Casbis Project Final 2-22-2

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  • 8/14/2019 Casbis Project Final 2-22-2


  • 8/14/2019 Casbis Project Final 2-22-2


  • 8/14/2019 Casbis Project Final 2-22-2


    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 2

    Supplier Power


    Our industry requires a large amount of goods along withmultiple suppliers. We expect to purchase used and overstocked

    bulk equipment from multiple suppliers, such as nearby ski areas

    and manufacturing plants. By purchasing our supplies from thelocal area, our shipping expenses will naturally be lower.

    Threat of Substitute

    Products or Services

    X Since our mountain caters to the expert skier and rider, the threat

    of substitutes in the British Columbia area for the customers is

    limited. Although there are a large amount of substitutes for

    family-oriented vacations, the expert or local skier is unlikely tolook elsewhere. To sustain customer retention, each year that acustomer returns to our resort, he or she will receive a free one-

    day lift ticket (If they are able to present their ski pass from theprevious year).

    Threat of New



    Because the prime locations for skiable terrain are difficult tofind, new ski resorts are uncommon. Establishing a resortrequires a large amount of capital and marketing to make an

    entrance into the industry. Many customers have loyalties to

    preexisting competitors, so investors are unlikely to find a newresort financially viable. We recognize that this will be our mostdifficult obstacle to overcome. Therefore, in order to enter the

    mountain resort industry successfully, our company will

    implement effective marketing strategies.

    Rivalry Among




    The mountain resort industry is a highly competitive market. The

    large amount of suppliers of similar skiing services in BritishColumbia makes competitive pricing and marketing strategiesessential. By using local supplies and manufactured products on

    our mountain, the pricing of our lift tickets will be significantlylower than the more commercialized resorts in the area.

    Advanced skiers irritated with these overcrowded mountains willtransfer loyalty to our resort.

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 3

    3. Description of the competitive environment that is relevant to the use of the Web by the industry.Competitive Force and their Web Usage within the Industry


    Customers will use the Web to search the different opportunitiesavailable when trying to plan a ski vacation. While comparing the

    different websites that they visit, they are able to make a decision on

    their destination. Customers will also be looking for discounted prices,which could benefit our company. The high season and low season forvisitation will also decipher when many customers will be visiting our

    website to plan their trip.


    While a lot of our success depends on the amount of snow in our area(which changes form year to year), we will also have to have manysuppliers for the beginning of our resort. The Web is not particularly

    relevant to the use of our website because with the formation of a new

    ski resort we will be contacting the suppliers rather than they suppliers

    contacting us.

    New Entrants

    While new entrants have an advantage because they are able to analyze

    their competitors before actually entering the force, they are also at a

    disadvantage when trying to figure out exactly what it is that thecustomers are looking for. For the Web industry, new entrants will use

    the web to market and advertise to potential new customers.


    Our competitors will utilize the web to compare different ski resorts inorder to improve their websites in the future. If a competitor were to visit

    our website and see that we have a deal for Ski five days, get a sixthday free, then that competitor might feel compelled to do the same. Ourcompany will have to use the Internet in the same way to learn our


    Substitute Products

    The web will facilitate substitute products when a potential customer

    searches the web for vacations while not specifying what type ofvacation. Our customers will relate to other skiing areas along with

    beach resorts all over the world.

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 4

    4. Using what you have learned about good/bad web design in class and using class notes, pleaseidentify: four web sites in your industry that you believe are good and four that you consider

    poorly designed. (Each individual researches two companies.)

    Company Name Whistler Blackcomb Alta

    Web Sites URL




    Individual skiers and snowboarders or families

    looking for a family ski/snowboard vacation.

    This is a well-known ski area (especially with

    the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver), which willbring customers from all over the world.

    Altas target audience for their

    website would be aimed mainly

    towards skiers in the United

    States. This mountain does notallow snowboarders.

    Sites Purpose

    The sites purpose is not only to inform but

    also to provide vacation planning with rentals


    The sites purpose is to inform the

    customer along with the ability to

    purchase tickets online, but no ski

    rentals are available online.

