Cape fear analysis 2

Cape Fear Analysis By Daisy Stokes

Transcript of Cape fear analysis 2

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Cape Fear Analysis By Daisy Stokes

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The scene begins with a mid-shot showing the institutions logo, it dissolves into a water like picture as if waves were moving across the screen. This could also be used to foreshadow later events which happen within a scenery with a lake. The music played over the top of this cut sounds like the sea/a storm which is setting further atmosphere, linking the next cut also being in water.

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The scene then cuts into a black screen for a few seconds to heighten the sensation of tension and make the viewers on edge as they are unaware of what is going to happen next. Black also has connotations of evilness, fear and the unknown, it could also could symbolise being in the darkness, which emphasises why the director has used this to create tension and fear gripping the audience to continue watching. A sharp music sting is then used between the two cuts above, to catch the audience’s attention that something is about to happen. The clip then continues with non-diegetic instrumental high pitch fast music, making the viewer continue to feel unease. Credits are played over the top of a close up shot showing a lake/water. The water gives a sense of menace and danger as its deep, dark and swirling. There is also pleonastic sound from the water making it sound more realistic creating further atmosphere. White writing is used which could be used to make it stand out upon the dark background. It may also be used as a contrast between the connotations of white being innocence, purity, and goodness, while black is the opposite giving negative connotations said previously. This could be used to foreshadow and symbolise the characters later shown (the young girl in white and perhaps the man’s evil soul). The use of lighting on the river makes it more realistic as its coming from the sun. however, the low-key lighting adds to the atmosphere being uneasy as it makes it more scary.

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A reflection of an eagle is shown which has connotations of freedom, which could represent the man later featured in the scene who gets released from prison. The bird hovering over the water waiting to catch his prey could symbolise how Cady is portrayed as a predator and seeking revenge, later on in the film.

The title ‘cape fear’ is shown in white writing which contradicts itself as white has connotations of innocence, purity and goodness. However, this goes against what the viewer is seeing. A face is shown underwater which could perhaps foreshadow someone drowning or being underwater. connotations of the word ‘cape’ would be super heroes which is contrasted with the word ‘fear’ to portray mystery as the two words have opposite connotations.

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There is an extreme close shot of a reflection of an eye in the water, which is shown as distressed looking in different directions which could imply that the person is scared and in danger. This could represent the young girl later shown in the clip, as the clip continues there is another extreme close up shot of a young girl’s eyes looking into the camera suggesting that that it was her eye. This creates a sense of fear that the viewer watching will feel for her, as this could be foreshadowing that something bad is going to happen to her. The fact that the extreme close up shot of her eyes has a red filter on it emphasises that she is in danger due to the connotations of red. The colour red is also associated with blood which is shown in the previous cut dropping into the water turning it red, this could foreshadow a murder or injury may be inflicted upon her. The girl is represented as sweet and innocent as she is dressed all in white which gives connotations of being innocent and goodness, which reinforces stereotypes of how stereotypically young women are presented as victims. The girl appears to be using direct address when she’s reminiscing about cape fear. She contradicts what we as viewers have just seen with her use of diegetic dialogue. She says ‘for such a lovely river the name cape fear was mystifying’ the viewer does not get this from the opening scenes where the river seems threatening and menacing heightened by the use of sharp music stings and keeps the viewers enthralled and wondering what’s happening. ’Those enchanted evenings’ suggests mystery, romance, and possibly good magic, which is completely contrasted to our first impressions. She also says in diegetic dialogue that ‘the only thing to fear is mystifying’ while using a very calm tone of voice, which goes against what you would expect to see after seeing the previous cuts; which is ironic to what the viewers has just seen. This makes the viewers want to keep watching to solve the mystery.

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A drop of red liquid fills the water turning it completely red, this could represent blood making the audience nervous as they don’t know where this has come from. Red gives connotations of danger, death and power. This emphasises again the something bad is going to happen in the water constantly making the viewers feel cautious yet enticed to find out what’s happening.

