Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica Project Overview: Lead Organization: CINPE (CR) Partners: 1. NCD (Bhutan), Objective: “Systematization And Analysis Of The Contributions Of The National Parks And Biological Reserves To The Economic And Social Development In Costa Rica, Benin And Bhutan” Description: The project will analyzed the relationships between national parks and economic activities and communities in Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica, through a methodological approach created in Costa Rica. Beneficiaries: Direct: The National Ministries of environment in each country Institutions that gather information about the National Park. Indirect: Local, regional and national users of Nationals Parks and Biological Reserves. Communities Economic activities around the national parks selected. Reciprocity of the project: Costa Rica helps Benin and Bhutan to measure the economic impact of biological reserves, in both countries. Results / Progress: Environmental: conservation and sustainable management of natural resources in the different countries in the world. Social: helps to improve the living standards of the local communities through ecotourism as an alternative source of livelihoods in Wild Protected Areas. Economic: would help to generate alternative sources of income from ecotourism for local communities. Gender Equity: Equal gender representation and participation from local communities and stakeholders. Systematization and analysis of the contributions of the National Parks and Biological Reserves to the economic and social development in Costa Rica, Benin and Bhutan (03-T-07) Indicators: ü 8 case studies with the characterization of the most important socio-economic activities and communities with direct and indirect relation to the selected parks (3 in CR, 3 in BH and 2 in BE). ü 2 workshops realized in Costa Rica: o Feedback from experts in National Parks and Biological Reserves management of CR o Validation of the methodology for the selection of the national parks that are going to be analyzed


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Transcript of Cartera de Proyectos

Page 1: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: CINPE (CR)

• Partners: 1. NCD (Bhutan),

Objective: “Systematization And Analysis Of The Contributions Of The National

Parks And Biological Reserves To The Economic And Social Development In Costa Rica, Benin And Bhutan” Description: The project will analyzed the relationships between national parks and economic activities and communities in Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica, through a methodological approach created in Costa Rica.

Beneficiaries: Direct:

• The National Ministries of environment in each country

• Institutions that gather information about the National Park.


• Local, regional and national users of Nationals Parks and Biological Reserves. Communities

• Economic activities around the national parks selected.

Reciprocity of the project:

Costa Rica helps Benin and Bhutan to measure the economic impact of biological reserves, in both countries.

Results / Progress:

• Environmental: conservation and sustainable management of natural resources in the different countries in the


• Social: helps to improve the living standards of the local communities through ecotourism as an alternative source of livelihoods in Wild Protected Areas.

• Economic: would help to generate alternative sources of income from ecotourism for local communities.

• Gender Equity: Equal gender representation and

participation from local communities and stakeholders.

Systematization and analysis of the contributions of the National Parks and Biological Reserves to the economic and social development in Costa Rica, Benin and Bhutan (03-T-07)


ü 8 case studies with the characterization of the most important socio-economic activities and communities with direct and indirect relation to the selected parks (3 in CR, 3 in BH and 2 in BE).

ü 2 workshops realized in Costa Rica:

o Feedback from experts in National Parks and Biological Reserves

management of CR o Validation of the

methodology for the selection of the national parks that are going to be analyzed

Page 2: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: INBIo (CR)

• Partners: 1. FSA Université


2. NMC (Bhutan) Objective: “The three organizations will work in close collaboration to enhance the institutional capacity to offer new products and services to society, as part of their efforts towards the conservation and sustainable utilization of biological resources.” Description: This project includes: institutional capacity and institutional developments, linking domestication, cultivation and marketing of mushrooms and insects management. Beneficiaries:

Users of implementation agencies services, more specifically insects and mushrooms local producers.

Reciprocity of the project:

Experts from Benin taught to Costa Rican and Bhutan’s technical’s on edible insects to be introduced as a means of income. Bhutan Experts teach about the treatment of edible fungi in Costa

Rica and Benin. Costa Rica (INBio) helps to organize the traditional knowledge (on fungi and insects) of the other two countries in scientific knowledge.

Results / Progress:

• Economic: the Project systematizes and generates information and technologies for improving and developing

new products from the wild biodiversity that will meet market demands.

• Environmental: to improve and look for new sustainable

productive activities.

Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica: Non Timber Forest Products (02-T-07)

Page 3: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: INBIo (CR)

• Partners: 1. CERGET (Benin), 2. NBC (Bhutan)


“The three organizations will work in close collaboration to enhance the institutional capacity to offer new information products and services to society as part of their efforts towards the conservation and sustainable utilization of biological resources.”


Specifically, this project includes: software development and management activities between the three countries in order to build capacities in Biodiversity Information Management.


Generators and users of information

about biodiversity from the three

countries (by regions, by taxonomic group, by use, among others)

• Benin: Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Nature (MEPN), Department of Forestry and Natural Resources (DFRN) and Research Centre for Biodiversity and Land Management (CERGET)

• Bhutan: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and Non Governmental Organizations (Royal Society for Costa Rica: Protection of Nature (RSPN) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), in Bhutan.

• Costa Rica: National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS), National Museum of Costa Rica (MNCR) and INBio.

Reciprocity of the Project:

Costa Rica, Benin and Bhutan are developing a biodiversity information system (BIS) for each country based on the requirements of the stakeholders Information system engineers from Costa Rica designed the software for the BIS in Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica. Information is compiled. The website of Costa Rica was launched on November 2009 ( Results/Progress

• Environmental: the project supports the territorial planning and the process of decision making that aid the conservation actions.

• Social: support the territorial planning and the

process of decision making that aid the conservation actions

• Research Documents

• Web portal with biodiversity information of the 3 countries.

Collaboration between, Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica in capacity development for biodiversity information management. (1-T-07)


ü Needs are identified and prioritized for the design of the information system in Benin (workshop with 13 stakeholders from 12 institutions) and Bhutan (workshop with 14 stakeholders from 4 institutions). INBio participated in both events;

ü Project web page available at:

ü A procedures manual (in Spanish, English and French) has been developed and distributed among the partners.

ü Institutional linkages between INBio, CERGET and NBC developed and formalized.

