Canadian & World Issues - Web view01.03.2017 · Canadian & World Issues . Independent...

Task: Select a topic of discussion from the list (other side) and write an essay proving your side of the discussion. The paper will be presented to the class during the month of May. You must research a number of outlets that reflect a variety of viewpoints on your chosen topic. However, in the end you are to argue one side of the discussion topic only. This ISU is worth 15% of your overall mark. Submitted documents will be to Due dates are given during a weekly timeline with extensions already worked in so plan accordingly. You must respect the required due dates. Due Dates Assigned Topic Annotated Bibliography Final Paper Presentation Date Week of Mar 20 th to 25 th Week of April 3 rd to 7 th Week of May 1 st to 5 th Weeks of May 8 th to 31 st Annotated Bibliography: due Week of April 3 rd to 7 th Task: The annotated bibliography should include a minimum of 5 sources from credible media. Be sure to assess the creditability of your information before using it. If you can’t find an author or organization to give credibility, you should not use it. Format: Start by putting your thesis statement at the top of the page. Follow with your 3 main arguments that you will use to prove this thesis. Then start with your first source in APA format. Following will be a short paragraph based on the source’s accuracy, quality of information, and what argument this will help prove. Finally, provide an example of a sourced piece of research to conclude the annotation. Repeat these steps for a minimum of 4 other sources. Arrange your sources in alphabetical order by author’s last name or organization. *Refer to rubric for full marks and submit to Canadian & World Issues Independent Study

Transcript of Canadian & World Issues - Web view01.03.2017 · Canadian & World Issues . Independent...

Page 1: Canadian & World Issues - Web view01.03.2017 · Canadian & World Issues . Independent Study Unit . CGW 4U. ... be allowed (Shastri) A border wall should/should not be built between

Task: Select a topic of discussion from the list (other side) and write an essay proving your side of the discussion. The paper will be presented to the class during the month of May. You must research a number of outlets that reflect a variety of viewpoints on your chosen topic. However, in the end you are to argue one side of the discussion topic only. This ISU is worth 15% of your overall mark.

Submitted documents will be to Due dates are given during a weekly timeline with extensions already worked in so plan accordingly. You must respect the required due dates.

Due Dates

Assigned Topic Annotated Bibliography

Final Paper Presentation Date

Week of Mar 20th to 25th

Week of April 3rd to 7th

Week of May 1st to 5th

Weeks of May 8th to 31st

Annotated Bibliography: due Week of April 3 rd to 7 th Task: The annotated bibliography should include a minimum of 5 sources from credible media. Be sure to assess the creditability of your information before using it. If you can’t find an author or organization to give credibility, you should not use it.

Format: Start by putting your thesis statement at the top of the page. Follow with your 3 main arguments that you will use to prove this thesis. Then start with your first source in APA format. Following will be a short paragraph based on the source’s accuracy, quality of information, and what argument this will help prove. Finally, provide an example of a sourced piece of research to conclude the annotation. Repeat these steps for a minimum of 4 other sources. Arrange your sources in alphabetical order by author’s last name or organization.

*Refer to rubric for full marks and submit to

Final Paper: due Week of May 1 st to 5 th Task: Write a final paper is the form of an argumentative essay. It should have an introduction, background, 3 body paragraphs, counterargument, and a conclusion.

Format: Your document will include a title page, research paper, and a bibliography comprised of your sources used in the paper. You must properly source researched information through the body of the paper with in-text

Canadian & World Issues Independent Study Unit CGW 4U

Page 2: Canadian & World Issues - Web view01.03.2017 · Canadian & World Issues . Independent Study Unit . CGW 4U. ... be allowed (Shastri) A border wall should/should not be built between

citations. You must record all information in your paper in APA format and source it in the bibliography. Pictures, diagrams, charts, graphs, etc. should be sourced and recorded in a separate section of the bibliography.

*Refer to rubric for full marks and submit to

Final Presentation: Due Weeks of May 8 th to 31 st Task: Present your final paper to the class. (Can be done in video format like a TED talk if you wish).

Format: The presentation of your paper should be prepared to last 15-20 minutes in length. This will leave 5 minutes for questions from the teacher/audience. The presentation should include an introduction, main arguments, and a conclusion. There is the option of preparing a video of the presentation that can be shown to the class. However, you are still required to answer the questions in person. Speakers and a projector are available, but you are responsible for any other technology needed.

*Refer to rubric for full marks and submit to

Topics of discussion….

1. Single- sex schools are better/worse for a student’s education2. Animal Testing should/should not be banned (Molly)3. The death penalty should/should be supported4. The legal driving age should/should not be raised to 185. Assisted suicide should/should not be legalized (Ruxandra)6. A University education should/should not be free 7. The sale of human organs should/should not be supported (Tim)8. Advertising is/is not harmful (Sophie)9. Capitalism is/is not better than socialism (Simon) (Luke B)10. Parents should/should not be able to choose the sex of their children11. Violent video games should/should not be manufactures and sold12. Human Cloning should/should not be supported13. UFC/Boxing should/should not be banned (Nic)14. Prisons should/should not focus more on rehabilitation (Eric)15. The drinking age should/should not be lowered16. The United Nations has/has not been a failure17. All countries have/do not have the right to nuclear weapons18. Teachers should/should not be armed (Andrea) (Will)19. Prostitution should/should not be legalized (Louise)20. Gambling should/should not be legal (Phil)21. Hosting the Olympics is/is not a good investment (Luke L)22. Music containing lyrics that glorify violent and criminal lifestyles

should/should not be banned (Sive)23. It is/is not sometimes right for the government to restrict freedom of

speech24. There should/should not be support for random drug testing in schools25. There should/should not be a ban on genetically modified organisms


Page 3: Canadian & World Issues - Web view01.03.2017 · Canadian & World Issues . Independent Study Unit . CGW 4U. ... be allowed (Shastri) A border wall should/should not be built between

26. The future energy source should/should not be nuclear power (Mackenzie)

27. Endangered species should/should not be protected (Parker)28. Racial Profiling should/should not be allowed (Shastri)29. A border wall should/should not be built between Mexico and the USA30. Drone attacks should/should not be used by the US government