
CARROT The carrot is a root vegetable , usually orange in colour. Carrot plants need sunlight and can turnbuh in all seasons. Carrots have a rod-shaped set of wet leaf midrib (leaf stalk) is visible from the side of the fruit base (root tuber), similar to celery. Carrots contain vitamin A is good for eye health. Eating carrots is good for vision in the eye, especially to improve sight distance. In addition to vitamin A, carrots also contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, and C. SPINACH Spinach is a plant commonly grown for its leaves are consumed as a green vegetable. Stem spinach has watery and less woody. Leaves sessile, oval, limp, green, red, or green vaginal discharge. Flowers are arranged skein- type compound that meeting, sitting at the bottom of the armpit, upper assembled into a wreath at the end of the stem and axillary branching. The seeds are black, small and hard. spinach contains a lot of iron mineral and vitamins A and B. BROCCOLI Broccoli is a vegetable crop that is included in the cabbage tribe. The edible part of broccoli is green flower heads arranged like the branches of a tree tightly with thick stems. Most of the flower heads surrounded by foliage. Broccoli is good to have the characteristics of dark green, grayish green, purple or green. The color depends on the type of broccoli. Broccoli most closely resembles cauliflower, but broccoli is green, while the white cauliflower. Broccoli contains vitamin C and dietary fiber in large quantities. Broccoli also contains the compound glukorafanin, which is a natural form of anticancer compounds MUSHROOM Mushrooms or fungi are plants that have no chlorophyll so are heterotrophic. Its body is composed of threads called hyphae. Hyphae can form the woven branches



Transcript of Carrot

Page 1: Carrot


The carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour. Carrot plants need sunlight and can turnbuh in all seasons. Carrots have a rod-shaped set of wet leaf midrib (leaf stalk) is visible from the side of the fruit base (root tuber), similar to celery. Carrots contain vitamin A is good for eye health. Eating carrots is good for vision in the eye, especially to improve sight distance. In addition to vitamin A, carrots also contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, and C.


Spinach is a plant commonly grown for its leaves are consumed as a green vegetable. Stem spinach has watery and less woody. Leaves sessile, oval, limp, green, red, or green vaginal discharge. Flowers are arranged skein-type compound that meeting, sitting at the bottom of the armpit, upper assembled into a wreath at the end of the stem and axillary branching. The seeds are black, small and hard. spinach contains a lot of iron mineral and vitamins A and B.


Broccoli is a vegetable crop that is included in the cabbage tribe. The edible part of broccoli is green flower heads arranged like the branches of a tree tightly with thick stems. Most of the flower heads surrounded by foliage. Broccoli is good to have the characteristics of dark green, grayish green, purple or green. The color depends on the type of broccoli. Broccoli most closely resembles cauliflower, but broccoli is green, while the white cauliflower. Broccoli contains vitamin C and dietary fiber in large quantities. Broccoli also contains the compound glukorafanin, which is a natural form of anticancer compounds


Mushrooms or fungi are plants that have no chlorophyll so are heterotrophic. Its body is composed of threads called hyphae. Hyphae can form the woven branches called mycelium. Reproduction of fungi, there is by vegetative means there is also a generative manner. Mushrooms absorb organic substances from the environment through the hyphae and mycelium to obtain their food


Tomato is a fruit with a characteristic round-shaped red fruit with a rind that is smooth and slippery. Tomato fruit itself is a kind of fruit Buni. While green light, fluffy and relatively hard, but when the old pink, red, or bright yellow, shiny, and relatively soft. tomatoes contain vitamin C and A are high and contains lycopene.

Page 2: Carrot


Snaps are legumes similar edible. Fruits, seeds, and leaves are used as a vegetable person. beans are green vegetables. The pods are bean-shaped plant-long-long round or flat. When the pods are young light green, dark green or yellow, but after the old change color to yellow or brown. Snaps are rich in vegetable proteins and vitamins helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar metabolism escort and very appropriate eaten by those who suffered from diabetes or hypertension.


beans have compound leaves that are dark green with an oval shape and tapered at the ends and has a rough surface and leaves often look fine hairs on its surface. Flowers of long beans found in the armpit leaves with shapes resembling butterflies white purplish. Fruit of podded bean plants with a length of about 15 to 25 cm. If opened, it would appear that the long beans slightly brownish white, if the skin is peeled seeds, the seeds will look green beans. Beans have a variety of nutrients needed by the body such as protein, vitamin B complex, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, potassium, zinc, and selenium.


Cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, or cabbage round is the name given to a popular leaf vegetable plants. Plant with the scientific name Brassica oleracea L. Capitata group is used for edible leaves. The leaves are arranged very tightly to form a flat circle or sphere, called the crop, headers or head. Cabbage crop has a characteristic form. Early growth is characterized by the formation of a normal leaf. But the more mature leaves started curling upwards until it grew very tightly. This is a common vegetable color is very pale green. Fresh cabbage contains many vitamins (A, some B, C, and E).


Potato is a plant of the Solanaceae tribe having stem tubers that can be consumed. potato is a tuber that is white to yellow. Flowers of the potato crop is perfect and tersusuk compounded. Potatoes grown in the mountains with an altitude between 1000 m asl and 2000 m asl, on soil humus. Soil former volcanic eruptions crumb structure is preferred


Red chili peppers or chili or fruit and herbs are members of the genus Capsicum. The fruit can be classified as a vegetable or spice, depending on how used. For seasoning, hot pepper has a spicy flavor. oval-shaped chilies with a pointed end, there are varied in size large and small unisex. Young chilies are generally not too spicy, but after dark or after being cooked, it will change very spicy. Chilies color when young will usually light green and turns red when ripe