ü 50 direct beneficiaries. ü 46 participants at needs

assessments workshops

Page 4: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: ACEPESA (CR)

• Partners: RSPN (Bhutan)


“To improve state of environment through establishing an integrated and

sustainable solid waste management system and raising awareness of the

people in both rural and urban area of Bhutan and in the Hatillo district of the

San Jose Municipality, Costa Rica with the participation of the stakeholders”


Among others, inadequate management of solid waste and waste waters are some of the conspicuous issues arising either due to insufficient infrastructure planning or municipal facilities and services. Under the framework of this project, it is planned to develop and implement an intervention with the objective to design and implement an integrated and sustainable solid waste management system, which will later be

used as a model for its application in other places. Beneficiaries: Bhutan: Municipalities of Thimphu, Phuntsholing, Paro, Gaylegphug and Samdrupjonkhar

Costa Rica: in San Jose; Population from

the District of Hatillo, San José.

Reciprocity of the Project:

Bhutan copy recycling activities conducted successfully in Costa Rica as

a model. City of San José cooperates with the city of Thimphu. Results/Progress:

• Environmental: improvement of hygiene conditions of the

community selected. As well as improving the aesthetic value

of the community.

• Social: improvement of living conditions related to unhygienic environment

• Economic: economic opportunities from the frequency of visitors, healthy lives leading to better production capacities of all residents of targeted areas and especially in Costa Rica new jobs for people in the district.

Clean Bhutan and Costa Rica: design and implementation of an integrated and sustainable system for solid waste management in the city of San José, Costa Rica and in Bhutan. (04-B-07)


ü 241 tons of solid waste has been collected from the District of Hatillo.

ü 8 campaigns of nontraditional waste collection have been completed and shared with the Ministry of Work and Human Settlement in Bhutan and the mayor of San José in Costa Rica.

ü 247 people (196 women and 51 men) have participated in an environmental education program in schools and local communities.

ü Celebration of Clean Bhutan Day

ü 1 transfer centre that will be administrated by the “Asociación de Desarrollo” in Hatillo, Costa Rica

ü 90 people trained. ü 21 local governments

beneficiated. ü 2 communities beneficiated/

participating in the project

Page 5: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Nature Tropicale Benin.

• Partners: 1. Renewable Energy

Division, Dept of Energy, Bhutan

2. BUN-CA Objective: “Enhance energy security and poverty alleviation through public-private partnerships in Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica.” Description: The Project is expected to create awareness on the availability and the benefits of sustainable and renewable energy technologies, importance of energy conservation and efficient use of energy in the SDA member countries. This lack of awareness leads to perception of RETs and energy efficient

technologies are expensive and as a consequence discourage adoption of such technologies. Beneficiaries: Policy makers, private sector, schools, local communities and community-based NGO’s. Reciprocity of the Project: The three countries cooperate with each other in the development and implementation of renewable energy for the micro, small and medium enterprises. Results/Progress:

• Economic: Energy conservation opportunities have been implemented achieving on an average 10% savings of the electric bill.

• Enviromental: reduction in energy

consumption in kWh and the consequent mitigation of CO2 emissions.

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Technological Institute of Costa Rica. Gender Equity Office

• Partners: GRAD-FB – BENIN Objective: “To create and transfer the environmental and human standard to women’s productive enterprises in Costa Rica and Benin in order to contribute to its sustainability” Description: The project pretends to identify the human and environmental risks that both organizations (PEG-ITCR, GRAD-FB) target groups are facing. This action will lead both to propose environmental and human standards that will help to minimize risks and obtain real benefits. These standards will consider each country´s cultural, ethnical, regional,

and legal aspects. At this point, the benefits will go to the productive enterprises.

Beneficiaries: Costa Rica: Association of Women of Söki; Association of Alakölpa Kanewak and Ecotourism and Organic Agriculture Association of Shuabb Benin: Cofpages Group, Cojesain Group and Center of Tegbo Reciprocity of the Project: The ITCR and GRAD-FB will share experiences and knowledge in the followings areas:

• Certification methodologies. • Organic agriculture. Both

countries share experiences in order to identify friendly environmental technologies

• Program of occupational security and hygiene.

• An environmental care program for different initiatives.

Awareness Program and development of low-cost renewable technologies in Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica. (05-T-08)


ü Website established and information dissemination platform available on-line;

ü Manuals/ guidelines on the use of renewable technologies for small enterprises available in English, French, and Spanish.

ü 3 training technical missions for sharing experiences

ü 16 demonstrative low-cost photovoltaic systems are available and installed in target groups in Benin

ü 120 solar kits for powering transistor radios and lighting devices and cooking devices are made available in Benin and replicated in Bhutan at lower scale.

ü 166 direct beneficiaries.

Finding suitable standards for micro and small environment-friendly businesses run by women from Benin and Costa Rica. (04-P2-07)


ü 30 farmers trained on organic cultivation/ 10 people trained in waste management.

ü 66 people trained in sustainable technologies.

ü 10 families participating in waste management programs.

ü 6 organic products/species developed.

ü 85 direct beneficiaries. ü 7 organizations beneficiated. ü 38 people trained on

entrepreneurial and managerial skills

ü 15 activities organized with gender equity principles

ü 3 private organizations beneficiating with better gender equity information for decision making process.

Page 6: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: COOPRENA (CR)

• Partners: 1. TCB (BH).

• Location: • Execution Period:


“Better position of Zhemgang Dzongkhag, and selected communities in the Rio San Juan Basin as a sustainable tourism destination so that communities have direct employment and benefits from tourism to supplement their livelihood while conserving nature and preserving culture”


The central of this Project is to implement specific strategies of sustainable tourism development that allow a better insertion of local populations in tourism development. Comparably, local, managerial and academic actors will be looked for who can learn one from another from the execution experiences of the project.


Bhutan: the communities and the tourism industry from the Zhemgang Dzongkhag.

Costa Rica: Asociación Cultural, Ambiental y Turística Los Chiles, Asociación de Mujeres de San Antonio (AMSA), Asociación Ulima de Caño Negro, Asociación de Guías y Transportistas Acuaticas de Caño Negro

Real Tours, Fundación Sostenbilbe para el Desarrollo de Vida Silvestre de Caño Negro (FUNCANE), Asociación de Mujeres Productoras de Mariposas, Asociación Lhajarra Jutu, Asociación Comité de Mujeres Indígenas and Asociación Indígena Kabekwa de Costa Rica.

