Cancer Survivor\'s Guide to Chemo Brain and Recovery

Susan Hardwicke, PhD [email protected] 804-308-1956 Chemo Brain and Recovery A Guide for Survival


As a cancer survivor who has largely recovered from chemo brain, I reach out to conferences and support groups to speak on this important issue.

Transcript of Cancer Survivor\'s Guide to Chemo Brain and Recovery

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Susan Hardwicke, PhD

[email protected]


Chemo Brain and Recovery

A Guide for Survival

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.2

Purpose To summarize recent findings on the brain To understand the effects of chemotherapy treatment

on the brain To detail a research-based program you can begin

today to improve post-chemotherapy cognitive health To answer your questions

I’m a Stage III breast cancer survivor who has experienced and recovered from chemo brain.

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.3

Personal Experience Past: Six chemotherapy infusions Sept -

Dec 2002 Chemo brain symptoms began with first

infusion Short-term memory loss Memory formation loss Motor function loss Word retrieval difficulties/expressive language

difficulties Difficulty making decisions

Present: Full recovery of chemo brain symptoms

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.4

“What is Chemo Brain?”

Symptom list1. Mental fog2. Memory deficits (new or worsening)3. Slower processing speed4. Inability to maintain focus, concentration5. Language difficulties (word retrieval, in particular)6. Motor difficulties (navigation, geographic memory)

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.5

“Why did Chemo Brain take so long to be recognized as a problem?”

1. Emphasis on saving life, not on quality of life2. Brain assumed to be static, and function

declines with age3. Blood brain barrier was supposed to protect

brain cells from chemotherapy agents4. Patients reluctant to report symptoms5. Symptoms could be attributed to stress,


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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.6

20 Years of Brain Research

New field of cognitive neuroscience helps understand the functions of different brain areas

Neurology and neuroscience expand knowledge of types of cells

Exploded myths about brain: Brain cells communicate with each other “Blood brain barrier” does not protect against

chemotherapy Brain can regenerate skills, rewire itself Brain/thoughts affect physiological functions

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.7

Neurogenesis: The Formation of New Neurogenesis: The Formation of New Brain CellsBrain Cells

Pluripotent stem cell


stem cell/Neural Stem Cell

Undifferentiated neurons


Glial cells

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.8

Anatomy of a NeuronDendrites- receive electrical and chemical impulses from other cells

Cell body- contains the nucleus of the cell’s DNA blueprint for division and replication, and RNA for protein synthesis

Axon- long extension from the cell body that conducts electrical impulses, transports enzymes/chemicals

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.9

Neurotransmitters Chemical compounds

(amines and amino acids) and polypeptides* manufactured in the neuron or human body

Excitatory and inhibitory Regulate mood, activity,

and storage of information Stored in vesicles near

axons Role: transfer informational signals across the synapse, then return (through reuptake process) to original site

>60 neurotransmitters!

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.10

Cell Cycle Normal cells

Contact inhibition Cell cycle control Cell differentiation Programmed cell

death: apoptosis

Cancer cellsUncontrolled growth (malfunction of programmed cell death)

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.11

Chemotherapy: Effects Patient information: Chemotherapy kills

cancer cells because they divide so fast. What really happens: Chemotherapy

kills ALL cells that are dividing (= ALL cells) It kills cancer cells because they divide

much faster than normal cells Other cells that divide quickly include

immune/blood, mouth, digestive, skin, hair, and BRAIN

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.12

Chemotherapy Damage

Research provides solid evidence of damaging side effects: Brain atrophy (smaller size

for 2 years) Delayed degenerative

damage to stem cells (5-FU)

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.13

The Effects of Chemotherapies

Research shows the damage caused by select chemotherapies.

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.14

“How much cognitive damage do you have?”

Self-assessment of pre- and post-chemo performance

Inventory available:• Memory• Language• Focus• Processing• Decision-making• Mood

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.15

Chemo Brain Recovery Model

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.16

Rationale for Model

Achieve clear sense of purpose Take advantage of recent research and

promote new brain cell growth (neurogenesis) Improve the quality of new brain cells Enhance intercellular communications Enhance brain’s biochemistry Reinforce or develop pathways in the brain

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.17

Start with Emotional/Spiritual

1. Make a conscious decision to improve your health

2. Achieve a more positive emotional state DAILY3. Reflect on your core spiritual beliefs4. Build your sense of purpose5. Increase your enjoyment of being alive every day

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.18

Diet and Supplements: Principles

Remember: What you ingest is used to construct cells and in cell communications

Do not ingest toxins-- eliminate chemicals, additives, and artificial flavors and sweeteners

Decrease unhealthy fats and increase healthy fats

Increase protein Add folic acid, probiotics, and other

supplements that directly benefit the brain in particular, and energy in general

*See Diet Tips Handout

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.19

Physical Exercise


Unless you formerly worked out, start with walking (preferably outdoors)

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.20

Mental Exercise

15 minutes a day, every day. Repeat the same type of game for several weeks to build pathways in the brain. Concentration/memory puzzles and games Sudoku Trivial pursuit Online memory games Cranium

Reduce or eliminate television Fill moments of “dead time” by deliberate

thinking or reading, not allowing your mind to wander.

Get enough sleep to help your brain reorganize

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.21

Audio Therapy

Specially designed ambient music changes brainwave profile at least temporarily

Can reduce “stress” waves and “fog” waves Case study:

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.22

Audio Therapy

Pre-audio measures Hi-beta = 18.7 Theta = 11.8 Alpha = 14.4

During-audio measures

Hi-beta = 6.9 Theta = 10.4 Alpha = 17.2

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.23

And what if you need more help?

Look for new website: Chemo brain blog Chemo brain and survivor community Other resources

Do NOT accept suggestions that “you should be happy you are alive”

Evaluate your medications for potential side effects on brain function

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©Copyright Susan Hardwicke, Ph.D. 2009. All rights reserved.24


Self-assessment questionnaire

Diet tips for post-chemotherapy

For additional copies, contact me at [email protected]