    Good? (Yes/No) Yes No

    Design elements fromthe lecture notes/lecture

    that contributed to a



    - provide at least 3 for

    each site & explain;

    Attach website

    screenshots with

    discussed features

    highlighted with

    The homepage has a top navigation with drop

    down menus that give the customers easyaccess to find what he or she is looking for.The top navigation also includes a weather and

    snow base update. Along with the topnavigation, there is also a search bar where you

    can find what you are looking for immediately.

    The text-based bottom navigation gives further

    information about the company and also has

    the links for social media networks, such as

    Facebook, Twitter, and a mobile device


    There is a vacation planner available to the

    customer that compares different price dates.

    The entire website has a consistent layout with

    an easy return to the home screen by clicking

    on the main logo in the upper left hand corner

    A good color scheme does not turn thecustomer away and makes it easier to read the

    important facts. The homepage also includes

    online deals that will grab the customers eye

    with advertisements that change daily.

    The home pages image and

    pictures were inconsistent in sizeand of poor quality. We felt thatthis would fail to grab the

    customers attention and keepthem on the website.

    There is no bottom text-based

    navigation, which often includes

    the last updated date, the social

    media networks and copyrights.

    There is no easy way to plan your

    trip from the homepage. Whilethere is a link to guide you to

    where you could plan your trip,from this website you are not able

    to rent your skis online.

    Fresh Alta News does not

    contain information that would be

    relevant for ski customers. Thisbordered text-box is not appealing

    for someone that is visiting the

    website. While it starts off with

    notes of different news, eachbullet will stop in the middle of a


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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 5

    A great top navigation along with a good home icon thatwill always bring you back to the homepage helps makethis ski resort website good. The search engine at the topmakes finding information easier. The background

    pictures are a slideshow of pictures that catch the eye.

    This homepage is too cluttered and the picture size and

    quality is inconsistent.

    There is too much unused white space at the bottom ofthe home page, which does also not have bottom text-

    based navigation or a last updated date

    The drop down quality from the top navigation makes iteasy for the customer to find what he or she is looking

    for. Weather and snow updates are also located at thetop of the homepage.

    This bordered box of Fresh Alta News does notcontain information that is relevant for what many

    customers are seeking. The information for each bulletalso cuts off in the middle of sentences.

    There are several online advertisements that attractcustomers with price and a beautiful picture.

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 6

    Company Name Red Mountain Resort Sugar Mountain Resort

    Web Sites URL




    This resort targets a younger audience ofall skill levels. They target families and

    college students especially.

    The resort targets a young audience aswell as an older audience (70+).

    Sites Purpose

    To inform customers about the services

    and products they offer. The sites

    purpose is also to try to convince the

    viewers that this is a great spot to take avacation.

    To promote their business and all the

    services and events they offer

    Good? (Yes/No) Yes No

    Design elements from

    the lecture notes/lecture

    that contributed to a



    - provide at least 3 for

    each site & explain

    Attach website

    screenshots with

    discussed features

    highlighted with or

    This homepage as well as the

    corresponding pages are all at 1 to 1.5

    screens long. This allows viewers the

    ability to scan the page easily and find

    the information they desire quickly.

    Red Mountain keeps the empty space to

    a minimum, allowing the company to

    maximize the amount of information

    they advertise on their site.

    The picture slideshow and other imageswere adequate to keep the viewer'sattention. The pictures are all relevantand they allow the viewers to see

    different sides to the mountain.

    There is a lot of empty space that could

    be filled with advertisement of future or

    current events.

    There is not a good balance between

    words and pictures. The design lacks

    any creative appeal.

    The pages length is not compensated

    with information and creates moreunfilled space.

    Color scheme is not very youth friendly.

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 7

    The navigation tool bar is conveniently

    located at both the top and the bottom of the

    website (highlighted). The information is

    easy to find and the dropdown menus makesinformation easier to locate.

    There is a lack of balance between words

    and pictures. The top of the page is verybusy.

    Unused space is kept to a minimum and

    the pictures and color scheme make the

    website more attractive.

    There is a lot of unused space in the

    bottom half of the home page with few

    supporting text or pictures.

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 9

    Full screen shot of homepage, highlighting the lack o

    navi ation bar

    This is the most prominent box on the homepage witha very unclear meaning. The text doesnt provide the

    visitor with any helpful information.

