Career Decision-Making in the UAE Empowering Female Students for Future Success

2015 NASPA International Symposium Lavious Daniels, Ed.D. J.R. Ratliff, Ed.D.

Transcript of Career Decision-Making in the UAE Empowering Female Students for Future Success

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2015 NASPAInternational Symposium

Lavious Daniels, Ed.D.J.R. Ratliff, Ed.D.

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Career Decision-Making in the UAE: Empowering Female Students for Future


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Presentation Outline• To give a brief overview of the development of women’s roles in the

Middle East

• To discuss the use of career development theory and its application to female Emirati students

• To acknowledge and discuss some of the influences and challenges these students encounter with the career decision-making process

• To discuss the pros and cons of using the CDSE scale with Emirati students

• To discuss implications and recommendations for student affairs professionals working with these and/or similar populations

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Women’s Work Roles in the Middle East

• Since the sixth century tremendous variation in types of jobs women perform based on social status

• Cultural system of male dominance constrained the type of work women could do outside the home

• Women participated in both domestic and public work; assuming male responsibilities when men were away

• Some scholars argue that women in Pre-Islamic Bedouin society had fewer rights after the advent of Islam

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Women’s Work Roles in the Middle East

• In many aspects of society, women’s roles changed after revelations received by Prophet Mohammad

(Beitler & Martinez, 2010)

• During the Golden Age of Islam, more stringent limitations impacted women’s work in public places

• Several influences on women’s roles over the years based on various cultural groups

• As women become more educated, their choice of jobs have begun to change

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“Nothing could delight me more than to see the woman taking up her distinctive position in society…

Nothing should hinder her progress…Like men, women deserve the right to occupy high positions according to their capabilities and qualifications”

(Late President and Father of the UAE Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan)

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Women’s Work Roles in the UAE

• UAE gained its independence from Britain in 1971

• Women comprise about 20% of the labor force– 1/3 of all doctors, technicians, pharmacists, and administrators

(Beitler & Martinez, 2010)

• Over 80% of local women are employed in the Ministries of Health and Education

• Emirates Business Women Council has over 11,000 members

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Women’s Work Roles in the UAE

•Education is free to all UAE citizens through university

•Currently approximately 40, 000 UAE Nationals are enrolled in institutions of higher education in the UAE (Ministry of Higher Education, 2013)

•Approximately 77% are female students

•Literacy rate also exceeds that of men which is a departure from most countries in the region

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Theoretical Framework

•Holland’s Vocational Personalities and Work Environments–One of the most referenced and practical of career development theories–Major assumption is that people will choose careers congruent with views of themselves and their occupational preferences–Also assumes that people search for environments that allow them to express their skills, abilities, attitudes, and values (Holland, 1997)

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Theoretical Framework

•Super and the Construct of Self-Concept–Conceptualized people working to satisfy three major needs: •human relations needs• work needs•livelihood needs

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Theoretical Framework

“Everyone has a free choice among careers; career development is a liner, progressive, rational process for all; and individualism, autonomy, and centrality of work are universal values” (Cook, Heppner, & O’Brien, 2002; Flores & Heppner, 2002; Mosidi & Murry, 1993)

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Social Cognitive Career Theory

•Based on Bandura’s social cognitive theory

• Examines cognitive-person variables (self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and personal goals and how these variables interact with other aspects of person and his/her environment (gender, ethnicity, social support and barriers)

• Self-efficacy is defined as “the tendency to feel capable of mastering a variety of diverse tasks and activities” (Lindley, 2005, p. 273)

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Social Cognitive Career Theory

•In relation to career decision-making self-efficacy, expectations influence choice, performance, and persistence in career-related areas (Lent, Brown, and Hackett, 2000)

• Significant aspect of model focuses on the perceived environment (one’s perceptions)

•Suggested that perceived performance accomplishments may be the most potent source of information for altering self-efficacy (Lent & Brown, 1996)

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Methodology and CDSE

• Descriptive research

• Purposeful sampling (Students in career courses invited to participate)

• Quantitative instrument (CDSE)

• Focus group

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Research Questions

• To what extent do female Emirati students perceive they can successfully make career decision? – Are there differences in the beliefs female Emirati

students have about career decision-making based on type of high school (Public of Private) attended?

– Are there differences in the beliefs female Emirati students have about career decision-making based on family involvement in the process?

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Pros/Cons of the CDSE scale

• Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSE)• Purpose: – Measures an individual's belief that she can successfully

complete task necessary to making career decisions (Betz & Taylor, 2001)

• 50 Item questionnaire• Five Scales: Self-Appraisal, Occupational

information, Goal selection, Planning, and Problem solving

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CDSE Overall Score

• This overall score places these students in about the 45th percentile in the world

• Worldwide Mean (3.88)

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Mean for all scales

• The participants scored in the 50th percentile in all the subscales except Outlookinfo (45th).

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Independent Sample t Test (High School Type)

• No significant differences between groups• Public school graduates higher mean score

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Independent Sample t Test (Family Involvement)

• No significant differences between groups

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• In most developed countries, see sharp decline in fertility rates; 1.15 in China to 2.94 in Israel

• Most African and Muslim nations see rates from 5.0 to 8.0

• As countries become more populous, gap between rich and poor increase= pressures for immigration to wealthier nations

• Increase in international students entering study abroad programs

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Implications and Recommendations for Student Affairs Professionals

• Encourage students to engage in career research early on

• If possible encourage students to gain some practical experience

• Encourage students to become involved in major and/or career related opportunities

• Collaborate with various college units to offer practical experiences (Career Services, Volunteer Services, etc…)

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Implications and Recommendations for Student Affairs Professionals

• Make concerted efforts to reach out to students– Be where they are!– Create kiosk-type environments in key areas

around campus• Develop a good rapport with students– Allows for the development of trusting

relationships• Develop programs to help educate parents about

possible career opportunities for students

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Question and Answer Session