Candidate Experience Think Tank – Become famous for how you treat people

@googledave Ph. Creative #HRTechWorld 2016

Transcript of Candidate Experience Think Tank – Become famous for how you treat people

PowerPoint PresentationDigital agency in the centre of the universe, Liverpool UK
Clients UK europre
Working in the other worlds, we constantly see best practice in the world of B2B and B2C
What are the digital strategies and techniques that we see that when applied into your world - give you and advantage
We do all we can to understand humans and their behaviour, and by learning and fine tuning ‘what makes people tick’
How do we understand them and their Journey
How do we attract them
How do we convert them
Digital agency in the centre of the universe, Liverpool UK
Clients UK eurpoe and here
We believe in placing the candidate at the heart of everything we.
Because in the world of talent, everything we do ultimitle creates an experience for the candidate.
We do this with 3 things,
Digital attraction
Going to go on a journy across this areas to help you provide digital experiences that matter to candidates
Ph. Creative
58 page guide on CX and how helped VG and Virgin Media…
I’ll also put this slide up at the end, so you can take a photo of it
So, candidate experience, customer experience…brand experience – it’s the same thing.
In fact, I’d argue that you actually get to know your candidates far more intimately than the consumer side..
Just think about the different touchpoints. The people they meet, the people they talk to, the communication they receive, the different offices they visit.
Not only this…. But they the invest time in you (much more than money)… a lot of time and energy. They also cmmmit emotoins and flleing to you during the process.
The question is… how do you make them feel.
As we will discover, how you make them feel along the way… this is your brand experience
In your world, I truly believe that we have to be a people first space - after all this is what you do – you are in the world of people and the relationship you grow and nurture
More so than most …as we are all about the people.
But, we’re obsessed with process and then making people ‘absorb the process’…
ATS (all pants!) – just image if you had a 18 page application form to apply – who cares!! (asos)
Mindset where people are first, the process second …and then technology should be the enabler, not the dictator
When you mapped the process, what often happens we say ‘what do we want?’
But is the wrong question… What do they want? Do you know? Have you asked? How do you learn?
DO we want to…
Make candidate do things
Empathy is the key
Google ZMOT … Explain model….
For each decision we want to make better informed decisions be smarter and make the right choice.
People’s decision process is not a method/message it is now a conversation word of mouth is stronger than ever before.
Before we reach a decision we go looking for the information the question is where do we go looking.
ZMOT is the moment you grab your phone, jump on your laptop and start learning about something and is the moment people touch the brand.
ZMOT is an online and offline it is multiple journeys across multiply devices you need to be there when the customer goes looking.
So candidates jump around online, offline have conversations on social and with real people they check out LinkedIn they check out your website and they read content about you whether it’s yours or not.
ZMOT is the moment you grab your phone, jump on your laptop and start learning about something and is the moment people touch the brand.
ZMOT is an online and offline it is multiple journeys across multiply devices you need to be there when the customer goes looking.
14.5 sources
72% 2- 6 hours….
What are the experiences you provide during these moments, moments between the moments and the micro-moments
Happiness is a journey not a destination…
Memories, are the ones that you feel… so create multiple moments of happiness
And the more they feel happiness in their journey with you… the great their brand experience…
Why do you think it was….??
Coke works really harder through various content and different channels
The coke Christmas lorry
The Diet coke break…
You don’t ask for a Pepsi and coke – its JD and Coke!
Creating moments of positive experiences and forging memories in our minds…
Creating subconscious feelings towards how we feel and then think towards its brand (95% of our brains, decisions are done before we even thoughts about it!)
The MRI scans proves that feelings made the people in the second test choose coke – not taste first
#2 in the UK
Whose carried this out before? / Whose heard of this before…?
Working in other worlds like hospitality and retail we look at customer journey mapping…
So, very natural to turn this into Candidate Experience journey mapping…
Something else of interest – reward people on experience they create
Porsche, Lloyds… reward behaviour of experience – your team, hiring managers…?
Hands up….
When last you … applied across multi devices for a job? Went looking for information about what it’s like to work in your team?
The store manager walksks the floor 15-20 times a day to see how it feels to them
VOC – Voice of the Candidate (validation – fact and fiction)
Problem with communication we listen to reply, we don’t listen to understand (we don’t learn much by talking! Wedding day)
Hands up – how many of you get feedback?
End of the process - it’s too late (mention virgin media and real time analytics for happiness..We need to know how they feel along the journey
To truly deliver a world class experience we need to listen to understand, get to know them
If you think about it – what’s one of the most important aspects of assessing someone…. Listening to understand
Don’t ask why
Taking candidate persona and walking in their shoes…
G and Virgin Media tomorrow…this is some of the
Moments and moments between the moments
What we look at, and the measure of emotions
ZMOT is the attraction phase…. Apply is the first moment of truth (do I need to show this with a small graphic)
Great tip was to set an expectation of ‘feeling’
You’ll hear a lot more on this tomorrow at Graeme session – don’t miss it!
G and Virgin Media tomorrow…this is some of the
Moments and moments between the moments
What we look at, and the measure of emotions
ZMOT is the attraction phase…. Apply is the first moment of truth (do I need to show this with a small graphic)
Great tip was to set an expectation of ‘feeling’
You’ll hear a lot more on this tomorrow at Graeme session – don’t miss it!
G and Virgin Media tomorrow…this is some of the
Moments and moments between the moments
What we look at, and the measure of emotions
ZMOT is the attraction phase…. Apply is the first moment of truth (do I need to show this with a small graphic)
Great tip was to set an expectation of ‘feeling’
You’ll hear a lot more on this tomorrow at Graeme session – don’t miss it!
G and Virgin Media tomorrow…this is some of the
Moments and moments between the moments
What we look at, and the measure of emotions
ZMOT is the attraction phase…. Apply is the first moment of truth (do I need to show this with a small graphic)
Great tip was to set an expectation of ‘feeling’
You’ll hear a lot more on this tomorrow at Graeme session – don’t miss it!
Give guidance, gain feedback
G and Virgin Media tomorrow…this is some of the
Moments and moments between the moments
What we look at, and the measure of emotions
ZMOT is the attraction phase…. Apply is the first moment of truth (do I need to show this with a small graphic)
Great tip was to set an expectation of ‘feeling’
You’ll hear a lot more on this tomorrow at Graeme session – don’t miss it!