Cari Hantu - Memoirs of a Paranormal Investigator

Memoirs of a Paranormal Investigator


Shariff is considered one of the only active Singaporean Paranormal investigator. This book will attempt to record as vividly as possible his many experiences that stemmed from his investigations and also to educate the masses on conducting a proper and safe paranormal investigation as well as to have a fun discovery.

Transcript of Cari Hantu - Memoirs of a Paranormal Investigator

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Memoirs of a Paranormal Investigator

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Table of Contents 2 INTRODUCTION 4



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I do not know what sparked off my interest into the Supernatural1. From what I can recall

vaguely from my past experience is that my friends and I used to go out at night, usually in small

numbers not exceeding 8 to 10 people, and we’re out looking for some kicks and thrill which we

call ‘Ghost Hunting’. The places we would visit were either quite famously haunted (think

Changi Hospital) or just some other abandoned building.

Back in those days, when we were walking in the dark, a single unexplainable noise that can be

heard were surely to send chills down our spine. I remembered an incident that I had with my

soccer buddies back in 1997. It was quite a hair-raising experience suffice to say for what

happened remained a mystery and it has baffled all of us until today.

I had a friend which we all used to call him Wan (not his real name) and one night we were

hanging out under the void deck of a HDB apartment that we used to call it as our HQ. So it was

like any other normal night, after a game of street soccer on the basketball court and it was

coming to 10pm, the time when the floodlights will be turned off automatically every time. As

we were sitting down and cooling off our sweaty bodies, I noticed something strange is

happening to Wan. He was staring unblinkingly at the direction of the multi-storey car park and

he was not engrossed as he usually was with the boy-talk that we were having at that moment.

1 (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the

laws of nature e.g. a supernatural being

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I glanced to one of my friend Faz (not his real name) and hinted to him about the sudden change

in Wan’s behavior.

Without any warning, Wan stood up and dashed across the tiled floor of the void deck and was

heading towards the direction of the multi-storey car park! We all got off to our feet and gave

chase after him. Some of us were shouting his name, calling out to him, trying in vain to break-

off his focus on whatever he was trying to do. I was the third person after Faz and we were

skipping two flights of steps as we were desperately trying to catch up to Wan. My heart was

racing and I felt every squish of blood coursing through my veins as I tried my very best to get

ahead of what is going on.

The chase took us to the roof of the multi-storey car park and the fluorescent lighting dimly

lighted the place and I saw Wan a few meters from me. Wandi (not his real name) and Faz was

onto him and what I saw next was quite horrifying –Wan wanted to climb the ledge and jump!

Fortunately, Wandi and Faz managed to grab him and wrestled him to the ground. When I

arrived at where he was lying down, I looked down on Wan and he was unconscious. Zul (not his

real name) arrived a few seconds later and we were all breathing hard, trying to gasp for air and

ascertain just what the hell is going on!

Suddenly Wandi, pointing up at the night sky, as black as shadow casted by a mid-day sun, said,


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What I saw that night would forever be etched onto my memory right till this day as I write this

book - a black bird, probably a crow, was circling right above us. It was silent and it was huge.

This was just the beginning of the unexplained events that were about to take place.

We were playing street soccer at a Limbang Park in Choa Chu Kang. I always chose to play as a

defender as I really am not that good with any other position. Wan was at his favorable left-

winger post. The ball was bouncing here and there, and one of us kicked it and it goes smacked

into some brushes at the side of the basketball court (at that day and age, there was no such thing

as a purposed built Street Soccer Court just yet!). As Wan was the one nearer to where the ball

ended up in, he jogged over to go and retrieve it.

Without warning, he kept kicking and cursing at the brushes, screaming, ‘Don’t disturb me! Why

do you keep teasing me?!’ A few of us went over to him and tried to calm him down but he was

not able to and as he tires himself out, we could see that he was breathing heavily, due to the

anger that was ignited in him by the baffling episode.

Last I got to know about Wan was that he was fine and he had no other ‘mysterious’ bouts


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What was happening to him? Was there something wrong with his ‘mind’ or was it something

else? Was he on the verge of becoming a ‘Schizophrenic2’? When one studies the Paranormal,

we are often left with assumptions and conjecture but will never grasp the Truth.