Reciprocity of the Project:

The participants from Bhutan as well as the ones from Costa Rica want to apply sustainable tourism development strategies that will allow the better positioning of local social groups in social vulnerability situation. For example, Costa Rica shares with Bhutan the experience in sustainable tourisms this could help Zhemgang Dzongkhag as a new zone for this kind of activity.


• Local communities are benefit because of the generation of additional incomes by the tourism that complements their normal subsistence.

• Mutual learning of certain Costa Rican and Bhutan touristic aspects.

• Conservation of the environment and the preservation of the culture and the economical and social development.

Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in Zhemgang Dzongkhag (Bhutan and Rio San Juan Basin (Costa Rica-Nicaragua) (02-B-07)


ü 2 experiences exchange events ü 3 Marketing tools developed to

access the Sustainable Tourism

market ü New touristic infraestructure

(roads, camping zone, bathrooms, comercialization office)

ü Website for promotion, www.gosustainabletourism.

ü 229 direct beneficiaries. ü 144 people participating in

productive activities ü 25 people trained. ü 13 trained on entrepreneurial

and managerial skills. ü 165 beneficed families. ü 5 indigenous trained. ü 13 local administrators trained in

sustainable tourism.

Page 7: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Asociación Ciudad Hogar Calasanz

• Partners: 1. Ciudad hogar

Calasanz, costa rica / 2. GRAD FB Benín


“The integral socio-professional and technical insertion of young people, specially girls in social risk and poverty conditions, to the work force and productive chain of each country, in Allada, Benin and Hogar Calasanz de San Jose, Costa Rica. It also aims to create conditions of a real participation of populations by giving them subsequent skills likely to assure themselves to handle their development and consequently the development of their locality of existence, is a peculiar and fundamental ambition of this project.”


A rescue center and productive project for each center is being established: hydroponics in Costa Rica, and weaving and sewing center at Benin, where the young boys and girls will be studying, being taken care, and trained at the same time, to teach them an occupation.


Young boys and girls in social risk of Costa Rica and Benin

Reciprocity of the Project:

The problems of young boys and girls in general, are about the same from one country to another. Costa Rica can support Benin in the concept of establishment of a center as Hogar Calasanz, not only in growing hydroponic vegetables, but in other occupations as mechanics, computers, bakery, etc.

Specifically, in the hydroponic production, Costa Rica can transfer knowledge to Benin, in production techniques, environmental care, packaging and commercialization, and help teaching people in this method of food production, for their own consumption and to sell. Costa Rica can also help Benin in design and commercialization of the weaving and sewing products.

The projects also intend to impact in each locality, by their diffusion and promotion of similar experiences to other teenagers in similar conditions.


• Environmental: In Costa Rica, the permits to build the project respecting the environment are granted. In Benin, a solar system to provide clean energy to the project is going to be installed.

• Social: o Basic education to young

girls and boys o Effective Learning and

education o Insertion in the work

force o Establishment of micro

enterprises. o Promotion of culture and

the reinforcement of the self esteem of the teenagers.

• Economic: training of the teenagers helps to reduce the unemployment and promotes the national economy. In the case of Benin, the

development of profitable activities, as weaving and sewing, allows the local economy to take a real growth.

• Gender Equity: integration and fully participation of women.

Project of education, socio-economical and socio professional insertion of young people in social risk in Costa Rica and Benin (09-B-08)


ü 30 direct beneficiaries ü 28 people trained in sustainable

technologist. ü 62 teenagers on social risk

trained in technical skills. ü 62teenagers in social risk trained

in entrepreneurship ü 25 teenagers alphabetized. ü 7 governmental organizations

beneficiated ü 3 private organizations

beneficiated ü 6 NGOs beneficiated

ü 94 communities beneficiated/participating in the

project ü 4470 beneficiated families

ü 10 international experiences exchange events

Page 8: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: ACICAFOC (Asociación Coordinadora Indígena y Campesina de Agroforesteria Comunitaria Centroamericana)

• Partners: 1. INRAB (Institut

National Des Recherches Agricoles Du Benin)


“ Develop and validate a methodology

for organic pineapple production and put it for the implementation and use of small producers of Costa Rica and Benin, in order to produce in a rentable and environmentally friendly way and at the same time have access to good market prices and improve their economic and social status.”


The project consists of the generation and promotion of the use of small producers of a technological package for organic pineapple production adapted to Costa Rican and Benin conditions.


Small producers of pineapple from

Costa Rica and Benin.

Reciprocity of the Project:

- Small farmers of Benin and Costa Rica are implementing an agricultural technological package for producing organic pineapple developed in Costa Rica.

- Costa Rican technicians are training and monitoring the implementation of the technology.

- ACICAFOC and INRAB are working on the commercialization of the pineapple produced.


• Environmental: o efficient use of the

available resources o elimination of chemical

pesticides, this action impacts positively the biological stability of the ecosystems, increasing the life span with the corresponding benefit for the farmers.

• Social: the reduction in the use of chemical pesticides impacts

directly in the quality of life of the workers and their families through a reduction of intoxication.

• Economic: the increase of family income achieved through better profits for the sale of a product with a differentiated price in the markets.

Strategy for Development of a Technological Package for Organic Pineapple Production in Costa Rica and Benin NTFP (03-B-07)


ü 15 producers with (increased)

incomes by sustainable production systems.

ü 15 farmers converted to organic production

ü 15 producers with organic certification

ü 15 producers marketing sustainability products

ü 37 direct beneficiaries. ü 16 people trained in sustainable

technologies ü 15 small producers/farmer

beneficiated by the projects ü 15 small producers/farmers

trained ü 12 families that improved their

annual incomes ü 2 new products/services

exported. ü 15 beneficed families.

Page 9: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Bio Bhutan, Bhutan

• Partners: 1. Central American

Indigenous and Peasant Coordination Association for Community Agroforestry (ACICAFOC).


“Value addition to natural resources through product development and marketing in Bhutan and Costa Rica.”


