CASE - BARLOW FARM NEWS · CASE - BARLOW FARM NEWS Phone: 655-6987 Spring 2000 Preserving the Farm...

CASE - BARLOW FARM NEWS Phone: 655-6987 Spring 2000 Preserving the Farm Dinners Fantastic Success "The dinner was a poem," said one of the diners. Case-Barlow Farm's first annual special evenings of dinner parties, each with a different theme and menu, were held over three weekends. Our thanks to all hosts and hostesses: Helen and Don Barlow Jane and Ken Boyd Pat and Bill Eldredge Richard and Gay Grell Katie and George Hoy Susan and Ken Jordan Lynn and Ned Kendall Liz and Nat Leonard Linda and Pete McDonald Sandra Pickut and Lee McManms Linda and Bob Matty Sandy and Dave Reif Ginger and Larkin Rogers Kathy and Bob Russell Grace and Bob Sauer Nancy and Rollin Waite Monica and Jim Yurak "The hospitality was superb!" Kudos to co-chairs Nancy Waite and Linda Matty. It's Time for Membership Renewal!!! We count on your support to continue the restoration projects at the Farm. All membership fees are put to good use for restoration, landscaping, educational activities, cultural presentations and family events. Simply use the enclosed envelope to mail your renewal. Annual family memberships run through May 31, 2001 for $25 fee. You may make additional donations at any time. Thank you. A Tree for Thee The "A Tree for Thee" at CBF allows organizations or individuals to purchase trees and dedicate the tree to another individual or group. The cost of the tree, planting and the tag, which is inscribed with the honoree's name, is $150. The trees are planted at and maintained by CBF to develop the orchard grove or to enhance the landscape in keeping with mid-nineteenth century. Trees are selected with the advice of Hudson City Arborist Tom Munn. To order a tree or obtain more information call Case-Barlow Farm at 655-6987. Environmental Education May 16th at Case-Barlow Farm To enrich a study unit on life cycles, what better Hudson site for a field trip than the Farm? All Hudson Elementary second grade students will spend the morning at four stations where presenters from the community offer learning experiences. Birds and nesting Bette Klein from Wildlife Gardens Butterfly life cycles Ted Augustyne from Amber Gardens Growing, tasting and smelling herbs Herb Group of the Hudson Garden Club Soil components and "critters" within Russ Hansen and Curt Van Blarcum, WRA Each class will recieve a large puzzle to depict individual interpretations of the day's field trip to Case-Barlow Farm. Each student's piece recon- structs the whole puzzle for the class to review and remember the Farm event. Case-Barlow Farm Board of Trustees: Douglas Whipple, Paul Prill, Kathy Russell, David Leshner, Grant Aungst, Kay Bayless, Pat Belby, Pat Eldredge, Richard Grell, Hub Herendeen, Ken Jordan, Ned Kendall, Sue Krampf, Janet Marcinik, Linda Matty , Linda McDonald, Jim McKay, Mary Meldrum, Bob Porter, Nancy Waite Ex Officio: Joan Virostek, Maureen Huettich, and Arlene Grohl continued on back

Transcript of CASE - BARLOW FARM NEWS · CASE - BARLOW FARM NEWS Phone: 655-6987 Spring 2000 Preserving the Farm...

CASE - BARLOW FARM NEWSPhone: 655-6987 Spring 2000

Preserving the Farm DinnersFantastic Success

"The dinner was a poem," said one of the diners.Case-Barlow Farm's first annual special eveningsof dinner parties, each with a different theme andmenu, were held over three weekends. Our thanksto all hosts and hostesses:

Helen and Don BarlowJane and Ken BoydPat and Bill EldredgeRichard and Gay GrellKatie and George HoySusan and Ken JordanLynn and Ned KendallLiz and Nat LeonardLinda and Pete McDonaldSandra Pickut and Lee McManmsLinda and Bob MattySandy and Dave ReifGinger and Larkin RogersKathy and Bob RussellGrace and Bob SauerNancy and Rollin WaiteMonica and Jim Yurak

"The hospitality was superb!" Kudos to co-chairsNancy Waite and Linda Matty.

It's Time for Membership Renewal!!!

We count on your support to continue therestoration projects at the Farm. All membership feesare put to good use for restoration, landscaping,educational activities, cultural presentations andfamily events. Simply use the enclosed envelope tomail your renewal.

Annual family memberships run through May 31,2001 for $25 fee. You may make additionaldonations at any time. Thank you.

A Tree for Thee

The "A Tree for Thee" at CBF allowsorganizations or individuals to purchase trees anddedicate the tree to another individual or group. Thecost of the tree, planting and the tag, which isinscribed with the honoree's name, is $150. Thetrees are planted at and maintained by CBF todevelop the orchard grove or to enhance thelandscape in keeping with mid-nineteenth century.Trees are selected with the advice of Hudson CityArborist Tom Munn. To order a tree or obtain moreinformation call Case-Barlow Farm at 655-6987.

