Caring for Chicks in our Garden. Chickens are really attractive additions to any garden.

Caring for Chicks in our Garden

Transcript of Caring for Chicks in our Garden. Chickens are really attractive additions to any garden.

Caring for Chicks in

our Garden

Chickens are really

attractive additions to any garden.

They can help with recycling and

garden maintenance and

can clean up colonies of insects.

They make great pets and can warn

you of intruders by the noise they


They also scratch, aerate and fertilize the soil as well as produce eggs.

They eat pests and bugs and consider

plants we call weeds to be delicacies.


Chicks can also provide an income for us if we

sell the eggs.

In return for all this, we need to

protect our chickens and

look after their needs.

Chicks need a clean area with access to shade

and sunlight and a place to scratch and forage for


Chicks need a hen house to protect them

from predators at night.

A perch should be available for


Chicks need food and water daily. They enjoy small garden worms,

dinner scraps and vegetable peelings.


They also like to eat ‘chick

crumble’ from the pet store, grain,

seeds, fruit, lettuce, toast and






They can be fun and pay their own way as


We need to look after our chicks so we can enjoy many

happy and productive years

with them.