Case Report Contoh

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  • 5/21/2018 Case Report Contoh



    Outpatient, A 9 years and 7 months old boy, IS, Minahasastribe, admitted to hospital on

    December 31st , 2012 with impairment on consciousness, since 6 hours before, with cold

    hand and foot. Patient had naussea since 1 day before admitted with frequency 3 times a day.

    The patient had a frequent urination at the night, with frequency 3-4 times a day,

    History of illness (heteroanamnesis, given by parents)_

    Patients present with a chief complaint referred by Urology Division, Departement of

    Surgery and planned for uretroplasty, release chordae and one-stage orchidopexy.

    Originally from a month ago the patient seems to experience changes in behavior.

    Patient looks slightly more pensive and more rather be alone in his bedroom. After

    his parents asked about his behavior changes, patient told that her genitals changed

    and now has a male gender.

    After knowing about this changes, patient was taken to consult to a pediatrician.

    And after several examination and consultation, patient get a referral from a local hospital

    fmanced by the local government to go to Manado.In Manado, patient come to see

    the surgeon and further scheduled for surgery. Patients and their families willing to

    do surgery to change sex to male.

    Patient was born and raised as females. Previously the patient had never

    complained about the current state of his condition. And so far, parents are not realize


    the situation experienced by the patient. Patient attended school as ussual and making

    friends with female friend on her own age. Patients also have the sound and look like

    a female on her age and wearing veil. About others development during childhood,

    parents assumed that patient has normal development history if compare with other

    child with some age and gender in the community.


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    History of prenatal care and birth

    No record of morbidities during pregnancy. During the pregnancy, patient mother had

    ninth time antenatal care at the local hospital and got tetanus toxoid immunization

    twice. During this period of pregnancy, the mother was health. No medication or

    others treatment (i.e. herb) was taken during pregnancy. Delivered in full term

    via normal delivery at local hospital Ternate, with birth weight 3,200 gram and

    birth length was forgotten, assited by midwife, spontaneous cry and no cord coil.

    The gender was female according to the midwife.

    Past Medical History

    Never been on serious illness before . No other medical history related to

    the present illness.

    History of Family Illness

    No history of ambiguous genitalia or intersexuality of other family member.

    Growth and Development History

    Smiling : 3 months

    Rowling over : 4 months

    Crawling : 6 months

    Sitting : 8 months

    Standing : 12 months

    Walking : 12 months

    Saying mama/papa : 13 months

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    History of



    Formula milk

    Milk porridge

    Soft rice

    porridge Soft

    : birth to 12 month old

    : 6 month to 12 month old

    : 6 to 8 month old

    : 8 to 16 month old

    : 16 to 18 month old

    : 18 month old until now

    History of immunization

    Patient had received BCG once, polio vaccination four times, DPT vaccination

    three times, hepatitis B vaccination three times, measles vaccination once and

    never had booster vaccination.

    Social. economic and environmental conditions

    Patient is fourth child in the family, had three older sister (26 years old, 23 years

    old and 21 years old). Father was 45 years old, Temate's tribe, moslem, a senior

    high school graduation and work as entrepreneur, with income about 1.500.000

    per month. Mother was 43 years old, Gorontalo's tribe, moslem, a senior high

    school graduation and work as housewife.

    Patient lived with her parents in a permanent house with four bedrooms,

    occupied by 6 person (5 adults and 1 children). The bathroom and lavatory were

    inside the house. Drinking water source was taken from mineral water provide by

    the government water company. They had an electrical source form the

    government electrical company. The garbage was collected and removed to public

    waste disposal.


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    Patient, 13 7/12 years old

    Physical examination

    General condition : Good general condition

    Consciousness : Alert (GCS : E4V5M6)

    Weight : 40 kg ((P10-P25), CDC 2000 (normal))

    Height : 154 cm ((P10-P25),CDC 2000 ;z-score -1< x

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    conjungtiva was not anemic, sclera was not icteric,

    clear lenses, corneal reflex was normal, pupil

    isochors with diameter 3 mm, light reflex was

    normal, no strabismus and no nistagmus

    Nose : no discharges and abnormalities

    Ears : no discharges and abnormalities

    Mouth : no central cyanosis, no cleft palate, no drooling, no


    Throat : tonsils T 1/T1 in normal limit, pharynx in normallimit

    Neck : no lymph node enlargement, trachea in the middle

    line, adam's apple prominent

    Chest : normal shape, no retraction, no breast enlargement

    Heart : normal rate, regular rhythm, no thrill, no murmurs,

    heart margin was normal, heart rate 88 times/minute

    Lungs : symmetrical movements, symmetrical vocal


    sonor on both sides, bronchovesicular breath sound,

    without rales or wheezing.

    Abdomen : convex and soft, liver and spleen were not


    no ascites, no adrenal masses were palpable,

    normal bowel sound.