    Examples of color usage and varying fonts

    Book your vacation online box in bottom right

    corner of homepage

    Full screen view with large image banner highlighted.

    Bottom right corner of the homepage highlighting text

    that is difficult to read. It is small and turned on its side.

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 10

    Company Name Mammoth Mountain Monarch Mountain

    Web Sites URL




    This site is geared towards local skiersand college-aged winter sport


    Monarch targets large families andoften less experienced skiers.

    Sites Purpose

    To promote their mountain resort to a

    younger-aged group of potential


    To appeal to large families through the

    use of bright colors and large pictures

    Good? (Yes/No) Yes No

    Design elements from

    the lecture notes/lecture

    that contributed to a



    - provide at least 3 for

    each site & explain

    Attach website

    screenshots withdiscussed features

    highlighted with or

    The navigation is located conveniently

    at the top of the webpage. Its design

    allows users to easily see the most

    visited parts of the page quickly.Whether their users want to plan a

    vacation or search for reality, this

    navigation bar provides for their needs.

    Mammoth Mountains website color

    scheme is easy on users eyes. The fade

    from dark blue to white implies the

    mountains snowy atmosphere, and theimportant icons are contrasted with a

    light brown.

    The webpage is separated into twosections. The first main section shows

    the navigation and main picture display.

    With a half page scroll, another section

    reveals local events and a trip planner

    for visiting parties.

    The amount of icons moving upon

    entering the website is overwhelming.

    This movement distracts users from the

    highest priority links. By reducing thenumber of moving parts, the website

    would improve greatly

    Monarch Mountains navigation is sub-

    par. Not only is it located at the bottom

    of the website, but it is difficult to

    move a cursor over to the multiple

    links. The horizontal expansion of linkscan frustrate users if it is not run


    Although the inference of snowexplains Monarch Mountains

    reasoning for the white color scheme, it

    is uncreative and too bright. It is

    difficult to tell when the page ends and

    useless white space begins.

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 11

    The main navigation bar is located at the top of

    the page. The live weather update box informs

    users of the slope condition. Finally, the bottom

    section informs users of upcoming events.

    This window shows the drop down feature

    to other links from the navigation bar.

    The bottom location of the navigation bar

    is unnatural to web users. In order to cater

    to the customers needs, Monarch should

    relocate this function.

    In the lower part of his page, an extensive

    amount of white space is unused

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 12

    5. Industry key competitors (Select four of the well designed websites from the previous section andhave each individual research their company in more depth. Include your perceptions/opinions in

    this section.)

    Competitors name and URL of the

    web site

    How (what features?)

    are they using on the


    What are their

    most effective

    or unique ways

    of using the


    What are their

    most ineffective

    ways of using

    the web?

    Whistler Blackcomb


    The top navigation

    makes it easy for thecustomers to find what

    they are looking for. If

    you can not easily findit right on thehomepage, then there

    is a search box at thetop right that only

    makes using the

    website easier. Thesocial networkinglinks are located in the

    bottom text-based

    navigation and includeFacebook and Twitter,along with a mobile

    application for phones.The simple color

    scheme is consistent

    throughout thewebsite, which reallyallows customers to

    see what they are

    looking for.

    They use their

    home screen asa slideshow of


    pictures of thearea. You areable to view

    pictures andvideos to get a

    better idea of

    what theatmosphere isactually like in

    Whistler. The

    pictures alsoallow customersto see other

    opportunities inthe different


    While the top

    navigation isdesigned great

    for this website,

    there is alsoanother topnavigation,

    which crowdsthe top of the

    page. The

    informationwould be betterfitted as part of

    the bottom text-

    based navigation

    Red Mountain Resort

    Red Mountain Resort

    uses simple navigation

    tools, images,

    consistent colorscheme, social

    networking links,

    calendar of events, andweather and

    temperature forecast.

