Cash Study of Three Mile Island of Nuclear Melt Down

Cash Study of Three Mile Island of Nuclear Melt Down By: 1. Anil Berad ( U10CH006 ) 2. Kashish Gupat ( U10CH007 ) 3. Rohit Meena ( U10CH008 ) 4. Kavaiya Ashish Rajeshkumar ( U10CH010 ) 5. Avneesh Kumar Maddheshiya ( U10CH011 ) Submitted : Mrs. Smita Gupta 1 Chemical Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat-395007


The Three Mile Island nuclear power plant is located on the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania, USA, 16 km from the state capital, Harrisburg, a city of 90 000. It has two 900 MW(e) units with pressurized water reactors designed by Babcock and Wilcox. The second unit of the site started commercial operation on December 30, 1978.

Transcript of Cash Study of Three Mile Island of Nuclear Melt Down

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Cash Study of Three Mile Island of Nuclear Melt DownBy:

1. Anil Berad ( U10CH006 )

2. Kashish Gupat ( U10CH007 )

3. Rohit Meena ( U10CH008 )

4. Kavaiya Ashish Rajeshkumar ( U10CH010 )

5. Avneesh Kumar Maddheshiya ( U10CH011 )

Submitted :Mrs. Smita Gupta

Chemical Engineering Department,Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat-395007

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The Three Mile Island nuclear power plant is located on the

Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania, USA, 16 km from the state

capital, Harrisburg, a city of 90 000.

It has two 900 MW(e) units with pressurized water reactors

designed by Babcock and Wilcox.

The second unit of the site started commercial operation on

December 30, 1978.

The Babcock and Wilcox 900 PWR design uses 2 steam generators

of the once through type.

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These steam generators are long, about 28 meters, which induces a specific layout : the bottom of the steam generators is lower then the core inlets (Fig.). Then the transition to natural convection cooling on the primary side can be difficult in some conditions. Furthermore, they only contain a small amount of secondary cooling water, making the installation rather sensitive during certain kinds of transient.

In the case of a loss of normal SG feed water there is an increase in temperature, hence in pressure, in the primary cooling system, systematically leading to opening of the pressurize relief valve, during a few seconds.

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Simplified Accident scenario :

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The accident starts at 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday March 28, 1979 with the loss of normal water supply to the steam generators. The primary transient causes emergency shutdown, which gradually lowers pressure in the primary cooling system. After 12 seconds the relief valve receives as normal the command to close but this valve remains jammed open. The primary cooling system continues to discharge into the pressurizer relief tank, located in the containment, at a flow-rate of 60 metric tons per hour (there are approximately 200 metric tons of primary coolant).

The steam generator auxiliary feedwater system pumps start up normally after 30 seconds, but the connecting valves between the pumps and the steam generators are closed instead of open, due to a maintenance error. The generators dry out in 2 to 3 minutes, stopping all cooling of the primary system. Although the position indicator for these valves located in the control room signal this fault, eight minutes pass before the operators identify the fault and give the command manually to open the valves. Twenty-five minutes pass before the situation of the secondary cooling system stabilises, after numerous operations, no doubt commanding all the attention of the operating team.

During this time, discharge through the pressurizer relief valve continues. After two minutes, pressure in the primary cooling system has decreased to approximately 110 bar. The emergency core cooling system starts up automatically and sends cold water into the primary system. The operators check the indicator of the relief valve and see “valve closed”, which in fact is not true. The indicator transmits the command received by the valve, and not its actual position, to the control room.

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Finally, the operator concentrates on the water level in the pressurizer. The water level in the pressurizer, after lowering at first when the valve was opened, then started to rise rapidly, between the first and approximately the sixth minute. This rise is perfectly normal when there is an opening in the upper part of the pressurizer, but the operators in this plant ignored this fact and had not been trained for this type of situation. In any case, faced with this rapid rise in the pressurizer water level, the operators, believing the relief valve to be closed, are afraid to inject too much water into the system, and therefore stop emergency core cooling manually after less than five minutes. The operators’ mental image of the situation was false, but the actions they decided to perform were obviously based on this image. As of this moment, the water draining from the primary system is not replaced. There is a break in the primary coolant system and the emergency core cooling system is shut down completely.

