Cassandra Summit 2014: Apache Spark - The SDK for All Big Data Platforms

Apache Spark Easy and Fast Big Data Analytics Pat McDonough


Apache Spark has grown to be one of the largest open source communities in big data, with over 190 developers and dozens of companies contributing. The latest 1.0 release alone includes contributions from 117 people. A clean API, interactive shell, distributed in-memory computation, stream processing, interactive SQL, and libraries delivering everything from machine learning to graph processing make it an excellent unified platform to solve a number of problems. Apache Spark works very well with a growing number of big data solutions, including Cassandra and Hadoop. Come learn about Apache Spark and see how easy it is for you to get started using Spark to build your own high performance big data applications today.

Transcript of Cassandra Summit 2014: Apache Spark - The SDK for All Big Data Platforms

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Apache SparkEasy and Fast Big Data Analytics

Pat McDonough

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Founded by the creators of Apache Sparkout of UC Berkeley’s AMPLab

Fully committed to 100% open source Apache Spark

Support and Grow the Spark Community and Ecosystem

Building Databricks Cloud

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Databricks & DatastaxApache Spark is packaged as part of Datastax

Enterprise Analytics 4.5

Databricks & Datstax Have Partnered for Apache Spark Engineering and Support

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Big Data AnalyticsWhere We’ve Been

• 2003 & 2004 - Google GFS & MapReduce Papers are Precursors to Hadoop

• 2006 & 2007 - Google BigTable and Amazon DynamoDB Paper Precursor to Cassandra, HBase, Others

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Big Data AnalyticsA Zoo of Innovation

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Big Data AnalyticsA Zoo of Innovation

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Big Data AnalyticsA Zoo of Innovation

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Big Data AnalyticsA Zoo of Innovation

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What's Working?

Many Excellent Innovations Have Come From Big Data Analytics:

• Distributed & Data Parallel is disruptive ... because we needed it

• We Now Have Massive throughput… Solved the ETL Problem

• The Data Hub/Lake Is Possible

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What Needs to Improve? Go Beyond MapReduce

MapReduce is a Very Powerful and Flexible Engine

Processing Throughput Previously Unobtainable on

Commodity Equipment

But MapReduce Isn’t Enough:

• Essentially Batch-only

• Inefficient with respect to memory use, latency

• Too Hard to Program

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What Needs to Improve? Go Beyond (S)QL

SQL Support Has Been A Welcome Interface on Many


And in many cases, a faster alternative

But SQL Is Often Not Enough:

• Sometimes you want to write real programs (Loops, variables, functions, existing libraries) but don’t want to build UDFs.

• Machine Learning (see above, plus iterative)

• Multi-step pipelines

• Often an Additional System

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What Needs to Improve? Ease of Use

Big Data Distributions Provide a number of Useful Tools and


Choices are Good to Have

But This Is Often Unsatisfactory:

• Each new system has it’s own configs, APIs, and management, coordination of multiple systems is challenging

• A typical solution requires stringing together disparate systems - we need unification

• Developers want the full power of their programming language

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What Needs to Improve? Latency

Big Data systems are throughput-oriented

Some new SQL Systems provide interactivity

But We Need More:

• Interactivity beyond SQL interfaces

• Repeated access of the same datasets (i.e. caching)

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Can Spark Solve These Problems?

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Apache SparkOriginally developed in 2009 in UC Berkeley’s


Fully open sourced in 2010 – now at Apache Software Foundation

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Project ActivityJune 2013 June 2014

total contributors 68 255

companies contributing 17 50

total linesof code 63,000 175,000

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Project ActivityJune 2013 June 2014

total contributors 68 255

companies contributing 17 50

total linesof code 63,000 175,000

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Compared to Other Projects











Commits Lines of Code Changed

Activity in past 6 months

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Compared to Other Projects











Commits Lines of Code Changed

Activity in past 6 months

Spark is now the most active project in the Hadoop ecosystem

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Spark on GithubSo active on Github, sometimes we break it