There is a reflection of a shadow in the water, which heightens the sense of fear for the viewers as they don’t know who it is. A shadow is also associated with mystery, power and evilness due to connections/stereotypes that can be linked with horror films. The identity of the figure is not yet revealed making the audience gripped as they want to be able to piece this all together and solve the mystery. There is then a mouth silently screaming shown which could suggest someone is scared and could be linked to the girl who is shown to imply that she's in danger.

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The intense non-diegetic tension building music continues, over photos on being of joseph Starlin. Stalin killed thousands of people cruelly and the fact that Cady has him on his wall could imply that he honours him and wants to be like him as Stalin was known as the man of steel implying that he also wants to be as powerful as him and kill people to gain his revenge. There are also pictures of super heroes on his wall which shows that he may believe that getting justice by killing people is fair and he’s doing the right thing by getting his revenge foreshadowing perhaps what’s going to happen next. A close up shot is then shown of some books in his room. One being a bible which could imply that he is religious therefore he may believe ‘eye for an eye’ is justice/fair and isn’t wrong. Again, this emphasises the he believes he is doing the right thing. Also, law books which shows that he has studied how to perhaps not get caught this time and emphasizes that he is planning on doing something against the law. The books are red, black, gold and white which gives connotations of power, evilness, contrasted with the gold and white being magic, innocence and goodness which could symbolise he girl and the red and black could symbolise Cady. This reinforces stereotypes of man stereotypically being powerful and the young girl being weak, helpless and innocent.

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There is a mid-shot of Cady shown with closed framing to emphasise that he is in prison and locked away from society making building tension as its implying he is dangerous but the viewers are unaware of why he is there creating more mystery. He is doing weights which reinforces stereotypes that men are strong and shows him to be powerful. The fact that his shirt is off emphasizes his muscles and gives the viewers a clear picture of his tattoo. His tattoo is a picture of a cross again reinforcing that he is religious and has those extreme views (an eye for an eye). It also has scales which say under them ‘truth and ‘justice’ which shows that he may have been wrongly accused of something or that someone is lying and he wants to go and seek revenge to bring truth and justice. He has many other tattoos which give negative associations of being a criminal and being unapproachable which creates a picture for the viewer of what his character is like without any dialogue form him. He is then shown walking out of his cell past the other prisoners. The music gets louder and more intense creating tension/fear implying that it’s a bad thing him being released. All of the other prisons are in silence (non-diegetic tension building sound used) this could show a sign of power he has, as if he is there leader and they are scared of him. some of the other prisoners are sharing a cell, the fact that he was isolated could suggest that he is dangerous and has to be kept away from others for their safety. while him and the police man are both wearing blue shirts, which gives connotations of loyalty, truth and intelligence. This could suggest that although the police man is shown physically bigger than Cady and has more power, Cady is just as intelligent and loyal, looking for the trust. The other prisons re dressed in white which contradicts connotations being innocence and purity when they are criminals (could imply they were wrongly convicted).

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Pleonastic sound is used on the door shutting on the other prisoners to emphasise that he has been released and they are still locked away as he was. A close up shot is used of the gate to emphasise that he was locked in and he is now being released.

The protagonist is shown walking towards the camera, the police man says ‘many people coming for you cady’ in diegetic dialogue with a concerning tone of voice. The fact that he addresses him by name shows that he is well known in the prison, which could imply that he is trouble. The fact that no one is coming for him creates tension as it makes the viewers wonder why keeping them on edge. He also says ‘you got your books’ and he replies with ‘already read them’ emphasizing that he has studied them and is ready to act on his revenge plan. He is wearing green and brown which gives connotations of harmony and warmth, which contradicts with other stereotypes we have previously seen him associated with. This keeps mystery for the viewers. As he is walking out of the prison the weather is shown to turn stormy with lighting, and diegetic sound of the storm making it more realistic. Storms are usually associated with negative connotations of being scary, dangerous, powerful and troublesome. This could symbolise him emphasising that he shouldn’t be released into society.