CANCER RESEARCH VOLUME17 FEBRUARY 1957 NUMBER2 A List of Review Articles on Cancer Research 1951-1955* ERICHHIRSCHBERG (Institute of Cancer Research and Department of Biochemistry, Columbia Unirersity, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York SS, N. Y.) During the last decade, experimental and clini cal research on the many diverse aspects of the cancer problem has expanded in all directions and at a headlong pace. The resulting accumulation of data and results has become so large and often unwieldy as to tax not only the powers of compre hension and correlation but also the simple reten tive capacities of many active workers in this field. Increasing attention is therefore being devoted to all bibliographic aids which facilitate continuing contact with recent developments of all facets of this problem. Among these aids, the review article is one of the most useful and informative. An attempt has been made here to bring to gether a fairly comprehensive list of review articles which have appeared in the world's major lan guages between 1951 and 1955.1Over four hundred books, symposia, reviews, and significant theoreti cal discussions are included. With the exception of a handful of articles for which a supplementary reference to Chemical Abstracts or Excerpta Medica (Cancer) is given, each paper was scanned in the original.2 In the broadest sense, cancer research encom passes three major areas of study: those dealing * This material was prepared in connection with research supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant C-2SS2and an Institutional Grant of the American Cancer Society. 1For a general introduction to earlier literature sources, the admirable paper by Harold Oatfield entitled "Literature of the Chemical Periphery. I. Cancer" (Bull. Med. Library Assoc., 38:9, 1950) should be consulted. 1 The invaluable assistance of the staff of the Medical Li brary of Columbia University, particularly of Miss M. W- Covington, is most gratefully acknowledged. Received for publication October 22, 1966. with the intrinsic and extrinsic causes of the neo- plastic process, those concerned with the biological and biochemical properties of tumors and with tumor-host relationships, and those focused on cancer diagnosis, the various forms of treatment, and related clinical problems. To facilitate the perusal of this list, it has been subdivided by sub ject matter into these three broad groups, which follow a section entitled "General" devoted to ma terial not easily assigned to one of the other sec tions. It should be stressed that the emphasis has been on summaries and interpretation of research find ings; reviews or books dealing only with case stud ies, cancer statistics, or pathological material have been largely omitted. Despite this restricted selec tion, a number of pertinent publications undoubt edly have been missed, but it is hoped that this number is small. GENERAL AEBERSOLD, P. C. et al. Fifth Annual Symposium on Funda mental Cancer Research. Texas Rep. Biol. & Med., 10: 143-278, 1952. AMERICANCANCERSOCIETY.Proceedings of the Second Na tional Cancer Conference, 1952 (pubi. 1954). 1687 pp. AMERICANFOUNDATION,THE (E. E. LAPE). Medical Research: A Midcentury Survey. 2:69-183. New York: Little, Brown & Co., 1055. 2 vol., 1505 pp. ANDRES, A. G. Tumor Effects and Experimental Data (Russian text). Uspekhi SovremennoïBiol., 32:232-55, 1951; Chem. Abstr., 46:4108a. AWAPABA, J., et al. M. D. Anderson Hospital Eighth Annual Cancer Symposium. Texas Rep. Biol. & Med., 12:797- 1083, 1954. BAUER,K. H. Hormone und Krebs. Deut. med. Wchnschr., 78:1525-30, 1953. BECO,R. W. (ed.). Proceedings of the First Canadian Cancer Research Conference, Honey Harbor, Ont., June 16-19, 1954. New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1955. 443 pp. 77 Association for Cancer Research. by guest on August 30, 2020. Copyright 1957 American Downloaded from

Transcript of CANCER RESEARCH · CANCER RESEARCH VOLUME17 FEBRUARY 1957 NUMBER2 A List of Review Articles on...

Page 1: CANCER RESEARCH · CANCER RESEARCH VOLUME17 FEBRUARY 1957 NUMBER2 A List of Review Articles on Cancer Research 1951-1955* ERICHHIRSCHBERG (Institute of Cancer Research and Department



A List of Review Articles on Cancer Research1951-1955*


(Institute of Cancer Research and Department of Biochemistry, Columbia Unirersity, College of

Physicians and Surgeons, New York SS, N. Y.)

