case Study

Question 1: Identify the most important facts surrounding the case? Answer: The Pride industry started their operations in 1996 by a group of parents met in the basement of the church in Auburn, California. The mission of pride company to provide job opportunity to those people who are cognitive, intellectual, sensory, physical and emotional disabilities. The fact about the Pride company is that they hired 30 people who has any kind of disabilities in the electronic department. These total number of employees are 80 that’s represent that more integrated environment of the company where the 3 or 4 people who have any kind of disability the company hired to work. The company main focus on the disable people by providing different kind of training, support and opportunity to work make possible to success in their daily life. The Pride initially implemented the SMT machine, this machine is second hand about 15 to 20 years old and the company achieved the success through using the SMT old machine. The Pride company realized that manufacturing of goods with relatively high labor content in high volumes would likely remain in China for the foreseeable future. Thus, Pride’s proposal focused on work it could capture in the middle-tier volume and custom volumes the new SMT line


Case Study

Transcript of case Study

Question 1:Identify the most important facts surrounding the case?Answer:The Pride industry started their operations in 1996 by a group of parents met in the basement of the church in Auburn, California. The mission of pride company to provide job opportunity to those people who are cognitive, intellectual, sensory, physical and emotional disabilities. The fact about the Pride company is that they hired 30 people who has any kind of disabilities in the electronic department. These total number of employees are 80 thats represent that more integrated environment of the company where the 3 or 4 people who have any kind of disability the company hired to work.The company main focus on the disable people by providing different kind of training, support and opportunity to work make possible to success in their daily life. The Pride initially implemented the SMT machine, this machine is second hand about 15 to 20 years old and the company achieved the success through using the SMT old machine.The Pride company realized that manufacturing of goods with relatively high labor content in high volumes would likely remain in China for the foreseeable future. Thus, Prides proposal focused on work it could capture in the middle-tier volume and custom volumes the new SMT line was projected to generate 60 to 80 new jobs for disable people.The company planned to installed new machine which cost $2.6 million.Question 2:Identify the key issue or issues?Answer:According to my observation the main issued for the company is lack of investment to startup at higher level. The company implemented their idea to business form with a very small amount of investment. Due to less availability of fund the company faces another problem of having old used machine to start their business in the electronic contract manufacturing.

According to my point of view I dont think the problems are mention in this case are related management. The management of the company is already well managed the problems in the company. The fact is that the Pride company entered in the business of electronic contract manufacturing in a view to provide technology job to the disable people this step is the differentiator for the company. The other problem the company management faces is that lack of latest technological machine. The company management solve this problem in 2005 through buying new machine about $2.6 million.

Question 3:Specify alternative courses of action?Answer:According to my point of view the company solves their issues in the good manner thats they faces during the work. The company management provides great solution as compare to other companies in the market to solve their problems. According to my decision point the company buy new machines with less number of equipment instead of the old ones since they had to enhance and develop them after couple of years. The other thing the company do is lot of time they spend on the financial projection either they buy or not the several times the company decision changed. In my point of view the company this step is not good lots of resources and efforts wasted.The other thing is thats the buy of older machine was not a good choice for the company management the company can take machine on rent to be familiar with the latest technology. Later on the company realized that they need two complete SMT lines in case that one line went down, the other could take over. I did consider that solution as a good one since it gives PRIDE a great opportunity to approach world-class organizations through having a proper production backup plan.Question 4:Evaluate each course of action. Answer:The buying of new machine is more productive than buying old one. But on the other hand new equipment are not available at all the time because of shipping time take place may be more than six months. The used equipment are available immediately at all the time company buy easily to pay the money. Here in this case scenario company is new in the market and having less financial resource, the old machine minimize the financial risk and cash out for the company. The company have two option in this scenario if the company take rent on rent its limited the company growth on the other side company can borrow loan from bank for purchase new machine. The new machine has a advantage for the company to keep them technological updated in the market. Question 5:Recommend the best course of action.Answer:According to my opinion the management should be focus on to buy new machine rather than the old one. If the company buy new machine they become technological updated in the market and easily meet the demand for their product in the market.