Carbohydrate loading and insulin supplementation in sport

Carbohydrate Loading and Insulin Supplementation in Sport

Transcript of Carbohydrate loading and insulin supplementation in sport

Carbohydrate Loading and Insulin Supplementation in Sport

Hitting the Wall

Aim: To introduce students to the performance benefits and Implications of Carbohydrate Loading

and Insulin Supplementation in Sport


• Identify the best food sources for carbohydrate loading

• Describe the process of Carbohydrate Loading and how its turned into energy

• Explain how carbohydrate loading benefits performance, using sporting activities as examples

• Identify the implications of insulin supplementation in sport

• Evaluate the effectiveness of carbohydrate loading and insulin supplementation as an ergogenic aid

What is Carbohydrate Loading?

• Carbohydrate loading, commonly referred to as carb-loading or carbo-loading, is a strategy used by endurance athletes, such as marathon runners, to maximize the storage of glycogen (or energy) in the muscles.

• What does Glycogen do?

• Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles and provides the body with a readily available source of energy

How do we Maximise Glycogen Storage?

• Carbohydrates produce Glycogen

• How? Once eaten they are broken down into smaller units of sugar (Glucose)

• Glucose the enters the bloodstream and can be used for immediate energy (45mins)

• Any Glucose not used is stored in the muscles and liver as Glycogen

Carbohydrate Rich Foods

• Pasta

• Bread

• Rice

• Potatoes

• Pastries

The Loading Process

• A Process of 7 days prior to competition

• Day 1 – Athletes will train intensely for a long period to deplete glycogen stores

• Days 2,3 and 4 – low carbohydrate diet with moderate intensity training to further deplete stores

• Days 5,6 and 7 – High Carbohydrate Food intake, body will absorb quicker due to previous depletion

Activity 1 – Carbo Loading

Performance Benefits?

How would Carbohydrate Loading benefit performance?

• Increased Glycogen storage means more available energy for continuous activity

• Normal Glycogen stores can run out after 90 mins

• Athletes can go on for longer after loading

Which Sports Benefit?• Research has shown there is little impact with

intermittent activity

• Main Benefactors are long duration athletes:

• Ironman

• Triathlon

• Marathon

• Half Marathon

• Cycling (Tour de France)

• Research has shown (AIS), Performance can increase by 2-3%

Insulin Supplementation

• What is Insulin?

• Insulin is a hormone naturally found in the body that is produced by the pancreas

• What does it do?

• Insulin moves glucose from food (Carbohydrates) into the bloodstream where it is taken to the muscles

Why do we combine it with Carbo-Loading?

• A) More Carbohydrates mean more glucose, more glucose means more insulin is required to maximise the loading process

Implications of Insulin and Carbo-loading

• High levels of blood Glucose Causes a thickening of the blood

• What can happen with a thickening of the Blood?

• Pressure on heart, can lead to myocardial disease and heart problems, increase blood pressure

• Can lead to diabetes – The bodies own system for producing insulin shuts down

Activity 2 -