A rescue center and productive project for each center is being established: hydroponics in Costa Rica, and weaving and sewing center at Benin, where the young boys and girls will be studying, being taken care, and trained at the same time, to teach them an occupation.


Farmers of the Lemon Grass Cooperative, Bepam Lemon Grass Management Committee (BLGMC), Phuensum Community Forestry Management Group (PSCFMG), ASOMAG, Asociación de Productores La Amistad-Biolley, Asociación para la Conservación y

Manejo de los Recursos Forestales (ASCOMAFOR), Asociación de Mujeres de Quebrada Grande, and Asociación de Productores Agropecuario de los Ángeles.

Reciprocity of the Project:

Costa Rica is learning from the experience of Bio-Bhutan in marketing.


• Environmental: No

industrial fertilizers and pesticides are used.

• Social: sale of new products have a direct social impact on communal groups in Bhutan and Costa Rica.

• Economic: direct impact on the cash income of participating community groups in Bhutan and Costa Rica through premium prices paid for organic certified raw material and the value addition to natural products through the

development of new products (herbal soaps).

Bhutan - Costa Rica Cooperation on Development of Organic Soap (20-B-08)


ü 41 direct beneficiaries ü 39 people participating in

productive activities ü 18 people trained ü 39 small producers/farmers

beneficiated by the projects ü 18 small producers/farmers

trained ü 18 farmers trained on organic

cultivation ü 15 people trained on

agricultural techniques ü 15 trained on business

management ü 5 communities

beneficiated/participating in the project

ü 4.2 hectares used for organic production

ü 39 beneficed families

Page 10: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Puni Gakhil Handicrafts (Bhutan)

• Partners: 1. RSE CONSULTORES

S.A (Costa Rica) Objective:

“Enhance a sustainable income activity for the under privileged group of the society in Bhutan and

Costa Rica by building a common capacity for sustainable handcrafts production and commercialization using the collective expertise and funding from the Programme for South-South Cooperation.”


The project proposal aims to promote the rich traditional arts and crafts and use that as a means to generate sustainable income for unprivileged people in Costa Rica and Bhutan.


900 artisans from Bhutan and Costa Rica The process will also impact other social groups like crafts associations, NGOs and traders.

Reciprocity of the Project:

- PGH (Bhutan) is supporting Costa Rica artisans on training of quality standards and techniques. Both countries are developing a handicraft with design from Costa Rica and Bhutan, both together.

- A web site was created to commercialize by e-commerce, handicraft from Costa Rica and Bhutan. ( - Costa Rica professionals are supporting Bhutanese artisans on

marketing and commercialization - Costa Rica is designing and will implement handicrafts courses following the model of the Institute for Zorig Chusum.


• Environmental: o two villages reduced

the hazards created from non degradable wastes as we propose to introduce casting activities and recycle wastes like empty beer canes

o Replacement strategy adapted by all the artisans of the project for usage of raw materials.

• Social: o Support to existent

handcraft micro enterprises

o Income on product sales

o Enhance of local production

• Economic: o Activation of local

economy o Generation of local

enterprises o Impact on the

generation of indirect employment

o Activation of specialized tourism

Sustainable Native Costa Rica and Bhutan Handicrafts Production and Commercialization (24-B-08)


ü 140 direct beneficiaries ü 5 community based

organizations benefited ü 5 communities

benefited/participating in the project.

ü 3 technologies* transferred between participant countries

ü 33 people trained in sustainable technologies

ü 33 indigenous trained ü 16 new technologies or

products of sustainable production developed

ü 8 activities organized with gender equity principles.

Page 11: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: National Institute of Innovation and Agriculture Transference Technology (INTA), Department of Transference and Information Technology (TIT) in Costa Rica

• Partners: 1. The Information and

Communication Services (ICS) of the Ministry of Agriculture in Bhutan.


“To contribute with the competitiveness of the farming chains production, developing local capacities on knowledge management for the technological interchange, between Costa Rica and Bhutan.”


Promote friendly and sustainable technologies methodologies that induce to a change in the productive capacities and skills using knowledge management and adapt the platforms VERCON-Bhutan and PLATICAR-Costa Rica to support the processes and the interchange of technologies. It is necessary to built local capacities in leader farmers, extension agents and researchers in those methodologies and technological options in both countries for the sustainable of the processes beyond the project.


Costa Rica: Leader farmers member of Asociación Progresista de Productores de la Argentina (ASPPROA), Asociación de Gestores Locales del Caribe, Asociación de Productoras y Productores de Asentamientos Unidos, Asociación de Productores y

Productoras Agroecológica e Industrial del Caribe (AGROECO), Asociación de Productores de Leche de Cuatro Esquinas (APROLECE) and Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Osa. Bhutan: researchers and extension agents from the RNR Information and Communication Services, Ministry of Agriculture in Bhutan Ministry for Environment, Ministry for Agriculture, Ministry for Economy

Reciprocity of the Project:

- Costa Rica and Bhutan are sharing knowledge on sustainable agricultural technologies. Costa Rican experts are training Bhutanese farmers on good practices that are implemented in Costa Rica; for instance biodigesters, grass silos. - Both countries have developed friendly environment technologies that can be used each other and also communication and information methodologies as the interaction systems researchers and extension agents that was been implemented in Bhutan. - A common interest in use the ICT and communication to support the technology transfer. The platforms VERCON from Bhutan and PLATICAR from Costa Rica have are sharing information of technologies.


• Environmental: o The Project changes the

harmful practices to the environment and gets the knowledge about friendly environment technologies.

o Adoption of soil conservation practices.

o Lower contamination by agricultural and livestock residues through the manufacturing of organic manures and biogas.

o Less use of synthetic plaguicides and fungicide

• Social: o Less contact with

dangerous chemicals.

o Better life quality, health, and social stability

• Economic: o Bonus prices for the

organic products and access to specialized and emergent markets as the gourmet or certified green products.

o Reduction of the production cost.

National Institute of Innovation and Agriculture Transference Technology (INTA), Department of Transference and Information Technology (TIT) in Costa Rica (05-B-07)


ü 40 people alphabetized. ü 55 producers applying new

technologies/ products of sustainable production.