Over 1200 Forks (can’t display Network Graphs)

~80 commits to master each week

So many PRs We Built our own PR UI

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Apache Spark - Easy to Use And Very Fast

Fast and general cluster computing system interoperable with Big Data Systems Like Hadoop and Cassandra

Improved Efficiency: • In-memory computing primitives

• General computation graphs

Improved Usability: • Rich APIs

• Interactive shell

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Apache Spark - Easy to Use And Very Fast

Fast and general cluster computing system interoperable with Big Data Systems Like Hadoop and Cassandra

Improved Efficiency: • In-memory computing primitives

• General computation graphs

Improved Usability: • Rich APIs

• Interactive shell

Up to 100× faster (2-10× on disk)

2-5× less code

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Apache Spark - A Robust SDK for Big Data Applications

SQL Machine Learning Streaming Graph


Unified System With Libraries to Build a Complete Solution !

Full-featured Programming Environment in Scala, Java, Python…

Very developer-friendly, Functional API for working with Data !

Runtimes available on several platforms

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Spark Is A Part Of Most Big Data Platforms

• All Major Hadoop Distributions Include Spark

• Spark Is Also Integrated With Non-Hadoop Big Data Platforms like DSE

• Spark Applications Can Be Written Once and Deployed Anywhere

SQL Machine Learning Streaming Graph


Deploy Spark Apps Anywhere

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Easy: Get Started Immediately

Interactive Shell Multi-language support

Python lines = sc.textFile(...) lines.filter(lambda s: “ERROR” in s).count()

Scala val lines = sc.textFile(...) lines.filter(x => x.contains(“ERROR”)).count()

Java JavaRDD<String> lines = sc.textFile(...); lines.filter(new Function<String, Boolean>() { Boolean call(String s) { return s.contains(“error”); }}).count();

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Easy: Clean API

Resilient Distributed Datasets

• Collections of objects spread across a cluster, stored in RAM or on Disk

• Built through parallel transformations

• Automatically rebuilt on failure


• Transformations (e.g. map, filter, groupBy)

• Actions(e.g. count, collect, save)

Write programs in terms of transformations on distributed datasets

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Easy: Expressive APImap reduce

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Easy: Expressive APImap filter groupBy sort union join leftOuterJoin rightOuterJoin

reduce count fold reduceByKey groupByKey cogroup cross zip

sample take first partitionBy mapWith pipe save ...

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Easy: Example – Word Count

public static class WordCountMapClass extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> { ! private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1); private Text word = new Text(); ! public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String line = value.toString(); StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(line); while (itr.hasMoreTokens()) { word.set(itr.nextToken()); output.collect(word, one); } } } !public static class WorkdCountReduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> { ! public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<IntWritable> values, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { int sum = 0; while (values.hasNext()) { sum +=; } output.collect(key, new IntWritable(sum)); } }

Hadoop MapReduceval spark = new SparkContext(master, appName, [sparkHome], [jars]) val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") val counts = file.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://...")


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Easy: Example – Word Count

public static class WordCountMapClass extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> { ! private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1); private Text word = new Text(); ! public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String line = value.toString(); StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(line); while (itr.hasMoreTokens()) { word.set(itr.nextToken()); output.collect(word, one); } } } !public static class WorkdCountReduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> { ! public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<IntWritable> values, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { int sum = 0; while (values.hasNext()) { sum +=; } output.collect(key, new IntWritable(sum)); } }

Hadoop MapReduceval spark = new SparkContext(master, appName, [sparkHome], [jars]) val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") val counts = file.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://...")