During the last decade, experimental and clinical research on the many diverse aspects of thecancer problem has expanded in all directions andat a headlong pace. The resulting accumulation ofdata and results has become so large and oftenunwieldy as to tax not only the powers of comprehension and correlation but also the simple retentive capacities of many active workers in this field.Increasing attention is therefore being devoted toall bibliographic aids which facilitate continuingcontact with recent developments of all facets ofthis problem. Among these aids, the review articleis one of the most useful and informative.

An attempt has been made here to bring together a fairly comprehensive list of review articleswhich have appeared in the world's major languages between 1951 and 1955.1Over four hundredbooks, symposia, reviews, and significant theoretical discussions are included. With the exception ofa handful of articles for which a supplementaryreference to Chemical Abstracts or Excerpta Medica(Cancer) is given, each paper was scanned in theoriginal.2

In the broadest sense, cancer research encompasses three major areas of study: those dealing

* This material was prepared in connection with researchsupported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant C-2SS2and anInstitutional Grant of the American Cancer Society.

1For a general introduction to earlier literature sources, theadmirable paper by Harold Oatfield entitled "Literature of theChemical Periphery. I. Cancer" (Bull. Med. Library Assoc.,

38:9, 1950) should be consulted.1The invaluable assistance of the staff of the Medical Li

brary of Columbia University, particularly of Miss M. W-Covington, is most gratefully acknowledged.

Received for publication October 22, 1966.

with the intrinsic and extrinsic causes of the neo-plastic process, those concerned with the biologicaland biochemical properties of tumors and withtumor-host relationships, and those focused oncancer diagnosis, the various forms of treatment,and related clinical problems. To facilitate theperusal of this list, it has been subdivided by subject matter into these three broad groups, whichfollow a section entitled "General" devoted to ma

terial not easily assigned to one of the other sections.

It should be stressed that the emphasis has beenon summaries and interpretation of research findings; reviews or books dealing only with case studies, cancer statistics, or pathological material havebeen largely omitted. Despite this restricted selection, a number of pertinent publications undoubtedly have been missed, but it is hoped that thisnumber is small.

GENERALAEBERSOLD,P. C. et al. Fifth Annual Symposium on Funda

mental Cancer Research. Texas Rep. Biol. & Med., 10:143-278, 1952.

AMERICANCANCERSOCIETY.Proceedings of the Second National Cancer Conference, 1952 (pubi. 1954). 1687 pp.

AMERICANFOUNDATION,THE (E. E. LAPE). Medical Research:A Midcentury Survey. 2:69-183. New York: Little, Brown& Co., 1055. 2 vol., 1505 pp.

ANDRES,A. G. Tumor Effects and Experimental Data (Russiantext). Uspekhi SovremennoÃB̄iol., 32:232-55, 1951; Chem.Abstr., 46:4108a.

AWAPABA,J., et al. M. D. Anderson Hospital Eighth AnnualCancer Symposium. Texas Rep. Biol. & Med., 12:797-1083, 1954.

BAUER,K. H. Hormone und Krebs. Deut. med. Wchnschr.,78:1525-30, 1953.

BECO,R. W. (ed.). Proceedings of the First Canadian CancerResearch Conference, Honey Harbor, Ont., June 16-19,1954. New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1955. 443 pp.

77 Th±s One


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78 Cancer Research

lii.iiI.Nnu M.I. Man against Cancer—the Story of Cancer Research. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1952. 182 pp.

BERGEL,F. Chemistry in Cancer Research. Med. Press, 232:214-19, 1954.

BURROWS,H., and HORNING,E. S. Oestrogens and Neoplasia.Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1952. 189 pp.

CAMERON,C. S. Cancer: Retrospect and Prospect. Oral Surg.Oral Med. Oral Pathol., 6:11-39, 1953.

CLARK,R. L., et al. Seventh Annual Cancer Symposium onFundamental Cancer Research. Texas Rep. Biol. & Med.,11:641-778, 1953.

COWDRT,E. V. Trends in Cancer Research. Cancer Research,11:603-7, 1951.

. Cancer Cells. Philadelphia: W. B. Saundera Co., 1955.677 pp.

FITZGERALD,P. J. Radioautography in Cancer. Cancer, 6:166-94, 1952.

GOMARASCA,P., and QUARTI,B. Il Cancro. I. Cause e meccanismo delle proliferazioni. II. Biologia del tessuto neoplastico.Milan: Camillo Brioschi, 1953. 743 pp.