ü 338 direct beneficiaries.

ü 205 people trained in sustainable technologies.

ü 215 small producers/farmer beneficiated by the projects

ü 100 small producers/farmers trained

ü 28 communities beneficiated/participating in the

project ü 8 new products and 4 new

services ü 35 families that improved their

annual incomes. ü 10 new hectares used for

organic production ü 58 women involved in decision

making. ü 4 governmental organizations


Page 12: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Fundación PROAGROIN

• Partners: 1. Organisation

Béninoise pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture Biologique (OBEPAB)

Objective: “This project aims at contributing to the improvement of the socio-economic and productive small pineapple producers by improving the technology for the production of organic pineapple in Benin and the agro-processing organic and Fair Trade yellow pineapple in Costa Rica” Description: This project aims to pineapple crop and their agroindustrial process, represent good business opportunities to seek to improve the quality of life of rural families which can be linked to this activity.

Beneficiaries: Benin: Approximately 300 farmers are involved in the organic pineapple Costa Rica: 250 families from small producers of pineapple

Reciprocity of the Project: - Small farmers of Benin and Costa Rica are implementing an agricultural technological package

for producing organic pineapple developed in Costa Rica. - Costa Rican technicians are training and monitoring the implementation of the technology. - ACICAFOC and INRAB are working on the commercialization of the pineapple produced.


• Social: development and poverty alleviation in the growing areas.

• Economic: the market of

organic and fair products offer premium to farmers, thus increasing their income.

• Environmental: o Preservation of trees in the field and use of environmental friendly innovations.

o Use and disposal of waters in the process plant.

Organic and Fair Trade Fresh Fruits and Agroindustrial Production of Pineapple (03-B-08)


ü 195 direct beneficiaries ü 12 communities

benefited/participating in the project

ü 1 new product. ü 3 new services ü 200 people trained in

sustainable technologies. ü 822 people participating in

productive activities. ü 20 hectares used for organic

production ü 11 new centers of production

operating ü 195 small producers/farmer

benefited by the projects

Page 13: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Ecole

Experience (CR)

• Partners: 1. ABTO (BH).


“This project aims to strengthen the capacity and influence the tour operator associations and members in Bhutan and Costa Rica to improve market linkages with the United States and Western Europe in a sustainable way. These market linkages will be improved by developing institutional linkages, destination marketing and by establishing a social, environmental, and economic sustainable base for the private sector.”


This project embodies the capacity strengthening of national tour operator associations in order to improve service delivery to member organizations. Improvement of service delivery is mainly focused on the development of business knowledge and consumer awareness about sustainable tourism services.


Bhutan: member organizations of ABTO and Tour Operators in Bhutan

Costa Rica: 29 sites of service providers and tour guides in Costa Rica.

Reciprocity of the Project:

Develop of a common web portal for joint marketing:

Joint promotion of tourism products.


• Environmental: less production waste by the tour operator associations and its members.

• Social: the project support the possible restructuring of the tour operator associations which includes

the introduction of cost-effective mechanisms and possible income generating structures to generate the much needed funds to improve services provided to its members.

Strengthening Tour Operator Associations in Bhutan and Costa Rica: Improving Market Linkages for Sustainable Tourism with the United States and Western Europe (06-B-07)


ü 44 direct beneficiaries ü 44 people trained ü Common web portal :

ü 7 regional workshops to guides of Rural Community Tourism handed by ACTUAR and UNED

ü 1 video called "Walking toward sustainability: Best Practices, CST- Training tour operators - tour guides in business development skills and the integration of social, environmental, gender"

ü Negotiation with "" to develop a workshop of the project in Holland

ü Meetings with CANAECO are held as part of the steering relations in sustainability in both countries - Costa Rica and Bhutan

Page 14: Cartera de Proyectos

Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: INTA (CR)

• Partners:

1. Association of Bhutanese Tour

Operators (ABTO) in Bhutan


“This project aims to support and introduce sustainable tourism product development and infrastructure through community participation for income generation and develop guidelines for effective management.”


The project will enhance the practice of adventure activities in Bhutan in order to benefit the communities by participating with the visitors, and in Costa Rica the community close to the most popular river for rafting will be developed so that tourists can visit as well as practice adventure activities.


Bhutan: ABTO Secretaria, the Tourism

Council of Bhutan, Tour operators and the local communities of Punakha


Costa Rica: The community of el Tigre.

Reciprocity of the Project:

Costa Rica helps Bhutan in the implementation in the country of adventure tourism products as rafting and kayaking.

Costa Rica provides training for tour operators in Bhutan with the latest international standards and safety standards.

Bhutan shares his knowledge on how to involve the community in tourism activities.


• Environmental: This project introduces sustainable tourism

product development and infrastructure through

community participation for income generation and

develops guidelines for effective management.

• Social: the project support the

sharing of ideas and experiences between Association of Bhutanese Tour Operators and the Rios Tropicales and the establishment of good network for joint promotion of river

rafting and biking products, which include the

introduction of cost-effective mechanisms and creation of

attractions for tour operators and local community.


ü Trainings of tour operators with the latest international standards and safety guidelines

ü Workshops of river rafting and kayaking

ü Constructions of Butterfly Gardens, Orchid Nursery, Internet Offices, bathroom and eating facilities in Costa Rica and Bhutan.

ü Awareness on waste and resource management to the local communities.

ü 4 Direct Beneficiaries. ü 2 People trained ü 1 local government beneficiated. ü 1 Communities beneficiated. ü 4 families improved their annual


Rural adventure tourism enhancement and community development Bhutan Costa Rica (15-B-08)

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Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Royal Botanical and Recreational Parks Division, Department of Forests, Ministry of Agriculture, Thimphu, Bhutan.


“The project aims to contribute to the improvement and the safeguard of the

biologic diversity and the poverty reduction in the Mono Couffo region through the promotion of two valued forest species that are the Iroko and the Samba in the soils villagers and the forests consecrated in view of their contribution to the present and future need satisfaction in products and forest service’s of the population and the

reduction of poverty by the development of the beekeeping and the

rabbit breeding.”


