CAP 6412 Advanced Computer Vision - CS Departmentbgong/CAP6412/lec1.pdfEmail --- the best way to...

CAP 6412 Advanced Computer Vision Website: Jan 12, 2016

Transcript of CAP 6412 Advanced Computer Vision - CS Departmentbgong/CAP6412/lec1.pdfEmail --- the best way to...

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• Instructor:Boqing [email protected]

• Officehours:Tuesday4:30—5:30pmatHEC214

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Email--- thebestwaytoreachme

• Put[CAP6412] insubjectline• Summarizemessageinsubjectline• Ex:[CAP6412]Meetingrequest:Thursday(Jan14)4:30pm?

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• Courseoverview• Logistics,requirements

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• Computerprogramstorecognizeimages• Understandimagesequencesorvideos• Visualscences aroundus• Imitatehumancapabilitiestounderstandscenes• Perception,visualperceivingofthe3Dworld

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• Duplicatethecapabilitiesofhumanvisiononmachines

• “Acquire,process,analyze,andunderstandimages,videos,3Ddata,andothertypesofhigh-dimensionaldataofthereal(visual)world”---

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• TopicsSceneundestandingMedicalimageanalysisHuman-centricCV


• Methods,tools,modelsGraphicalmodels(HMM,GMM,etc.),Neuralnetworks,OpenCV

• Relateddisciplines• Graphics,Machinelearning,HCI,Imageprocessing,Medicine,Statistics

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• Topics3DmodelingandreconstructionStereo,structurefrommotionBiomedicalimageanalysisComputationalphotographyFaceandgesturesLow-levelvision(edge,color,etc.)MotionandtrackingOptimizationStatisticallearning,interactivelearningRecognition(ofobjects,attributes,scenes)SegmentationVideo:action,tracking,surveillanceVisionforX

• Relateddisciplines

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• Conferences • Journals,transactions

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• Journals,transactions- IEEET-PAMI,IJCV- IEEET-IP,T-MM,CVIU,etc.

• Submission,double-blind review,rebuttal,decision• Morenoisyreviews• Publicationinabout6months

• Submission,single-blind review,response,review,response,…...,decision• Publicationin>1years,self-archived

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• #1courseobjective- Familiarwithfrontierproblems,researchgroups,andresearchers- Understandstate-of-the-arttechniquesandtools- Familiarwithcomputervisiondatasets(benchmarks)- Understandevaluationmethodsandmetrics

- Improvecriticalanalysiscapabilities

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• Askquestionsbeforeyoustart

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• Askquestionsbeforeyoustart

- Whatarethemotivationsforthispaper?- Whatproblemisbeingsolved?- Whatistheproposedsolution?- Whatexperimentsaredesignedtotestthesolution?- Whataretheevaluationmethodsandmetrics

- Whatarethecontributions?- Whatarethefuturedirections?- Howisthepaperrelatedtowhatyoupreviouslyknew?- Howisthepaperrelatedtootherworks?

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• Repeat:decreasingmarginalgainuntilconvergence?• Getthegeneralideafirst

• Whatproblemisbeingsolved?• Whatarethemainstepsinthesolution?• Whatisthehigh-levelideaofthesolution?

• Drawanalogiestowhatyouknowwell• Readinorder:

• Abstract,conclusion,problemstatementifitexists,intro,approach,experiments

• Divideandconquer• HowtoreadresearchpapersbyDr.MubarakShah:

• Thethree-passapproachbyDr.SrinivasanKeshav:

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• Writeareviewonthepaper--- #2courseobjective- Summarizeatake-homemessage- Recallthemainstrengthsofthepaper

- Novelty- Technicalcorrectness- Clarity- Experimentalevaluation

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• Writeareviewonthepaper--- #2courseobjective- Summarizeatake-homemessage- Recallthemainstrengthsofthepaper- Bepicky:weaknessofthepaper

- Lackofnovelty:comparingtopriorwork- Lackofclarity:language,organization,presentation- Technicalerrors:rare- Mismatchedexperimentdesign- Insufficientexperiments- Unfaircomparisonwithothermethods- Justifyyourcomment

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• Writeareviewonthepaper--- #2courseobjective- Summarizeatake-homemessage- Recallthemainstrengthsofthepaper- Bepicky:weaknessofthepaper- Overallrating(adaptedfromNIPSreviewerinstructions)

- 0: Top10%ofthepapersIhaveread,anexcellentpaper,astrongaccept.- Iwillfightforacceptance.IwillconsidernotreviewingpapersforXXifthisisrejected.

- 1: Top50%ofacceptedNIPSpapers,averygoodpaper,aclearaccept.- Ivoteandargueforacceptance.

- 2: Goodpaper,accept.- Ivoteforacceptance,althoughwouldnotbeupset ifitwererejected.

- 3:Marginallyabovetheacceptancethreshold.- Itendtovoteforacceptingit,but leavingitoutoftheprogramwouldbenogreatloss.

- 4:Marginallybelowtheacceptancethreshold.- Itendtovoteforrejectingit,buthavingitintheprogramwouldnotbethatbad.

- 5: AnOKpaper,butnotgoodenough.Arejection.- Ivoteforrejectingit,althoughwouldnotbeupset ifitwereaccepted.