The intriguing thing about these odd incidents is that science says one thing while spiritualism

says another, and both schools of thought can never even provide solid proofs to justify their

claims. There was a baffling incident that happened to one of my friends’ girl. You see, my

friend, Mael (not his real name), lived on the 2nd floor in one of the HDB apartment in Choa Chu

Kang. It was his parents’ home in actual fact and because his family is welcoming to him

bringing his girl, Sidah (not her real name) home from time to time, that was the precursor to a

few hair-raising events that followed.

One fateful night (I can’t remember what the scenario was before it all happened), Sidah was

sitting on the 3 seater sofa as usual and Mael was next to her. We were all watching TV. There

was nothing much to do that night except that we would usually crash at Mael’s place. So there

we were, watching TV, and I was sitting on the single seat sofa. I can’t recall who else that night

was there with me. What happened next caught us by surprise. Sidah started to growl, a deep

tone emanating from her throat. Mael immediately turned to face her at that instant and she gave

him a look, a really frightening look, with her bloodshot eyes and all. All of us got up to our feet

and she stood up with us as well and started shrieking and laughing! Fortunately, Mael’s parents

2 a mental disorder often characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what

is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, auditory hallucinations, confused or unclear

thinking, inactivity, and reduced social engagement and emotional expression. Diagnosis is

based on observed behavior and the person's reported experiences.

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was at the door and his father saw what was happening and immediately took charge of the

situation and told us all to grab her limbs and force her to lie down on the carpeted floor. She

started laughing and growling, unlike any behavior I have seen before. Mael’s father commanded

his wife to go to the kitchen and grab a bowl of water. Sidah wasn’t struggling though, as Mael’s

father mumble some prayers in Arabic tongue which sound all too familiar but none that I can


He sprinkled the water from the bowl, after blowing into it, as if those prayers that he whispered

into have some magical effect on the water. He dripped the water on her forehead and she kept

growling and somehow she sat up straight as some of the guys lost their grip on her. I kept

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looking at her, with horror at the back of my mind, with her bloodshot eyes, and she looked at

every one of us that was there and she laughed – a diabolical laugh that was chilling my bones.

Soon after, Mael’s father instructed everyone to hold her down again, as he laid his hand on her

forehead to ease her back into the supine position, and moved from her head towards her feet,

where he pinched her right toe with his finger and thumb, and she screamed and it was soon

over. She lost consciousness soon after.

The stories I relate to you the reader, are just a few of the experiences I remembered from my

teenage years, incidents that are plagued by unanswered questions. Incidents that left a mark in

my life, as I looked back at what has happened to two people that I knew quite well.

After that fateful night, there was another episode that ensued ad this time, it was Mael’s mother

who was somehow ‘possessed’, just like Sidah was. But I wasn’t around to bear witness to such

a terrifying event.

This book is not about ‘True Ghost Stories’ or the like. This book is a compilation of my

experiences and journeys into the realm of the Paranormal. The realm of Spirits. The domain of

the Unseen, where no one would risk probing into. You will read the beginnings of how I got

started off as a Ghost Hunter and now a serious Paranormal Researcher (or investigator). You

will see somehow that researching the Paranormal can also lead you to radical ideas and a little

bit of science and philosophizing that which is required in if you seek to understand this plane –

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between the living and the dead. A little Psychology is also involved as we are also dealing not

only with the objective but also the subjective when it comes to problems of the Mind.


Hey wait a minute! Is there any difference between the terms Ghost Hunter and Paranormal


Of course there is.

Now I won’t elaborate on the difference in meaning between those two but I chose to stick to the

term ‘Paranormal Investigator’ simply because I don’t hunt ghosts! You simply can’t do it. You

could try though (think bows and arrows and buffalo rifles) but the fact of the matter is, the

meaning has been construed. But one thing I am sure of is that I research the paranormal and

thus I investigate claims of ‘haunting’ and I associate myself with the term ‘Paranormal

Investigator’. I wanted to stick to ‘Researcher’ though but it paints a picture of me putting on lab

coat and big nerdy glasses. I wanted to it to sound ‘professional’.

I do hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I was in writing it.

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“The cries of the Dead are terrible indeed;

you should not try to hear them.”

