Carl Orff s 'Carmina Burana Royal Albert Hall — … · Carmina; / \^ 1 •0_ _•, Jul ......

Carl Orff s 'Carmina Burana Royal Albert Hall Sunday 10 July 201 I — 7.30 pm Special offer for UK and Irish choirs; closing date 28 February 201 I Under this offer you may reserve singing places at the normal price and at the same time you may also purchase the best audience seats at a substantial discount. Applications are still possible after 28 February, but the special audience rates will not be available. The size of your group can be increased thereafter, but it may not be possible to seat newcomers with their main group. Choirs sending 6 or more singers will be included in the list at the front of the programme. St John Ambulance Society will be our charity partner for this event, and forms for the Sponsored Sing will be sent with your tickets. For confirmation that we have received your order, please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope (UK stamp, please). Otherwise you will not hear from us unt/7 tickets are issued in June 2011 PRICES (brackets show price after 28 Feb): Singers £32.00 (£32); Audience Boxes £3 1.00 (£36); Stalls £28.00 (£32); Arena £ 18.00 (£21); Circle Front £ 13 16). Carmina Burana Offer Royal Albert Hall Sunday 10 July 2011 Send to: Concerts from Scratch Ltd, PO Box 421 I, Bath, BAI OHJ X SINGERS Soprano 1 Alto 1 Tenor 1 Bass 1 Number SINGERS Soprano 2 Alto 2 Tenor 2 Bass 2 Number of singing tickets @ £32 Total Singers amount Number Z AUDIENCE Box seatsf Stalls Arena Circle Front Number Price £31.00 £28.00 £18.00 £13.00 t Boxes are for audience only. For exclusive use of Boxes, order combinations of 5, 8 or 12 Box seats, otherwise you may be sharing. Total Audience amount GRAND TOTAL PAYMENT FOR SINGERS AND AUDIENCE Totals ^^ £ £ Name of person making booking Choir Name (as it should appear in the programme) Address .. Postcode . Telephone (day) (evening) . Enclose one cheque to Concerts from Scratch Ltd, or give Access/Visa/Switch details below: Start Signature of cardholder Name & address of cardholder (if different from above) Card number Expiry Issue (Switch) 3-digit security code Choir Representatives: this leaflet includes your PRIORITY ORDER FORM & SPECIAL OFFER FOR Singday® 2011 Carmina ; / \^ 1 0 July 201 ^y .7 •_ _•,' / .11 r n/ •/ inducted by -*>>.,_k ' A iilJkr X, .. .and please don't forget your stamped addressed envelope, with UK stamp if possible Scratch CHORUS (\n Ambulance

Transcript of Carl Orff s 'Carmina Burana Royal Albert Hall — … · Carmina; / \^ 1 •0_ _•, Jul ......

Carl Orff s 'Carmina BuranaRoyal Albert Hall — Sunday 10 July 201 I — 7.30 pm

Special offer for UK and Irish choirs; closing date 28 February 201 I

Under this offer you may reserve singing places at the normal price and at the same timeyou may also purchase the best audience seats at a substantial discount. Applications arestill possible after 28 February, but the special audience rates will not be available. The sizeof your group can be increased thereafter, but it may not be possible to seat newcomerswith their main group. Choirs sending 6 or more singers will be included in the list at thefront of the programme. St John Ambulance Society will be our charity partner for thisevent, and forms for the Sponsored Sing will be sent with your tickets.

For confirmation that we have received your order, please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope(UK stamp, please). Otherwise you will not hear from us unt/7 tickets are issued in June 2011

PRICES (brackets show price after 28 Feb): Singers £32.00 (£32); Audience Boxes £3 1.00 (£36);Stalls £28.00 (£32); Arena £ 18.00 (£21); Circle Front £ 13 (£ 16).

Carmina Burana Offer — Royal Albert Hall — Sunday 10 July 2011Send to: Concerts from Scratch Ltd, PO Box 421 I, Bath, BAI OHJ



Soprano 1

Alto 1

Tenor 1

Bass 1


Soprano 2

Alto 2

Tenor 2

Bass 2

Number of singing tickets @ £32

Total Singers amount




Box seatsf



Circle Front

Number Price




£13.00t Boxes are for audience only. For exclusiveuse of Boxes, order combinations of 5, 8 or12 Box seats, otherwise you may be sharing.

Total Audience amount





Name of person making booking

Choir Name (as it should appear in the programme)

Address ..

Postcode .

