Cashing In on Big Data

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  • 8/10/2019 Cashing In on Big Data


    1Cashing In on Big Data

    Cashing In on Big Data

    Delivering an enriched customer experience, regardlessof channel, is a primary goal of big data. Because whenmanaged effectively, big data can power personalisationengines to deliver better and more relevant content thathelps move customers along the buying cycle. Enablingoperators to become more responsive to whats importantto their customers.

    Armed with this intelligence operators can deliver loyaltyoffers that reduce the risk of customer churn and stimu-late demand with highly personalised service and add-onrecommendations. No mean feat when you consider thegrowing complexity that surrounds up and cross-selling

    as product portfolios continue to expand encompassingeverything from devices to content packages and an everwidening choice of subscription options.

    Predicting and reducing churn,

    promoting loyalty, upselling and cross-

    selling offers, improving the customer

    experience and personalising servicesare all key areas in which Telcos can

    leverage big data analytics. Over a third

    of telco industry professionals rated

    providing a simplified view of customers

    behaviour as the most important goal of

    their commerce platform.

  • 8/10/2019 Cashing In on Big Data


    2Cashing In on Big Data

    Counting the gains

    By harnessing big data, operators can deliver a betterexperience for customers giving them the products theyactually want, at a point in time when they really want totransact. All of which can help to boost customer retentionrates and bring the cost of sales down.

    Recognising and responding to these key customer mo-ments is a game changer. But achieving retention goalsdepends on the ability to provide timely and relevant sup-ported selling and appropriate recommendations in realtime.

    This may be the delivery of richer and more context awareproduct information, the offer of instant access to theentire extended product range, or the redirection of a cus-tomer to the most appropriate channel or storefront fortheir immediate requirements.

    All this depends on the ability to connect events captured

    on the network (usage behaviours) with other behaviours such as topping up a prepaid account or purchasing anew SIM. And that depends on a next generation digitalcommerce platform that makes it possible to implementpersonalisation rules based on an individuals behavioursand engagement preferences and generate recommen-dations and self-care options that are appropriate to theimmediate engagement encounter.

    Intelligent merchandising

    But next generation digital platforms need to deliver farmore than customer engagement profiling capabilitiesalone. hybris Telco Accelerator is a platform that helpsoperators manage billing systems, pricing, subscription-based services and service bundling in real-time, to matchavailable inventory and recommendations with what cus-tomers are looking for right now.

    Thats because one of the most significant challengesfacing todays omni-channel Telco retailer is fine-tuningand managing customer service and delivery in terms ofthe management of stock across centralised locations andindividual stores to enable the seamless order online and

    pick up in-store scenario.

    Instantaneous analysis of demand patterns can helpoptimise inventory and manage the delivery of back endservices while keeping the online channel agile enoughto maintain the focus on providing rich sales informationand tailored propositions like identifying which custom-ers are music fans to deliver time-sensitive subscriptionpromotions.

    Indeed, big data has the potential to revolutionise proposi-tion management and enable operators to quite literallymerchandise in the moment. Utilising real-time data feedsfrom across their operational landscape operators will beable to use data analytics to improve their stock allocationand inventory distribution. Even better, big data will alsopower the rule-based revisioning of regional websites inorder to precisely orientate merchandising and customerpropositions to available stock and model options.

    Clearly, navigating the big data challenge will mean effort-lessly undertaking real-time analytics on a huge variety

    of data sources to gain a deep understanding of howindividual channels are performing and insights into thecustomer conversation across all channels. Whats more,it will generate the operational intelligence thats essentialfor real-time commerce capabilities that maximise inven-tory and make accurate proposition management possible.

    Tapping into the treasure trove

    The big data challenge is set to get even bigger ascatalogues with tens of thousands of product variationsbecome the norm. Telcos need to develop and manage

    ever more sophisticated and complex service bundles thatincorporate devices, voice and data plans alongside sub-scriptions to gaming, live TV, film, music and video contentproviders. All of which adds to the data explosion.

    Using real-time data capture and analysis , hybris TelcoAccelerator handles content, physical data points, pro-cesses, inventory, search, social, text, mobile, web andmore.

    Master data management capabilities - like those deliv-ered by hybris Telco Accelerator - are becoming a musthave. They make it possible for operators to leverage their

    transactional, operational and customer behaviour intelli-gence to the max and gain a real-time view of whats reallyhappening in the business.

    About hybris software

    hybris software, an SAP Company, helps businesses around the globe sell more goods, services and digital content through every touchpoint, channel and device.hybris delivers OmniCommerce: state-of-the-art master data management for commerce and unified commerce processes that give a business a single viewof its customers, products and orders, and its customers a single view of the business. hybris' omni-channel software is built on a single platform, based on openstandards, that is agile to support limitless innovation, efficient to drive the best TCO, and scalable and extensible to be the last commerce platform companies

    will ever need. Both principal industry analyst firms rank hybris as a leader and list its commerce platform among the top two or three in the market. The samesoftware is available on-premise, on-demand and managed hosted, giving merchants of all sizes maximum flexibility.Some of the worlds most innovative telco providers have chosen hybris, including Three, O2, Telia and Brightpoint. Telcos can also benefit from our experienceserving over 500 other companies, including global B2B brands W.W.Grainger and 3M, as well as consumer brands Levi's, Nikon, Galeries Lafayette and Lufthansa.hybris is the future of commerce. For more information, visit

    Version: June 2014 Subject to change without prior notice hybrishybris is a trademark of the hybris Group. Other brand names are trademarks and registered trademarks of the respective companies.