business Risk Management Report for Strategic Risks.

The next stage in the process is the production of a Risk Management Action Plan. This plan will frame the risk management actions that are required and map out the target for each risk i.e. to reduce the likelihood, impact or both. This exercise will be undertaken during 2006/2007.

The following schedule sets out the risks together with the proposed management action to manage the risks. These are subject to change once Risk Management Plans have been produced.

Activity Risk Impact(H.M.L.)

Likelihood(H.M.L.) How will the risk be managed

Lead Officer

Ensure Authority complies with employment legislation and regulations

Non compliance may leave the Authority exposed to claims in the Employment Tribunals

M M Delivery of the HR Strategy and Workforce Plan should ensure the Authority operates within the legislation and regulations


Ensure the Authority complies with all Health & Safety at Work Legislation and regulations

Non compliance may expose the Authority to the risk of improvement notices or prosecution by the Health and Safety Executive

M M Delivery of the H&SAW Action Plan should ensure the Authority operates within the legislation and regulations

Paul Godfree

Delivery of Corporate Training Plan

Failure to provide adequate training to M L

Delivery of the Corporate Training Programme should ensure the employees

Paul Godfree

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Activity Risk Impact(H.M.L.)

Likelihood(H.M.L.) How will the risk be managed

Lead Officer

the employees of the Council

of the Council have the competencies, skills and expertise to undertake their duties to the highest standards.

Failure to comply with the 2004 national agreement on pay and conditions which requires local authorities to undertake a pay and grading review using job evaluation by 31st

March, 2007.

Failure to comply will leave the authority exposed to equal pay claims and work of equal value claims

M M The Personnel Services Unit submitted a growth bid to CMT on 5th October requesting £50,000 for an additional resource to undertake a JE exercise. The risks faced by the authority for not complying were set out in the request. CMT rejected the bid. The Council is at risk.

Paul Godfree

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5 Learning and Development

As part of the recently revised staff appraisal system (PPDP – Personal Performance and Development Plans), the aims and objectives of the Personnel Services as set out in this Service and Performance Monitoring Plan were identified and discussed with each member of staff. This process identified a number of individual staff training needs which form the Learning and Development Plan for the Unit. All learning and training requirements will be linked to the Competency Framework and the competencies staff of the unit require to perform their duties.

The schedule below summarises the main learning and development activities in the Plan as established by the above process. Details relating to individual staff members are shown in the relevant personal appraisals and the Unit’s Training Plan and are not, therefore, identified here.

Training need Action Outcomes sought/Benefit gained Lead TimescaleProfessional and Technical Development

Attendance at professional courses to develop professional/technical functions to be used effectively within the authority

Better skilled staff.Staff able to respond to constant changes caused by internal and external factors and develop job areas.Maintaining up to date technical/professional changes in legislation to ensure accurate delivery of services.

Paul Godfree

March 2007 and ongoing

Self Awareness and Control

Training courses on conflict management

Reduce sickness absence by providing information on stress and advice on controls to reduce health risks.Demonstrate awareness of own personal strengths and weaknesses and understanding the impact on others.

Paul Godfree

March 2007 and ongoing

Interpersonal Skills

Training courses to assist in the self development of individual staffing needs

Shows consideration, concern and respect for other people's feelings and opinions; is a good listener and displays 'empathy'. Co-operates and works well with others in the pursuit of team goals, sharing information and supporting others.

Paul Godfree

March 2007 and ongoing

Personal Effectiveness and Self Development

Training courses to assist in the self development of individual staffing needs

Increased staff contributions towards delivery of service areas

Paul Godfree

March 2007 and ongoing

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6 2006/07 Priorities

The following schedule details the Action Plan for 2006/07 that will deliver the Council’s HR Policy.

It is important to note that the this action plan includes delivery of the Council’s Workforce Plan 2005 to 2009, see the HR Policy, Annexe A, and the Health & Safety at Work action plan 2005 to 2008, see Annexe B. It will also include the annual Corporate Training Plan which will be compiled and delivered in each financial year.


Initiatives Action Outcomes/Targets Timescale Lead

Improving the Council Deliver the Council’s

Workforce Plan

See Annexe A Actions on Workforce Plan will have been delivered within the timeframe.