The primary system continues to drain. After 6 minutes, boiling starts. The primary coolant circulating pumps continue to work, circulating a mixture of water and steam comprising more and more steam; however, they manage a certain amount of cooling thanks to the steam generators supplied by the secondary system. The rest of the energy is removed through the primary system break. After fifteen minutes, the pressurizer relief tank rupture disk gives way. The escaping primary coolant now goes directly into the containment. The pressurizer is filled with a mixture of water and steam. Its level indication is meaningless. The proportion of steam in the primary coolant increases. The primary pumps have more and more trouble, and start to cavitate and vibrate. These vibrations become excessive. The operators stop one pump after 1 hour 13 minutes, and the other 27 minutes later, hoping that natural circulation will set up in the primary system.

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In fact, water and steam separate, with steam accumulating in the top and water in the bottom. There is no longer any circulation of primary fluid and therefore no heat exchange takes place between the reactor core giving off residual heat of a few tens of MW and the steam generators. The heat from the core continues to bring the cooling water to the boil. No more water is being supplied, and the level in the core drops: the core is uncovered. Cooling of the fuel becomes less effective; cladding temperature rapidly increases to 850°C, then past 1300°C. At these temperatures, zirconium reacts chemically with steam to form zirconium oxide and hydrogen. This reaction produces heat, increasing temperatures yet more. Fuel cladding melting point is reached, and there is significant release of fuel fission products to the primary coolant and from there to the containment.

After 2 hours 14 minutes, a radioactivity alarm goes off in the containment. The operators are forced to realise the gravity of the situation. Realising that they may well have transferred radioactivity through the relief valve, which had a high leak rate before the accident, they close the line-isolating valve and thereby stop discharge. This also stops all heat removal. The core continues to heat, and primary system pressure increases. The operators start up one of the primary pumps, which sends water cooled in the steam generator onto the extremely hot fuel, which disperses those parts of the fuel above the water level within the reactor vessel.

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After 3 hours 12 minutes, vaporisation of water on the fuel has caused primary system pressure to rise to a dangerous point. The operators re-open the relief line-isolating valve, drainage starts up again, letting out coolant which is even more radioactive. More radioactivity alarms go off, some of which are outside the reactor building. The water that is spilling into the containment is taken up by automatic sump pumps, which send the contaminated water to storage tanks located in an auxiliary building that is not hermetic. These tanks then overflow and create a source of radioactive steam that can escape outside the plant.

A state of emergency is finally declared. The containment is isolated, stopping transfer from the sump to the auxiliary building. It is now three hours and twenty minutes since the accident began. The operators start the emergency core cooling system again at a low flowrate, causing a new shock between the cold water and the hot fuel, then at nominal flow-rate. The core cools, four hours after the first event. It will take another twelve hours to discharge from the primary cooling system most of the hydrogen and fission gases that prevent it from being filled. This is done by alternately opening and closing the pressurizer relief line and starting up safety injection and primary pumps. A localised explosion of about 320 kg of hydrogen in the containment, after 9 hours 50 minutes, induces a 2 bar pressure spike in the reactor building, without causing any particular damage.

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At 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 1979, the accident itself is over. However, it will take several days more to calm fears of a possible hydrogen explosion in the reactor vessel. The damage to the fuel elements far exceeds that provided for in the worst possible design basis accident. Six years later, in 1985, when it was possible to pass a television camera between the lower internal core structures and the vessel, it was found that 45% of the fuel had melted, along with elements of the cladding and the structures totalling 62 metric tons and forming what is called corium. About 20 metric tons of this corium, formed from the upper part of the fuel, had forced its way through an outer ring fuel assembly and the reactor core external baffles to reach the vessel bottom head itself, but fortunately did not melt through it (see Fig. ).

