C.A.R.L.A. Computer-Assisted Related Language Adaptation.


Transcript of C.A.R.L.A. Computer-Assisted Related Language Adaptation.

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Computer-Assisted Related Language


Page 3: C.A.R.L.A. Computer-Assisted Related Language Adaptation.

Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is the distinction between a dialect and a related language?

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Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is the distinction between a dialect and a related language?

• It lies in the socio-political viewpoint.

We call Chinese a language as well as Spanish, French, and Portuguese, but the dialects of Chinese are as diverse as Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

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Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is the distinction between a dialect and a related language?

• It lies in the socio-political viewpoint.

We call Chinese a language as well as Spanish, French, and Portuguese, but the dialects of Chinese are as diverse as Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

• “The difference between a dialect and a language is an Army and a Navy” (reputedly said by Bernard Bloch).

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Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is related language adaptation?

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Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is related language adaptation?

• Produce a draft of a text in one dialect/language by making changes in a source text.

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Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is related language adaptation?

• Produce a draft of a text in one dialect/language by making changes in a source text.

• Manual Adaptation has succeeded (Huambisa adapted by hand from Aguaruna in Peru & published in 1975).

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Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is related language adaptation?

• Produce a draft of a text in one dialect/language by making changes in a source text.

• Manual Adaptation has succeeded (Huambisa adapted by hand from Aguaruna in Peru & published in 1975).

• Manual Adaptation is tedious, time-consuming, and prone to human error.

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Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is computer-assisted related language adaptation?

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Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is computer-assisted related language adaptation?

• It automates the systematic changes.

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Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is computer-assisted related language adaptation?

• It automates the systematic changes.

• It avoids human error.

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Computer-Assisted Related Language

AdaptationWhat is computer-assisted related language adaptation?

• It automates the systematic changes.

• It avoids human error.

• The results are not a perfect translation: expect them to need to be revised, checked, and polished just like any other draft.

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The Linguistic Basis

• Early machine-translation efforts failed.

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The Linguistic Basis

• Early machine-translation efforts failed.

• Machine-translation succeeds when limited to texts of certain kinds (simple declaratives and imperatives, e.g.).

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The Linguistic Basis

• Early machine-translation efforts failed.

• Machine-translation succeeds when limited to texts of certain kinds (simple declaratives and imperatives, e.g.).

So why does C.A.R.L.A. work on all kinds of texts?

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The Linguistic Basis

So why does C.A.R.L.A. work on all kinds of texts?

• If two languages are related, then the differences between them are due to changes that occurred over time.

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The Linguistic Basis

So why does C.A.R.L.A. work on all kinds of texts?

• If two languages are related, then the differences between them are due to changes that occurred over time.

• Related languages tend to change in a systematic fashion.

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The Linguistic Basis

So why does C.A.R.L.A. work on all kinds of texts?

• If two languages are related, then the differences between them are due to changes that occurred over time.

• Related languages tend to change in a systematic fashion.

• The languages still share a common “conceptual framework”: the role that a particular form plays in the syntax and/or semantics usually stays the same.

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The Linguistic Basis

So why does C.A.R.L.A. work on all kinds of texts?

• If two languages are related, then the differences between them are due to changes that occurred over time.

• Related languages tend to change in a systematic fashion.

• The languages still share a common “conceptual framework”: the role that a particular form plays in the syntax and/or semantics usually stays the same.

• When one can encode most of the systematic changes in a computational tool, then the tool can make these changes successfully.

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The Linguistic Basis

What are some of the types of systematic changes?

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The Linguistic Basis

What are some of the types of systematic changes?

• Phonological:

Jesús María Cora to Presidio de los Reyes Cora (Mexico)teyan teyenseyan seyenayan ayenayaa ayeeajta ajtatatzari tatzaricatu catu

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The Linguistic Basis

What are some of the types of systematic changes?

• Phonological:

Jesús María Cora to Presidio de los Reyes Cora (Mexico)teyan teyenseyan seyenayan ayenayaa ayeeajta ajtatatzari tatzaricatu catu

Regular sound change: a e / y _

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The Linguistic Basis

What are some of the types of systematic changes?

• Morphological:

Axininca Campa to Caquinte (Peru)-aa -ha ‘liquid’-aa -aha ‘repetitive’-aa -a ‘non-future, reflexive’-aa -a ‘non-future’

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The Linguistic Basis

What are some of the types of systematic changes?

• Morphological:

Huallaga Quechua to North Junin Quechua (Peru)-ra -rqa ‘simple past’-ra -ra: ‘exhibit (verbalizer)’-ra -ra: ‘state durative’-ra -ri ‘punctiliar’

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The Linguistic Basis

What are some of the types of systematic changes?

• Syntactic:

In Huallaga Quechua, phasal verbs take infinitive objects.

In other dialects, these verbs take adverbial complements.

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The Linguistic Basis

What are some of the types of systematic changes?

• Syntactic:

In Bantu languages, every noun is a member of one of up to about 20 classes. Head nouns and their modifiers must agree within a noun phrase.

