Careers 2.0 Using emerging technologies for more careers service impact

Careers 2.0 Using emerging technologies for more careers service impact Andrew Falconer @agfalconer


Careers 2.0 Using emerging technologies for more careers service impact. Andrew Falconer @ agfalconer. This morning. Consider the merits of social media in a careers context Social Media in practice Measuring impact. What do you want to achieve?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Careers 2.0 Using emerging technologies for more careers service impact

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Careers 2.0

Using emerging technologies for more careers service impact



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This morning....

Consider the merits of social media in a careers context

Social Media in practice

Measuring impact

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What do you want to achieve?

Tell students about careers activities Promote vacancies and internships Provide in-depth analysis of labour

markets Hear student views on issues Initiate a debate Careers Education Use video and podcasts Raise the profile of the department Track leavers and alumni Market the institution Build relationships with stakeholders

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The Social Media Eco-System (don’t get depressed...)

In particular: • Facebook• Twitter• Youtube• LinkedIn• Foursquare• Pinterest• Instagram• Tumblr• Google+• MeetMe

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The competition....

Group 1 Facebook & Twitter Group 2 Blogs & Flickr Group 3 LinkedIn & Google+ Group 4 Pinterest, Tumblr & Instagram

• Who is their audience?• What are they trying to achieve? Are they successful?• How do they encourage interaction?• How would you do it differently?• What works well?

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Social Media: Demographics

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The UK: some detail

Facebook: 33m unique users Largest groups on Facebook: 25-34 year olds

(26%), 18-24 year olds (23%) and 35-44 year olds (18%). The male / female split is an even 50%.

34m UK Twitter accounts Twitter’s age profile dominated by the 25-44 age

group Tumblr – 2nd most viewed site in the UK Instragram growth halted over privacy concerns


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• Limited to 140 characters• Growing youth demographic• Easy to embed • Re-tweeting• Include others with @• Filter conversations with #hashtags• Integrate with Facebook• Broadcast from Facebook, LinkedIn & others• Twitpic / TwitVid• Statistics applications

• Live polling and comments....

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© SAP 2009 / Page 10


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No restriction on number of pages, fans or admins Two-way integration with Twitter Photo, video, comment, links, polls Pay for advertising and post promotion Interaction less intuitive Insights per post and timeline Custom design templates Fan newsfeeds often too cluttered for much profile Must act swiftly to remove inappropriate material

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Managing social media

Hootsuite [free]

Tweetdeck [free]

Sendible [pay]

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What can I blog about?

Who will be your readers?

What do you want to tell them?

What do they need to know?

What do you find interesting?

What are most comfortable writing about?

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How can I write?


Key Points



Key Points


Know what you want to say

Pick a format. Write in one go

Review, Correct & Publish

Know what you want to say

Pick a format. Write in one go

Review, Correct & Publish

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Controversial How Brackets: What Successful Internet Marketers

Know (But You Don’t?)” Lists – Top 5, erm Top 42 Famous names - What Do Microsoft, Tim

Ferriss, Donald Trump and Katy Perry Have In Common?”

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How much work is it? (this much....)

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How do I get readers, followers and fans?

Feeling lonely?

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Group hug....

Sponsored posts and adverts on Facebook Twitter fans wall on website Social media plug-ins on blogs and websites Include on all publicity material Exclusive material available only though social

media Engage stakeholders in twitter conversations Photo competitions using TwitPic, Instagram,

Pinterest Prizes for 100 fans etc Regular social media cross promotion Social media interaction in the class room

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Managing Risk

Develop and update social media policies with reference to images, inappropriate online behaviours, bullying, privacy and discrimination

Act quickly when inappropriate online behaviour comes to light.

Make sure that staff and students are advised on what they can do to stay safe and protect themselves form unwanted intrusion when using social media sites.

Train staff in appropriate use of social media and to make it clear that online misconduct will be treated seriously. The guiding principle is, if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face or write it down in a letter and post it to somebody then do not publish it online or send it in an email or text!

Be prepared to use screen shots, texts and emails received as part of the evidential basis for taking disciplinary action against staff and student who do not behave appropriately online.

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Measuring success

Raw number of visitors Levels of student / stakeholder interaction Demographics of followers Reference point for prospective students /

employers Opportunity cost Image of modernity

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This morning we looked at....

The merits of social media in a careers context

Social Media in practice

Measuring impact

“We’re aiming for a 21st century careers service

with staff that innovatively use social

media and new technology to engage,

advise and support young people in CEIAG and


Owen Gillham

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Careers 2.0

Using emerging technologies for more careers service impact
