Case Study Bullying

Bullying is one of the problems that we have in school. One of your pupils gets teases for her new haircut. Or a pupil comes to you showing a page of his book ripped off by his classmate. I believe that teasing and roughhousing are but part and parcel of a school setting. But more often than not, these are rare and isolated cases. The short-term effect of bullying is that the victim develops school phobia. Because of the stress and humiliation he regularly suffers in school, the victim would rather stay in the security of his own home. There is a mother who happened to be a friend of mine has a problem with her first grade daughter who has been complaining about her classmates that bullied her. Her daughter even got home one day with her uniform colored with crayons at the back. One day with her school bag tore and she even complained that 3 boys drag her outside the classroom and pushed her down and her crayons were gone not just once but every time she got new sets of crayons almost half of it were gone the day she brought it with her in school. Since she was working abroad, several miles away from her daughter and had only her mother to talk to the teacher but she only got "okay but I cannot control these kids, it is hard to discipline children nowadays because we have DSWD that would sue us" answer from her teacher. Shouldn't they do something about



Transcript of Case Study Bullying

Page 1: Case Study Bullying

Bullying is one of the problems that we have in school. One of your pupils gets teases for her new haircut. Or a pupil comes to you showing a page of his book ripped off by his classmate. I believe that teasing and roughhousing are but part and parcel of a school setting. But more often than not, these are rare and isolated cases.

The short-term effect of bullying is that the victim develops school phobia. Because of the stress and humiliation he regularly suffers in school, the victim would rather stay in the security of his own home.

There is a mother who happened to be a friend of mine has a problem with her first grade daughter who has been complaining about her classmates that bullied her. Her daughter even got home one day with her uniform colored with crayons at the back. One day with her school bag tore and she even complained that 3 boys drag her outside the classroom and pushed her down and her crayons were gone not just once but every time she got new sets of crayons almost half of it were gone the day she brought it with her in school.

Since she was working abroad, several miles away from her daughter and had only her mother to talk to the teacher but she only got "okay but I cannot control these kids, it is hard to discipline children nowadays because we have DSWD that would sue us" answer from her teacher. Shouldn't they do something about this bullying? Isn't there a law that would regulate this? She is only 7 years old and yet she had to experience all this kind of bullying. When she got home from Singapore she did come to her daughter’s class one day and talk the child whom her daughter’s other classmates pointed as one of those bullies. She told him that if he continues to do it she would have him called at the principal office since their teacher seems not to mind the bullying in her classroom.

A week after it the school held a general meeting with the PTA and tackles this bully issue. It is weird because the principal herself says that parents cannot directly complain to her office until we got solid evidence that our child is being bullied. What evidence should parents have to wait for? Should they wait for their kids to get home with bruises and black eyes or clothes torn just to have the evidence they are looking for?

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1. To find out how bullies manifest their bullying activities.2. To elucidate the personal circumstances of bullies.3. To determine the effect of the bullied victims.4. To come up some possible solutions to prevent the development of

bullies in schools.

Findings of the Study

1. Forms of bullying mostly indulged in were excessive teasing, extortion (food, money, and belongings), physical injuries – the use of ball pens and pencils to stab the victim is common especially among bullies from the elementary level.

2. In the primary of the elementary levels, excessive teasing and slight physical injuries were common. As the bullies developed, they resorted to more sophisticated forms like extortion, intimidation, and more serious physical injuries.

3. Most of the identified bullies belonged to poor families where the parents were seldom present. They are neglected and left to fend for themselves.

4. As reflected, family discord was the major factor that contributed to bullying. Aggressive parents produce bullies because they inadvertently teach them anti-social behavior. Misconception on the true nature of bullying was also found to be contributory to bullying. Some adults and school authorities regard bullying as a natural part of growing up among children and therefore deserves no serious considerations. Unchecked early signs of aggressive behavior is another factor that contributed to the prevalence of bullying. Acts of violence and aggression in the home which were condoned were also causes of bullying.

5. Most of the bullying incidences happened in the playground, deserted dark places, behind buildings, and in the comfort rooms where students are least supervised. It may also take place in the classrooms, when the teachers are not looking.

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6. Most of the bullies reasoned out that they bullied the victim because they provoked them. Some school authorities admitted that the bullies took the initiative because they were just joking. Others said they just defended themselves. They bully seldom admitted that he did the activity just to have fun in seeing others suffer, and for selfish motives.

7. Unhappy home environments are very good breeding places for bullies. Parents contribute much to the maturing bullies. In general, the bully is greatly influenced by his environment and living conditions.

8. The home and parents contribute much to the breeding of both bullies and victims. Forms of bullying and places where they are manifested vary according to the age levels of the bullies.

9. The socio-economic status of a family has not consistently been found to be the cause of aggression among its children.

10.Children model themselves on adults who are significant to them, like their parents, elder brothers, and teachers. Most of the identified bullies come from homes with violent aggressive members.

11.Playing favorites among children enhances aggression and passivism, thus producing bullies and victims.


1. Parents should made aware of their lion’s share in the production and prevention of bullies in their violent quarrels between them which serve as bad models for the child. Neglecting to check aggressive, violent reactions encourages the behavior.

2. Closer supervision of students is warranted to prevent unpleasant consequences of bullying, especially during playtime either in school or at home.

3. Send children to play groups. Seek reassurance on the qualification and training of those in charge.

4. Do not expose children to violent games, or their aggressive behavior will be reinforced. Sports where they will be competing with themselves are better than those which will involve competition with others.

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5. Parents should not encourage the behavior of a bully by giving in to whatever he demands. They should seek help from experts on child behavior.

6. Provide for non-verbal communication to express a child’s personality, like engaging in the arts, music, drawing, drama, writing, and other activities as may suit his particular needs.

7. Television shows and programs should be carefully selected. Those which are too violent should be avoided. The child tends to imitate what he sees.

8. Children’s behavior at home and in school should be closely supervised so that any behavior or instance of being aggressive and violent could be addressed immediately.

9. Parents should avoid quarreling in the presence of their children, especially serious ones, when the father has to hit his wife. Scenes like these affect the personality of their children. They harbor bad feelings which may be the cause of their violent and aggressive behavior.

10.Provide a child with a controlling environment where there are rules and regulations to determine his behavior.

11.There should be corresponding actions for whoever either breaks or obeys the regulations, without which they will be ineffective.

12.Schools should have anti-bullying policies stating that bullying is wrong and that it will not be tolerated. The policies have to be broached in such a way that every member of the school adopts them. They must pervade the curriculum and be embodied as clear principles in the life of the schools.

13.Bullies should be given opportunity to attend special counseling sessions; special programs should be implemented to help recognize their feelings, as well as the feelings and behavior of others.

14.Provide a safe and caring environment for the bully but with firm boundaries and control.

15.As much as possible prevent angry outbursts of aggressive children. This can be done by communicating with them regularly on issues which may arouse their anger.

16.Give the bully work opportunities only within his capability to avoid frustration on his part. Failure cannot be tolerated by a bully, as this appears to him as a threat.

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17.When speaking to a bully, do not swear words, nor deride his appearance, or mock his friends. Criticism and rejection promote his violent reactions.

18.In school and at home, bullies should not be embarrassed in front of others. If they need confrontation it should be done in private.