Case Study: Public Education Campaign for Drowning Prevention

Public Education Campaign for Child Drowning Prevention


Drowning is the leading cause of injury death for children ages 1-4. Moreover, it's estimated that thousands of children suffer permanent, profound brain damage resulting from submersion injuries. The National Drowning Prevention Alliance received a contract from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to implement a comprehensive public education campaign to prevent childhood drowning.

Transcript of Case Study: Public Education Campaign for Drowning Prevention

  • 1. Between 2008-2010 about 5,100pool/spa ED-treated submersioninjuries ea yr involved children youngerthan 15. About 383 children younger than 15died annually in pool/spa incidentsbetween 2006-2008. (CPSC, 2011; Gibson, Kevin) Nearly half of all drownings amongchildren ages 1-4 occur in residentialswimming pools. (CPSC, 1987; Brenner et al. 2001) 69% of those who drowned in poolswere last seen in the home or yard.(CPSC, 1987)

2. Drowning is the 2nd leadingcause of death in childrenages 1-14.(CDC) 76% of fatalities & 79% ofED-treated injuries involvedchildren under age 5.(CPSC, 2011; Gibson, Kevin) Home pools are the primarydrowning site for childrenunder 5 (84% deaths; 61% ofinjuries.) (CPSC, 2011; Gibson, Kevin) 3. 2007 US Unintentional Drownings Ages 1-18 #6 after Motor VehicleAccidents, Homicide, Cancer, Suicide andCongenital Anomalies (918 deaths) Ages 1-14#5 after Motor VehicleAccidents, Cancer, Congenital Anomaliesand Homicide (682 deaths) Ages 1-10#4 after Motor VehicleAccidents, Cancer, and CongenitalAnomalies (599 deaths) 4. Drowning was thesingle leading cause ofdeath for 2-year-olds inthe U.S. in 2007. More one-year-oldsdrown than 2-year-olds. 5. About 5,000 children are treatedImmersion Episodesfor submersion injuries each year.12% The majority of children who survive 35%are discovered within 2 minutes of20%submersion. Most children who die are discoveredabout 10 minutes after submersion. 33% Nearly all who require CPR are leftwith severe permanent brain injury.Fatal(Peterson, B. Morbidity of Childhood Near Drowning.Pediatrics 1977; 59:364-370)Neurologic ImpairmentSevere Brain InjuryRecover 6. The number of brain damaged children are climbing and these children are now living well into adulthood. My JJ is now 35. --Nadina Riggsbee, founderDrowning Prevention Foundation JJ needs ongoing medical care: doctors, medications, hospitals, physical therapy, specialized equipment, special education, long term care facility costs exceed $1 million dollars annually for each profoundlybrain injured child. 7. Only 19% of Americans know thatdrowning is a leading cause ofaccidental death to children under 5. 55% of parents report that they donot worry very much or at all abouttheir child drowning. 41% of pool owners are eitherunaware of what they should bedoing to protect children or nottaking the threat seriously enough.Safe Kids USA Survey May 28-30, 2003, by Harris Interactive viaits QuickQureySM online omnibus, interviewing a sample of2,023 U.S adults (aged 18+) of whom 294 owned backyardswimming pools. 8. 1. To create and implement apublic education programthat meets the requirementsof section 1407 of theVirginia Graeme Baker Pooland Spa Safety Act.2. To persuade target audiences to change behaviors that will improve the safety of swimming pools and spas. 9. Objectives for Audiences 35% of parents and pool owners will demonstrate improvedawareness of the drowning risks to young children and theimportance of layers of protection by August 2012. 25% of pool-owning parents will demonstrate increasedawareness of entrapment risks by August 2012. 40% of public aquatic facility operators, owners and theiremployees will demonstrate increased awareness of drowningprevention best practices and of the P&SS Act by August 2012. 50% of state health officials will demonstrate increasedawareness of the requirements of the P&SS Act and improvedunderstanding of best practices for protecting children fromdrowning in residential pools and spas by August 2012. 10. InnovatorsEarly Adopters Early Majority Late MajorityLaggards Drowning Parents of Mothers ofPool owners with Prevention Pediatricians Drowned or S. Children ages 1-4. no young children GroupsInjured Childrenin household CPSC TraumaSome LegislativeSome LegislativeCDCPhysiciansMommy BloggersOfficials Officials NCICP & NursesSafe Kids USA Get the gov off HomeownersHome Safetymy back, noFirst RespondersInsurance Risk Mass Media Council nanny state Actuaries types Pool & SpaPool & Spa Red Cross Public Health Fencing IndustryIndustryIndustry 11. Social Environment Influences A & Bs Frame of Reference Communication occurs in the overlap. 