GREENSTEIN,J. P. Biochemistry of Cancer. 2d ed. New York:Academic Press, Inc., 1954. 653 pp.

HADDOW,A. Our Present Understanding of the Cancer Cell.Practitioner, 174:249-58, 1955.

HEILMANN,P. Erreichte und noch nicht erreichte Ziele derKrebsforschung. Ztschr. ärzti.Fortbild., 48:581-86, 1954.

HELLER,J. R. A Review of the Cancer Control Problem. J.Nat. Cancer Inst., 13:577-89, 1952.

HIRSCHBERG,E. Some Contributions of Microbiology to Cancer Research. Bact. Rev., 19:65-78, 1955.

HOMBURGER,F., and FIBHMAN,W. H. (eds.). The Physio-pathology of Cancer. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc.,1953. 1031 pp.

HORNING,E. S., and CADE,S. Hormones in Relation to Cancer.Trans. Med. Soc. London, 70:42-58, 1954.

KARNOFSKT,D. (ed.). Clinical Problems in Cancer Research.Sloan-Kettering Institute Seminar, 1948-1949 (pubi. 1952).194 pp.

KEHL, R. Sur quelques aspects de l'expérimentationen carcinologie. Bull, alger, carcinol., 6:257-67, 1952.

LABORDE,S. Le problèmedu cancer. Paris: Doin & Cie, 1951.285 pp.

LENTI, G., and TORTAROLO,E. Sull'impiego delle culture in

vitro dei tessuti in oncologia. Rassegna critica. Minervamed., 46:25-34, 1955.

LETTRÉ,H. Der Stand der Krebsforschung. Die Medizinische,pp. 897-908, 1953.

. Neuere Ergebnisse der experimentellen Krebsforschung. Strahlentherapie, 92:5-18, 1953.

. Neuere Ergebnisse der Krebsforschung. Wien. med.Wchnschr., 103:627-33, 1953.

LÖFFLER,W., and BOLLAG,W. Leukaemie-Probleme. Oncologia, 8:70-92, 1955.

LOMBARD,H. L. Statistical Studies in Cancer. In: F. HOMBURGER,and W. H. FISHMAN(eds.), The Physiopathologyof Cancer, pp. 778-812. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc.,1953.

MACUÕy,E. M. Annotated List of Reviews in Medicine. Ann.Rev. Med., 2:435-46, 1951; 3:381-98, 1952; 4:389-413,1953; 5:415-48, 1954; 6:385-420, 1955.

RAWSON,R. W. Hormonal Control of Neoplastic Growth.[Bull.N.Y. Acad. Med., 29:595-611, 1953.

REIMANN,S. P. Patterns in Cancer Research. In: 3. H. COM-ROE,JR., et al. (eds.), Advances in Medicine and Surgeryfrom the Graduate School of Medicine of the University ofPennsylvania, pp. 329-35. Philadelphia: W. B. SaundersCo., 1952.

. Highways and Byways of Cancer Research. Cancer

Research, 13:493-98, 1958.lim.ML-, C. P. Ewing: The Experimental Method and the

Cancer Problem. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med., 27:606-12, 1951.RONDONI,P. Recenti progressi delle conoscenze sul cancro.

Boll, oncol., 26:245-89, 1952.SCHUBERT,G. Moderne Probleme der Krebsentstehung und

-bekämpfungvom Standpunkt des Biologen und Klinikers.Strahlentherapie, 88:308-28, 1952.

SuiMhi\, M. B. Cancer Research. In: L. V. ACKEHMANandJ. A. DELREGATO(eds.), Cancer—Diagnosis, Treatment,and Prognosis, pp. 33-56. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1954.

STEINER,P. E. An Evaluation of the Cancer Problem. CancerResearch, 12:455-64, 1952.. Emphasis in Cancer Research. J. Nat. Cancer Inst.,

14:1205-21, 1954.-. The Nature of Cancer. In: R. W. BEGO(ed.), Proceed

ings of the First Canadian Cancer Research Conference,1954, pp. 74-90. New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1955.

STERN,K. Recent Trends in Experimental Oncology: A Review. Am. J. Clin. Path., 22:1084-96, 1952.

