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Transcript of Cantata

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CANTATA- Literally “sung”, derived from the word italian word “cantare”

-Is a vocal composition with an instrumental accompaniment, typically in several movements, often involving a choir

-The meaning of the term changed overtime, from single voice madrigal of the early 17th century, to the multi-voice “cantata da camera” and the “cantata da chiesa” of the later part of the century from the more substantial dramatic forms of the18th century to the usually sacred texted 19th century cantata, which was effectively a type of short oratorio.

-Several cantatas were written for special occasions, such as Christmas Cantata.

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-The term originated in the early 17th century simultaneously with opera and oratorio. Prior to that all cultured music was vocal. With the rise of instrumental music the term appeared , while the instrumental art became sufficiently developed to be embodied in sonatas.

-From the beginning of the 17th century until late in 18th century, the cantata for one or two solo voices with accompaniment of basso continuo (and perhaps a few solo instruments) a principal form of Italian vocal chamber music.

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04Difference from other musical forms

- The Italian solo cantata tended, when on a large scale, to become indistinguishable from a scene in an opera, in the same way the church cantata, solo, or choral, is indistinguishable from a small oratorio or portion of an oratorio.


- Is a collection of six church cantatas intended for performance on six different days, though together forming as complete an artistic whole as any classical oratorio.

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- The word cantata first appeared in the italian composer Alessandro Grandhi’s “ Cantade et Arie a voce sola” (Cantatas and Arias for solo voice – published 1620-29)

-Originally a musical composition intended to be sung, as opposed to a sonata, a composition played instrumentally; now loosely, any work for voices and insturments.

-From its beginning in early 17th century in Italy, both secular and religious cantatas were written.

-Cantatas soon developed a dramatic character.