Card Layout

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Transcript of Card Layout

  • 7/29/2019 Card Layout


    #### Card Layout Settings##

    ## This file defines how the visual elements on card faces are laid# out. It does not define what text is printed, because that will# vary depending on the game language, but it does define *where*# text is printed. The text itself is defined in text/XX/card-text.txt# (where XX is the game language). The text used on example cards# is defined in text/XX/example-text.txt.## In a few cases, a card must be laid out somewhat differently than is# done on the English version. (This is most commonly the case with# Investigator cards.) In these cases, any key that appears in this file# can be redefined in the language's card-text.txt file, and that value# will supercede the default values listed here.## Layout Settings Backgrounder## The bulk of the settings here specify images, portrait parameters,# regions and text sizes.## Images are usually specified by a file name (actually a URL) relative

    # to the resources/ folder. In some cases, the value is not an actual# file name but a template for creating file names. This is used when# there are a number of closely related images and it would be tedious# to name them all by hand. Whenever a template is used, the comments# clearly state how to determine the actual file names. (It is not as# complicated as it sounds.)## Of all of the images for a card type, the template images are the# most important. A template image is the image used to draw a basic,# blank card. The size of the template (in pixels) together with the# card resolution determine the correct physical size of the card.# In addition, other elements are usually placed on the card using# template pixel measurements (see the description of regions, below).

    ## Many kinds of cards include one or more "portraits", which are images# supplied by the card designer to depict the card's content. Portraits# have an "ideal size", measured in template pixels. The default scale# for a portrait is chosen so that it just covers a window of the ideal# portrait size. In addition to an ideal size, the area of the card where# portraits are drawn and clipped to is defined by a portrait region# (see below).## Card types with portraits also include one or more default portraits,# filler images used when the user has not selected a portrait yet.# Each default portrait has a set of keys that allow setting its scale and# position (and in some cases rotation). Normally the portraits are already

    # chosen to be the perfect size for the portrait window, so the position will# be (0,0) and the scale will be 1, but there are times when the keys are# useful. For example, they allow reusing the same portrait on another card# type with a different-sized portrait region.## Regions are rectangles (measured in template pixels) that specify where# text and other objects should be placed on a card face. A region key# with the form "x-text-region" is usually the region for a language-specific# text string with the name "x-text", which will be defined in card-text.txt# if it is not user-specified.

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    ## Region rectangles are defined by four numbers. The first two numbers are the# (x,y) coordinates of the upper-left corner of the rectangle measured in# pixels from the upper-left corner of the tamplate image (which is (0,0),# with positive x to the right and positive y downward---see diagram below).# The next two numbers specify the width and height of the rectangle, measured# in pixels on the template card.## ___________________________# 0 | A |# 1 | | Card Face | Graphic interpretation of# 2 | y | Region = x,y,width,height# 3 | | |# 4 | V |# 5 |+----------+ A | Units are in pixels; for a# 6 | | Region | | height | 150 DPI template, 1 unit is# 7 | +----------+ V | 1/150 inch ~= 0.1693 mm# 8 | |# 9 |___________________________|# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...## Tip: If run in debug mode (with the --debug option or the settings key),# text regions will be surrounded by a thin purple box to assist with# correct placement.

    ## In some cases, the width and height may not be used. However, this can# change, so it is best to provide accurate values. For example, in version# 2 of SE, higher resolution graphics were provided for some of the elements# on monsters (such as the toughness tokens). Although the template file# remained 150 DPI, these new graphics were 300 DPI. The width and height of# the regions are used to scale the 300 DPI images to fit the 150 DPI# coordinate space of the templates. Before SE 2, the width and height of# these regions was not used.## A region that defines a text area usually also has a -pointsize value# which specifies the point size of the font to use there. A few pointsize# keys have a companion "outline-pointsize" key. This indicates that the

    # letter shapes will be filled in with one colour and outlined with# another colour. The "outline-pointsize" determines the thickness of the# pen used to outline the letter shapes. In most cases, the outline is# drawn first, so half of the outline is covered by the filled-in letter# shape. (This means that outlines will appear to be only half as thick# as the size value specifies.)## In some cases where a region prints in the title font and the text is# left-justified, a special optional key of the form "x-text-ratio"# is recognized. If present, it specifies the ratio of the width of the# text to its height. Choosing a value between 0 and 1 will make text narrower# without changing the height. For an example of use, see the Investigator sheet# skill labels for the German (DE) translation.


    #### Layout Options##

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    # If yes, costs will be printed in the corners of these itemsshow-exhibit-item-cost = noshow-spell-cost = no

    # If yes, the Worshippers and Attack text are aligned at the top of their# region, like on the Dunwich Horror cards. If no, they are centered# vertically, like on the original cards.use-new-style-goo-layout = yes

    # If this key is defined, it will override the text fitting setting for# all of the individual card keys in the next section.# default-text-fitting = both

    # This places a limit on how much text will be scaled when scaling text to# fit in a space. It is a fraction of the intended size of the text. So,# if the factor is 0.6 and the normal text size in the paragraph is 10 points,# then the scaling algorithm will scale the text to no less than about# 10 * 0.6 = 6 points.min-text-scaling-factor = 0.4

    # When fitting text by scaling, the layout system must try laying out the# text at various scales to find the best one. This value allows you to# set a trade-off between the precision of the scaling and how long it takes# to find the best size (within the limits of that precision).

    # Text will be scaled in increments no smaller then 1/text-scaling-precision.# Increasing this value allows more precise scaling at the cost of additional# processing time. Multiplying the value by n will require at most ceil(log2(n))# additional layout attempts in order to choose a scale.# That is, each time the precision is doubled, up to one extra pass is needed;# each time it is halved, the maximum number of passes is reduced by 1.## Since the minimum scale is determined by min-text-scaling-factor, the chosen# scale for a text box will lie between 1 and## floor(min-text-scaling-factor * text-scaling-precision)# -------------------------------------------------------# text-scaling-precision

    #text-scaling-precision = 100

    # This places a limit on how much line spacing can be reduced when changing# spacing to fit text. Set to 0 to allow descenders and ascenders to just# touch. Setting the value to 1.0 effectively disables spacing-based fitting.# Setting it to more than 1.0 would be pretty stupid, but I won't stop you.min-text-spacing-factor = 0.3

    # If yes, draws a dotted red line around text entered in the editor that# is too long to fit in its text region.highlight-bad-boxes = yes

    #### General Layout Settings##

    # template-dpi is the number of pixels in the templates that equate to# one printed inch (2.54cm). If this is wrong, the text won't# be the right size and the cards won't print at the correct size.#

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    # Individual card face types may override this value for their type.# To do so, add a key with the name of type's template key# but replace -template with -dpi. Then replace the existing card# graphics with new graphics at the appropriate resolution.# Note that the item card faces must all be the same resolution;# to override it, use item-front-sheet-dpi and item-back-sheet-dpi.template-dpi = 150

    # Cards are normally rendered for the editor preview window at the resolution# by the keys described above. (Except that the lowest quality setting# renders them at a somewhat lower resolution, and highest setting at a# somewhat higher one.) This display resolution can be changed by# setting an upsample factor, which is a multiplier that is applied to# the default value. The monster editor has an upsample factor of 2 by# default, because these tokens are so small that the text can be hard# to read in the editor otherwise. Upsample factors are set in the same# way as custom template DPIs, but replace -template with = 2monster-back-sheet-upsample = 2