    The color

    scheme and the

    pictures help to

    attract people toresearch further

    into the site. The

    top navigationbar is well

    organized andinformative, asseen through the

    utilization of the

    Though the

    navigation tool

    is great, the font

    size needs to bebigger. The

    home page

    contains a lot ofadvertisements

    and informationthat should beleft off of the

    home page to

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 13

    drop down

    menu. Theheader contains


    application suchas the weather

    panel and thesocial

    networkinglinks. There is

    also a video onthe site thatallows the

    viewers to

    witness a realresortexperience.

    make room for

    highlightingsome of their

    bigger events

    and programs.

    Sun Peaks Resort

    Sun Peaks website

    home page includes abox to book your

    vacation online,

    current weather and

    snow conditions,social networkinglinks, and links to

    current news andevents. Also included

    are a top navigationbar, a search bar,header and footer, a

    large image banner,and effective use of


    The most

    effectivefeatures of this

    website are the

    boxes for


    booking avacation online,

    and the mainphoto images.The site is very

    effectivelyorganized with

    boxes andmenus, and thecolor and text

    makes it veryaesthetically


    Sun Peaks could

    makeaccessibility to

    upcoming events

    easier, possibly

    including aquick link to anevent calendar.

    Also, thewebsite should

    be used topromote dealsand values to

    customers, asonly one small

    box shows aspecial deal.

    Mammoth Mountain

    The navigation bar is

    the initial feature seenby the user upon

    entering the site. It

    directs the user tomultiple helpful links

    in the website.

    Another importantfeature is an eye-pleasing color scheme.

    This part of website

    development appealsto the senses and

    The resort

    website not onlyfacilitates


    about the skiingarea, but also

    about the rest of

    the town.MammothMountain

    identifies that

    potentialcustomers will

    The icons at the

    top of the page(above the

    navigation bar)

    have thepotential to

    confuse a new

    customer.Mammoth couldimprove their

    site management

    by moving theselinks elsewhere.

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 14

    perceptions of the

    potential customer.Finally, networking

    links like Twitter,

    Facebook, and RSSkeep the customer

    linked to the resort.Updates and

    informationcommunication can be

    streamlined through

    the use of these sites.

    spend a large

    amount of theirtime in the

    closest town.

    Therefore, theirwebsite informs

    users ofupcoming

    events and otherattractions



    Once the extra

    links areremoved, the

    navigation bar

    will be the soleicon at the top of

    the screen.

    6. Industry Key Competitors - Web Site Ratings

    (Be sure to come up with three more criteria on your own.)





    Ease of







    Professionalism Social





    8 7 8 9 8 6 46



    8 7 6 7 7 7 39

    Sun Peaks


    10 9 9 10 9 8 55

    Mammoth 8 7 9 8 9 8 49

    Legend: 1-10, 1 being the lowest score, 10 being the highest possible. Overall out of 60.

    Company#1: Whistler Blackcomb

    Rating Explanation of Rating

    Website Content 8While there is very little text content on the home page, the top navigation

    easily leads the customers to the information that they are looking for. This

    website is simple, but it also displays all of the information necessary to plan avacation to Whistler.

    Ease of Navigation 7There is a top navigation that had drop-down boxes that separate activities

    and information. While there is no side navigation, there is a search box at thetop of the homepage which will search the entire website. Along with these twomain features, the bottom text-based navigation leads to the social media links

    which can give further information of the ski resort and even provide the ability

    to see the opinions of other people. The homepage also provides the opportunity

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 15

    to buy lift tickets as well as rent equipment for a vacation.

    Site Appearance 8The color scheme is not too overpowering for this website with the grays andreds. The color scheme is also consistent through the entire website which doesnot lead the customer to think that he or she has left the resort website. The

    pictures found on each page are clear and not too overbearing. They give the

    customer a visual of what they could see through the ability to access different

    links to pictures and cameras (including live cameras)Quality Of Images 9The image quality on the homepage is very high, along with the consistency

    of quality on other pages of the website. They are easy for the viewer to see andshow the customer a real life image of what it would be like to ski at Whistler


    Professionalism 8We felt like the professionalism for Whistler really stood out above other

    website that we viewed. Everything was consistent throughout every page whichdid not lead to any confusion when going from page to page.