Philip K. Dick

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The pontianak (Dutch-Indonesian spelling: boentianak) is a vampiric ghost

in Malay and Indonesian mythology. It is also known as a matianak or kuntilanak,

sometimes shortened to kunti. The pontianak are said to be the spirits of women who

died while pregnant. This is often confused with a related creature, the lang suir, which

is the ghost of a woman who died while giving birth. The word pontianak is reportedly a

corruption of the Malay perempuan mati beranak, or “woman who died in

childbirth”.[1] Another theory is that the word is a combination of puan (woman)

+ mati (die) + anak (child). The term matianak means "death of a child". The city

ofPontianak in Indonesia is named after this creature, which was claimed to have haunted

the first sultan who once settled there.


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With the rise of the Internet, blogging was a good platform for many would-be

writers to jot down their stories or ideas and thoughts while some would even

make it into a daily habit to update their blogs, turning it into an online diary.

Likewise, I decided to upload all my adventures onto the Web and created my

first blog ever. It will be divided into episodes and would include photos and

snippets of my investigations. It was known as the SGHC Reports and it is still

online and available at

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View Road Hospital

here is a road leading up to the abandoned hospital. So we drove up, and our

entourage consists of 2 cars - a Proton Gen 2, a Honda Stream, which was driven

by Fairuz, the husband of my wife’s aunty and 3 other passengers in a cargo van,

who are Cik Ahmad’s disciples. You see, Cik Ahmad, who happens to be Idah’s uncle, is a

healer and a medium and he is trained in a unique form of spiritualism – one which involves him

to meditate the whole night until the break of dawn.

We parked our cars to either side of the road. The time was an hour past midnight, and beyond

the gate, the dilapidated building looms, and a starless night was the backdrop. The smell in the

air tonight was of fresh grass. Crickets were chirping. Nothing strange was in sight. We allowed

Cik Ahmad to pass through as he leads us all towards the gate. As luck would have it, the gate

was not locked, and we passed through with ease. The building was to our right but what caught

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my eye was a set of swings on the left. There were four of them, and they were hung from a

single tubular metal frame. I imagined a black and white mental image of the nurses pushing the

patients during the evenings. There are some patients on wheelchairs, and some would be

wandering aimlessly, left behind by their loved ones to their predicaments. As I snapped out of

my short-lived imagination, I saw that the group, again led by Cik Ahmad, was going towards

the right side of the main building. It was noticeably dark and was impossible to hear any

vehicles that might be passing by on the main road. Furthermore, the digital numbers on my

Casio watch was showing 01:26 am, so I bet that there will be any motor vehicles passing by.

This hospital was situated on top of a hill and there is a small service road cut off from the main

road, which was known as Admiralty Road West. This main road would connect the Sembawang

Shipyards, Sembawang Camp and further down to the east will be Yishun Town.

Figure 1. The swings hauntingly invites you to try them out!

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If we continue the down the road westwards, you will come across the Admiralty West Prison

and the Singapore Prison Service, and it ends with Woodlands Town and where the Causeway

leading into Johor.

Previously known as "Batu Rimau Gurkha", the building was allotted by the British Bases

Conversion Unit to the Ministry of Health around the late 1960s to early 1970s. In 1969, as

Woodbridge Hospital reached a peak of 2,654 average daily occupancy and there was a need to

relieve overcrowding at the hospital and the location of the serene surroundings of the building

made it ideal for the Ministry of Health to set up a secondary institution there.

In June 1972, the building was handed over to Woodbridge Hospital. Concrete plans were then

put in place in July 1973 to convert it into a secondary mental hospital. The hospital was

officially completed on 27 May 1975 and commissioned on 1 August 1975. The first batch of

patients were admitted to the hospital on 4 August 1975. In 1990, the hospital began to take in

female patients and the next year saw the hospital undergoing major renovations. By 1994, there

were close to 294 patients housed at the hospital.

In 2001, the hospital ceased to operate and its premises was converted into a foreign worker



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I consider this one of my first ‘real’ night adventure and the precursor to my online blogging site,, where many other paranormal investigation adventures are conducted all

over the island of Singapore.

