Case Study - BOC

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  • 8/8/2019 Case Study - BOC


    Changefirst Ltd Tel: +44 (0)1444 450777


    The challenge for BOC8 years ago BOC needed to improve itssuccess ratio in implementing major projectsand programmes. But in doing so, thecompany did not want to become dependenton external consultants. It realised that thepeople aspects of implementation could notbe outsourced and it needed to be a corecapability of its global organisation. As aresult, BOC came to Changefirst to help itbuild internal change capability.

    BOC defined this as:

    ability to deliver major initiatives on timeand In budget

    leaders who understand the peopledynamics of change

    shared language and approach

    A partnership: BOC and ChangefirstChangefirst trained key BOC personnel inthe use of its proprietary implementationprocesses and tools. Consequently BOCfacilitators trained their own staff in a sub-setof the tools. Over time this approach wasformalised into a training curriculum usedglobally, supported by classroom and e-learning solutions. During an 8 year period,changefirst practitioners have worked withBOC project staff to review project progress,the practical use of the methodology and togive just-in-time coaching at vital moments.

    The last and critically important stage wasBOC integrating PCI

    * into key

    processes such as project planning, risk

    management and M&A.

    Results: The benefits for BOC

    In addition, BOC also perceive various widercultural benefits connected to explainingchange to business people, creatingconscious competence and providing theorganisation with a standardised language

    and way of thinking about change.

    * PCI

    (People-Centred Implementation) is a

    disciplined process and a robust set of tools totransform how people operate and behave in anorganisation

    About The BOC Group

    Serving two million customers in more than 50countries, The BOC Group is one of the largestglobal gas companies. It employs around 30,000people and had annual sales of nearly 4.6 billionin 2004.

    For more than a century BOC's gases andexpertise have contributed to advances in manyindustries and aspects of everyday life, includingsteel-making, refining, chemical processing,environmental protection, wastewater treatment,

    electronics and health care.

    BOC point to significant business resultsfrom their investment in PCI including:

    1. Global technology implementationssuch as SAP.

    2. Restructuring of key regionalbusinesses.

    3. Post-merger integrations in Polandand Canada.

    4. Productivity projects in Operationsand Commercialisation.