    Social Networking 6The social media networking is very well distributed for this website. There

    are links to Facebook, Twitter, and mobile applications to download. These aregood applications to have on a website to draw different generations through the

    Web. The fact that they are at the bottom is not too overbearing on the rest of the


    Company #2: Red Mountain Resort

    Rating Explanation of Rating

    Website Content 8 Red Mountain Resort's website is very easy to read and its design is very upto date. The site contains answers to all the questions a customer wants to know

    within the navigation toolbar as well as on the homepage. The site contains acalendar of events, weather and temperature forecast, videos, and images, and

    ads highlighting current specials.Ease of Navigation 7The navigation bar presented at the top and bottom of the screen are easily

    identifiable; however, they are a little small. Any information you are looking for

    can be located on the navigation bar. The pages that the bar directs you to arekept on an average of one page, which makes the information even more


    Site Appearance 7It looks recently renovated and the color scheme is very effective for

    targeting a youthful audience. Although the home page contains pictures and avideo, the images add to the site appeal.

    Quality Of Images 7The picture slideshow located at the top of the page helps to advertiseupcoming events. The video also helps to showcase a authentic view of theresort.

    Professionalism 7The site maintains its professionalism throughout every page. It solidifies itsauthenticity through the copyright information and photo credits. There are no

    flashy or distracting images, and the website has consistent color scheme and

    layout throughout every page.

    Social Networking 7 The site contains four different mediums of social networking: Facebook,

    Twitter, YouTube, and RSS feed. They are located at the top of the site and they

    are big enough for people to identify them, but possibly distracting to the rest ofthe content.

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 16

    Company #3: Sun Peaks Resort

    Rating Explanation of Rating

    Website Content 10The website includes everything a visitor could hope to know about Sun

    Peaks. The home page includes a report of the current weather conditions, aBook Your Vacation box, and links to important news and events occurring on

    the mountain. The top navigation bar features well organized categories with

    links to all information on the site and a search bar. The footer includes allimportant information such as phone number, copyright and ownershipinformation, and links to administrative information.

    Ease of Navigation 9Navigation is very simple throughout the entire site. The main navigation barfeatures links to all the important information on the site, and it is easy todetermine what each subtitle links to. Within each section, a side bar appears

    with links to each subsection. The search option is also very helpful. The only

    addition that could make navigation even easier would be the inclusion of a sidenavigation bar on the home page with links to the most popular links.

    Site Appearance 9This website is very aesthetically appeasing. A large picture that stretches the

    width of the screen is the first aspect the eye notices. There is limited white spaceon the site, and it is organized neatly with boxes for each aspect. The headerincludes the resort logo, current weather conditions, and other links, while the

    footer is also neatly organized. The home page requires the visitor to only scroll

    down slightly to see more information. One suggestion to add to the siteappearance would be to revamp the company logo. Currently, the logo is very

    small and located only in the top left corner of the screen. A larger and higherquality graphic would certainly add to the appearance. The use of color is also

    highly effective; with certain links including color, but not overwhelming.

    Quality of Images 10The primary graphic on the page takes up a large percentage of the homepage. This graphic features pictures of the resort, and the photos change

    approximately every 5 seconds. It also has a link to a photo gallery. The homepage includes other small images in links to other pages within the site. Each

    different section and subsection features a large graphic at the top of the page,and other photos on the page.

    Professional 9This site includes all the important information to present the resort as aprofessional organization. It includes important content such as an onlinebooking option, information about copyrights and ownership, and contact

    information. The overall appearance of the site is very professional, with highquality images, use of color and fonts. The only aspect that could make the site

    appear more professional would be a larger, higher quality logo. The logo

    graphic is very small, slightly out of focus, and not extremely prominent on thepage.

    Social Networking 8Sun Peaks includes links on its website to social networking sites Facebook

    and Twitter. These images are seen in the header at the top of each page on thesite. The simple inclusion of these links is important, and the location of them inthe header is highly effective. However, each graphic is fairly small and not

    highly visible. Larger and more visible images would cause visitors to be more

    likely to visit these social networking sites, when currently, they simply blend in.

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 17

    Company #4: Mammoth Mountain Resort

    Rating Explanation of Rating

    Website Content 8This site ranks as one of our most impressive resort page. The key to scoring

    well begins with website content. Website content makes it user friendly andcaters to the needs of their target audience. Most needs imaginable for those

    seeking a ski vacation or information on Mammoth Mountain are managedeffectively.