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In spite of this catastrophic fuel situation and the significant transfer of radioactivity to the containment, the immediate radiological consequences in the surrounding area were minimal. Indeed, the containment fulfilled its role almost perfectly. Only the sump transfer pumps were responsible for radioactive release for a limited period. This release, estimated at 13 million curies of xenon and about 10 curies of iodine (i.e. 5.105 and 0.4 TBq), had only very limited consequences. It is estimated that an individual downwind at the edge of the site throughout the accident would have received a dose of less than 1 mSv (100 mrem), equivalent to the annual dose of natural radiation. The operating personnel received a slightly higher, but still quite limited dose during the accident, and had to wear masks for a few hours Three technicians received doses between 30 and 40 mSv (3–4 rems) during primary coolant sample-taking operations. The collective dose received by the plant workers from the onset of the accident to the end of fuel removal in 1989 is estimated at 60 man-Sv.

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1. Direct causes and Root causes

The first event of this scenario is the failure of the normal steam enerators feed water system due to an human error during a minor maintenance activity. This demonstrates the absolute need to reduce the occurrence of any type of abnormal event but the direct causes of the core meltdown are to be searched a step forward and then two direct causes appear:

The pressurize relief valve stuck open;

The emergency core cooling system was stopped by the operators.

Instead of focusing on these direct causes, the prevention of the reoccurrence of equivalent events needs to identify and treat the actual root causes. A list of the major findings is presented.

Accident analysis :

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2. Design deficiencies

The loss of normal feedwater which is an anticipated operating occurrence leads to the opening of the pressurizer relief valve which is an other anticipated operating occurrence;

A break in the steam phase of the pressurizer is not considered. There is no procedure to identify and manage this event and the operating staff is not trained for it;

The actuation of the emergency core cooling system does not actuate a complete containment building isolation.

3.Man-machine interfaces

Global control board weakness with, in particular indications of order instead of position without specific warning, no alarm only at nominal power leading to a lot of alarms in any shutdown condition and without any possibility to identify the initiating difficulties, insufficient pressure and temperature indicators range;

Existing emergency operating procedures difficult to use.

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4. Multiple latent deficiencies (organization, maintenance, quality, ... )

The pressurizer relief valve had been known to be leaking for a while but the repair work was postponed so increasing the probability of a jammed open valve and depriving the operators of a way to identify the valve situation: the temperature of the pressurizer relief line;

The closed connecting valves of the steam generators auxiliary feedwater system added a complete loss of feed water system to the complete loss of emergency core cooling system and focused the attention of the operating team;

An effluent tank was leaking;

The iodine filters in the auxiliary building had poor efficiency.

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5. Global and collective excessive confidence (complacency)

This general attitude towards nuclear activities is not specific to this type of design or to this operating organization but can be considered as widely spread world-wide at that period. This can be seen by different signs:

An accident more severe than a LOCA is not considered. No on-site accident management is needed as well as any off-site emergency preparedness.

Even design basis accidents are just considered as conventional. Then the emergency operating procedures are difficult to use and relate only to the short term (mainly automatic actions).

Limited use of operating experience (precursor event at Davis Besse). Incidents without actual consequences are considered as trivial and the practice of information exchange on operation difficulties is not established.

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Lessons learned

The first three lessons were the following, leading to a very large evolution of the safety approach and significant improvement of the safety of a majority of plants.

Beyond design core conditions can occur resulting from multiple equipment or human deficiencies.

A resistant and leak tight containment resulting from the implementation of the defence in depth concept (3 levels) can be efficient to mitigate the radiological consequences even in the case of most beyond design accidents.

Man is an essential element of safety.

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Corrective actions

Initiation of large cooperation programmes of research and development to improve the

knowledge available in core melt conditions and related conditions.

Development of severe accident management related to severe cooling conditions including

containment isolation and surveillance, hydrogen explosion, containment venting, basemat

melt through.

Large adaptation of the control-room tools in general ergonomic (position sensors, enlarged

indicators scales, primary coolant boiling monitor, ...), Alarm ranking, safety parameter

display system.

Improvement of containment isolation.

Consideration of the complete loss of redundant systems in safety analysis.

Development of provisions for management of large quantities of radioactive effluents.

Development of operating experience feedback structure within the operating company, at

national level and with the regulatory bodies; Exchange of information at international level.

Development and implementation of quality assurance programmes at NPPs.

Improvement of operators training.

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