. Immunologie Approaches to the Cancer Problem. Chicago Med. School Quart., 14:68-77, 1953.

STRONG,L. C., et al. Conference on Experimental Hepatomas.J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 16:1417-1650, 1955.

STURGIS,C. C. Some Aspects of the Leukemia Problem.J.A.M.A., 160:1551-56, 1952.

STJGIURA,K. On the Relation of Diets to the Development,Prevention and Treatment of Cancer, with Special Reference to Cancer of the Stomach and Liver. J. Nutrition,44:345-«0,1951.

UNIÓINTERNATIONALECONTRACANCRUM.Proceedings of theFifth and Sixth International Cancer Congresses. ActaUnion internat, contre cancer, vols. 7-10, 1950-1955.

VONEULER,H. Biochemische Probleme in der Krebsforschung.Strahlentherapie, 96:233-40, 1955.

WILLIS,R. A. Pathology of Tumours. St. Louis: C. V. MosbyCo., 1953. 1051 pp.

WOOLLEY,D. W., et ai. First Symposium on Chemical-Biological Correlation. Panel Discussion on Antimetabolitcs, Car-cinogenesis, and Cancer Chemotherapy. Nat. ResearchCouncil (U.S.), Pubi. No. 206, 360-415, 1951.

CAUSESOF THENEOPLASTICPROCESSALBAHAHY,C. Les cancers professionnels. Ann. méd.légale,

crimino!., police sci., méd.sociale et toxico!., 31:368-74,1951.

ALEXANDER,P. The Reactions of Carcinogens with Macro-molecules. Adv. Cancer Research, 2:1-72, 1954.

AMBROSE,E. J. A Physical Approach to the Problem of Cancer.Brit. J. Cancer, 8:259-73, 1954.

ARLEY,N., and IVERBEN,S. On the Mechanism of Experimental Carcinogenesis. III. Further Development of the HitTheory of Carcinogenesis. Acta Pathol. & Microbio!.Scandinav., 30:21-53, 1952.

BADGER,G. M. Chemical Constitution and Carcinogenic Activity. Adv. Cancer Research, 2:73-127, 1954.

BADGER,G. M., and LEWIS,G. E. The Carcinogenic Azo-com-pounds: Chemical Constitution and Carcinogenic Activity.Brit. J. Cancer, 6:270-92, 1952.

BÄR,F. Die experimentelle Erzeugung von Tumoren aufperoralem Wege und ihre Beeinflussung durch die Nahrung.Arzneimittelforsch., 4:359-64, 1954.

BEARD,J. W.; SHARP,D. G.; and ECKERT,E. A. Tumor Viruses. Adv. Virus Research, 3:149-97, 1955.

BERENBLUM,I. Some Aspects of Carcinogenesis. Bull. ResearchCouncil Israel, 3:106-11, 1953.

. A Speculative Review: The Probable Nature of Promoting Action and Its Significance in the Understanding of

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HIRSCHBERG—ReviewArticles on Cancer Research 1951-1955 79

the Mechanism of Carcinogenesis. Cancer Research, 14:471-77, 1954.

. Carcinogenesis and Tumor Pathogenesis. Adv. CancerResearch, 2:129-75, 1954.

BEBOOL'TS,V. M. Current State of Research on EndogenousBlastomagenic Substances (Russian text). Uspekhi Sovre-mennol Biol., 31:215-80, 1951; Chem. Abstr., 46:8130 f.

BISESTE, G. Le facteur lactédans la genèsedu cancer. Cancérologie,2:50-59, 1954.

BOSTICK,W. L. The Viral Concept of Cancer. Oral Surg. OralMed. Oral Pathol., 7:255-37, 1954.

BOYLAND,E. DifférentTypes of Carcinogens and Their Possible Modes of Action: A Review. Cancer Research, 12:77-84, 1952.

. Mutagens. Pharmacol. Rev., 6:345-64, 1954.BREIDER,H. Krebs und Vererbung in kritischer Betrachtung.

Strahlentherapie, 84:398-414, 1951.BHUES,A. M. Carcinogenic Effects of Radiation. Adv. Biol. &

Med. Phys., 2:171-91, 1951.. Ionizing Radiations and Cancer. Adv. Cancer Re

search, 2:177-95, 1954.BURDETTE,W. J. The Significance of Mutation in Relation to

the Origin of Tumors: A Review. Cancer Research, 15:201-26, 1955.