    Genital : pubic hair is seen chiefly at the base of phallus,


    length cannot be evaluated, with prepuce over glans

    ventral frenulum (Prader 4), scrotum (+), rugae (+),

    chordae (+), penoscrotal type of hypospadia (urethral

    opening at the junction of the penis and scrotum), no

    vaginal pouch, testis were palpable on the inguinal


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    Anus : normal, anogenital ratio < 5.

    Extremities : warm, capillary refill time less than 2", no atrophy,no

    hypotonic, no simian crease, turgor and muscle

    tone was normal

    Skin : brown, no cyanotic, no effloresensi, BCG scar (+)

    Status pubertal : Tanner stageA2G2P2

    Anthropometric measurement

    Height for age : PurP25, CDC 2000 ;z-score -1< x

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    Chest circumference : 67 cm (P3-P,5) (normal)

    Waist circumference : 63 cm (normal)

    Arm span : 150 cm (normal)

    Middle finger length : 8 cm (P75-P97) (normal)

    Palm length : 10 cm (P50-P75) (normal)

    Total hind length : 18 cm (P75-P97) (normal)

    Foot length : 25 cm (1375-P97) (normal)

    Upper segment : 66 cm

    Lower segment : 88 cm

    Upper/lower ratio : 66/88 0,75 (proportionate)

    Laboratory findings

    Hormone (October 5th

    , 2011)

    Testosterone : 215,7 ng/dL (T) (8-13 ng/dL)

    LH (Luteinizing Hormone) : 15,99 mIU/mL (t) (0,4-4,6 mlU/mL)

    FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) : 47,80 mIU/mL (T) (0,71-6,90 mIU/ML)

    USG (October 5th

    , 2011)

    Pelvic USG result : Testis bilateral with small size in the middle of the

    inguinal canal, prostate appearance, and no uterus was identified.

    Working diagnosis

    Disorders of Sex Development (DSD, with penoscrotal type hypospadias and

    chordae and undescensus testis bilateral)


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    Chromosome analysis

    Bone age

    Testosterone/DHT ratio

    November 361

    , 2011

    Complaint (-)

    General condition : Good general condition

    Consciousness : Alert

    Vital sign

    Blood pressure : 100/60 mmHg

    Pulse rate : 80 times/minute (regularly)

    Respiration rate : 24 times/minute

    Body temperature : 36,5C (axilla)

    Head and neck

    Head : oval shape, black color hair, not easy to pulled out

    Eye : no edema on palpebra, no ptosis, no lagoftalmus,

    conjungtiva was not anemic, sclera was not icteric,

    clear lenses, corneal reflex was normal, pupil isochors

    with diameter 3 mm, light reflex was normal, no

    strabismus and no nistagmus

    Nose : no discharges and abnormalities

    Ears : no discharges and abnormalities

    Mouth : no central cyanosis, no cleft palate, no drooling, no


    Throat : tonsils T 1/T1 in normal limit, pharynx in normal limit


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    : no lymph node enlargement, trachea in the middle line, adam's apple prominent

    : normal shape, no retraction, no breast enlargement : normal rate, regular rhythm,

    no thrill, no murmurs,heart margin was normal, heart rate 80 times/minute

    : symmetrical movements, symmetrical vocal fremitus, sonor on both sides,

    bronchovesicular breath sound, without rales or wheezing.

    : convex and soft, liver and spleen were not palpable, no ascites, no adrenal masses

    were palpable, normal bowel sound.

    : pubic hair is seen chiefly at the base of phallus, phallus length cannot be

    evaluated, with prepuce over glans ventral frenulum (Prader 4), scrotum (+), rugae (+),

    chordae (+), penoscrotal type of hypospadia (urethral opening at the junction of the penis and

    scrotum), no vaginal pouch, testis were palpable on the inguinal canal.

    : warm, capillary refill time less than 2", no atrophy, no hypotonic, no simian crease, turgor and muscle

    tone was normal

    : brown, no cyanotic, no effloresensi, BCG scar (+)


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    Laboratory findings

    Chomosome analysis (October 20th

    , 2011)

    Sampel heparin derived from peripheral blood. With G-Banding techniques have

    been studied chromosomes of 20 cells. Obtained the number of chromosomes in

    each cell being studied was 46, XY

    Result : 46, XY (no major structure abnormalities)

    Bone age (October 17th

    , 2011)

    Result : Bone modeling normal, no blastic lesion, no soft tissue swelling and no

    fracture. Bone age + 14 years old girl (normal bone age)

    Working Diagnosis

    46, XY DSD (Disorders of Sex Development)

    Differential diagnosis

    5-a reductase deficiency

    Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome


    Hormone therapy : Testosterone injection, 50 mg , intramuscular, every

    3 to 4weeks

    Psychososial therapy Gender consultation to the patient and parents


    Testosterone/DHT ratio

    DNA mutation analysis

    1 2

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    Surgery for correction and cosmetics

