Cap í tulo 3A El imperativo formal

Capítulo 3A El imperativo formal Polite (Formal) Commands


Cap í tulo 3A El imperativo formal. Polite (Formal) Commands. To form the polite or formal singular command simply follow 2 steps: 1. Take the 1st person singular form of the present tense. And then…. 2. Then drop the “o” and replace it with the opposite vowel. -ar verbs take the vowel –e - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Cap í tulo 3A El imperativo formal

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Capítulo 3AEl imperativo formal

Polite (Formal) Commands

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To form the polite or formal singular command simply follow 2 steps:

1. Take the 1st person singular form of the present tense.

And then….

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2. Then drop the “o” and replace it with the opposite vowel.

-ar verbs take the vowel –e

-er verbs take the vowel –a

-ir verbs take the vowel –a

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Ejemplos: -ar,-er,-ir

• (Mirar - Miro) Mire Ud. = Look.

• (Aprender - Aprendo) Aprenda Ud. espanol. = Learn Spanish.

• (Escribir - Escribo) Escriba Ud. en ingles. = Write in English.

> The “Ud.” may be expressed or omitted.

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Stem-Changers, therefore, will still occur.

• Cierre Ud. la puerta. Close the door.

• Vuelva Ud. a las once. Return at 11:00.

• Sirva Ud. el pato. Serve the duck.

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Hmmmm……what happened here?

• Toque Ud. la guitarra.• Juegue Ud. el partido.• Lance Ud. el balón.

>Toce Ud and Juege Ud would be incorrect because you need to maintain the pronunciation of the “c” and “g”

>Lanze Ud would be incorrect because “z” is never used before an “e”

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Since the root of the polite command is the 1st person singular of the present tense (step

#1), notice these polite commands.1st person present • traigo• vengo• salgo• tengo• digo• hago• oigo• conozco • traduzco• veo > They are all –er or –ir verbs so they will take

the opposite vowel: -a.

Commandtraiga Ud.venga Ud.salga Ud.tenga Ud.diga Ud.haga. Ud.oiga. Ud.conozca Ud.traduzca Ud.vea Ud.

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Just add “No” to make the command negative.Just add –n on to the verb to make the command

plural. Add “Uds” if you wish.

• Hable Ud. Hablen Uds. No hable(n) Ud.(s)• Coma Ud. Coman Uds. No coman Uds.• Duerma Ud. Duerman Uds. No duerman Uds.• Pague Ud. Paguen Uds. No paguen Uds.• Comience Ud. Comiencen Uds. No comiencen Uds.• Haga Ud. Hagan Uds. No hagan Uds.• Oiga Ud. Oigan Uds. No oigan Uds.• Ponga Ud. Pongan Uds. No pongan Uds.• Tenga Ud. Tengan Uds. No tengan Uds.

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Ok then….What about reflexive pronouns?

• Siéntese Ud. / Siéntense Uds. Sit down. (seat yourself)• Diviértase Ud. / Diviértanse Uds. Have fun• Acuéstese Ud. / Acuéstense Uds. Go to bed.• Mírese Ud. / Mírense Uds. Look at yourself.• Póngase Ud. los zapatos / Pónganse Uds. los zapatos. Put on your


>Since you are commanding an adult, you will be using the “se” reflexive pronoun.

>Attach the reflexive pronoun on to the end of the command.

>Place a written accent on the 3rd to the last syllable to maintain stress there. (where it would have been if the pronoun were not there)

>The use of “Ud.” and “Uds.” is optional.

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And Indirect Object Pronouns?

• Véndame Ud. el libro. / Véndanme Uds. Sell the book to me.• Léale Ud. los apuntes. / Léanle Uds. Read the notes to him.• Escríbanos Ud. una carta. / Escríbanos Uds. Write a letter to

us.• Tráigales Ud. un fotografía a ellos. / Tráiganles Uds. Bring a

photo to them.

> All pronouns, no matter what type, must be attached on to affirmative commands

> Again, the accent!> Don’t forget you may clarify a third person indirect object

pronoun with a noun phrase as in the last example.

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And of course, Direct Object Pronouns.

• Cómprelos Ud./ Cómprenlos Uds. Buy them.

• Dígame Ud./ Díganme Uds. Tell me.

• Hágalo Ud./ Háganlo Uds. Do it.

• Mírela Ud./ Mírenla Uds. Watch her.

• Same accent….same other stuff too.

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Last… but not least!!!!!

• Yes………you guessed it…….

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El imperativo con pronombres indirectos y pronombres directos.

1. Muéstremelo Ud. / Muéstrenmelo Uds. Show it to me.2. Díganoslo Ud./ Díganoslo Uds. Tell it to us.3. Escríbamelos Ud./ Escríbanmelos Uds. Write them to

me.4. Mándesela Ud./ Mándenselas Uds. Send it to them.5. Tráigaselos Ud./ Tráiganselos Uds. Bring them to her.

The accent is on the 4th to the last syllable where the stress would normally be without any pronouns added.

In example 4, les changed to se. In example 5, le changed to se

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As always…..

The Irregulars

Lo siento clase….pero Uds. saben que siempre hay irregulares!

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There are 5 Irregulars that must be memorized. They do not fit any


• ser sea Ud. sean Uds.

• ir vaya Ud. vayan Uds.

• dar dé Ud. den Uds.

• estaresté Ud. estén Uds.

• saber sepa Ud. sepan Uds.

Remember the acronym – “S I D E S”

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Ahora Uds. pueden tratar…

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Traduce al español.

• Go home.• Vaya Ud. a casa.• Get up.• Levántese Ud.• Open the door.• Abra la puerta.• Call me.• Llámeme.• Buy it for me.• Cómpremelo.

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¡¡Estupendo clase!!

El fin.