    # When printing card images, cards will be rendered somewhere between the# two target resolutions below. If the actual print job resolution falls# between these values, cards will be rendered at that resolution. Otherwise,# it will be rendered at the minimum value (if the print job is below that

    # resolution), or at the maximum value (if the print job is above it).target-print-dpi-min = 300target-print-dpi-max = 600

    # These settings specify what methods to use when laying out paragraphs# in order to fit text that is too long to fit in the available space.# The possible options are:## none : don't do any fitting# spacing : change line spacing only (make lines closer together)# scaling : change the scale of the text only (shrink it)# both : change spacing first, then shrink text if that isn't enough

    #investigator-text-fitting = bothgoo-text-fitting = bothmonster-text-fitting = bothally-text-fitting = bothitem-text-fitting = bothskill-text-fitting = bothspell-text-fitting = bothow-text-fitting = bothinjury-madness-text-fitting = bothherald-text-fitting = bothsm-misc-text-fitting = bothmythos-text-fitting = both

    effect-text-fitting = bothencounter-text-fitting = bothfoldable-tome-text-fitting = bothbenefit-detriment-text-fitting = bothlocation-text-fitting = bothlg-miscellaneous-text-fitting = bothepic-text-fitting = bothscenario-text-fitting = bothguardian-effect-text-fitting = bothmarker-text-fitting = both

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    difficulty-text-fitting = bothbgcult-text-fitting = bothcorruption-text-fitting = bothpersonal-story-text-fitting = bothrelationship-text-fitting = both

    # Expansion Symbols on cards## Any card face may have an expansion symbol drawn on it.# The name of the region that determines where the symbol is# drawn is determined using a similar algorithm as setting# a custom resolution: replace the "-template" of the face's# template key with "-expsym-region". If a key of this type is# not defined, no symbol is drawn on the card. If an additional# key with the suffix "-expsym-invert" exists and is set to yes# or true, then the inverse form of the symbol is drawn. This# should be used when the area where the symbol is printed is# very dark, as with Ancient One cards.#

    # Symbol images for standard expansionspharaoh-symbol = expansiontokens/DP.pngdunwich-symbol = expansiontokens/DH.pngkinginyellow-symbol = expansiontokens/KY.png

    kingsport-symbol = expansiontokens/KH.pngblackgoat-symbol = expansiontokens/BG.pnginnsmouth-symbol = expansiontokens/IH.pnglurker-symbol = expansiontokens/LT.pngunknown-symbol = expansiontokens/XX.png

    #### Card Face Layouts##

    ## Investigators

    # imagesfront-sheet-template = templates/investigator-front.jp2back-sheet-template = templates/investigator-back.jp2token-sheet-template = templates/investigator-token.pngmale-portrait-template = portraits/male-portrait.jp2female-portrait-template = portraits/female-portrait.jp2

    front-sheet-expsym-region = 715,1022,22,22

    portrait-region = 6,5,376,376ideal-investigator-portrait-width = 330ideal-investigator-portrait-height = 330

    # settings for the default portraitsfemale-portrait-panx = 0female-portrait-pany = 0female-portrait-rotation = 10.3female-portrait-scale = 1female-marker-panx = -163

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    female-marker-pany = -12female-marker-rotation = 0female-marker-scale = 1.65male-portrait-panx = 0male-portrait-pany = 0male-portrait-rotation = 10.3male-portrait-scale = 1male-marker-panx = -40male-marker-pany = 0male-marker-rotation = 0male-marker-scale = 0.85

    name1-region = 388,29,345,61name1-pointsize = 36name2-region = 388,90,345,61name2-pointsize = 36title-region = 388,158,345,58title-pointsize = 18

    sanity-text-region = 531,255,119,39sanity-text-pointsize = 24sanity-region = 447,261,73,30sanity-pointsize = 48

    stamina-text-region = 531,363,137,39stamina-text-pointsize = 24stamina-region = 447,367,73,30stamina-pointsize = 48

    ability-text-region = 371,429,368,299ability-text-pointsize = 11ability-title-pointsize = 18

    home-text-region = 37,436,75,42home-text-pointsize = 18home-region = 119,436,238,42home-pointsize = 11

    focus-text-region = 41,681,86,24focus-text-pointsize = 18focus-region = 218,676,93,35focus-pointsize = 20

    possessions-region = 38,477,315,175possessions-pointsize = 11possessions-title-pointsize = 18

    speed-text-region = 26,736,90,35speed-text-pointsize = 18sneak-text-region = 28,775,90,35

    sneak-text-pointsize = 18fight-text-region = 30,840,90,35fight-text-pointsize = 18will-text-region = 36,879,90,35will-text-pointsize = 18lore-text-region = 33,949,90,35lore-text-pointsize = 18luck-text-region = 35,986,90,35luck-text-pointsize = 18

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    # The skill region surrounds the first digit of the Speed skill;# then the skip- values are used to calculate the remaining positions.skill-region = 168,735,34,34skill-pointsize = 20# horizontal gap between two digitsskip-dx = 150# gap between two skill lines in the same pair of skills (e.g. Speed and Sneak)skip-dy = 39# gaps between skill pairs.skip-advance1 = 27skip-advance2 = 30

    story-so-far-text-region = 57,57,271,32story-so-far-text-pointsize = 18backstory-region = 78,104,594,870backstory-pointsize = 14

    # this region locates the portrait on the character marker ("token") templatetoken-region = 0,0,208,289

    # You can add arbitrary extra regions to investigator cards.# The German translation uses this to split the Sanity label over two lines.## The regions are numbered from 1 to the value of number-of-extra-regions.

    # For each region, you must include a set of keys for the type, content,# region, typesize, and colour; e.g.:## inv-number-of-extra-regions = 2## inv-extra-1-type = left# inv-extra-1-text = Example Extra Region 1# inv-extra-1-region = 0,0,100,100# inv-extra-1-pointsize = 16# inv-extra-1-colour = black## inv-extra-2-type = center# inv-extra-2-text = Example Extra Region 2

    # inv-extra-2-region = 100,0,100,100# inv-extra-2-pointsize = 12# inv-extra-2-colour = red## The possible values for the type of an extra region are:# left : text is left-justified in title font# center : text is centered in title font# body : text is left-justified in body font## Colours can be any colours defined in the settings file, which# in the standard files means black, blue, red, black-move,# blue-move, red-move, yellow, green, or purple.

    inv-number-of-extra-regions = 0

    ## Ancient Ones

    # imagesgoo-front-sheet-template = templates/goo-front.jp2

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    goo-back-sheet-template = templates/goo-back.jp2goo-portrait-template = portraits/ao-portrait.jp2goo-portrait-region = 0,0,752,392ideal-goo-portrait-width = 752ideal-goo-portrait-height = 392

    goo-front-sheet-expsym-region = 710,1008,22,22goo-front-sheet-expsym-invert = yes

    # settings for the default portraitgoo-portrait-panx = 0goo-portrait-pany = 0goo-portrait-rotation = 0goo-portrait-scale = 1