12. States with the highest drowning rates:California, Florida, S. Arizona, Texas 13. Why I careAlicea Nita Payton June 4, 1984 to May 27, 1988 14. Alicea Nita PaytonJune 4, 1984 to May 27, 1988 15. The Pa. Uniform Construction Code, passed in2004, requires residential swimming pools to be completelysurrounded (isolation fencing) by a 48-inch high fence. Or, if the house serves as part of the barrier (perimeterfencing), alarms must be installed on house doors leading tothe pool area. However, swimming pools constructed prior to April 9, 2004were grandfatheredexempt from the requirements. Farm properties were also exempt. No public funds allocated for a public education program. 16. Effective December 20, 2007, admin by theU.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Imposes mandatory federal requirementsfor suction entrapment avoidance. All drain covers sold in U.S. must comply. All public pools, must comply. Public pools with a single main drain must have one or more additional devices or systems to prevent entrapment. Established a grant program for states to help with enforcement of barrier codes and Virginia Graeme Baker1995-2002 drain upgrades for residential pools & spas.(But none qualified.) 17. The Act required the CPSC to establish andcarry out a public education program onmethods to prevent drowning andentrapment in pools and spas. Visit To order free public safety materials todistribute Access childrens safety games and activities Learn more about child drowning preventionbest practices Learn how to get involved 18. Working under contract with CPSC tohelp educate the public. Visit to learnmore and join us in our mission. Strategy: 3-pronged approach Public Education Strategic Partnerships & Advocacy Data Collection, Analysis & Reporting 19. 1. Provide1. Prevent constant, vigil unsupervised ant access with supervision ofbarriers and children in oralarms. near water.2. Use multiple2. Teach layers of children to protection for swim at a backup. young age.1. ALL Parents and pool owners should be CPR certified.2. Keep rescue equipment and a phone by the pool. 20. Dedicated online newsroom: 21. 900893800700600500400 300 200 65 10002009 to 20102010 to 2011 22. 1,600,000,000 1,335,867,9651,400,000,0001,200,000,0001,000,000,000 800,000,000 600,000,000 400,000,000 200,000,00017,895,665 02009 to 2010 2010 to 2011 23. Get social!Social mediaoutreach includingFacebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, AIConnect, outreach toMommyBloggers,etc. 24. Engage withyoung, educated, influencers. You control themessage. No outsidegatekeepers. 25. Exhibit and present at tradeshows, health and safetyevents and similar venues. Forge strategic partnershipswith important influencerssuch as publichealth, pediatricians, firstresponders, serviceorganizations, aquaticrecreation facilities and otherchildrens health and safetyadvocates. 26. Be there. Be seen. Be heard. Bepersistent. 27. Developed by early childhoodeducation. Pilot studied andevaluated for ageappropriateness. Aquatic safety information goes Program launchanticipated Jan. 2012home to parents. 28. Partner with USA SwimmingFoundations MakeA Splash initiative todevelop an AquaticCenter Manual.Enable facilities in low-income areas, such as communitypools and Boys & Girls Clubs, to offer swimming lessons tounderserved populations. 29. Educational video for pool owners with Mission Impossible theme with Dueling Dads and Spanish PSAs for radio: 30. Developed brochures & flyers. Pilot Pool & Spa Safety Technician Program inCalifornia, Arizona and Florida. site upgrades, fact sheets, onlinenewsroom, links. Special outreach instates with highdrowningrates, includingnortheastern U.S. 31. To assess effectiveness of the public awarenesscampaign, NDPA will partner with an academicresearch organization to pursueobjective, primary, quantitative study to measure:1. Change in public awareness of child drowning risks.2. Attitudes and motivations towards environmental remedies.3. Parental behaviors regarding water supervision and teaching children swimming and water safety. 32. Constant, consistent vigilance is nearlyimpossible for any human beingeventhe most highly trained and responsible. Take the Selective Awareness Test The best way to ensure children can notgain unsupervised access to residentialpools and spas is to enact and enforceeffective barrier codes. See CPSC Model Barrier Code forguidance at 33. Whats wrong with this picture? 34. Whats wrong with this picture? 35. Child Death Review (CDR) brings togethergovernment and community agencies tosystematically share information on childdeath events and identify risk factors. The goal is to understand how and whychildren die in order to take action toprevent other deaths. 36. Work with local law enforcement and medical examiner/coronerto improve data collection Encourage local law enforcement, medical examiners and coronersto improve and report on the data collected through sceneinvestigations. Disseminate Drowning Surveillance Guidelines for SceneInvestigators to local law enforcement and coroner/medicalexaminer agencies. 37. www.ndpa.orgwww.PoolSafely.govDrowning IS Preventable. 38. Beverly M. Payton M.A., [email protected] make your mission our own.