    November 10ffi

    , 2011


    General condition


    Vital sign

    Blood pressure Pulse

    rate Respiration rate

    Body temperature

    Head and neck


    : Well looking : Alert

    : 100/60 mmHg

    : 84 times/minute (regularly) : 32 times/minute :

    36,5C (axilla)


    H e a


    E y e






    : oval shape, black color hair, not easy to pulled out

    : no edema on palpebra, no ptosis, no

    lagoftahnus, conjungtiva was not anemic, sclera

    was not icteric, clear lenses, corneal reflex was

    normal, pupil isochors with diameter 3 mm, light

    reflex was normal, no strabismus and no


    : no discharges and abnormalities

    : no discharges and abnormalities

    : no central cyanosis, no cleft palate, no

    drooling, no carries

    : tonsils T1/T1 in normal limit, pharynx in normal

    limit : no lymph node enlargement, trachea in the

    middle line, adam's apple prominent

    1 3

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    Heart : normal rate, regular rhythm, no thrill, no murmurs,

    heart margin was normal, heart rate 84 times/minuteLungs : symmetrical movements, symmetrical vocal


    sonor on both sides, bronchovesicular breath sound,

    without rales or wheezing.

    Abdomen : convex and soft, liver and spleen were not


    no ascites, no adrenal masses were palpable,

    normal bowel sound.

    Genital : pubic hair is seen chiefly at the base of phallus,


    length cannot be evaluated, with prepuce over glans

    ventral frenulum (Prader 4), scrotum (+), rugae (+),

    chordae (+), penoscrotal type of hypospadia

    (urethral opening at the junction of the penis and

    scrotum), no vaginal pouch, testis were palpable on

    the inguinal canal.

    Extremities : warm, capillary refill time less than 2", no atrophy,


    hypotonic, no simian crease, turgor and muscle tone

    was normal

    Skin : brown, no cyanotic, no effloresensi, BCG scar (+)

    Working Diagnosis

    46, XY DSD (Disorders of Sex Development)

    Differential diagnosis

    5-a reductase deficiency

    Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

    1 4

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    Hormone therapy : Testosterone injection, 50 mg , intramuscular (I')


    Testosterone/DHT ratio

    DNA mutation analysis

    " Surgery for correction and cosmetics

    November 24*, 2011

    Complaint (-)

    General condition : Well looking

    Consciousness : Alert

    Vital sign

    Bloodpressure : 100/60 mmHg

    Pulse rate : 84 times/minute (regularly)

    Respiration rate : 24 times/minute

    Body temperature : 36,5C (axilla)

    Head and neck

    Head : oval shape, black color hair, not easy to pulled out

    Eye : no edema on palpebra, no ptosis, no lagoftalmus,

    conjungtiva was not anemic, sclera was not icteric,

    clear lenses, corneal reflex was normal, pupil isochors

    with diameter 3 mm, light reflex was normal, no

    strabismus and no nistagmus

    Nose : no discharges and abnormalities


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    Ears : no discharges and abnormalities

    Mouth : no central cyanosis, no cleft palate, no drooling, no


    Throat : tonsils T 1/T1 in normal limit, pharynx in normallimit

    Neck : no lymph node enlargement, trachea in the middle

    line, adam's apple prominent

    Chest : normal shape, no retraction, no breast enlargement

    Heart : normal rate, regular rhythm, no thrill, no murmurs,

    heart margin was normal, heart rate 84 times/minute

    Lungs : symmetrical movements, symmetrical vocal


    sonor on both sides, bronchovesicular breath sound,

    without rales or wheezing.

    Abdomen : convex and soli, liver and spleen were not


    no ascites, no adrenal masses were palpable,

    normalbowel sound.

    Genital : pubic hair is seen chiefly at the base of phallus,


    length cannot be evaluated, with prepuce over glans

    ventral frenulum (Prader 4), scrotum (+), rugae (+),

    chordae (+), penoscrotal type of hypospadia (urethral

    opening at the junction of the penis and scrotum), no

    vaginal pouch, testis were palpable on the inguinal


    Extremities : warm, capillary refill time less than 2", no atrophy,


    hypotonic, no simian crease, turgor and muscle tone

    was normal

    Skin : brown, no cyanotic, no effloresensi, BCG scar (+)


  • 5/21/2018 Case Report Contoh



    Working Diagnosis

    46, XY DSD (Disorders of Sex Development)

    Differential diagnosis 5-ct reductase


    Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome


    Hormone therapy : Testosterone injection, 50 mg , intramuscular (2")


    Testosterone/DHT ratio

    DNA mutation analysis

    Surgery for correction and cosmetics

    Desember 226, 2011

    Complaint : (-)