    # Doom Token images are numbered from 01 up. They are stored in image# files that share the same name except for this number. The file name# below is used as a template to generate these file names by substituting# 01, 02, etc. for the 00.doom-token-base = doomtokens/dt00.jp2red-doom-token-base = doomtokens/dt-red00.jp2

    goo-name-region = 260,355,226,52goo-name-pointsize = 24

    goo-combat-region = 113,352,55,62goo-combat-pointsize = 36goo-power-region = 260,415,226,270goo-power-title-pointsize = 11goo-power-pointsize = 10goo-worshippers-region = 14,431,207,276goo-worshippers-pointsize = 10goo-attack-region = 529,431,207,276goo-attack-pointsize = 10# The Defense listing may appear on one or two lines.# Separate regions are provided for each line of the two# line version using the numbered form of the = 518,376,202,44

    goo-defense-pointsize = 11goo-defense1-region = 518,376,202,22goo-defense1-pointsize = 11goo-defense2-region = 518,395,202,22goo-defense2-pointsize = 11

    # custom doom track optiongoo-custom-doom-region = 17,726,718,302goo-custom-doom-pointsize = 11goo-custom-doom-title-pointsize = 18

    # Doom token spaces are written over 2 or 3 lines on the card.# There is one set of keys for each number of tokens from 1-15.

    # These take the form:# doom-[tokens]-[line]-region = [region of first token on this line]# doom-[tokens]-[line]-count = [number of tokens on this line]## The gap between any two tokens on the same line.doom-token-gap = 52

    doom-1-1-region = 320,821,92,92doom-1-1-count = 1

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    doom-2-1-region = 248,821,92,92doom-2-1-count = 2

    doom-3-1-region = 176,821,92,92doom-3-1-count = 3

    doom-4-1-region = 105,821,92,92doom-4-1-count = 4

    doom-5-1-region = 32,821,92,92doom-5-1-count = 5

    doom-6-1-region = 176,753,92,92doom-6-1-count = 3doom-6-2-region = 176,869,92,92doom-6-2-count = 3

    doom-7-1-region = 176,753,92,92doom-7-1-count = 3doom-7-2-region = 105,869,92,92doom-7-2-count = 4

    doom-8-1-region = 105,753,92,92doom-8-1-count = 4

    doom-8-2-region = 105,869,92,92doom-8-2-count = 4

    doom-9-1-region = 105,753,92,92doom-9-1-count = 4doom-9-2-region = 32,869,92,92doom-9-2-count = 5

    doom-10-1-region = 32,753,92,92doom-10-1-count = 5doom-10-2-region = 32,869,92,92doom-10-2-count = 5

    doom-11-1-region = 105,680,92,92doom-11-1-count = 4doom-11-2-region = 176,774,92,92doom-11-2-count = 3doom-11-3-region = 105,869,92,92doom-11-3-count = 4

    doom-12-1-region = 176,680,92,92doom-12-1-count = 3doom-12-2-region = 105,774,92,92doom-12-2-count = 4doom-12-3-region = 32,869,92,92doom-12-3-count = 5

    doom-13-1-region = 105,680,92,92doom-13-1-count = 4doom-13-2-region = 32,774,92,92doom-13-2-count = 5doom-13-3-region = 105,869,92,92doom-13-3-count = 4

    doom-14-1-region = 32,680,92,92doom-14-1-count = 5

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    doom-14-2-region = 105,774,92,92doom-14-2-count = 4doom-14-3-region = 32,869,92,92doom-14-3-count = 5

    doom-15-1-region = 32,680,92,92doom-15-1-count = 5doom-15-2-region = 32,786,92,92doom-15-2-count = 5doom-15-3-region = 32,893,92,92doom-15-3-count = 5

    ## Monsters

    # imagesmonster-front-sheet-template = templates/monster-front.jp2monster-back-sheet-template = templates/monster-back.jp2

    monster-portrait-template = portraits/monster-portrait.jpgmonster-portrait-clip-region = 10,8,188,191

    ideal-monster-portrait-width = 188ideal-monster-portrait-height = 191

    # settings for the default portraitmonster-portrait-panx = 0monster-portrait-pany = 0monster-portrait-scale = 1

    # Similar to doom tokens, various components of the monster tokens are numbered# and use a template to determine the final file names.toughness-token-base = monstertokens/tg00.pnghorror-dmg-token-base = monstertokens/hd00.pngcombat-dmg-token-base = monstertokens/cd00.png

    spawn-token = monstertokens/spawn-corner.png# gate tokens are the same as those used for gate markers;# see gate-marker-token-base

    monster-name-region = 13,8,148,15monster-name-pointsize = 8monster-special-region = 16,13,177,120monster-special-pointsize = 8monster-mask-title-pointsize = 9monster-title-pointsize = 8monster-awareness-region = 160,8,35,40monster-awareness-pointsize = 16monster-awareness-outline-pointsize = 0.75

    monster-toughness-region = 72,155,65,44monster-gate-symbol-region = 160,161,40,40monster-spawn-region = 10,145,54,54monster-horror-modifier-region = 15,134,30,28monster-horror-modifier-pointsize = 14monster-horror-modifier-outline-pointsize = 0.75monster-combat-modifier-region = 162,134,30,28monster-combat-modifier-pointsize = 14monster-combat-modifier-outline-pointsize = 0.75monster-horror-damage-region = 9,164,43,34

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    monster-combat-damage-region = 156,164,43,34

    ## Allies

    # imagesally-front-sheet-template = templates/ally-front.jp2ally-back-sheet-template = templates/ally-back.jp2

    ally-front-sheet-expsym-region = 211,349,20,20ally-front-sheet-expsym-invert = yes

    ally-portrait-template = portraits/ally-portrait.jpgally-portrait-clip-region = 48,43,146,185ideal-ally-portrait-width = 158ideal-ally-portrait-height = 187

    # settings for the default portraitally-portrait-panx = 0ally-portrait-pany = 0ally-portrait-scale = 1

    ally-title-region = 79,19,84,16ally-title-pointsize = 9ally-name-region = 44,234,155,22ally-name-pointsize = 11ally-text-region = 35,274,173,55ally-text-pointsize = 8

    ## Items

    # Common, unique, and exhibit items share much of their information using# a common "item-" key prefix. As a result, all of these templates must# have the same resolution and essentially the same layout.

    # imagesitem-front-sheet-template = templates/common-front.jp2item-back-sheet-template = templates/common-back.jpg

    item-front-sheet-expsym-region = 212,196,20,20

    unique-front-sheet-template = templates/unique-front.jp2unique-back-sheet-template = templates/unique-back.jp2

    exhibit-front-sheet-template = templates/exhibit-front.jp2exhibit-back-sheet-template = templates/exhibit-back.jp2item-portrait-template = portraits/item-portrait.jp2item-portrait-clip-region = 7,27,228,156ideal-item-portrait-width = 228ideal-item-portrait-height = 156

    # settings for the default portraititem-portrait-panx = 0item-portrait-pany = 0

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    item-portrait-scale = 1

    # The following template is used to locate the images for the# number of hands required by various item types. The X is# replaced by the item type ("item" for common, "unique", "exhibit",# "spell", or "effect"), and the 0 is replaced by the number of hands# (a single digit, treating "x" hands as 0.item-hands-image-base = itemtokens/X-0h.png

