Cars Driving Around on Their Own

Cars driving around on their own. “No Steering Wheel – No Brakes or Clutches and especially No Driver”. Reminds you of a scene from some futuristic sci-fi movie set in 2500 AD, isn’t it? Not if Google has a say about it. Yesterday, Google demonstrated its own version of a driverless car. Its design does away with all conventional controls including the steering wheel, clutches, brakes etc. And that’s not just it, the cars would be electric powered hence environment friendly. Google aims to build at least 100 of these driverless self- driving vehicles for testing and innovation. This is the latest project from Google X, headed by Google co-founder Sergey Brin. The software that would be powering the cars is codenamed “Google Chauffeur” which is being led by Sebastian Thrun, co-inventor of Google Street View. Google had retrofitted cars from Toyota and Lexus for the initial testing stages. But at yesterdays Re-Code Conference, Brin announced a new two-seater design which is driven entirely by computer using a variety of on-board computers and sensors. The concept two-seater vehicle has a GPS screen coupled with a top speed of 25mph. According to Google, the Google Chauffeur would be linked with Google Street View for smooth drive. The car would be fitted with a “Range Finder Laser Radar” mounted on the top. This laser allows the vehicle to generate a detailed 3D map of its environment. The car then takes these generated maps and combines them with high-resolution maps of the world, producing different types of data models that allow it to drive itself.


Cars Driving Around on Their Own blog by Abhishek Duttagupta (

Transcript of Cars Driving Around on Their Own

Cars driving around on their own. No Steering Wheel No Brakes or Clutches and especially No Driver. Reminds you of a scene from some futuristic sci-fi movie set in 2500 AD, isnt it? Not if Google has a say about it. Yesterday, Google demonstrated its own version of a driverless car. Its design does away with all conventional controls including the steering wheel, clutches, brakes etc. And thats not just it, the cars would be electric powered hence environment friendly. Google aims to build at least 100 of these driverless self-driving vehicles for testing and innovation. This is the latest project from Google X, headed by Google co-founder Sergey Brin. The software that would be powering the cars is codenamed Google Chauffeur which is being led by Sebastian Thrun, co-inventor of Google Street View.Google had retrofitted cars from Toyota and Lexus for the initial testing stages. But at yesterdays Re-Code Conference, Brin announced a new two-seater design which is driven entirely by computer using a variety of on-board computers and sensors.The concept two-seater vehicle has a GPS screen coupled with a top speed of 25mph. According to Google, the Google Chauffeur would be linked with Google Street View for smooth drive. The car would be fitted with a Range Finder Laser Radar mounted on the top. This laser allows the vehicle to generate a detailed 3D map of its environment. The car then takes these generated maps and combines them with high-resolution maps of the world, producing different types of data models that allow it to drive itself.