Buu-HoI, N. P. Zur physikalisch-chemischen Deutung desWirkungsmechanismus von krebserregenden Verbindungen.Arch. Geschwulstforsch., 6:19-31, 1953.

. Chemische Tumorgenese und Bakteriostase. Arzneimittelforsch., 4:531-34, 1954.

CARR,J. G. The Problem of Virus Multiplication in Relation toCancer. Symposium VI. Internat. Cong. Microbiol., Rome,pp. 97-110, 1953.

CHOTJAHD,P. Introduction àla connaissance des mécanismesdela tératogénèsechez les plantes. Rev. pathol. comparéeethyg. gén.,63:1003-40, 1953.

CIARANFI,E. Cancerogenesi. Boll. soc. ital. biol. sper., 27:153-85, 1951.

CLAYSON,D. B. A Working Hypothesis for the Mode of Carcinogenesis of Aromatic Amines. Brit. J. Cancer, 7:460-71,1953.

CLÉMENT,G. Cholestérolet cancer. Bull. Assoc. franc, étudecancer, 41:65-74, 1954.

CLEMMESEN,J. On the Etiology of Some Human Cancers.J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 12:1-21, 1951.

COMBES,F. C. Coal Tar and Cutaneous Carcinogenesis in Industry. Springfield: Charles C Thomas, 1954. 76 pp.

COULSON,C. A. Electronic Configuration and Carcinogenesis.Adv. Cancer Research, 1:1-56, 1953.

COWDRT,E. V. Epidermal Carcinogenesis. Adv. Cancer Research, 1:57-101, 1953.

CRAIOIE, J. Survival and Preservation of Tumors in theFrozen State. Adv. Cancer Research, 2:197-228, 1954.

CREECH,H. J. Chemical and Immunological Properties of Carcinogen-Protein Conjugates. Cancer Research, 12:557-64,1952.

DANNEEL, R. Grundprobleme der Krebsforschung. Ztschr.Krebsforsch., 69:167-79, 1953.

DANNENBEBG,H. Experimentelle Tumorerzeugung. Med.Klin. (Municl), 49:1530-35, 1954.

DAVIS,H. T. Quantitative Aspects of the Carcinogenic Radiations. Evanston, 111.: Northwestern Univ. Book Store, 1952.221 pp.

DMOCHOWSKI,L. The Milk Agent in the Origin of MammaryTumors in Mice. Adv. Cancer Research, 1:103-72, 1953.

DOLL, R. Etiology of Lung Cancer. Adv. Cancer Research,3:1-50, 1955.

DRIESSENS,J. Le cancer est-il dûa un virus? Cancérologie,1:176-80, 1953.

DBUCKBEY,H. Konstitution und Wirkung cancerogener Substanzen. Arzneimittel-Forsch., 2:503-6, 1953.

. ÄtiologischeForschung als Grundlage einer Prophylaxe des Krebses. Oncologia, 7:155-77, 1954.

DRUCKRET,H.; SCHMÄHL,D.; and DANNEBERG,P. Konstitution und Wirkung cancerogener aromatischer Substanzen.Naturwissenschaften, 39:393-97, 1952.

DUHAN-REYNALS,F. Étudessur les virus cancérigèneset sur lathéorievirusale du cancer. Bull. Assoc. franc, étudecancer,38:114-27, 1951.

. Virus-induced Tumors and the Virus Theory of Cancer. In: F. HOMBUBGERand W. H. FISHMAN(eds.), ThePhysiopathology of Cancer, pp. 298-337. New York: PaulB. Hoeber, Inc., 1953.

FABDON,J. C. A Reconsideration of the Somatic MutationTheory of Cancer in the Light of Some Recent Developments. Science, 117:441-45, 1953.

FELIX, K. Zur Biochemie der Geschwülste.Strahlentherapie,84:12-20, 1951.

FOULDS,L. The Experimental Study of Tumor Progression: AReview. Cancer Research, 14:327-39, 1954.

FRITZ-NIGGLI,H. Quantitative Analyse der Krebsentstehungdurch cancerogene Stoffe. Oncologia, 4:53-64, 1951.