    # corner graphic for containing the optional cost textexhibit-cost-image = itemtokens/exhibit-cost.png

    item-name-region = 43,25,156,42item-name-pointsize = 11item-text-region = 20,199,201,121item-text-pointsize = 8item-cost-region = 203,346,22,24item-cost-pointsize = 14

    unique-name-region = 43,28,159,42unique-name-pointsize = 11unique-text-region = 20,199,201,121unique-text-pointsize = 8unique-cost-region = 203,345,22,24

    unique-cost-pointsize = 14

    exhibit-name-region = 44,26,155,41exhibit-name-pointsize = 11exhibit-text-region = 20,199,201,121exhibit-text-pointsize = 8# this region is used when no cost or hands are printed on an Exhibit itemexhibit-long-text-region = 20,199,201,133exhibit-cost-region = 203,346,22,24exhibit-cost-pointsize = 14exhibit-cost-image-region = 175,325,54,44

    # location of currency symbol on item card if currency-symbol-before-amount

    # is true (values for exhibit are not currently used)item-currency1-region = 193,355,12,12item-currency1-pointsize = 9unique-currency1-region = 194,354,12,12unique-currency1-pointsize = 9exhibit-currency1-region = 193,355,12,12exhibit-currency1-pointsize = 9

    # location of currency symbol on item card if# currency-symbol-before-amount is falseitem-currency2-region = 223,354,9,12item-currency2-pointsize = 8unique-currency2-region = 223,353,9,12

    unique-currency2-pointsize = 8exhibit-currency2-region = 223,354,9,12exhibit-currency2-pointsize = 8

    # location of required hands graphicsitem-hands-region = 9,326,58,43unique-hands-region = 7,324,58,43exhibit-hands-region = 10,325,58,43

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    ## Skills

    skill-front-sheet-template = templates/skill-front.jp2skill-back-sheet-template = templates/skill-back.jp2

    skill-front-sheet-expsym-region = 211,314,20,20

    skill-name-region = 44,26,156,42skill-name-pointsize = 11skill-text-region = 21,135,200,190skill-text-pointsize = 8

    ## Spells

    spell-front-sheet-template = templates/spell-front.jp2spell-back-sheet-template = templates/spell-back.jp2

    spell-front-sheet-expsym-region = 212,196,20,20

    spell-portrait-template = portraits/spell-portrait.jpgspell-cost-image = itemtokens/spell-cost.pngspell-portrait-clip-region = 9,30,223,153ideal-spell-portrait-width = 223ideal-spell-portrait-height = 153

    # settings for the default portraitspell-portrait-panx = 0spell-portrait-pany = 0spell-portrait-scale = 1

    spell-name-region = 44,26,156,42spell-name-pointsize = 11spell-text-region = 20,199,201,121spell-text-pointsize = 7.5# this region is used in place of spell-text-region when the# spell requires no hands and costs are not being printedspell-long-text-region = 20,199,201,132spell-long-text-pointsize = 7.5spell-hands-region = 9,324,58,43spell-cost-region = 203,346,22,24spell-cost-pointsize = 14spell-cost-image-region = 175,325,54,44# these behave as the various item currency regions (see above)

    # they are only used when spell costs are turned onspell-currency1-region = 193,355,12,12spell-currency1-pointsize = 9spell-currency2-region = 223,354,9,12spell-currency2-pointsize = 8

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    ## Gate (Other World encounter) cards

    otherworld-front-sheet-template = templates/ow-front.jp2otherworld-back-sheet-template = templates/ow-back.jp2otherworld-tint1-template = templates/ow-inner.pngotherworld-tint2-template = templates/ow-outer.pngotherworld-overlay-template = templates/ow-ring.jp2

    otherworld-front-sheet-expsym-region = 278,473,20,20

    # The tints for the different other world colours.# For each entry here, there is a corresponding ow-worlds-X in card-text.txt# that lists the other worlds that belong to that colour.# The tints, in order, represent the red, yellow, green, blue, and grey borders.# The name of the colour shown in the tint panel dropdown list is determined# by the value of the key ow-tint-name-X. If that key is undefined, then# the UI string ow-cb-colour-X will be used instead. (This means that you# can change the labels using, e.g., Patch.card( card, "ow-tint-name-1", "Rose");ow-tint-1 = 4.5,1,1ow-tint-2 = 61,1,1ow-tint-3 = 109,0.88,0.85ow-tint-4 = -164.5,1,1ow-tint-5 = 0,0,80

    # a stencil bitmap that indicates which pixels should use the second# card colour when the card is a two-colour typeotherworld-two-tone-stencil-template = templates/ow-dual-bitmap.png

    ow-text-region = 46,46,248,443ow-text-pointsize = 10ow-title-pointsize = 14

    ## Injury/Madness

    injury-front-sheet-template = templates/injury-front.jp2injury-back-sheet-template = templates/injury-back.jp2

    # this will also affect Madness cardsinjury-front-sheet-expsym-region = 211,314,20,20

    madness-front-sheet-template = templates/madness-front.jp2madness-back-sheet-template = templates/madness-back.jp2

    injury-madness-name-region = 46,28,152,39injury-madness-name-pointsize = 11

    injury-madness-text-region = 21,110,200,215injury-madness-text-pointsize = 8

    ## Herald/Guardian

    herald-front-sheet-template = templates/herald.jp2

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    guardian-front-sheet-template = templates/guardian.js

    herald-front-sheet-expsym-region = 979,591,20,20guardian-front-sheet-expsym-region = 14,591,20,20

    herald-portrait-template = portraits/herald-portrait.jpgherald-portrait-clip-region = 0,0,472,364ideal-herald-portrait-width = 472ideal-herald-portrait-height = 364

    # settings for the default portraitherald-portrait-panx = 0herald-portrait-pany = 0herald-portrait-scale = 1

    herald-background-region = 16,357,401,177herald-background-pointsize = 9herald-rules-region = 490,23,491,569herald-rules-pointsize = 9

    ## Miscellaneous Small

    sm-misc-front-sheet-template = templates/inv-misc.jp2sm-misc-front-overlay-template = templates/inv-misc-front-overlay.jp2

    sm-misc-front-sheet-expsym-region = 211,314,20,20sm-misc-front-item-expsym-region = 214,196,20,20

    sm-misc-back-sheet-template = templates/inv-misc.jp2sm-misc-back-overlay-template = templates/inv-misc-back-overlay.jp2sm-misc-back-item-overlay-template = templates/inv-misc-back-overlay2.jp2

    # this is an adjustment factor for the brightness of the back card tint

    # to make it better match the front card coloursm-misc-bright-adjust = 1

    # settings for the default portraitsm-misc-portrait-template = portraits/misc-portrait.jpgsm-misc-portrait-clip-region = 9,31,223,153ideal-sm-misc-portrait-width = 223ideal-sm-misc-portrait-height = 153sm-misc-portrait-panx = 0sm-misc-portrait-pany = 0sm-misc-portrait-scale = 1

    # settings for the default back portrait

    sm-misc-back-portrait-template = icons/fedora.pngsm-misc-back-portrait-clip-region = 67,100,105,180ideal-sm-misc-back-portrait-width = 105ideal-sm-misc-back-portrait-height = 180sm-misc-back-portrait-panx = 0sm-misc-back-portrait-pany = 0sm-misc-back-portrait-scale = 1

    sm-misc-cost-image = itemtokens/misc-cost.png

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    sm-misc-item-divider = itemtokens/misc-divider.pngsm-misc-item-divider-region = 8,176,225,20sm-misc-item-title-overlay = itemtokens/misc-title-overlay.jpgsm-misc-item-title-overlay-region = 34,26,176,44

    sm-misc-name-region = 44,27,156,42sm-misc-name-pointsize = 11sm-misc-text-region = 21,98,200,229sm-misc-back-region = 18,49,205,280sm-misc-subhead-pointsize = 9sm-misc-text-pointsize = 8sm-misc-item-text-region = 20,199,201,121