Environmental Education

May 16th at Case-Barlow Farm

To enrich a study unit on life cycles, what betterHudson site for a field trip than the Farm? AllHudson Elementary second grade students will spendthe morning at four stations where presenters fromthe community offer learning experiences.

Birds and nestingBette Klein from Wildlife Gardens

Butterfly life cyclesTed Augustyne from Amber Gardens

Growing, tasting and smelling herbsHerb Group of the Hudson Garden Club

Soil components and "critters" withinRuss Hansen and Curt Van Blarcum, WRA

Each class will recieve a large puzzle to depictindividual interpretations of the day's field trip toCase-Barlow Farm. Each student's piece recon-structs the whole puzzle for the class to review andremember the Farm event.

Case-Barlow Farm Board of Trustees: Douglas Whipple, Paul Prill, Kathy Russell,David Leshner, Grant Aungst, Kay Bayless, Pat Belby, Pat Eldredge, Richard Grell,Hub Herendeen, Ken Jordan, Ned Kendall, Sue Krampf, Janet Marcinik, LindaMatty , Linda McDonald, Jim McKay, Mary Meldrum, Bob Porter, Nancy WaiteEx Officio: Joan Virostek, Maureen Huettich, and Arlene Grohl

continued on back

Continued from front...

Restoration Continues...

Now you see it! Basement trenching, structuralrepairs, all new electrical wiring are finished. You willsee ... improved landscape, a freshly painted garageand, soon, plastering. Then the Anna Lee and JamesEllsworth chapters of Questers will decorate the frontrooms of the farmhouse in keeping with the historicalperiod of the mid 1800's. These chapters, along withDavid Hudson, recently received a $5000 grant to seethe project through.

The chicken coop and rear porch will bedemolished in May and the barn painted by July 1st,Hudson Fireworks Day.

Bicentennial Celebration

On Saturday, April 29, the Case-Barlow Farm hostedan Arbor Day planting of five new trees donatedthrough A Tree for Thee program.

To honor former Hudson Mayor Harold Bayless amagnolia was planted in the west front yard of thefarmhouse. He is honored by his family, friends andthe community which he serves.

In the orchard grove two historic Johnny AppleseedTrees were dedicated. Quester chapters Anna Lee andJames Ellsworth honored the memory of SusanHansen, former Case-Barlow Farm Executive Director.Bob and Marty Hills, as they dedicated the second,spoke of Hudson as a community which shaped theirfamily life and brought many personal fulfillments.

Ernest Caccamo has a dwarf old-fashioned apple treenear that of his wife, dedicated in his parents' memoryby son James and his wife Briana.

Ed and Nancy Aiken marked the Hudson Bicentennialwith a donation to Case-Barlow Farm of a dogwood,planted in the west side yard near the honeysuckle.The Aikens spoke of their interest in local historysaying that "Hudson is very dear to us." We thankthem for their work on behalf of Hudson'sBicentennial Celebrations and the Arbor Day event atCase-Barlow Farm.

McDowell third grade students of Ms. Caine, Mrs.Orwig, Mrs. Merrill and Mrs. Ott recited poems for theoccasion to the delight of 80 participants.

Susan Hansen was the first Executive Director ofCase-Barlow Farm. Having been trained in artsmanagement, Sue usedher strong networkwith Northeast Ohio's artscommunity to bring culturalevents to the Farm. BoardPresident, Doug Whipple,characterized Sue as "thelittle engine that could"bringing the Farm into local prominence as a cultural, arts,historical and education venue for visitors in and aroundHudson. Sue passed away February 28th. CBFcarries on with her vision and mission.

Reflections on Community ServiceRoss Wilson: Eagle Scout Candidate Troop #320

"Community Service is when everyone benefits from the work.Some friends from my troop, my dad and I put a lot of hours inpainting the garage at the Farm. We also moved the dog houseto a foundation we built to finish another scout's earlier project.Service is doing something because you want to."

Community Clean-Upper!

On Saturday April 15th, the adults were hard pressed tokeep up with the young people from the High School andBSA Troops 317, 320 and 327. Together we were apowerhouse work force digging, chopping, rippingwallpaper, pulling carpet, pushing wheel-barrows,removing doors and sinks .. . and sometimes having adonut or friendly chat.

Carducci Portrait of Barlow

Renowned artist Judith Carducci of Hudson donated toCBF her pastel portrait of Mr. Donald Barlow, most recentowner of Case-Barlow Farm. Board President DougWhipple and Judith unveiled the portrait at a reception atLaurel Lake which hosted Don's friends and his family,Helen and Dennis Barlow and Janet and Kerry Defer.

Judith is a selected member of the Degas Pastel Societyand The American Society of Portrait Artist. Ms.Carducci's artwork has been featured at national artshows, in Art Magazine, and in a new volume of The Bestof Portrait Painting. You can see the Barlow portrait atLaurel Lake or Ms. Carducci's work at Chursky Gallery inBath and The Whistle Stop Gallery in North Canton.