FROMME,A. Das Mesenchym und die Mesenchymtheorie desKarzinoms. Beiträgezur Krebsforschung, l, No. 1:1-270,1953.

FÃœBTH,J. Problems of Carcinogenesis in Relation to IonizingIrradiations. In: R. W. BEGO(ed.), Proceedings of the FirstCanadian Cancer Research Conference, 1954, pp. 404-18.New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1955.

GARDNER,W. U. Hormonal Aspects of Experimental Tu-morigenesis. Adv. Cancer Research, 1:173-282, 1953.

GARDNER,W. U.; PFEIFFEB, C. A.; TRENTIN, J. J.; andWOLSTENHOLME,J. T. Hormonal Factors in ExperimentalCarcinogenesis. In: F. HOMBUBGEBand W. H. FISHMAN(eds.), The Physiopathology of Cancer, pp. 225-97. NewYork: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1953.

GERSCH,M. Zellentartung und Zellwucherung bei wirbellosenTieren. Arch. Geschwulstforsch., 3:1-18, 1951.

GIARELLI,L. La fosfatasi nei tumori. Rassegna sintetica.Arch. ital. anat. istol. patol., 28:103-18, 1954.

GOTTSCHEWSKI,G. H. M. Überdie genetischen Ursachen derGeschwulstbildung. Ärztl.Forsch., 7:347-60, 1953.

GRAFFI, A. Ãœberden Mechanismus der Geschwulstbildung.Schweiz, med. Wchnschr., 83:865-72, 1953.

GREEN,H. N. An Immunological Concept of Cancer: A Preliminary Report. Brit. Med. J., 1954, II: 1374-80.

GROSS,E. Ãœberden Berufskrebs. Ztschr. Krebsforsch., 69:180-90, 1953.

GROSS,L. Is Leukemia Caused by a Transmissible Virus? AWorking Hypothesis. Blood, 9:557-73, 1954.

HADDOW,A. Advances in the Study of Chemical Carcinogenesis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 44:263-66, 1951.

—¿� . Recent Progress in the Study of Chemical Carcinogenesis. Proc. Second Nat. Cancer Conference, pp. 79-84, 1952(pubi. 1954).

-. The Chemical and Genetic Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis. I. Nature and Mode of Action. II. Biologic Alkylat-ing Agents. In: F. HOMBURGER,and W. H. FISHMAN(eds.),The Physiopathology of Cancer, pp. 441-74, 475-551. NewYork: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1953.

HAEFFNER,A. Die Fischer-Waselssche Regenerationstheorieder Krebsentstehung in neuerem Lichte. Bruns' Beitr. klin.Chir., 186:262-71, 1953.

HARRIS,R. J. C. Properties of the Agent of Rous No. 1 Sarcoma. Adv. Cancer Research, 1:233-71, 1953.

HAHTWELL,J. L. Survey of Compounds Which Have BeenTested for Carcinogenic Activity. U.S. Public Health Serv-

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80 Cancer Research

ice Publication No. 149, 1951. 583 pp.11Ki.'N.uim, H. Zur Bedeutung der Sexualhormone fUrdie Car-

cinogenese. Med. Klin. (Munich), 46:1289-92, 1321-25,1951.

HEIDELBERGER,C. Applications of Radioisotopes to Studies ofCarcinogeiiesis and Tumor Metabolism. Adv. Cancer Research, 1:273-338, 1953.

HENSHAW,P. S., and SNIDER,R. S. Review of InformationBearing on the Tumor-inducing Action of Superficial Radiations. Nat. Nuclear Energy Ser., Div. IV, 22E: 229-37,1951.

HERMANEK,P. Die Mutationstheorie maligner Geschwülsteund die Lehre von G. Ricker und A. D. Speransky. ActaNeuroveg., 6:341-51, 1953.

HERTZ,R. The Relationship between Hormone-induced TissueGrowth and Neoplasia: A Review. Cancer Research, 11:393-97, 1951.

HESTON,W. E. Genetics of Neoplasia in Mice. Growth, 10:23-46, 1951.

HORAVA,A., and SKOHTNA,S. C. Observations on the Patho-genesis of Neoplasia. J. Cañad.M. Assoc., 73:630-88,1955.

HUEPER, W. C. Environmental Cancers: A Review. CancerResearch, 12:691-97, 1952.. Environmental Cancer, in: F. HOMBURGER,and W. H.