    Ease of Navigation 7The navigation bar was located conveniently at the top of the webpage. Thedrop down function from the bar helped users move through the website

    conveniently. All of the links were well described, and if a user needed to make

    his or her way back to the original page, it was well facilitated by the main logoin the top-left corner.

    Site Appearance 9The overall site appearance was excellent. The color scheme was

    aesthetically pleasing, and the pictures chosen for each page on their websiteidentified well with the subject topic. Also, the limited number moving objects

    within the site kept the user from being distracted or overwhelmed. The overallfeel focuses on their college-aged audience.

    Quality of Images 8Although the main display features a large picture, the slide show function islimited. Providing more images to circulate through on the front display wouldhave given this website a higher score. In order to score well, Mammoth would

    need to feature multiple parts of their mountain.

    Professionalism 9A scale to critique website networking is often difficult to determine. Thenetworking link must be easily visible from the main page, but the number of

    links cannot be superfluous. A modest number of links allows users to connect to

    the resort without being overwhelming.

    Social Networking 8Overall, the professionalism of the website is adequate for their audience.

    Mammoths target audience is college-aged; therefore, they design their website

    accordingly. A corporate, more professional feel could turn away potential

    customers because of their perceptions of the mountain resort. BecauseMammoth effectively manages their online site in a professional manner, their

    score is high.

    7. The industrys strengths and weaknesses in regard to the effective use of the web?(at least 3 each)Strengths Weaknesses

    1. The opportunity to purchase your lift tickets


    1. Websites weaknesses start with animation and

    falling snow which is not professional are a

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 19

    10.Detailed description of the proposed new business, including mission/goals, services and productsit will offer, size, etc.

    Palladium Ski Resort is a ski resort focused on the actual mountain experience. Our services and

    products consist of the ski area itself. Primarily, our product is a lift ticket, which includes the ski lifts

    and runs for our customers to enjoy. Accompanying this basic need, Palladium will include diningservices, ski patrol services, and other on-mountain activities. The actual product that is sold will be a

    lift ticket; however, Palladium will supply all the necessary services to provide the customer with the

    best ski experience on the mountain.

    Our mission is to provide a high-intensity winter mountain destination, primarily geared towards

    experienced skiers and riders hoping to escape the large corporate resort environment, by maintaininga real connection to the local area. Our goal is to become the most popular ski area for advanced to

    expert skiers and riders not only in the British Columbia/Alberta area, but the greater North Americancontinent.

    11.Determine which of Porter's Three Generic Strategies you will use as you build your company forthe 21st century. Explain your answer.

    Palladium Mountain will use a differentiation strategy in order to achieve the highest profits. Becausebig-name ski areas like Whistler, Vail, and Jackson Hole overwhelm the mountain resort industry,Palladium must offer unique services to separate our company from historically popular resorts.

    Alternate services such as snow cat transportation to extreme terrain and inexpensive heli-ski access

    will attract expert skiers to Palladium. Our resort will not only be a product differentiator, but it willoffer lower prices. By providing an economic friendly resort, Palladium will appeal to frequentlyactive skiers. Through both product and price differentiation, our new British Columbian resort will

    find its market niche.

    12.Discuss the many eBusiness strategies that your company could use to increase revenue anddecrease cost.

    A. Company web sites target audience who will use the website (internally and externally), forwhat purpose and where are they located geographically?

    Our websites target audience will be aimed towards the more advanced skiers along with a local

    crowd. The terrain will be more difficult that many places, which makes our Resort not a great

    place for beginner skiers. Families will enjoy skiing here as long as there is experience byeveryone. People will be using our website to: 1) Decide that our Resort is where they would liketo ski or snowboard, and 2) Purchase tickets and reserve skis and snowboards for their vacation.

    Internally, we will use the website to update different promotions and price changes for ourcustomers to see. The weather and snow tracker will have to be update daily. As the managers of

    the website, we will also have to use the website internally as a means to track who has paid for

    their vacation and how many people will be estimated for a time. The geographical location ofour target audience will range from local skiers in the Canada area to customers from all over

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    INSC 20263 -- Project Proposal Page 20

    Canada and the United States. Our resort is located fairly close to two big cities in Canada, which

    gives customers the opportunity to decide to where they would like to fly.