    # see Spell section for explanationssm-misc-item-long-text-region = 20,199,201,132sm-misc-hands-region = 9,324,58,43sm-misc-cost-region = 203,346,22,24sm-misc-cost-pointsize = 14sm-misc-cost-image-region = 175,325,54,44sm-misc-currency1-region = 193,355,12,12sm-misc-currency1-pointsize = 9sm-misc-currency2-region = 223,354,9,12sm-misc-currency2-pointsize = 8

    ## Mythos

    mythos-front-sheet-template = templates/mythos-front.jp2mythos-back-sheet-template = templates/mythos-back.jp2ideal-mythos-portrait-width = 205ideal-mythos-portrait-height = 167

    mythos-front-sheet-expsym-region = 291,359,20,20

    # settings for the default portraitmythos-portrait-panx = 0mythos-portrait-pany = 0mythos-portrait-scale = 0.5

    # some translations use small caps face for the card's titlemythos-alt-title-face = no

    mythos-gate-location = mythostokens/gate.pngmythos-gate-second = mythostokens/second-gate.pngmythos-gate-burst = mythostokens/gate-burst.pngmythos-gate-location-centered = mythostokens/centered-gate.pngmythos-gate-burst-centered = mythostokens/centered-gate-burst.png

    mythos-gate-double-doom = mythostokens/double-doom.pngmythos-gate-double-terror = mythostokens/double-terror.pngmythos-move-frame = mythostokens/monster-move.png

    # monster movementmythos-move-1a = mythostokens/move-hex.pngmythos-move-1b = mythostokens/move-slash-triangle-star.pngmythos-move-2a = mythostokens/move-circle.pngmythos-move-2b = mythostokens/move-square-diamond.pngmythos-move-3a = mythostokens/move-plus.png

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    mythos-move-3b = mythostokens/move-moon.pngmythos-move-4a = mythostokens/move-all2.pngmythos-move-4b = mythostokens/move-all1.pngmythos-portrait-template = portraits/mythos-portrait.jpg

    # unstable location portraitsmythos-portrait-$BLACKCAVE = mythostokens/black-cave.jpgmythos-portrait-$COLDSPRINGGLEN = mythostokens/cold-spring.jpgmythos-portrait-$DEVILSHOPYARD = mythostokens/hopyard.jpgmythos-portrait-$GARDNERSPLACE = mythostokens/gardners.jpgmythos-portrait-$GRAVEYARD = mythostokens/graveyard.jpgmythos-portrait-$HIBBSROADHOUSE = mythostokens/hibbs.jpgmythos-portrait-$HISTORICALSOCIETY = mythostokens/hist-society.jpgmythos-portrait-$INDEPENDENCESQUARE = mythostokens/ind-square.jpgmythos-portrait-$SCIENCEBUILDING = mythostokens/sci-bldg.jpgmythos-portrait-$SILVERTWILIGHTLODGE = mythostokens/silver-twilight.jpgmythos-portrait-$THEUNNAMABLE = mythostokens/unnamable.jpgmythos-portrait-$THEWITCHHOUSE = mythostokens/witch-house.jpgmythos-portrait-$UNVISITEDISLE = mythostokens/unvis-isle.jpgmythos-portrait-$WHATELEYFARM = mythostokens/whateleys.jpgmythos-portrait-$WIZARDSHILL = mythostokens/wizards-hill.jpgmythos-portrait-$WOODS = mythostokens/woods.jpgmythos-portrait-$DEVILREEF = mythostokens/devil-reef.jpgmythos-portrait-$ESOTERICORDEROFDAGON = mythostokens/esoteric-order.jpg

    mythos-portrait-$MARSHREFINERY = mythostokens/marsh-refinery.jpgmythos-portrait-$YHANTHLEI = mythostokens/yha-nthlei.jpg

    mythos-text-region = 46,46,243,320mythos-text-pointsize = 8mythos-headline-pointsize = 11mythos-activity-pointsize = 10mythos-gate-region = 23,373,120,130mythos-gate-second-region = 23,242,120,130mythos-portrait-clip-region = 31,380,103,83mythos-second-portrait-clip-region = 31,249,103,83mythos-second-location-region = 29,338,106,30mythos-movement-region = 145,378,168,131

    mythos-white-move-region = 153,391,151,47mythos-black-move-region = 153,445,151,47mythos-doom-text-region = 28,448,106,49mythos-doom-text-pointsize = 8mythos-location-region = 29,469,106,30mythos-location-pointsize = 8# the amount by which the monster movement/gate region is shifted when there# is no gate/monster movementmythos-movement-centering-offset = -61mythos-gate-centering-offset = 84

    ## Magical Effects

    effect-front-sheet-template = templates/magical-effect.jp2effect-back-sheet-template = templates/magical-effect.jp2

    effect-front-sheet-expsym-region = 213,196,20,20

    effect-portrait-template = portraits/effect-portrait.jpgeffect-portrait-clip-region = 9,30,223,153

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    ideal-effect-portrait-width = 223ideal-effect-portrait-height = 153

    # settings for the default portraiteffect-portrait-panx = 0effect-portrait-pany = 0effect-portrait-scale = 1

    effect-name-region = 46,29,152,39effect-name-pointsize = 11effect-text-region = 20,203,201,122effect-text-pointsize = 7.5# this region is used in place of effect-text-region when the# effect requires no handseffect-long-text-region = 20,203,201,155effect-long-text-pointsize = 7.5effect-hands-region = 8,326,58,43

    ## Arkham Encounters

    encounter-front-template = templates/encounter-front.jp2encounter-front-overlay-template = templates/encounter-front-overlay.jp2

    encounter-front-expsym-region = 279,472,20,20

    # this is an adjustment factor for the brightness of the back card tint# to make it better match the front card colourencounter-bright-adjust = 1.5

    # default location portraits - 1 locationencounter11-portrait-template = portraits/encounter-top-portrait.jpgencounter11-portrait-region = 29,47,277,439ideal-encounter11-portrait-width = 277

    ideal-encounter11-portrait-height = 439encounter11-portrait-panx = 0encounter11-portrait-pany = 0encounter11-portrait-scale = 1

    # default location portraits - 2 locationsencounter21-portrait-template = portraits/encounter-top-portrait.jpgencounter21-portrait-region = 33,47,269,200ideal-encounter21-portrait-width = 269ideal-encounter21-portrait-height = 200encounter21-portrait-panx = 0encounter21-portrait-pany = 0encounter21-portrait-scale = 1

    encounter22-portrait-template = portraits/encounter-middle-portrait.jpgencounter22-portrait-region = 29,279,277,205ideal-encounter22-portrait-width = 277ideal-encounter22-portrait-height = 205encounter22-portrait-panx = 0encounter22-portrait-pany = 0encounter22-portrait-scale = 1