March 2007 and ongoing


Improving the Council Deliver the Health &

Safety Action Plan

See Annexe B Implementation of procedures, rules and regulations to ensure compliance with H&S legislation

2005 to Dec 2006


Improving the Council Develop and deliver the

annual Corporate Training Programme

Collate departmental/sectional training plans and training requests. Compile programme of training within budget for each financial year

To have delivered the annual training programme within budget

March 2007 and ongoing


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7 Customer Focus

The main customers are other departments of the Council although a public interface exists in respect of staff recruitment.

Other areas of regular contact is with the Occupational Health Service and external trainers. With regard to the nature of these contracted arrangements and the Council’s other priorities, it is not considered that there is a necessity to undertake specific customer based initiatives with this group of contacts.

A survey will be carried out with our internal customers to ascertain views on service provision. This will be carried out in accordance with the Council’s Consultation Strategy.

The schedule below summarises the proposed customer focus activities in 2006/07.

Objective Purpose of Consultation

Activity Target Group Timescale Lead

Improving the relationship of the service with its’ customers

Collect customers’ views on the present service and areas where changes may be desirable.

Carry out a paper/on-line survey of customers’ views. It may be more cost effective to join with any Council-wide initiative.

Internal Council departments

2006/07 Paul Godfree

Improving the relationship of the service with its’ customers

To have a debate on the services provided by PSU

Hold a brief customer forum with internal users of our services.

Internal Council departments

2006/07 Paul Godfree

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8 Diversity Issues

The Council has previously undertaken limited corporate work on diversity issues. Corporate Management Team at their meeting on 10th August 2005 agreed to employ a specialist to: -

Provide diversity Learning Programmes for Members, CMT Members and Heads of Service

Conduct a Diversity Consultation exercise with Members, staff members and external stakeholders

Develop a Diversity Impact Assessment Package, a Race Equality Scheme 2005 - 2008 and a Corporate Diversity Strategy.

Personnel Services will be the first to undergo an DIA

The Head of Personnel sits on the Diversity Project Group and the PSU will play a major role working with the specialist to ensure the Council progresses through the various levels of the ‘Equality Standard for Local Government’ (BVPI 2).

The Council is required to collect, collate and report a number of statistics in respect of minority groups and their representation amongst the workforce. Similar statistics for job applicants are collected. Employment policies and procedures have been reviewed to recognise the diversity amongst our workforce and initiatives such as flexi-time, job sharing, varied working hours and family friendly practices have been introduced to assist staff with their work-life balance.

Objective Action Milestones Timescale Lead

Ensure all staff receive training in equality, diversity and race relations issues in respect of both service delivery and employment issues

Attendance at training courses organised as a result of the current CMT initiative on diversity.

Training courses established

100% staff attendance achieved

Level 3

March 2007 Paul Godfree

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Objective Action Milestones Timescale Lead

Carry out Diversity Impact Assessment

Train staff in requirements of, and how to undertake, an assessment.

Training course established100% staff attendance achievedCarry out Assessment

Level 3

March 2007 Paul Godfree

Review employment of BME groups, women and disabled people to assess further action required

Carry out review of employment /recruitment practices.Prepare programme of action following results of review.

Review completedProgramme of action compiledProgramme being implemented

Level 3

March 2007 Paul Godfree

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9 Resources

(a) Budget

The budget for the Personnel Services Unit is set out in the Table below: -

Item 2004/05Actual

2005/06Original Budget

2005/06Revised Budget



£ £ £ £ £Employees Direct Expenses 197,373 196,000 206,000 237,300 247,300 Indirect Expenses 63,783 114,800 116,400 166,600 106,000Premises Related Expenses 6,298 6,400 6,100 6,400 6,600Transport Related Expenses 4,517 5,300 5,200 6,100 6,300Supplies and Services 29,923 59,600 62,500 30,300 30,300Third Party Payments 0 0 0 0 0Support Services 54,245 65,600 89,300 104,000 106,600Capital Charges 0 0 0 0 0

Total Expenditure 356,139 447,700 485,500 550,700 503,100

Income 0 0 0 0 0Recharges to Other Services -349,841 -330,400 -479,400 -544,300 -496,500

Net Expenditure 6,298 117,300 6,100 6,400 6,600

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b Staff Resources

Staffing Profile

Head of Personnel


Snr. Personnel Princ. Personnel & Personnel Asst. Training Officer Asst. Insurance Officer

4½ full time equivalent staff

c Capital Programme

There are no schemes included in the Council’s Capital Programme that relate to the Personnel Services Unit.

d Partnerships

The key partnership arrangement is with the Essex HR Partnership.