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Easy: Works Well With Hadoop

Data Compatibility

• Access your existing Hadoop Data

• Use the same data formats

• Adheres to data locality for efficient processing


Deployment Models

• “Standalone” deployment

• YARN-based deployment

• Mesos-based deployment

• Deploy on existing Hadoop cluster or side-by-side

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Example: Logistic Regression

data = spark.textFile(...).map(readPoint).cache()


w = numpy.random.rand(D)


for i in range(iterations):

gradient = data

.map(lambda p: (1 / (1 + exp(-p.y * * p.y * p.x) .reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)

w -= gradient


print “Final w: %s” % w

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Fast: Using RAM, Operator Graphs

In-memory Caching

• Data Partitions read from RAM instead of disk

Operator Graphs

• Scheduling Optimizations

• Fault Tolerance

=  cached  partition

=  RDD




Stage  3

Stage  1

Stage  2

A: B:

C: D: E:



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Fast: Logistic Regression Performance




e (s







Number of Iterations1 5 10 20 30

Hadoop Spark

110  s  /  iteration

first  iteration  80  s  further  iterations  1  s

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Fast: Scales Down SeamlesslyEx

ecution  time  (s)






%  of  working  set  in  cache

Cache  disabled 25% 50% 75% Fully  cached




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Easy: Fault RecoveryRDDs track lineage information that can be used to

efficiently recompute lost data

msgs = textFile.filter(lambda s: s.startsWith(“ERROR”)) .map(lambda s: s.split(“\t”)[2])

HDFS File Filtered RDDMapped

RDDfilter(func  =  startsWith(…))

map(func  =  split(...))

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How Spark Works

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Working With RDDs

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Working With RDDs


textFile = sc.textFile(”SomeFile.txt”)

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Working With RDDs




linesWithSpark = textFile.filter(lambda line: "Spark” in line)

textFile = sc.textFile(”SomeFile.txt”)

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Working With RDDs




Action Value

linesWithSpark = textFile.filter(lambda line: "Spark” in line)

linesWithSpark.count() 74 !linesWithSpark.first() # Apache Spark

textFile = sc.textFile(”SomeFile.txt”)

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Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”)

Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”))





Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”))





Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()





messages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()





messages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count() Action

Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()





messages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()



Workermessages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3




Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()



Workermessages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3


Read HDFS Block

Read HDFS Block

Read HDFS Block

Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()



Workermessages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3


Cache 1

Cache 2

Cache 3

Process& Cache Data

Process& Cache Data

Process& Cache Data

Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()



Workermessages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3


Cache 1

Cache 2

Cache 3




Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()



Workermessages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3


Cache 1

Cache 2

Cache 3

messages.filter(lambda s: “php” in s).count()

Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()



Workermessages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Cache 1

Cache 2

Cache 3

messages.filter(lambda s: “php” in s).count()





Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

Page 56: Cassandra Summit 2014: Apache Spark - The SDK for All Big Data Platforms

lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()



Workermessages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Cache 1

Cache 2

Cache 3

messages.filter(lambda s: “php” in s).count()





Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

Page 57: Cassandra Summit 2014: Apache Spark - The SDK for All Big Data Platforms

lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()



Workermessages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Cache 1

Cache 2

Cache 3

messages.filter(lambda s: “php” in s).count()




Example: Log MiningLoad error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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Example: Log Mining

lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) errors = lines.filter(lambda s: s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = s: s.split(“\t”)[2]) messages.cache()



Workermessages.filter(lambda s: “mysql” in s).count()

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Cache 1

Cache 2

Cache 3

messages.filter(lambda s: “php” in s).count()


Cache your data ➔ Faster Results Full-text search of Wikipedia • 60GB on 20 EC2 machines • 0.5 sec from cache vs. 20s for on-disk

Load error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns

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Cassandra + Spark: A Great Combination

Both are Easy to Use

Spark Can Help You Bridge Your Hadoop and Cassandra Systems

Use Spark Libraries, Caching on-top of Cassandra-stored Data

Combine Spark Streaming with Cassandra Storage Datastaxspark-cassandra-connector:

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Schema RDDs (Spark SQL)• Built-in Mechanism for recognizing Structured data in Spark

• Allow for systems to apply several data access and relational optimizations (e.g. predicate push-down, partition pruning, broadcast joins)

• Columnar in-memory representation when cached

• Native Support for structured formats like parquet, JSON

• Great Compatibility with the Rest of the Stack (python, libraries, etc.)

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