The night was surprisingly cool, a stark contrast from the humid and hot weather that Singapore

is famously known for. On my adventures, the only piece of equipment that I bring along with

me was my ever favorite Sony A100 DSLR camera, and a flash unit mounted onto the camera’s

hot-shoe. This flash unit has come is an essential part of my night photography since it helps to

illuminate the commonly dark places that I would visit.

I noticed that 3 of Cik Ahmad’s disciple was pacing close behind us, as this is routine to Cik

Ahmad’s ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ which is to safeguard anyone that might be struck by

‘ill-luck’. And by ill-luck, I meant feeling funny or a sudden disappearance -think of

Figure 2. Cik Ahmad

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‘possession’, and you will know what I mean. Rest assured, his disciples are well-trained in his

enigmatic school of Silat, which involves hours of meditative stance and some other weird

approaches which I won’t say here as to preserve its secrecy. We were exploring the ground

floors and Cik Ahmad was the figurehead that call the shots. Surprisingly, he told us all to go

back to the main gate. I snapped a few photos of the surrounding area before all of us head on

back to the main gate. What happens next was the one that stumped me, or should I say, all of us

present there, the most.

As were almost to the main gate, Cik Ahmad told us to wait under a huge tree, which was

situated near the gate. I could almost feel a cool breeze blowing through. Without paying much

heed to his instructions, we waited as we saw him walked off towards the other end of the


I decided to leave the main group and explore near the lobby of the hospital, snapping a few

photos of the area. The dark windows, with its grills, compellingly dissuades you from entering

the hospital. As I was through with the photo shooting, I head on back and rejoined the main

group. My wife came towards me and she said, “A few of the guys saw the swing moved!”

“Are you very sure about that?” I asked, trying not to sound too skeptical about it.

“I am not too sure about it but they claim as such. Come let us head over to where the swings

are” she exclaimed, eagerly. The whole group was a few feet away from where the swings stood

in its entirety. As it was quite dark, I tried my best to focus my eyes on the swings there. What I

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saw was perplexing: the swing did move but it was not as if someone was swinging on it. How

do one explain this to yourself? I asked the guys did anyone or was it the wind that caused it to

move, and one of them said no it wasn’t anyone of them that did it. I swung around as soon as I

realized that Cik Ahmad was standing behind us, with his right hand on his chin, its elbow

supported by the left arm.

“So how everyone? Can’t you that there is something swinging in it?” he said.

What the heck was he talking about? I can’t see anyone on it! Summing up all my might, I

pushed through the wall of people and began to snap a few photos. I reviewed the photos that I

took on the LCD screen of my DSLR camera and as usual, there was nothing caught on any of

the photos. As the excitement died down, and still trying to process whether the swings was

really in motion or it’s all a trick that my eyes are playing on me, we head towards the main gate

as it was time to leave that place.

As we were approaching the entrance, the 7 of us, including 3 of his disciples, started looking at

each other and I heard one of us said in a very low tone, “Can you guys smell it?” The hairs on

my arms stand on ends as the smell reaches my nostrils. To accurately describe the smell would

be a disservice to you the readers as some of you might not have come across such an ‘aroma’. I

will not say that I know how precisely a frangipani smells like, as many have claimed the source

of this particular aroma is from – the Frangipani tree. The smell was overwhelming indeed. It

was so pungent, and so powerful that it is enough to choke the air out of you. Someone

whispered ‘shhh’, and this was deliberately done as it is a common belief amongst the Malays

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that if you hear, see or even smell anything that is unusual, you best kept your mouth shut or else

you might cause an unwelcoming appearance of the spirit. As quickly it appears out of nowhere,

and so it dissipates as swiftly. The sweet aroma of the unseen was gone. Coincidentally, Cik

Ahmad came back out of the darkness and said, “So, did you guys smell it? It was afraid of me,

so I purposely left you guys on your own so that it will approach you all. Ha ha ha!” as Cik

Ahmad laughs his usual boisterous laughter. Sometimes I do wonder, whether it’s the spirits that

scares me the most or his ominous character and laughter that does.