The project consists merely in sensitizing and to make the populations that these gases are arable for the same reason as the teak or the acacia understand.


• 240 formers living in the soils villagers and 60 farmers of which at least 40 women around the selected sacred massive forest

• The regional Forest administration

• NGO and the private operators


• Environmental: environment protection.

• Economic: the project promotes economic activities friendly with the environment

• Social: The communities have been strengthened through the project, in economic and social-productive terms as well as environmental.

“Community base biodiversity management of Mono Couffo region through promotion of Iroko and Samba sylviculture” (23-P-07)


ü 521 Direct beneficiaries. ü 61 people trained. ü 6 community based

organizations beneficiated. ü 1345 families that improved

their annual incomes. ü 6510 trees planted. ü 5 new products. ü 476 communities applying new

technologies. ü 6700 seedling produced. ü 21 women involved in decision

making. ü 300 small producers trained ü 344 agro planters have been

touched in the Couffo and 133 in the Mono

ü 20 agro planters are trained and equipped in beekeeping

ü 6 agro planters selected in the sis (06) townships are trained and equipped in techniques of young plantation nursery mainly in the plantations of Iroko and Samba

ü 2400 young plantations of Iroko and Samba are setting in earth

ü 240 agro planters are selected

and formed for the setting in earth and the maintenance the

Iroko and Samba ü Training of 20 agro planters in

technique of modern Beekeeping

ü Equipment of 20 agro planters trained in beekeeping materials.

ü Part of the 2600 seedlings of Iroko and Samba is used to

enrich the sacred forests.

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Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Centre International pour la Promotion de la Gouvernance Environnementale et Forestière, CIPGEF NGO, Benín

• Partners: 1. Fundación AMBIO,

Costa Rica.


“The project aims to contribute to

improvement and safeguard of the biodiversity through development and sustainable management of natural forest resources and the iguana farm of Kekoldi community in Costa Rica and through the promotion of Iroko and Samba silviculture in Mono Couffo region in

Benin and identifying and implementing alternative income generating activities taking advantage of natural resources available, beekeeping and rabbit breeding.”


The project will enhance the practice of adventure activities in Bhutan in order to benefit the communities by participating with the visitors, and in Costa Rica the community close to the most popular river for rafting will be developed so that tourists can visit as well as practice adventure activities.


Costa Rica: the community of Kekoldi Indigenous Reserve, which belong to the Bribri community and which are composed with 150 members, and with at least 20% of the population involved in the project

Benin: chiefs of household living in the villager lands of the department of the Mono Couffo and adjacent land of the sacred forest.

Reciprocity of the Project:

Costa Rica and Benin are sharing of knowledge, experiences and ideas about sustainable tourism focus on the local communities’ development and integration.


• Environmental: environment protection

• Economic: the project promotes economic activities friendly with the environment that would contribute to reviving the community economics.

• Social: The communities have been strengthened through the project, in economic and social-

productive terms as well as environmental.

Promote of sustainable development based on improving livelihood of the community through development and sustainable management of iroko and samba in Benin and non forest timber products in Costa Rica (23-P2-07)


ü T


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Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Eco-Benin (Be) Objective: “Use ecotourism as a tool of development in the peripheral zones of the Lama forest for conservation of the biological heritage and cultural by setting a tourism centre animated by local communities. With the sustainable development approach, by its economical role, ecotourism is supposed to help reduce threats to biological diversity, which explains the domain of chosen intervention. ”

Description: The project aims to promote ecotourism in the Central core of the Lama Reserve forest by the development of ecological activities. Beneficiaries:

The direct beneficiaries are villages’ communities; they are riverside populations of the target sites (Koto and Zalimey) and constituted privileged agent of local community development. Results/Progress:

• Environmental: impact on the ecosystem as well as in the protection of fragile ecosystems.

• Social: o local community

participation in aspects of planning, decision-making and management of ecotourism.

o Empowerment of ndividuals.

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Programa de Equidad de Género (ITCR- PEG)


“Development of sustainable productive enterprises and with chains of production in groups of indigenous women in Costa Rica.


The Project purpose is to promote the development of sustainable socio-productive initiatives in an indigenous community. Represents a pilot experience that initiates in the indigenous territories.


• Group Dialecto Aracota Canegroguacata (Cooperative Autogestionaria de Mujeres Trabajadoras R.L. (constituted by 11 women located in Terike, Talamanca). Contact Cleotilde Mayorga

• Groups of Women of MUWÖKI - Talamanca. contact Petronila Torres Torre


• Social: o Technical and human

skills in indigenous women groups

o Integrated men and teenagers in the projects

o Three productive projects with technical, financial, environmental and human feasibility.

o Women with knowledge of their rights and opportunities for being educated and undertaking a productive activity.

• Economic: o 3 productive ideas were

formulated: organic farm, tourist lodging and waste recycling

o Business plan for each group

Supporting conservation in Lama Reserve Forest through Ecotourism development in the surrounding communities (Koto and Zalimey) (24-P-07)


ü 4 communities beneficiated ü 40 direct beneficiaries ü 2 new products ü 16 beneficed families ü 2 new technologies or

products of sustainable production developed.

Indicators: ü 45 direct beneficiaries. ü 73 people trained ü 73 indigenous trained. ü 3 indigenous groups beneficiated ü 35 beneficed families

Generation of sustainable productive projects in production chains in groups of indigenous women (04-P-07)

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Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Eco-Benin (Be)

• Partners: 1. Centro de

Aprentizaje de Sarapiqui (CR)


“The overall objective of this South-South Cooperation program is use sustainable ecotourism as a tool for economic development and habitat conservation of tropical forests both in Benin and Costa Rica ”


The project aims to promote ecotourism in the Central core of the Lama reserve forest and Costa Rican Bird Route communities by the development of ecological activities.


Benin: the village communities of Koto and Zalimey. Costa Rica: the beneficiaries of the proposed project will be the owners of the private reserves of the Costa Rican Bird Route and the communities surround.

Reciprocity of the Project:

Benin and Costa Rica are sharing experiences on community development and integration through tourism services.

Costa Rica will train Benin on sustainable architecture. Then the promoters will design an action plan with the opportunities for improvement clearly defined. Costa Rica is training beninese touristic guides on bird watching tourism.