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• Writeareviewonthepaper--- #2courseobjective- Summarizeatake-homemessage- Recallmainstrengthsofthepaper- Bepicky:weaknessesofthepaper- Overallrating(0,1--5)- Explainyourrating:howyouweighthestrengthsandweaknesses- Brainstormfuturedirections

- ??

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• Writeareviewonthepaper--- #2courseobjective- Summarizeatake-homemessage- Recallmainstrengthsofthepaper- Bepicky:weaknessesofthepaper- Overallrating(0,1--5)- Explainyourrating:howyouweighthestrengthsandweaknesses- Brainstormfuturedirections

- Newsolutions- Newsolutionsextendingorinspiredbythepaper’ssolution- Openproblems- Otherproblemsthatcouldbenefitfromthepaper

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• Makegoodpresentations--- #3courseobjective- Knowyouraudience:fellowgraduatestudentswithgoodbackground- Beawareofyourtime:Tues,Thurs,3pm—4:15pm- Adaptthepresentationgoal:explainanddiscussthepaper- Assumenooneintheclasshasreadthepaperbefore

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• Makegoodpresentations--- #3courseobjective- Title,authors(fullname),authors’institutes,yournameandemail- Motivationoftheresearch(1—2slides)- Problemstatement

- Whatisbeingsolved?- Whyisitanimportantproblem?

- Maincontributionsofthepaper- Studiedanewandimportantproblem- Proposedanovelapproach- Improvedorextendedexistingmethods- Comparedseveralpopularmethods- Exploredavarietyofusecases(manydatasetsofdifferentkinds)- Presentednewtheories- Introducednewmethodologiesortoolstocomputervision

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• Makegoodpresentations--- #3courseobjective- Title,authors(fullname),authors’institutes,yournameandemail- Motivationoftheresearch(1—2slides)- Problemstatement(1—2slides)- Maincontributionsofthepaper- Approachoutline(1slide)- Detailsoftheproposedapproach- Experiments

- Data,features,baselines,evaluationmetrics,results- Relatedwork(1—3slides)- Conclusion:take-homemessage(1—2slides)

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• Makegoodpresentations--- #3courseobjective- Title,authors(fullname),authors’institutes,yournameandemail- Motivationoftheresearch(1—2slides)- Problemstatement(1—2slides)- Maincontributionsofthepaper- Approachoutline(1slide)- Detailsoftheproposedapproach- Experiments- Relatedwork(1—3slides)- Conclusion:take-homemessage(1—2slides)- Strengths&weaknessesofthepaper(1—2slides)- Overallrating&why(howyouweighthestrengthsandweaknesses)(1slide)- Futuredirections(1—3slides)

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• Overarchingobjective- Introducethefrontiersandtrendsincomputervision- Preparestudentsforcomputervisionresearch

• Throughtakingthiscourse- Gainin-depthunderstandingofthestate-of-the-artsincomputervision- Writehigh-qualitypaperreviews- Improvepresentationskills- Sharpenprogrammingandcriticalanalysisskills- Identifynewresearchdirections

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• Topics- Convolutionalneuralnetworks:basicsandapplications- Visionandlanguage:imagecaptioning,visualquestionanswering,etc.- Representations:low-level,middle-level(attributes,parts),CNNlayers,etc.- Video:action,tracking,surveillance,etc.- Statisticalmodelsandlearning- Imageretrievalandmatching- Human-centeredcomputervision:face,pose,pedestrian,ego-centric,feedback,humansintheloop,activelearning,etc.

- Visualsaliency:saliency,gaze,objectproposal,etc.- Formoretopics,seeSyllabus andPapersoncoursehomepage:

SubmituptothreepreferredtopicsbyJan14th 2016(Thurs),1pm(UCFFinancialAid)

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• GradingpolicyReports(writingpaperreviews):25%

- Tworeviewsperweek(dueresp.Tuesday,Thursday,3pm)- DueonJan14th 2016(Thurs),1pm:uptothreepreferredtopics

PaperPresentations:20%- 1—2presentationseveryclass(volunteers?)


- Potentialworkshop&conferencesubmissions- Projectpresentation:10%


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• Latehomeworkpolicy- Threelatedaysintotalforallreportsandprojects- Countingatthegranularityof12hours- Noadditionallatedays

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• ImportantdatesJan11th, 2016:ClassesbeginJan14th,2016:LastdaytodropandrequestfullrefundJan15th,2016:AdddeadlineonmyUCFMarch23rd,2016:WithdrawaldeadlineApril26th,2016:Classesend;LastdaytoremoveincompleteApril28th,2016:Finalprojectpresentation

See foranyupdates

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• StatementonAcademicIntegrity:The UCF Golden Rule ( will be observed inthe class. Plagiarism and Cheating of any kind on an examination, quiz, orassignment will result at least in an "F" for that assignment (and may,depending on the severity of the case, lead to an "F" for the entire course)and may be subject to appropriate referral to the Office of Student Conductfor further action. I will assume for this course that you will adhere to theacademic creed of this University and will maintain the highest standards ofacademic integrity. In other words, don't cheat by giving answers to othersor taking them from anyone else. I will also adhere to the highest standardsof academic integrity, so please do not ask me to change (or expect me tochange) your grade illegitimately or to bend or break rules for one personthat will not apply to everyone.

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