


skittles. marshmallows. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. chocolate. chocolate. chocolate. chocolate. chocolate. skittles. marshmallows. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. mints. skittles. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of candy

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Page 2: candy

Marshmallows…~Marshmallows are a confection, meaning they are highly

enriched in sugar (C6H12O6).

~ The typical marshmallow recipe calls for of sugar/dextrose(C6H12O6) or corn syrup, water (H2O), gelatin that has been softened in hot water, flavourings, and sometimes colouring that are all whipped together until it obtains a spongy texture.~ Gelatin is basically made of collagen, giving us the molecular formula of collagen- C2H5NOC5H9NOC5H10NO2.

~ We could say that the basic, flavorless marshmallow ingredients, in chemical terms is: C6H12O6 + H2O + C2HC5H9NOC5H10NO2 Marshmallow.

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~ has a molecular formula of C6H12O6.

~ has a molar mass of 180.16 g/mol.

~ has a percent composition of 40% Carbon, 7% Hydrogen and 53% Oxygen.

~ has a density of 1.54 g/cm3.

~ has a melting point of 150ºC.

~ has a solubility in water or 90g/100mL.

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Chocolate…~ Chocolate is one of nature’s most concentrated sources of the chemical Theobromine.

~ Theobromine is a molecular cousin to caffeine, however, it doesn’t strongly stimulate the central nervous system, or have an eye opening effect, like caffeine.

~ Theobromine has been shown to reduce coughing and has been used in "natural" cough medicine preparations as a cough suppressant. ~ Obviously, Theobromine is safe for humans. However, it is not safe for some species, like dogs for example. Dogs don’t have the specific enzyme that metabolizes Theobromine, so eating chocolate can cause them to become over stimulated.

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~ Has a molar mass of 180.164 g/mol.

~ has a percent composition of 47% Carbon, 4% Hydrogen, 31% Nitrogen and 18% Oxygen.

~ has a molecular equation of C7H8N4O2.

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Skittles…~ Skittles is a candy, made of the basic ingredients sugar, hydrogenated vegetable oil, fruit juice, citric acid and natural and artificial flavours. ~ The dye’s in skittles can be used in chromatography experiments, as the dye’s break down into their primary colours when put in water. ~ Skittles contain 66.7 mg of Vitamin C.

~ Skittles contain 15.1 mg of Sodium.

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Skittles…Citric Acid…

~ is an organic acid.

~ has a molecular formula of C6H8O7

~ has a molar mass of 192.124 g/mol, if it is anhydrous, or 210.14 g/mol if it is monohydrated.

~ has a percent composition of 38% Carbon, 4% Hydrogen and 58 % Oxygen, if it is anhydrous.

~ has a melting point of 153ºC.

~ has a boiling point of 175ºC.

~ has a density of 1.665 g/cm3.

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Mints…~ Mints can be made from spearmint or peppermint oil.

~ A type of mint is peppermint, which is half water mint (Mentha aquita) and half spearmint (Metha spicata).

~ Menthyl Acetate (C12H22O2) contributes to the flavour of peppermint.

~ Peppermint contains an organic compound that is synthetically made, called Menthol (C10H20O).

~ Peppermint has some muscle relaxant properties and because of that, it may relax the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing the contents of the stomach to move upwards into the esophagus.

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Mints…Menthyl Acetate…

~ has a molecular formula of C12H22O2.

~ has a molar mass of 198.30 g/mol

~ has a percent composition of 73% Carbon, 11% Hydrogen and 16% Oxygen.

~ has a density of 0.92 g/mL

~ has a boiling point of 230ºC.

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~ has a molecular formula of C10H20O.

~ has a molar mass of 156.27 g/mol.

~ has a percent composition of 77% Carbon, 13% Hydrogen and 10% Oxygen.

~ has a boiling point of 212ºC.

~ has a density of 0.89 g/cm3.

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Interesting Candy Facts…

~ It takes 6 minutes to produce a Marshmallow Peep.

~ The melting point of cocoa butter is just below the human body temperature. That’s why it literally melts in your mouth. Or your hands!

~ Americans consumed over 3.1 billion pounds of chocolate in 2001, which is almost half of the total world's production.

~ Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a natural substance that is reputed to stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love.

~ In Hershey, Pennsylvania, the streetlights along "Chocolate Avenue" are in the shape of Hershey Kisses.

~ The average person will consume 10,000 chocolate bars in a lifetime.

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