    # default location portraits - 3 locations

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    encounter31-portrait-template = portraits/encounter-top-portrait.jpgencounter31-portrait-region = 33,47,269,122ideal-encounter31-portrait-width = 269ideal-encounter31-portrait-height = 121encounter31-portrait-panx = 0encounter31-portrait-pany = 0encounter31-portrait-scale = 1

    encounter32-portrait-template = portraits/encounter-middle-portrait.jpgencounter32-portrait-region = 29,202,277,127ideal-encounter32-portrait-width = 277ideal-encounter32-portrait-height = 127encounter32-portrait-panx = 0encounter32-portrait-pany = 0encounter32-portrait-scale = 1

    encounter33-portrait-template = portraits/encounter-bottom-portrait.jpgencounter33-portrait-region = 31,361,272,124ideal-encounter33-portrait-width = 285ideal-encounter33-portrait-height = 134encounter33-portrait-panx = 0encounter33-portrait-pany = 0encounter33-portrait-scale = 1

    # tints for standard card frontsencounter-$NORTHSIDESTREETS-tint = 28.6,0.917,1encounter-$DOWNTOWNSTREETS-tint = 0,0,1encounter-$EASTTOWNSTREETS-tint = 33.5,0.683,0.241encounter-$MERCHANTDISTRICTSTREETS-tint = 90.6,0.828,0.545encounter-$RIVERTOWNSTREETS-tint = -60.8,0.421,0.462encounter-$MISKATONICUSTREETS-tint = 50.9,1,0.938encounter-$FRENCHHILLSTREETS-tint = -162.6,0.69,0.814encounter-$UPTOWNSTREETS-tint = 18.6,0.931,1encounter-$SOUTHSIDESTREETS-tint = 38.5,1,0.531encounter-$BACKWOODSCOUNTRY-tint = 23,0.97,0.80encounter-$BLASTEDHEATH-tint = -132.8,0.786,0.497encounter-$VILLAGECOMMONS-tint = 78.2,0.786,0.497

    encounter-$CENTRALHILL-tint = -130,0.75,0.60encounter-$SOUTHSHORE-tint = 5,1.0,0.85encounter-$HARBORSIDE-tint = 60,1,0.79encounter-$KINGSPORTHEAD-tint = 21,0.12,0.80encounter-$CHURCHGREEN-tint = 46,0.98,1encounter-$FACTORYDISTRICT-tint = 219,0.62,0.49encounter-$INNSMOUTHSHORE-tint = 111,0.94,0.61

    # templates for custom encounter backsencounter-back-base = templates/large-blank.pngencounter-back-1 = templates/encounter-underlay-1.jp2encounter-back-overlay-1 = templates/encounter-overlay-1.jp2encounter-back-2 = templates/encounter-underlay-2.jp2

    encounter-back-overlay-2 = templates/encounter-overlay-2.jp2encounter-back-3 = templates/encounter-underlay-3.jp2encounter-back-overlay-3 = templates/encounter-overlay-3.jp2

    # templates for standard encounter backsencounter-back-$NORTHSIDESTREETS-template = templates/encounter-northside.jp2encounter-back-$DOWNTOWNSTREETS-template = templates/encounter-downtown.jp2encounter-back-$EASTTOWNSTREETS-template = templates/encounter-easttown.jp2encounter-back-$MERCHANTDISTRICTSTREETS-template = templates/encounter-merchant.jp2

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    encounter-back-$RIVERTOWNSTREETS-template = templates/encounter-rivertown.jp2encounter-back-$MISKATONICUSTREETS-template = templates/encounter-miskatonicu.jp2encounter-back-$FRENCHHILLSTREETS-template = templates/encounter-frenchhill.jp2encounter-back-$UPTOWNSTREETS-template = templates/encounter-uptown.jp2encounter-back-$SOUTHSIDESTREETS-template = templates/encounter-southside.jp2encounter-back-$BACKWOODSCOUNTRY-template = templates/encounter-backwoods.jp2encounter-back-$BLASTEDHEATH-template = templates/encounter-blastedheath.jp2encounter-back-$VILLAGECOMMONS-template = templates/encounter-dunwichvillage.jp2encounter-back-$CENTRALHILL-template = templates/encounter-centralhill.jp2encounter-back-$SOUTHSHORE-template = templates/encounter-southshore.jp2encounter-back-$HARBORSIDE-template = templates/encounter-harborside.jp2encounter-back-$KINGSPORTHEAD-template = templates/encounter-kingsporthead.jp2encounter-back-$CHURCHGREEN-template = templates/encounter-churchgreen.jp2encounter-back-$FACTORYDISTRICT-template = templates/encounter-factorydistrict.jp2encounter-back-$INNSMOUTHSHORE-template = templates/encounter-innsmouthshore.jp2encounter-text-region = 44,46,247,433encounter-text-pointsize = 8encounter-title-pointsize = 11

    ## Foldable Tome Leaves

    foldable-tome-front-sheet-template = templates/foldable-t-front.jp2foldable-tome-middle-sheet-template = templates/foldable-t-middle.jp2foldable-tome-back-sheet-template = templates/foldable-t-back.jp2

    foldable-tome-title-region = 54,64,184,71foldable-tome-title-text-region = 58,144,176,206foldable-tome-right-heading-region = 54,29,181,33foldable-tome-right-body-region = 58,125,173,202foldable-tome-left-heading-region = 294,29,181,33foldable-tome-left-body-region = 298,125,173,202

    foldable-tome-back-region = 298,125,173,202foldable-tome-title-pointsize = 18foldable-tome-heading-pointsize = 13foldable-tome-body-pointsize = 8

    ## Benefit/Detriment

    benefit-sheet-template = templates/benefit.jp2detriment-sheet-template = templates/detriment.jp2

    # will apply to Benefits and Detrimentsbenefit-sheet-expsym-region = 213,196,20,20

    benefit-detriment-portrait-template = portraits/detriment-portrait.jpgbenefit-detriment-portrait-clip-region = 9,26,223,159ideal-benefit-detriment-portrait-width = 223ideal-benefit-detriment-portrait-height = 159

    # settings for the default portrait

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    benefit-detriment-portrait-panx = 0benefit-detriment-portrait-pany = 0benefit-detriment-portrait-scale = 1

    benefit-detriment-name-region = 46,29,152,37benefit-detriment-name-pointsize = 11benefit-detriment-text-region = 20,203,201,136benefit-detriment-text-pointsize = 7.5

    ## OW Areas (board piece)

    ow-area-sheet-template = board/ow-area.jp2ow-area-portrait-template = portraits/bb-other-world-portrait.jp2ow-area-portrait-clip-region = 88,102,383,383ideal-ow-area-portrait-width = 383ideal-ow-area-portrait-height = 383