    General condition : Well looking

    Consciousness : Alert

    Vital sign

    Blood pressure : 100/70 mmHg

    Pulse rate : 88 times/minute (regularly)

    Respiration rate : 24 times/minute

    Body temperature : 36,5C (axilla)

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    Head and neck

    Head : oval shape, black color hair, not easy to pulled out

    Eye : no edema on palpebra, no ptosis, no lagoftalmus,

    conjungtiva was not anemic, sclera was not icteric, clear

    lenses, corneal reflex was normal, pupil isochors with

    diameter 3 mm, light reflex was normal, no

    strabismus and no nistagmus

    Nose : no discharges and abnormalities

    Ears : no discharges and abnormalities

    Mouth : no central cyanosis, no cleft palate, no drooling, no


    Throat : tonsils T 1/T1 in normal limit, pharynx in normal limit

    Neck : no lymph node enlargement, trachea in the middle

    line, adam's apple prominent

    Chest : normal shape, no retraction, no breast enlargement

    Heart : normal rate, regular rhythm, no thrill, no murmurs,

    heart margin was normal, heart rate 88 times/minute

    Lungs : symmetrical movements, symmetrical vocal fremitus,

    sonor on both sides, bronchovesicular breath sound,

    without rales or wheezing.

    Abdomen : convex and soft, liver and spleen were not palpable,

    no ascites, no adrenal masses were palpable, normal

    bowel sound.

    Genital : pubic hair is seen chiefly at the base of phallus, phallus

    length cannot be evaluated, with prepuce over glans

    ventral frenulum (Prader 4), scrotum (+), rugae (+),


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    chordae (+), penoscrotal type of hypospadia

    (urethral opening at the junction of the penis and

    scrotum), no vaginal pouch, testis were palpable

    on the inguinal canal.

    : warm, capillary refill time less than 2", no

    atrophy, no hypotonic, no simian crease, turgor

    and muscle tone was normal

    - Skin : brown, no cyanotic, no effloresensi, BCG scar (+)

    Working Diagnosis

    46, XY DSD (Disorders of Sex Development)

    Differential diagnosis

    5-a reductase


    Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome


    Hormone therapy : Testosterone injection, 50 mg , intramuscular (3rd)


    Surgery for correction and cosmetics by Urology Subdivision

    (Desember 24th

    , 2011)

    Testosterone/DHT ratio

    DNA mutation analysis

    1 9

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    Desember 24th, 2011

    Surgery result

    Uretroplasty, release chordae and one-stage bilateral orchidopexy.

    January 12th

    , 2011 (after surgery)

    Complaint (-)

    General condition : Well looking

    Consciousness : Alert

    Vital sign

    Blood pressure : 100/70 mmHg

    Pulse rate : 80 times/minute (regularly)

    Respiration rate : 24 times/minute

    Body temperature : 36,7C (walla)

    Head and neck

    Head : oval shape, black color hair, not easy to pulled out

    Eye : no edema on palpebra, no ptosis, no lagoftalmus,

    conjungtiva was not anemic, sclera was not icteric,

    clear lenses, corneal reflex was normal, pupil

    isochors with diameter 3 mm, light reflex was

    normal, no strabismus and no nistagmus

    Nose : no discharges and abnormalities

    Ears : no discharges and abnormalities

    Mouth : no central cyanosis, no cleft palate, no drooling, no


    Throat : tonsils T 1/T1 in normal limit, pharynx in normal limit

    Neck : no lymph node enlargement, trachea in the middle


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    line, adam's apple prominent

    : normal shape, no retraction, no breast enlargement : normal

    rate, regular rhythm, no thrill, no murmurs, heart margin was

    normal, heart rate 80 times/minute

    : symmetrical movements, symmetrical vocal fremitus, sonor on both sides,

    bronchovesicular breath sound, without rales or wheezing.

    : convex and soft, liver and spleen were not palpable, no ascites, no

    adrenal masses were palpable, normal bowel sound.

    : pubic hair is seen chiefly at the base of phallus, phallus length cannot

    be evaluated, post surgical incision was seen without bleeding, no

    discharge, scrotum (+), rugae (+), chordae release, testis were palpable on scrotum.

    : warm, capillary refill time less than 2", no atrophy, no hypotonic, no simian crease,

    turgor and muscle tone was normal

    : brown, no cyanotic, no effloresensi, BCG scar (+)

    Working Diagnosis

    46, XY DSD (Disorders of Sex Development)

    Differential diagnosis

    5-a reductase


    Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

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    Hormone therapy : Testosterone injection, 50 mg , intramuscular (0)


    Psychosocial support 4 for thig patient confidence to receive the condition

    Administrative for changing gender

    Genetic counseling

    Testosterone/DHT ratio

    DNA mutation analysis