Telephone (day) (evening) .Enclose one cheque to Concerts from Scratch Ltd, or give Access/Visa/Switch details below:


Signature of cardholder

Name & address of cardholder (if different from above)

Card number

Expiry Issue(Switch)

3-digit security code

Choir Representatives: this leaflet includes yourPRIORITY ORDER FORM & SPECIAL OFFER FOR

Singday® 2011Carmina

; / \^1 0 July 201• • ^y .7•_ _•,' • • / .11• r n/ •/inducted by

-*>>.,_k ' A iilJkr X,

.. .and please don't forget your stamped addressed envelope, with UK stamp if possibleScratch CHORUS (\nAmbulance

Singday®2011 : Carmina BuranaVaughan Williams: 'The Wasps' Overture : Sullivan/Mackerras: 'Pineapple Poll'

The Really Big Chorus and The English Festival OrchestraConducted by Brian Kay

Royal Albert Hall • Sunday 10 July 2011 at 7.30 pm • Rehearsals from 11.00 am


Music Notes for ChorusBecause of the rehearsals on the day of the concert, detailed musical instructions willnot be issued. Seating will be divided into first and second parts, and singers shouldprepare all of Carmina Burana. In no. 19 (p. 95 in recent vocal scores, p. 67 in olderones) the men should learn it thoroughly so they can perform it without taking theireyes off the conductor and sing from both staves divisi as follows:Lower stave (1) All Tenors; (2) Bass 1 & Baritones; (3) Bass 2Upper stave (1) Tenor 1; (2) Tenor 2; (3) All BassesThe whole choir will sing as much as possible, and any restriction of numbers insmall-choir passages will be arranged at the rehearsal.

You MUST bring your own ScoresCarmina Burana is published by Schott. Scores should be obtained in good time, asthis concert may create a rush for them. Music Dynamics offers an efficient orderingservice: 679379. Scores will not be available on the day.

DressLadies in groups from regular choirs may dress as they would for their own choir'sconcerts. Individuals and small groups should dress as for 'from Scratch' concerts, in•which Sopranos wear something including blue and Contraltos something with red.Official polo tops for The Really Big Chorus are now available in these colours. Menshould wear dark trousers (no jackets and no braces, please) and are also encouragedto wear the official white tops for Tenors or black tops for Basses. Alternatively, menmay sing in white shirtsleeves, with or without bow-ties. (Shirt order-forms can bedownloaded from our website:

Dressing RoomsGentlemen may use Dressing Room 10 which is in the West corridor under the Arena,best reached from the West Arena Foyer. Ladies may use Dressing Rooms 11 and 12which can be difficult to find—please follow signs from the West Arena Foyer or askStewards for directions. These areas cannot be locked, so do not leave valuables in them!

Timetable for Choral Participants10.30 am: choirs admitted via doors 2 and 11, regardless of the door shown on the ticket.11.00 am -1.00 pm: choral rehearsal with piano. There is no morning coffee break.1.00 pm - 2.30 pm: lunch break. You may not bring your own food and drink into theHall. The Hall will offer its own catering, or you can make your own arrangementsoff the premises (Kensington Gardens is ideal for a picnic in good weather).2.30 pm - 4.30 pm (approx.): choral rehearsal with orchestra and soloists. Tea andother refreshments will be available from several locations in the Hall from 4.30 pm.4.30 pm - 6.45 pm: the choir is free until the evening performance. (Orchestra andsoloists will continue to rehearse until 5.30 pm if you wish to remain and listen.)6.45 pm: the doors will be opened to the public for the evening performance.7.30 pm: performance. Please be in your seats by 7.20 pm; the order is (1) The Wasps


Britain's Premier Choral Participation Events

September 2010

Dear Choir Secretary/Making Music Representative

Singday 2011 : Royal Albert Hall, 10 July 2011Special Offer for UK and Irish Choirs until 28 February

I am writing to invite your choir to join our Singday 2011 on Sunday 10 July whenThe Really Big Chorus will give a rousing performance of Carl Orff's CarminaBurana. This is a thrilling work to sing but is, in its full orchestral arrangement,beyond the scope of all but the largest choral societies. This is a real opportunity forsmaller choirs to hit the high notes and the headlines! Come and join in and give yourchoir a day to remember!

The choir will be intensively rehearsed on the day, so this is not a 'from Scratch'event and you are asked to prepare beforehand to ensure the best possibleperformance. Our special offer enables you to reserve the best audience seats beforebooking opens to the general public. At the Royal Albert Hall it is intended that thechorus will all be seated downstairs, with no singers in the Circle as there are at'from Scratch' performances; this means, of course, that we need to attract a largeaudience. You can help by bringing as many supporters as possible, and audienceseats are being made available to choirs at a substantial discount, as long as you makeyour booking before 28 February 2010.

Singing places for Singday 2011 are £32 each (no increase on 2010 prices) and,providing we receive your order and payment no later than 28 February, you mayalso purchase the best audience seats at the generous discounts shown on the orderform overleaf. Applications will be accepted after 28 February but the specialaudience rates will no longer be available. The size of your group can also beincreased after that date, but it may not be possible to seat new-comers with theirmain group. Choirs sending six or more singers will be listed in the front of theprogramme. Once again we welcome St John Ambulance as our charity partner, andthey will benefit from programme sales, advertising and singers' sponsorship.

Carmina Burana is always a popular work and we have not been able to secure asmany seats in the Royal Albert Hall as we would have liked. So it is vital that youget your booking in early to avoid disappointment—don't wait for the Januaryreminder before getting yourselves organised.

Yours sincerely

Don MonroEvents Co-ordinator

The labels for this mailing have been sup-plied either by Making Music or (for Irishchoirs) by Cumann Naisiunta na gCor. Ifthe details are out of date, please pass this