    # settings for the default portraitow-area-portrait-panx = 0ow-area-portrait-pany = 0

    ow-area-portrait-scale = 1

    ow-area-pip-1 = board/green-pip.jp2ow-area-pip-2 = board/blue-pip.jp2ow-area-pip-3 = board/yellow-pip.jp2ow-area-pip-4 = board/red-pip.jp2ow-area-pip-5 = board/grey-pip.jp2

    ow-area-name-region = 146,53,282,47ow-area-name-pointsize = 20ow-area-pip-1-region = 428,28,50,47ow-area-pip-2-region = 428,76,50,47ow-area-pip-3-region = 476,28,50,47

    ow-area-pip-4-region = 476,76,50,47

    ## Gate Markers (board piece)

    gate-marker-front-sheet-template = board/gate-marker-front.jp2gate-marker-split-front-sheet-template = board/gate-marker-split-front.jp2gate-marker-back-sheet-template = board/gate-marker-back.jp2gate-marker-alt-back-sheet-template = board/gate-marker-alt-back.jp2gate-marker-portrait-template = portraits/bb-other-world-portrait.jp2

    gate-marker-split-portrait-template = portraits/bb-other-world-alt-portrait.jp2gate-marker-portrait-clip-region = 21,8,223,239ideal-gate-marker-portrait-width = 202ideal-gate-marker-portrait-height = 231gate-marker-top-portrait-clip-region = 21,9,223,127gate-marker-bottom-portrait-clip-region = 21,135,223,113

    # portrait sizes for split gatesideal-top-gate-portrait-width = 223ideal-top-gate-portrait-height = 127

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    ideal-bottom-gate-portrait-width = 223ideal-bottom-gate-portrait-height = 113

    # settings for the default portraitsgate-marker-portrait-panx = 0gate-marker-portrait-pany = 0gate-marker-portrait-scale = 0.603gate-marker-top-portrait-panx = 0gate-marker-top-portrait-pany = 0gate-marker-top-portrait-scale = 0.603gate-marker-bottom-portrait-panx = 0gate-marker-bottom-portrait-pany = 0gate-marker-bottom-portrait-scale = 0.603

    # here, "X" is replaced by the gate code.gate-marker-token-base = board/gatemarkertokens/gate-X.jp2# the other world name will be fitted to the ellipse which is bound by# this rectanglegate-marker-name-curve-region = 23,20,217,217gate-marker-split-name-curve-region = 13,10,237,237gate-marker-name-pointsize = 12gate-marker-gate-region = 104,199,54,54gate-marker-top-gate-region = 10,82,54,54gate-marker-bottom-gate-region = 10,136,54,54

    gate-marker-difficulty-region = 179,152,55,42gate-marker-difficulty-pointsize = 16gate-marker-difficulty-outline-pointsize = 1gate-marker-split-difficulty-region = 199,108,55,42gate-marker-split-difficulty-pointsize = 16gate-marker-split-difficulty-outline-pointsize = 1

    # gate effect symbolsgate-marker-effect-region = 194,191,40,40gate-marker-effect-1 = gateeffecttokens/devour.pnggate-marker-effect-2 = gateeffecttokens/doom.pnggate-marker-effect-3 = gateeffecttokens/endless.pnggate-marker-effect-4 = gateeffecttokens/monster.png

    gate-marker-effect-5 = gateeffecttokens/health.pnggate-marker-effect-6 = gateeffecttokens/sanity.pnggate-marker-effect-7 = gateeffecttokens/moving.pnggate-marker-effect-8 = gateeffecttokens/blight.pnggate-marker-effect-9 = gateeffecttokens/elder-sign.pnggate-marker-effect-10 = gateeffecttokens/star.pnggate-marker-effect-11 = gateeffecttokens/unstable.pnggate-marker-effect-12 = gateeffecttokens/special.png

    ## Locations (board piece)

    location-sheet-template = board/location-template.jp2location-overlay-template = board/location-overlay.jp2location-portrait-template = portraits/bb-location-portrait.jp2location-bright-adjust = 1.5location-portrait-clip-region = 53,44,255,239# because of the round shape and transparent background, the portrait cannot# be clipped with a simple rectangle; the above clip region is used to determine# where the image should be painted while the union of the two rectangles below# describes the actual clipping shapelocation-portrait-clip-1-region = 73,44,215,61

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    location-portrait-clip-2-region = 53,105,255,176ideal-location-portrait-width = 255ideal-location-portrait-height = 239

    # this is the region covered by the short version of a location# (one with no special encounter text); it is used to determine how# large the card is in this caselocation-short-card-region = 0,0,360,380

    # settings for the default portraitlocation-portrait-panx = 0location-portrait-pany = 0location-portrait-scale = 0.63733

    # extension that adds a special text box to the plain locationlocation-ext-template = board/location-ext-template.pnglocation-ext-overlay-template = board/location-ext-overlay.jp2location-ext-overlay-region = 0,363,360,132# the maximum amount by which the extension can be overlapped over the# main template to create heights between the standard and extended heightlocation-ext-max-overlap = 49# the maximum amount by which the extension will be shifted down and# repeated in order to increase the available text arealocation-ext-max-expand = 116

    # Here, "X" is replaced by a number indicating the stability type.location-stability-token-base = board/locationtokens/stability-X.jp2location-stability-region = 159,16,44,44

    # Here, "X" is replaced by the location icon letter (see neighbourhoods.txt).# For compatibility with case-insensitive file systems, capital letters are# replaced by the lower-case letter followed by "2".location-icon-token-base = board/locationtokens/loc-X.jp2location-icon-1-region = 51,263,49,49location-icon-2-region = 261,263,49,49location-icon-3-region = 157,263,49,49

    location-name-region = 25,322,311,42location-name-pointsize = 20location-special-region = 23,368,319,110location-special-pointsize = 12

    ## Neighbourhoods (board piece)

    neighbourhood-sheet-template = board/neighbourhood-template.jp2neighbourhood-underlay-template = board/neighbourhood-underlay.jp2

    neighbourhood-overlay-template = board/neighbourhood-overlay.jp2neighbourhood-bright-adjust = 1.5neighbourhood-name-region = 65,65,312,111neighbourhood-name-pointsize = 36# [2.00a3] where the icon's circle is drawnneighbourhood-icon-region = 186,182,63,63# the margin within the circle at which the icon is drawnneighbourhood-icon-margin = 7# a point which is sampled to determine the circle colourneighbourhood-icon-sample-region = 218,232,1,1

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    ## Miscellaneous Large

    lg-misc-front-sheet-template = templates/ao-misc-front.jp2lg-misc-back-sheet-template = templates/large-blank.pnglg-misc-back-overlay-template = templates/ao-misc-back-overlay.jp2

    lg-misc-front-sheet-expsym-region = 267,461,20,20

    lg-misc-bright-adjust = 1.5lg-misc-front-region = 57,64,226,403lg-misc-title-pointsize = 14lg-misc-pointsize = 9

    lg-misc-land-front-sheet-template = templates/ao-misc-front-land.jp2lg-misc-land-back-sheet-template = templates/large-blank-land.pnglg-misc-land-back-overlay-template = templates/ao-misc-back-land-overlay.jp2

    lg-misc-land-front-sheet-expsym-region = 461,268,20,20

    lg-misc-land-front-region = 58,62,420,196lg-misc-title-land-pointsize = 22lg-misc-land-pointsize = 10

    ## Epic Battle / Sinister Plot

    epic-front-sheet-template = templates/epic-ao-front.jp2epic-front-inv-template = templates/epic-inv-front.jp2epic-front-aoinv-template = templates/epic-ao-inv-front.jp2epic-front-invao-template = templates/epic-inv-ao-front.jp2epic-back-template = templates/epic-back.jp2

    epic-back-red-template = templates/epic-red-back.jp2epic-back-green-template = templates/epic-green-back.jp2

    epic-front-sheet-expsym-region = 161,493,16,16

    epic-text-region = 56,44,226,447epic-top-text-region = 56,44,226,206epic-bottom-text-region = 56,285,226,206epic-title-pointsize = 13epic-text-pointsize = 9epic-quote-pointsize = 8

    epic-portrait-template = portraits/ao-portrait.jp2

    epic-portrait-clip-region = 15,16,305,382ideal-epic-portrait-width = 305ideal-epic-portrait-height = 390epic-portrait-panx = 0epic-portrait-pany = 0epic-portrait-scale = 1.2