FISHMAN(eds.), The Physiopathology of Cancer, pp. 730-77. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1953.

-. Environmental Lung Cancer. Ind. Med. Surg., 23:463-67, 1954.

-. Environmental Lung Cancer. In: R. W. BEGG(ed.),Proceedings of the First Canadian Cancer Research Conference, 1954, pp. 186-236. New York: Academic Press, Inc.,1955.

. Recent Developments in Environmental Cancer. I, II,III. Arch. Pathol., 58:360-99, 475-523, 645-82, 1954.

INHOFFEN,H. N. The Relationship of Natural Steroids to Carcinogenic Aromatic Compounds. Prog. Org. Chem., 2:181-55, 1953.

IVERBEN,S. Human Cancer and Age. Brit. J. Cancer, 8:575-84, 1954.

IVERSEN,S., and ARLEY,N. The Mechanism of ExperimentalCarcinogenesis. V. Application of the Hit Theory to Virus-induced Tumors. Acta Pathol. Microbio!. Scandinav., 31:27-45, 1952.

JAEGER,H. Spezifitätoder Unspezifitätim Krebsgeschehen?Arch. Geschwulstforsch., 7:340-61, 1954.

KAPLAN,H. S. On the Etiology and Pathogenesis of theLeukemias: A Renew. Cancer Research, 14:535-48, 1954.

KAPLAN,H. S.; NAGAREDA,C. S.; and BROWN,M. B. Endocrine Factors and Radiation-induced Lymphoid Tumors ofMice. Recent Prog. Hormone Research, 10:293-338, 1954.

KOCH,R. Ist der Krebs eine Viruskrankheit? Ztschr. Geburtshilfe u. Gynäkol.,139:129-45, 1953.

LACASSAGNE,A. Evoluzione delle ¡deesulle origini del cancro.Riforma med., 68:1-6, 1964.

. Dati sperimentali recenti sulle leucemie. Minervamed., 46:179-82, 1955.

LATARJET,R. La leucemie de la souris est-elle due àun virus?Le Sang, 25:777-87, 1954.

LICHTENSTEIN,F. Kératineund Krebs. Theorie zum Thema:Körpereigenekanzerogene Stoffe. Zentr. Gynäkol.,75:401-8, 1953.

LICKINT, F. Ätiologie und Prophylaxe des Lungenkrebses.Beiträgezur Krebsforschung, l, No. 2: 1-212, 1953.

LUCAM,F. L'étiologievirienne des leucoses animales. Rev.pathol. comparéeet hyg. gen., 66:166-83, 1955.

MAHNEST,A., and MOSER, H. Die Beziehungen der Mesen-chymfunktion zum Krebs. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 103:115-18, 1953.

MAISIN, J. Mutations, cancer expérimentalet environment.

Scientia (Milan), 86:20-31, 1951.MILLER,E. C., and MILLER,J. A. In vivo Combinations be

tween Carcinogens and Tissue Constituents and Their Possible Role in Carcinogenesis. Cancer Research, 12:547-56,1952.

MILLER,J. A., and MILLER,E. C. The Carcinogenic AminoazoDyes. Adv. Cancer Research, 1:339-96, 1953.

MOBERGEH,G. Malignant Transformation of Squamous Epithelium. Acta Radio!., Suppl. 112, 1954. 108 pp.

MONNET,R. Facteurs chimiques exogènesde cancérisationetcancers professionnels. Bull, alger, carcinol., 4:313-34,1951.

MONTPELLIER,J. M. Le complexe carcinogène. Indicationsprophylactiques. Bull, alger, carcinol., 6:277-90, 1952.

MORRIS,H. P. The ExpérimentalDevelopment and Metabolism of Thyroid Gland Tumors. Adv. Cancer Research, 3:51-115, 1955.

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KARNOFSKY,D. A.; RIDOWAT,L. P.; and PATTERSON,P. A.Tumor Transplantation to the Chick Embryo. Ann. N.Y.Acad. Sc., 66:313-29, 1952.

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LONOMIRE,W. P., JR.; GET, G. O.; SNELL,G. D.; EICHWALD,E. J.; HAUSCHKA,T. S.; and TOOLAN,H. W. Tissue Transplantation Conference. J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 14:665-767,1953.

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