If a noun changes its class between a source and target dialect, then every modifier in the noun phrase must reflect this change in class agreement.

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The Linguistic Basis

What are some of the types of systematic changes?

• Semantic/pragmatic:

Imperatives with an overt 2nd person pronoun:

Chimborazo Quichua (Ecuador) normally includes the pronoun.

In Imbabura Quichua, this is grammatical, but it carries with it an abrupt, bossy tone.

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What are some possible approaches?

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What are some possible approaches?

• Re-write rules (change an instance of ‘this’ to ‘that’).

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What are some possible approaches?

• Re-write rules (change an instance of ‘this’ to ‘that’).

• It is oriented to the surface-level.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Re-write rules (change an instance of ‘this’ to ‘that’).

• It is oriented to the surface-level.

• It is useful when the languages involved are very closely related and when the nature of the changes between them is predominantly regular sound change and/or orthography change.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Re-write rules (change an instance of ‘this’ to ‘that’).

• It is oriented to the surface-level.

• It is useful when the languages involved are very closely related and when the nature of the changes between them is predominantly regular sound change and/or orthography change.

• It has been used successfully in places like Peru, Mexico, and Togo.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Re-write rules (change an instance of ‘this’ to ‘that’).

• It is oriented to the surface-level.

• It is useful when the languages involved are very closely related and when the nature of the changes between them is predominantly regular sound change and/or orthography change.

• It has been used successfully in places like Peru, Mexico, and Togo.

• Programs include: CC and WRDCHG/WrdOChg.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Partial morphological analysis.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Partial morphological analysis.

• It has a limited capability to do automated morphological parsing.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Partial morphological analysis.

• It has a limited capability to do automated morphological parsing.

• It is useful when the languages involved are very closely related and when the morphology is very simple.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Partial morphological analysis.

• It has a limited capability to do automated morphological parsing.

• It is useful when the languages involved are very closely related and when the morphology is very simple.

• It has been used successfully in places like Ghana and Burkina Faso.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Partial morphological analysis.

• It has a limited capability to do automated morphological parsing.

• It is useful when the languages involved are very closely related and when the morphology is very simple.

• It has been used successfully in places like Ghana and Burkina Faso.

• Programs include: IT and Shoebox for Windows.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Full morphological analysis.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Full morphological analysis.

• It can do fully automated morphological parsing and then map the abstract morphological representations from one language to another.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Full morphological analysis.

• It can do fully automated morphological parsing and then map the abstract morphological representations from one language to another.

• It is useful when the languages involved have non-simple morphologies.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Full morphological analysis.

• It can do fully automated morphological parsing and then map the abstract morphological representations from one language to another.

• It is useful when the languages involved have non-simple morphologies.

• It can be successful between mutually unintelligible, but related, languages.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Full morphological analysis.

• It can do fully automated morphological parsing and then map the abstract morphological representations from one language to another.

• It is useful when the languages involved have non-simple morphologies.

• It can be successful between mutually unintelligible, but related, languages.

• It has been used successfully in many parts of the world.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Full morphological analysis.

• It also has several side benefits:

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What are some possible approaches?

• Full morphological analysis.

• It also has several side benefits:

• It produces interlinearized, glossed text.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Full morphological analysis.

• It also has several side benefits:

• It produces interlinearized, glossed text.

• It acts as a spelling checker.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Full morphological analysis.

• It also has several side benefits:

• It produces interlinearized, glossed text.

• It acts as a spelling checker.

• It acts as a morphological model checker.

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What are some possible approaches?

• Full morphological analysis.

• It also has several side benefits:

• It produces interlinearized, glossed text.

• It acts as a spelling checker.

• It acts as a morphological model checker.

•Programs include the AMPLE/SenTrans/STAMP suite.

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form

Target Language

Page 52: C.A.R.L.A. Computer-Assisted Related Language Adaptation.

C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form TextIn

Target Language

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form TextIn

Normalized Form

Target Language

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form TextIn

Normalized Form Analysis

Target Language

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form TextIn

Normalized Form Analysis

Analyzed Form

Target Language

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form TextIn

Normalized Form Analysis

Analyzed Form Transfer

Target Language

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form TextIn

Normalized Form Analysis

Analyzed Form Transfer

Rearranged Analyzed Form

Target Language

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form TextIn

Normalized Form Analysis

Analyzed Form Transfer

Rearranged Analyzed Form Synthesis

Target Language

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form TextIn

Normalized Form Analysis

Analyzed Form Transfer

Rearranged Analyzed Form Synthesis

Normalized Form

Target Language

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form TextIn

Normalized Form Analysis

Analyzed Form Transfer

Rearranged Analyzed Form Synthesis

Normalized Form TextOut

Target Language

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C.A.R.L.A.What are the major steps used in the full morphological approach?