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“Diabolical forces are formidable. These

forces are eternal, and they exist today. The

fairy tale is true. The devil exists. God

exists. And for us, as people, our very

destiny hinges upon which one we elect to


Ed. Warren

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Pocong is a ghost that is said to be

the soul of dead person trapped in

their suit. The pocong suit is used

by Imuslims to cover the body of

the dead person. They cover the

dead body with white fabric called

mori ( kain kafan ) and tie the

clothing over the head and under

the feet. According to the native

beliefs, the soul of a dead person

will stay on the earth for 40 days

after the death. When the ties aren't

released after 40 days, the body is

said to jump out from the grave to

warn people that the soul need the

bonds to be released. After the ties

are released, the soul will leave the

earth and never show up anymore.

Because of the tie under the feet,

the ghost can't walk. This causes

the pocong to hop.


research-study-pochong.html, n.d.)

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Historical Overview of Paranormal Investigations

aranormal investigations was not as widespread as it was until the advent of the

Internet. Shows like Sightings, and the most popular ones – Ghost Hunters, Ghost

Adventures, Paranormal State – just to name a few, gave rise to its popularity.

Anyone that is connected to the Net can now have access to these shows and be exposed to how

the ‘Scientific Method’ was applied during investigations. But not all of them approve the

believability of these groups. Claims of them purposefully planting the ‘evidences’ such as the

EVP4s (Electro Voice Phenomena), which is one of the most common forms of evidence in any

paranormal investigations, so in order to gain a higher popularity rating. It is all in the money!

Picture this: if a paranormal TV show shows a lacking of evidences, such as the sudden

appearance of apparitions, EVPs as well as objects moving of on its own accord; if these

elements are missing, the ratings of that particular TV show will definitely go down the drain so

4 The recording of voices for which there is no natural or scientific explanation.

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to speak, and the whole production will, in Singaporean terms, close shop. Now let us ponder on

the on these two words: Paranormal and Investigations.

Paranormal is a general term (coined c. 1915–1920) that designates experiences that lie outside

"the range of normal experience or scientific explanation”. (,

n.d.) Now that does not mean that, let’s say you’re all alone at home, sitting quietly in the living

room on your comfy sofa and suddenly you heard whispering voices coming out from the

kitchen or some scratching noises on the ceiling (HDB dwellers will experience marbles or

sounds of furniture being dragged across the floor - this is commonplace!) are signs of things

considered ‘paranormal’. The problem lies if you do not sum up all your courage and see for

yourself what the heck is making out all those noises. If you think that it is already midnight and

the neighbor’s children should stop playing those damn marbles, then you have to go up and ask

your neighbor nicely, “Could you please ask your children to stop throwing marbles on the floor

as its already 5 minutes past midnight and I am trying to sleep.” But unless you are staying on

the highest floor of your apartment and you are sure that the floor above you has no one dwelling

in them for it is the roof, then you might classify the situation of those marbles sounds as

paranormal. And if you’re a little gung-ho, it is best that you to go up to the roof and see whose

children is it that are playing marbles on the roof!

What I just mentioned above, unless you are scared and you do not want to find out the source

of the noises and whatnot, is called investigating. And when you put the two terms together, the

whole act in itself is known as Paranormal Investigation. You investigate claims of paranormal

activity. You do not have to be a certified investigator to become one, for there is no formal

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training, but a little know-how would really help to alleviate some unnecessary complications


The purpose of investigation is to determine if natural explanations can be found; if not,

phenomena are ‘unexplained’ or ‘paranormal’ (Guiley, 2007). But after an exhaustive search for

the source of those sounds, and you have yet to find any shred of evidence as to what could be

causing those sounds, and to add to the mystery of it all; the floor above you are in actual fact

unoccupied units or even if it is the roof top, then the only conclusion that you will have is that

the activity in itself is non-explainable – something of paranormal nature. But yet, as the

advances in science is proving to be forthcoming, the subject matter is still open for debate. The

scope of paranormal investigations is expansive. It does not only involve investigating cases of

haunting and such, but goes beyond that. The terms used by the Paranormal Community to

classify other aspects of the paranormal are Cryptozoology and Ufology. In Singapore however,

paranormal investigators do not encroach into these areas as much as our Western counterparts

do as there has not been too many recorded cases of UFO or strange animal sightings.

The earliest record of paranormal investigation was conducted by Athenodorus, a Greek

Philosopher. In actual fact, he was not a paranormal investigator but being a Philosopher, he

decided to experience the haunting himself.