    B. Companys website purpose:The main purpose of our website is to show that the quality location of our resort provides greatski service by allowing customers to buy their lift tickets and rent their skis or snowboards at the

    same time that they book their trip.

    C. Companys primary usage of the web

    a. Is the primary use going to be informational or transactional or both? Justify.The primary use of our website will be both informational and transactional. While our

    website will demonstrate the advantages of skiing at our resort, customers will also be

    able to plan their vacation and rent their equipment on our website.

    b. What pages will be found on the website? Please list major sections of the site.The major pages of our site will be Plan Your Vacation, Events/Activities, The

    Mountain, Rentals/Lessons, and Photos/Videos. Many subsections will be includedunder each in the drop-down navigation bar.

    c. Is the website primarily for B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to consumer) orboth? Justify.

    The website is primarily for Business to Consumer (B2C). We are the business and our

    consumers will be individuals or families who are planning a vacation to our resort.

    D. How can an eBusiness strategy help your company attract customers and increase sales?Through forming business relationships with multiple intermediaries, Palladium can increase its

    total sales. Intermediaries bring together buyers and sellers, or in our case, skiers and resorts.Travel-facilitating websites and search engines can provide increased visibility to potential

    customers for Palladium as well.

    E. How could eBusiness strategy help customer service?Potential customers of Palladium have specific wants and needs. Information such as weather

    updates, snow condition reports, and ski run openings can be facilitated through eBusiness.Customer service is key to a differentiation strategy. Furthermore, because our alternate services

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    increase the amount of interaction with patrons, our service is critical to customer retention. By

    using our website and other technology effectively, Palladium can provide quality service thoughthe internet.

    F. How could you use an eBusiness strategy to partner with suppliers?In order to fully integrate our company and our suppliers, we will use e-procurement. Thisstrategy uses the Internet to facilitate the purchase and sale of supplies over the internet. Becausethe materials needed to run our resort do not need interpersonal interaction with suppliers, the use

    of technology is essential. E-procurement will facilitate an efficient way to link us to the suppliers

    necessary to run Palladium Mountain Resort.

    G. How could a portal help your employees?A ski resort portal could be helpful to our employees. This would allow our employees to

    research information around the industry to determine pricing, and possibly consider ideas for

    new services. Also, a portal could be a very good opportunity for purchasing equipment fromsuppliers, as well as selling used equipment to other companies in the industry.

    H. How could a kiosk help your business?A kiosk could definitely be helpful for our business. Placing a computer system in the main

    mountain lodge with access to the Internet could be very beneficial to customers. Customerscould research current mountain statistics, trail maps, ticket purchasing information, and other

    helpful information. This would allow customers to feel more connected to the ski area, to bemore comfortable on the mountain, and discover services they may not have been familiar withthat Palladium can provide. Kiosks can also be located away from the ski area for customers to

    purchase lift tickets in advance. These potential locations could include grocery stores, ski shops,and hotels.

    I. What types of metrics would you want to track on your eBusiness Web site? Be sure to justifyyour answers.

    We would want to track interactivity measurers for our website. We would want to know thenumber of visitors we receive, how long a visitor spends on the site, how many pages they view,

    and how often they return to the site. These are important for advertisers, but also for our own

    benefit. We could compare how decisions we make influence our site visitors, such as marketingpromotions, changes to the website, advertising, and more. Tracking clickstream data would also

    allow us to analyze the effectiveness of our site design by knowing how visitors navigate throughthe site. Cookies, click-through, and banner ads are all possible metrics that could help us

    measure our site effectiveness.

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    Appendix: Storyboard for your new companys website homepage

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    Works Cited

    "Industry Overview: Ski Facilities."Hoovers: A D&G Company . First Research, Web. 22 Feb 2010.


    Sandler, Corey. Ski and Snowboard America. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Contemporary, 2000. 176-271.


    "US Ski & Snowboard Industry Market Research Report."IBIS World. Web. 22 Feb 2010.