Source Language

Orthographic Form TextIn

Normalized Form Analysis

Analyzed Form Transfer

Rearranged Analyzed Form Synthesis

Normalized Form TextOut

Orthographic Form

Target Language

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Huallaga Quechua allchakaachimanga

Huamalies Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Huallaga Quechua allchakaachimanga allchaka:chimanqa (TextIn)

Huamalies Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Huallaga Quechua allchakaachimanga allchaka:chimanqa (TextIn) allcha-ka:-chi-ma-nqa (Analysis)*allcha PASS CAUS 1O 3FUT

Huamalies Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Huallaga Quechua allchakaachimanga allchaka:chimanqa (TextIn) allcha-ka:-chi-ma-nqa (Analysis)*allcha PASS CAUS 1O 3FUT *katra PASS CAUS 1O 3FUT (Transfer)

Huamalies Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Huallaga Quechua allchakaachimanga allchaka:chimanqa (TextIn) allcha-ka:-chi-ma-nqa (Analysis)*allcha PASS CAUS 1O 3FUT *katra PASS CAUS 1O 3FUT (Transfer) kacha -ka: -si -ma -nqa (Synthesis) kachaka:simanqa

Huamalies Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Huallaga Quechua allchakaachimanga allchaka:chimanqa (TextIn) allcha-ka:-chi-ma-nqa (Analysis)*allcha PASS CAUS 1O 3FUT *katra PASS CAUS 1O 3FUT (Transfer) kacha -ka: -si -ma -nqa (Synthesis) kachaka:simanqa kachakaasimanga (TextOut)

Huamalies Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Pachitea Quechua Aywarkaykargan

Huanca Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Pachitea Quechua Aywarkaykargan aywarkaykarqan (TextIn)

Huanca Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Pachitea Quechua Aywarkaykargan aywarkaykarqan (TextIn) aywa-rka-yka-rqa-n (Analysis)*aywa PLIMPF IMPF PST 3

Huanca Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Pachitea Quechua Aywarkaykargan aywarkaykarqan (TextIn) aywa-rka-yka-rqa-n (Analysis)*aywa PLIMPF IMPF PST 3 *ri (Transfer - 1)

Huanca Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Pachitea Quechua Aywarkaykargan aywarkaykarqan (TextIn) aywa-rka-yka-rqa-n (Analysis)*aywa PLIMPF IMPF PST 3 X *ri IMPF PLIMPF PST 3 (Transfer - 2)

Huanca Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Pachitea Quechua Aywarkaykargan aywarkaykarqan (TextIn) aywa-rka-yka-rqa-n (Analysis)*aywa PLIMPF IMPF PST 3 X *ri IMPF PLIMPF PST 3 (Transfer)

Huanca Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Pachitea Quechua Aywarkaykargan aywarkaykarqan (TextIn) aywa-rka-yka-rqa-n (Analysis)*aywa PLIMPF IMPF PST 3 X *ri IMPF PLIMPF PST 3 (Transfer) li -ya: -lka -la -(Synthesis) liyalkala

Huanca Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

Pachitea Quechua Aywarkaykargan aywarkaykarqan (TextIn) aywa-rka-yka-rqa-n (Analysis)*aywa PLIMPF IMPF PST 3

X *ri IMPF PLIMPF PST 3 (Transfer) li -ya: -lka -la -(Synthesis) liyalkala Liyalkala (TextOut)

Huanca Quechua

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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?



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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

MachiguengaokenkiaganiokeNkiagani (TextIn)


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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

MachiguengaokenkiaganiokeNkiagani (TextIn)o-keNki-agani (Analysis)3F tell.about PASS


Page 80: C.A.R.L.A. Computer-Assisted Related Language Adaptation.

C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

MachiguengaokenkiaganiokeNkiagani (TextIn)o-keNki-agani (Analysis)3F tell.about PASS

tell DAT (Transfer - 1)


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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

MachiguengaokenkiaganiokeNkiagani (TextIn)o-keNki-agani (Analysis)3F tell.about PASS 3M tell DAT PAS 3FO (Transfer - 2)


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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

MachiguengaokenkiaganiokeNkiagani (TextIn)o-keNki-agani (Analysis)3F tell.about PASS

3M tell DAT PAS NF 3FO (Transfer - 3)


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C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

MachiguengaokenkiaganiokeNkiagani (TextIn)o-keNki-agani (Analysis)3F tell.about PASS 3M tell DAT PAS NF 3FO (Transfer)


Page 84: C.A.R.L.A. Computer-Assisted Related Language Adaptation.

C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

MachiguengaokenkiaganiokeNkiagani (TextIn)o-keNki-agani (Analysis)3F tell.about PASS 3M tell DAT PAS NF 3FO (Transfer)

i- tsave -ako -hi -i -ro (Synthesis) itsavetakohitiro


Page 85: C.A.R.L.A. Computer-Assisted Related Language Adaptation.

C.A.R.L.A.What are some examples of the full morphological approach?

MachiguengaokenkiaganiokeNkiagani (TextIn)o-keNki-agani (Analysis)3F tell.about PASS 3M tell DAT PAS NF 3FO (Transfer)

i- tsave -ako -hi -i -ro (Synthesis) itsavetakohitiro itsavetacojitoro (TextOut)


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Computer-Assisted Related Language


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