The story of Athendorus and the famous ghost of Athens was found in Pliny’s "Letters" (Pliny).

Athenodorus Cananites (c.74BC-7AD), was a Stoic Philosopher and a teacher of the younger

Octavian (Ceasar Augustus).

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There was an abandoned house in Athens that was reputed to be haunted by the sounds of iron

chains. The story goes that if you were to stop and listen to the sound, as the sound grew nearer,

you will be greeted by a sudden appearance of a phantom of an old man. It so happened that

Athendorus was in Athens and as he was looking for an abode, he came across a house that was

for sale at a meager price. This raised his suspicions and being curious as he w

as (a trait of being a Philosopher?), he decided to spend the night there at that house and also

ordered that a couch to be put near the entrance of the house; a candle and also his pen and

tablets. He also ordered his servants to spend the night together with him. The earlier part of the

night passed on without any activity but then began the clanking of iron shackles; however he

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was not perturbed about this and blocked off all senses and focus his attention on his writing.

The sound drew nearer and it seems it was just outside at the door of his chamber!

As he looked up, he saw an apparition in its entirety and as was described to him. Untroubled by

this entity, he made a sign with is hand telling the apparition to wait and he continued with his

writing. But the ghost was rattling the chains above his head as he was writing, beckoning

Athendorus to follow it. He followed it out to the courtyard and as soon as it appears, it vanishes

into thin air. Athendorus marked the spot where the apparition vanished with a handful of grass

and went back into the house.

The next day, he ordered his servants to dig the exact spot where the apparition had vanished and

they found bones with iron shackles. The bones were collected and were given proper burial and

soon after, the haunting at the house stopped altogether.

I bet many of you have seen the movie called The Conjuring. It depicts a terrifying case of

haunting which involves a demonic entity terrorizing a family in the States and ultimately,

possessing the mother. The interesting fact of that movie is not the case of the haunting but the

two prominent figures in that movie. They were Ed and Larraine Warren. Even though they

labeled themselves as Demonologists5, their work primarily involved investigating claims of

haunting as well as demonic possession. (Brittle, 2002) There was a controversy on the validity

of their work, and none were as famous as the haunting of Amityville.

5 Demonology is the systematic study of demons or beliefs about demons.

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In December 1975, a house in New York was purchased by a George and Kathleen Lutz and they

moved in that Christmas with their 3 children. Before them, the house was owned by another

family and the ‘eldest son murdered all of the family members at 3:15 am in the morning of

November 13, 1974 with a .35 caliber rifle’ (Brittle, 2002).

On January 1976, the Lutzes fled from the house, claiming that they were terrorized by unseen

forces at that house. After that, the press was already publishing the Lutzes predicament and

experts were called in to investigate. Those experts were Ed and Lorraine Warren. The Warrens

at that time were considered the leading authorities on the subject of spirits and supernatural

phenomena (Brittle, 2002). The big question the media wanted to resolve was whether they were

actual haunting happening in that house. The Warrens left with a paradoxical answer that, yes

there is a spirit in the house and, no there were no ghosts found in it. The Warrens were not

dealing with a human spirit but an inhuman spirit – demons as they are better known as.

And how could we forget the famous Harry Price? Harry Price (17 January 1881 – 29 March

1948) was a British psychic researcher and author, who gained public prominence for his

investigations into psychical phenomena and his exposing of fake Spiritualists. He is best known

for his well-publicized investigation of the purportedly haunted Borley Rectory in Essex,

England (Wikipedia, n.d.). He was also famous for in psychical research, another part of

paranormal research or investigations, for exposing the fraudulent spirit photographer William

Hope in 1922, and with it, brought him a major success in his career.

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Movies have a way of exaggerating the truth. Now the Warrens were real life Paranormal

Investigators and not some fictional character.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY (n.d.). Retrieved from

Guiley, R. E. (2007). The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits. In R. E. Guiley, The Encyclopedia

of Ghosts and Spirits Third Edition (p. 563). Checkmark Books.

ISKANDAR76. (n.d.).

Retrieved from

Pliny. (n.d.). Book Seven to Sura. Retrieved from