• Environmental: o Environmental

Education Program in four schools of the area.

o Protection of more than 1500 ha in reserves that were originally created as part of the project.

• Social: A core premise of the project is that ecotourism is an employment generator at the local level. the Bird Route provides new opportunities for community organization and collective work in the pursuit of common communal objectives. It also promotes the interaction and integration among communities, as well as experience exchange opportunities that enrich each community´s work.

Indicators: ü Trainings of tour operators

with the latest international standards and safety guidelines

ü Workshops of river rafting and kayaking, constructions of Butterfly Gardens, Orchid Nursery, Internet Offices, bathroom and eating facilities in Costa Rica and Bhutan.

ü 10 communities benefiting from sustainable tourism incomes

ü 20 direct beneficiaries ü 3 community based

organizations beneficiated

Supporting conservation through eco tourism development in the forest areas of Benin and Costa Rica (24-P2-07)

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Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: National Mushroom Center (NMC))

• Partners: 1. Fundación Neotropica

(CR) Objective:

“To share experience gained in Bhutan to promote mushroom program in Costa Rica integrating all aspects of mushroom development, both for collection of wild edible species and cultivated species, and to start the commercial utilization of wild edible mushrooms with an aim to contribute to poverty alleviation goals while giving attention to the ecology, environment, gender and other social-economic concerns.”

Description: Mushroom is very popularly consumed in Bhutan. Given the potential for cash

income and employment for rural communities and the nutritional benefits, the NMC has embarked on undertaking one of main functions with clear vision and purpose. The next step for NMC will be pooling all resources: the knowledge, skill and experience of the local people; coordinate, link and facilitate the development of groups/associations for program sustainability; and look at the prospects of availing the opportunities situation offers in partnership.


Department of Forest (DoF), Renewable Natural Resources Research Centres (RNRRCs), Bhutan Agricultural and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA), the Department of Agriculture (DoA) and the Department of Livestock (DoL).


• Economic: improvement of incomes and employments for the local communities involved.

• Social: unemployed youths and socio-economically disadvantaged group have benefited from the project.

• Environmental: environmental conservation and protection as a basic requirement for the mushroom industry.

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: National Mushroom Center (Bh)

• Partners: 1. CITA, UCR(CR)


“To share experience gained in Bhutan to promote mushroom program in Costa Rica integrating all aspects of mushroom development, both for collection of wild edible species and cultivated species, and to start the commercial utilization of wild edible mushrooms with an aim to contribute to poverty alleviation goals while giving attention to the ecology, environment, gender and other social-economic concerns.”


Mushroom is very popularly consumed in Bhutan. The popularity of mushroom in the urban areas is increasing. The limited availability of mushrooms

pushes the prices very high. The project allows rural communities to obtain benefits from the production of these products. In Costa Rica, scientific information about edible mushrooms generated by INBio as part of the National Biodiversity Inventory is going to be made available to local communities to utilize wild mushrooms.

Beneficiaries: 1. Farmers of Siberia 2. Target Farmers in Cerro de la

Muerte. 3. Centro Nacional de Ciencia y

Tecnología de Alimentos in Costa Rica

4. National Mushroom Centre, Bhutan

Reciprocity of the Project:

The NMC (Bhutan) is providing technical support and monitoring the progress of the microenterprises that are producing mushrooms in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is learning about mushroom production and marketing, and

organization development from Bhutanese microenterprises.


• Economic: improvement of incomes and employments for the local communities involved.

• Social: unemployed youths and socio-economically disadvantaged group have benefited from the project.

• Environmental: environmental conservation and protection as a basic requirement for the mushroom industry.

Mushroom Promotion, Processing and Marketing (16-P-07)

Mushroom Promotion, Processing and Marketing (16-P2-07)

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Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Bhutan Agro Industries Limited (BH)

• Partners: Centre International pour la Promotion de la Gouvernance Environnementale et Forestière (NGO CIPGEF), Benin


“Contribute to small farmers’ sustainability and to the maintenance of biodiversity by strengthening the value chain of alternative and traditional agriculture and agro-industrial products.”


This project aims to contribute to Bhutanese and Beninese small farmers’ sustainability by strengthening and consolidation the value chain of alternative and traditional agriculture and agro-industry, mainly by the installation of processing plant factories or specialized equipment.


Small farmers, the farmers associations and the implementing organizations

Reciprocity of the Project:

The project intends to:

- Jointly explore and analyze the situation and opportunities of the countries agriculture sector, specifically those aspects related to the production of traditional and non-traditionally traded products.

- Promote the creation, development and introduction into the market of innovative products and the use of novel food processing procedures and technologies defined through interchanges of ideas and experiences between the countries

- Together define best strategies and work plans to operate the processing plant and develop the value chain.

Bhutan shares his knowledge on how to involve the community in tourism activities.


• Environmental: o Positive impact on

biodiversity and ecological conditions at rural areas

o Positive operation performance at Bhutan due to reduced waste generation caused currently by loses of agricultural products being wasted due to inadequate storing systems to preserve these materials.

o Positive impact on local environment.

• Social/Economic: o Small farmers benefit

from the volume and diversification of income.

o More small farmers are linked to commercialization channels to distribute their products.

o Consumers have access to better and healthier products

Strengthening of the value chain for traditional and non-traditional agriculture and agro-industrial products (32-B-08)


ü Buildings and the machines for the transformation of cassava, tomato and orange are installed and are in service in the respective townships of Benin and Bhutan

ü More than 200 women from 72 communities had been beneficiated with jobs, food and trainings.

ü 3 farmers associations from Bhutan attended 2 trade fairs on Food processing and Packaging Technology, in Mumbai and Bangalore

ü Production, sale and marketing of their own private label products.

ü 430 direct beneficiaries ü 230 small producers/farmer

beneficiated by the projects.

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Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: TGMI, Bhutan

• Partners: Association Choeur D'enfants, Benin


“The ultimate objective of the project is to preserve and propagate the folk songs, dances and music tradition of Bhutan and the choir music tradition of Benin as viable and vibrant tourism products to promote SUSTAINABLE TOURISM.”