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There are no bids for new or improved ICT systems relating to PSU other than through the normal upgrade arrangements within the Steria contract. At present the Unit is actively involved in implementing the new Genus integrated payroll and personnel system in conjunction with the Financial services Unit of the Resources Department and in partnership with Essex County Council.

f Asset Management

PSU has no assets to manage other than office furniture and low value desk top office equipment none of which requires separate identification in this Service and Performance Monitoring Plan.

g Gershon Efficiencies

In accordance with the Council’s Financial Planning Strategy, the Personnel Services Unit reviewed its’ activities and methods of operation and has identified efficiencies that can contribute towards the achievement of the Gershon Savings. These are identified in the Table below.

Description of Saving Value Service ActionCash£


Greater use of double sided printing to save paper

Est. = £50 All PCs in PSU now have access to a duplex printer

Due to above, postage of job application packs has reduced from 72p to 46p per pack.

Est 1000 packs per year = £260

All packs now printed double sided to save paper and reduce weight.NB. Postage is charged to relevant departments at time of franking

With the appointment of a Training Officer, we will be able to deliver training that would previously have required an external trainer

Estimate: 12 training days per year at a cost of £700.Total = £8,400

The Training Officer has identified a range of training subjects she will deliver. These will be built into the annual training programmes

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10 Performance Management

The following are the BVPI targets which are monitored and reported by the Head of Personnel. In addition a range of local indicators have been set for the Personnel Services Unit. Individual work plans and targets have separately been agreed with each member of staff. Since the main users of the service are internal Council departments, the performance of the Unit will be shared with its’ users through the Council’s internal performance monitoring arrangements.

PSU will engage users in helping to measure performance through internally conducted surveys or questionnaires. Feedback will also be obtained in the normal course of workplace contact.

Objective Target for 2006/07 Key Actions Monitoring arrangements

Target 2009/10


BVPI 11a For there to be 24% of women in the top 5% of earners employed by the Council

To encourage women to apply for vacancies in top 5% of jobs and appoint where a woman is the best candidate for the job.

Quarterly reporting of statistics

50% Paul Godfree

BVPI 11b For there to be 5% of individuals from BME in the 5% of top earners employed by the Council

To encourage individuals from BME groups to apply for vacancies in top 5% of jobs and appoint where an individual from the BME groups is the best candidate for the job.

Quarterly reporting of statistics

5% Paul Godfree

BVPI 11c For there to be 12% of individuals who are disabled in the 5% of top earners employed by the Council

To encourage individuals who are disabled to apply for vacancies in top 5% of jobs and appoint where a disabled individual is the best candidate for the job.

Quarterly reporting of statistics

14% Paul Godfree

BVPI 12 Strive to reduce levels of sickness absence amongst staff to 8 days average per employee

Implement the requirements of the revised sickness and absence policy to drive down staff

Quarterly reporting of statistics

7 days Paul Godfree

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Objective Target for 2006/07 Key Actions Monitoring arrangements

Target 2009/10


absence.BVPI 14 To have 1% of early retirements

amongst staffTo implement procedures to minimise early retirements

Quarterly reporting of statistics

0% Paul Godfree

BVPI 15 To have no ill health retirements amongst staff during 2006/07

To implement procedures to eliminate ill health retirements

Quarterly reporting of statistics

0% Paul Godfree

BVPI 16a To achieve a level of 7.5% disabled employees amongst the Councils staff

To encourage individuals who are disabled to apply for vacancies and appoint where a disabled individual is the best candidate for the job.

Quarterly reporting of statistics

7.5% Paul Godfree

BVPI 17a To achieve a level of 2.0% employees from BME groups amongst the Councils staff

To encourage individuals who are from the BME groups to apply for vacancies and appoint where an individual from the BME groups is the best candidate for the job.

Quarterly reporting of statistics

2.0% Paul Godfree

Local To produce a contract of employment within five days of receiving all necessary information from the employing department

To ensure contracts of employment are produced within three days

Constant monitoring and quarterly reporting of statistics to Head of Personnel

100% Irene Clark

Local To achieve maximum attendance on all in-house training programmes

To promote the value of attending training with both managers and employees to minimise the level of ‘drop out’ from arranged training sessions

Constant monitoring and quarterly reporting of statistics to Head of Personnel

100% Charlotte Fletcher-Kilbey

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