Capstone phase 2 Online Overview: 3-Axis Motorized PIC Machine

3 Axis Motorized PIC Machine Lead Engineer: Briana McCall Support Engineers : Raymond Bryant & Roger Smith Advisor: Dr. Chan 4/20/11

Transcript of Capstone phase 2 Online Overview: 3-Axis Motorized PIC Machine

  • 1. 3 Axis Motorized PIC Machine
    Lead Engineer: Briana McCall
    Support Engineers : Raymond Bryant & Roger Smith
    Advisor: Dr. Chan

2. Introduction

  • Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) Milling machines are some of the most fascinating products of the manufacturing industry.

3. The 3-Axis Motorized PIC Machine is similar to the CNC Milling machine in every aspect except that it is controlled by a programmable instruction chip (PIC) instead of a user interface. 4. 3-axis motorized apparatus (using bipolar stepper motors), a controller (using microchips and pushbuttons), and a liquid crystal display (LCD).