There is tremendous potential in Bhutan and Benin to preserve, protect and utilize the unique folk song and choir music traditions of the two countries as new tourism products. This project, therefore, primarily aims and is implemented to undertakeresearch into the folk songs and choir music traditions to establish the current situation and future potential, to undertake documentation and archiving for future use and reference and ultimately to promote these two song and music traditions as “vibrant” and “living” cultural assets and tourism products. By doing this, the travel and tourism sectors in the two countries will reap huge rewards and benefits since it will make the cultural tourism services and products more diverse, vibrant and sustainable.


Bhutan: The Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs (MOHCA), Royal Academy of Performing Arts (RAPA), Royal University of Bhutan (RUB), Institute for Language and Cultural Studies (ILCS), Tourism Council of Bhutan, Association of Bhutanese Tour Operators, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Education, Bhutan Chamber of

Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Centre for Bhutan Studies (CBS), rural folk singers and musicians, private folk music performance companies and people of Bhutan

Benin: Pupils and their masters, the village communities who welcome the events, the choirs and the set of choirs dispatched on the national territory participating in the project, Beninese Federation of Choir Music (FBMC), the artistic wholes and the craftsmen manufacturers of music instruments, singers in choir, the directors of festivals and the teachers of music dance and storytellers, workers in hotels, restaurants and carriers, Benin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB), the National TV and radio stations of Benin.

Reciprocity of the Project:

TGMI and CEB explore the common interests and problems and work towards fostering and sharing experiences, knowledge and ideas. Cultural exchange between the two partner countries.


• Environmental: o Through the positive

messages in the folk songs and music more people learned to appreciate the value of the environment and to respect it.

o A greenery theatre in Cotonou

• Social/Economic: economic impact for those who are engaged in the creation and production of folk songs in Bhutan and choir music in Benin.

“Promotion of Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Benin and Bhutan through Choir Music and Folk Music” (27-B-08)

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Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview: • Lead Organization: National

Biodiversity Center in collaboration with the key stakeholders – DoF, RNRRCs, NPPC and BAFRA.

Objective: “Prevention of Biodiversity loss due to adverse effects of Invasive Alien Plants”


The project strives to prevent the spread of alien species. Every IAE should be treated as potentially invasive until and

unless convincing evidence indicates that this is not so. For this reason, the project would look into:

i. The diversity of the Alien Plants occurring in the country,

ii. Severity of invasion iii. Possible threats to native plants iv. Awareness raising programs v. Capacity building programs vi. Appropriate management

practices and control techniques

Beneficiaries: • Department of Forest (DoF),

• Renewable Natural Resources

Research Centres (RNRRCs),

• Bhutan Agricultural and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA),

• Department of Agriculture (DoA)

• Department of Livestock (DoL).

Results/Progress: • Environmental: The major

contribution of this pilot project is the understanding of invasive alien plants and their adverse affects on native vegetation.

• Social/ Economic: improvement of farm production and income generation.

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Group of Research and Action for the Development of Woman in Benin (GRAD-WB)


“The project aims at the integral socio-professional insertion of youth, especially young girls no longer going to school and poor girls in the concerned localities.”

Description: The current project aims the integral professional insertion of young girls not in school especially, in a certain measure, women in the beneficiary localities. It also aim to create conditions of a real participation of populations by giving them subsequent skills likely to assure

themselves to handle their development and consequently the development of their locality of existence, is a peculiar and fundamental ambition of this project


Young girls of Allada who are no longer going at school and who are poor.


• Environmental: training of young girls about the protection of the environment in their living area

• Social/Economic: o Populations are aware

of the importance of the role and the place of education of girls in the development of their locality

o The young girls are alphabetized in their own language and can express themselves in French

o Promotion of Benin culture.

“The Study of Invasive Alien Plants in Bhutan “(15-P-07)

Project of education and soci-professional insertion of young girls no longer going to school and poor girls in the sub-prefecture of Allada (05-P-07)


ü 14 direct beneficiaries. ü 2 communities based

organizations benefited. ü 3 communities benefited/

participating in the project. ü 3 teenagers alphabetized ü 14 people trained

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Program South-South Cooperation– Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Organisation Béninoise pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture Biologique (OBEPAB)


“This project aims at contributing to the setting of a sustainable dynamic of supply of organic and fair cotton and other products in quantity and quality according to the market demand and requirements on a transparent and fair partnerships basis.”


Cotton is by far the most important cash and export crop in Benin. Cotton brings economic benefits to the farmers and the state. But cotton production is also

associated with socio-economic, health and environmental problems. This project aims at contributing to the setting of a sustainable dynamic of supply of organic and fair cotton fibre and other products.


2000 of farmers of which one third of women are expected the coming season. The present production zones include: Djidja, Setto, Glazoué in Central Benin and Kandi and Sinendé in Northern Benin


• Environmental: the project contributed to the maintaining of ecological balances,

• Social/ Economic: o The project contributed

meaningfully to the

development and poverty alleviation in the growing areas.

o production of organic and fair cotton is tripled at least (1500 tons of seed cotton).

Project Overview:

• Lead Organization: Centre Beninois pour l’Environnement et le Developpement Economique (CEBEDES).)


“The project aims at conducting a public debate at a local, national and inter-partners level on past experiences and their lessons concerning opportunities to be tapped as well as institutions and laws to be developed for biodiversity conservation.”


The project developed proposals at local, national and inter-partners levels on a set of sustainable incentives for inhabitants to protect biodiversity within their livelihood systems and for institutions able to enforce rules and prevent free riding as well as

appropriation of collective benefits by a few.


Populations of the communities of Foret de Lokoli-Koussoukpa.


• Environmental: o A national platform

including all types of main stakeholders concerned with biodiversity conservation have set up an operational framework for the biodiversity debate

o Critical issues deriving from experiences are discussed among stakeholders at local

and national levels and broadcasted.

“Organic and Fair Cotton in Benin“(21-P-07)

“Towards community based biodiversity conservation policies and actions: Learning from actual and potential practices in Benin. Bhutan and Costa Rica” (22-P-07)


ü 3 new technologic package of sustainable production developed.

ü 1 product certified into organic production