    ## Scenarios

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    scenario-front-sheet-template = templates/herald.jp2scenario-back-sheet-template = templates/scenario-back.jp2scenario-front-sheet-expsym-region = 979,591,20,20

    scenario-portrait-template = portraits/scenario-portrait.jp2scenario-portrait-clip-region = 0,0,472,364ideal-scenario-portrait-width = 472ideal-scenario-portrait-height = 364

    # settings for the default portraitscenario-portrait-panx = 0scenario-portrait-pany = 0scenario-portrait-scale = 1

    scenario-background-region = 16,357,401,177scenario-background-pointsize = 9scenario-rules-region = 490,23,491,569scenario-rules-pointsize = 9

    ## Guardian Effect Cards

    guardian-effect-front-sheet-template = templates/guardian-card-front.jp2guardian-effect-back-sheet-template = templates/guardian-card-back.png

    guardian-effect-front-sheet-expsym-region = 114,340,20,20

    guardian-effect-portrait-template = portraits/guardian-effect-portrait.jp2guardian-effect-portrait-clip-region = 16,20,210,336ideal-guardian-effect-portrait-width = 210ideal-guardian-effect-portrait-height = 336

    # settings for the default portraitguardian-effect-portrait-panx = 0

    guardian-effect-portrait-pany = 0guardian-effect-portrait-scale = 1

    guardian-effect-text-region = 26,67,190,240guardian-effect-text-pointsize = 7.5guardian-effect-title-pointsize = 11

    ## Blight cards

    # imagesblight-front-sheet-template = templates/blight-front.jp2blight-back-sheet-template = templates/blight-back.jp2

    blight-front-sheet-expsym-region = 211,347,20,20blight-front-sheet-expsym-invert = yes

    blight-portrait-template = portraits/blight-portrait.jp2blight-portrait-clip-region = 47,43,147,183ideal-blight-portrait-width = 147

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    ideal-blight-portrait-height = 183

    # settings for the default portraitblight-portrait-panx = 0blight-portrait-pany = 0blight-portrait-scale = 1

    blight-title-region = 79,20,84,16blight-title-pointsize = 9blight-name-region = 43,232,155,22blight-name-pointsize = 11blight-text-region = 34,272,173,55blight-text-pointsize = 8

    ## Markers

    marker-sheet-template = silhouettes/rift.pngmarker-portrait-template = portraits/marker-portrait.jp2marker-portrait-panx = 0marker-portrait-pany = 0marker-portrait-scale = 1# default text sizemarker-pointsize = 18

    # alternate portraits specific to particular silhouette keys# these use the same pan and scale settings as above# (See silhouettes/silhouettes.txt.)marker-@sil-circle-portrait-template = portraits/rubble-portrait.jp2marker-@sil-rift-portrait-template = portraits/rift-portrait.jp2marker-@sil-square-portrait-template = portraits/square-portrait.jp2

    ## Difficulty Cards

    difficulty-front-sheet-template = templates/difficulty-front-back.jp2difficulty-front-sheet-expsym-region = 277,468,33,33

    difficulty-text-region = 52,48,232,436difficulty-title-pointsize = 11difficulty-heading-pointsize = 9difficulty-text-pointsize = 8

    ## Black Goat Cult Encounter

    bgcult-front-sheet-template = templates/bgcult-front.jp2bgcult-back-sheet-template = templates/bgcult-back.jp2bgcult-front-sheet-expsym-region = 104,324,34,34

    bgcult-name-region = 59,37,124,30

    bgcult-name-pointsize = 11bgcult-text-region = 37,85,169,230bgcult-text-pointsize = 8

    ## Corruption Cards

    corruption-front-sheet-template = templates/green-corruption-front.jp2corruption-back-sheet-template = templates/green-corruption-back.jp2corruption-red-front-sheet-template = templates/red-corruption-front.jp2

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    corruption-red-back-sheet-template = templates/red-corruption-back.jp2

    corruption-front-sheet-expsym-region = 104,324,34,34

    corruption-green-black-bar = corruptiontokens/green-black.pngcorruption-green-white-bar = corruptiontokens/green-white.pngcorruption-red-black-bar = corruptiontokens/red-black.pngcorruption-red-white-bar = corruptiontokens/red-white.png

    corruption-title-pointsize = 11corruption-text-region = 30,74,180,229corruption-text-pointsize = 8

    # this is the location of the corruption bar; however, the Y-offset (second# value) is ignored, because the actual Y-offset is determined by the length# of the two text blockscorruption-bar-region = 18,0,204,49# this is the gap between the text and the top and bottom of the corruption barcorruption-bar-margin = 8

    # this is the rectangle that the movement symbols will be printed within,# relative to the upper-left corner of the corruption barcorruption-symbol-region = 83,5,38,38

    ## Special Location (board piece)

    specloc-sheet-template = templates/special-location.pngspecloc-portrait-template = portraits/special-location-portrait.jp2specloc-portrait-clip-region = 49,89,231,235ideal-specloc-portrait-width = 231ideal-specloc-portrait-height = 235specloc-name-region = 21,25,287,40specloc-name-pointsize = 20

    # settings for the default portraitspecloc-portrait-panx = 0

    specloc-portrait-pany = 0specloc-portrait-scale = 1

    ## Personal Stories

    personal-story-front-sheet-template = templates/story-front-back.jp2personal-story-pass-sheet-template = templates/story-pass.jp2personal-story-fail-sheet-template = templates/story-fail.jp2

    personal-story-front-sheet-expsym-region = 112,338,17,17#personal-story-pass-sheet-expsym-region = 113,340,15,15#personal-story-fail-sheet-expsym-region = 113,340,15,15

    personal-story-portrait-template = portraits/male-portrait.jp2personal-story-portrait-clip-region = 26,31,41,29ideal-personal-story-portrait-width = 41ideal-personal-story-portrait-height = 29

    # settings for the default portrait

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    personal-story-portrait-panx = -7personal-story-portrait-pany = 20personal-story-portrait-scale = 0.25

    personal-story-name-region = 71,34,132,21personal-story-name-pointsize = 9.5personal-story-text-region = 31,82,176,243# title on story cardpersonal-story-title-pointsize = 10# titles on pass/fail cardpersonal-story-pass-fail-title-pointsize = 9# Pass:/Fail: headingspersonal-story-pass-fail-pointsize = 9# italic story textpersonal-story-story-pointsize = 6.5personal-story-body-pointsize = 7.5

    ## Relationship Cards

    relationship-front-sheet-template = templates/relationship-front.jp2

    relationship-back-sheet-template = templates/relationship-back.jp2relationship-front-sheet-expsym-region = 113,312,18,18relationship-name-pointsize = 10relationship-text-region = 30,80,182,218relationship-shape-height-bias = 24relationship-shape-width-bias = 8relationship-text-pointsize = 7