Canada For Cana… · of adherence to extremist ideological beliefs. As such, the Board finds you...

“Someone obstructs justice when that person has a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, that person must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but that person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a connection between the endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the person must have knowledge of this connection.” ~ Legal Information Institute ~ Canada Canada: Scandal Involving P.M. Trudeau Linked to Libya 17837Four years ago, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officially leveled corruption and fraud charges against Montreal engineering firm SNC-Lavalin, over alleged criminal acts that occurred while that firm was doing business in Libya. The Globe and Mail broke the biggest scandal since Canada’s Adscam scandal, which cost the Liberals dearly in election year 2006. This latest scandal, also breaking in an election year, has to do

Transcript of Canada For Cana… · of adherence to extremist ideological beliefs. As such, the Board finds you...

  • “Someone obstructs justice when that person has a specific

    intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, that person must not only have the specific intent to obstruct

    the proceeding, but that person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there

    must be a connection between the endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the person must have

    knowledge of this connection.”

    ~ Legal Information Institute ~


    Canada: Scandal Involving P.M. Trudeau Linked to Libya to Facebook178Shar e to Twit ter Share to M ore37Share to Print

    Four years ago, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officially leveled corruption and fraud charges against Montreal engineering firm SNC-Lavalin, over alleged criminal acts that occurred while that firm was doing business in Libya. The Globe and Mail broke the biggest scandal since Canada’s Adscam scandal, which cost the Liberals dearly in election year 2006. This latest scandal, also breaking in an election year, has to do

  • with the involvement of Justin Trudeau and the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in the SNC-Lavalin case.

    Ezra Levant: Gerald Butts resigns after multiple corruption scandals

    Ezra Levant of The reports: Gerald Butts, Justin Trudeau's Principal Secretary, is resigning amid accusations of corruption. But his exist only leaves more unanswered questions.

    Canadian who tried to join terror group in Syria released on parole despite being ‘high risk to public safety’

    “CSC [Correctional Service of Canada] notes that you were not involved in any employment, education or psychological services. You declined psychological services while incarcerated,” it added. “As you have not engaged in interventions and there is little in the way of evidence of progress to assess your level of commitment to change versus your degree

  • of adherence to extremist ideological beliefs. As such, the Board finds you continue to present at least a moderate risk to re-offend violently.”

    Victims or Jihadis? Canada Mulls Taking in Former ISIS Wives

    “They didn’t come for tourism,” said Iraqi judge and judiciary spokesman Abdul-Sattar al-Birqdar in an interview with Foreign Policy. Al-Birqdar was most likely referring to the fact that “while some women of the Islamic State were forced into their role, others embraced it, serving as ‘morality’ police and abusing Yazidi women and girls sexually enslaved by the Islamic State,” writes the magazine.

    Canada begins fast-tracking asylum claims from Muslim countries including jihadi hotspots Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan and Yemen

    Great idea. Let Trudeau bring them all to Canada, and he can deal with the Islamic jihad terrorists who come in among the peaceful refugees. But maybe now we will need a wall on the Northern border, too. Because it is only a matter of time before the poison fruit of feckless, reckless, suicidal policies such as this one will be abundantly clear to everyone. But by then it is very likely that it will be much too late to reverse Justin Trudeau’s disastrous policies and save Canada from the destruction he has brought upon it. He will go down in history as the destroyer of Canada.

    The Quiggin Report | #58 Canada’s Pakistan Problem

    With a Pakistani supported terrorist group having killed 40 Indian policemen, we have to start asking some questions here in Canada. What

  • do we actually stand for? Whom do we actually support? Should we send money to terrorist groups that inflame conflict? Or should we tell the countries that host terrorist groups that we will no longer talk to them or support to them? Why do we in Canada support the Islamist theocracy of Pakistan rather than an Indian secular government?

    What Are You Going to do For the Muslim Community?

    A Muslim group told Maxime Bernier that their votes for him would be dependent upon how he answered this question: “What are you going to do for the Muslim Community?” Listen to his answer.

    Fighting in the Trenches of This Culture War “The fact that you cannot bring yourself to state the obvious - that some cultures like that of Nazi Germany or of ISIS - are culturally inferior, tells me, the son of a Holocaust survivor, that the effect of your sincere efforts is to dignify cultures that abuse women and gays and religious minorities; surely you would be hard-pressed to make the argument, say, to Yazidi women, victims of the evil culture of Syria which includes a culture of rape. I disagree that there is "humanity" in all cultures. Nazi Germany and ISIS are the opposites of humanity.”

    Will Canada be the battleground between ‘progressives’ and Islam?

    In 2016 Trudeau absurdly claimed that Sharia law is compatible with democracy. A year later he was criticised for his government’s payout of £10.5million to jihadist Omar Khadr who spent ten years in Guantanamo Bay. Trudeau capitulated when faced with accusations that the Canadian government did not adequately protect Khadr and so conveniently ignored the obvious truth. Why was a Canadian citizen in an Al Qaeda compound,

  • fighting alongside an enemy of Canada? Trudeau showed, at best, a dire lack of judgment and, at worst, deference to Islamism when he gave Canadian taxpayers’ money to Khadr in what can only be described as ‘pay for slay’.

    Anthony Furey sits down with Maxime Bernier

    In our wide-ranging exclusive interview, Sun’s national political columnist Anthony Furey talks with the leader of the People’s Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier, on immigration, climate change, working with his opposition and questions him on some recent controversies and tweets.

    C3RF Update for February 22, 2019 C3RF "update" for 22 Feb, 2019 further studies the Canadian government's pattern of ruling through rewarding friends, punishing enemies and staying in power at any cost. An appropriate exercise given the face-off between the SNC-Lavalin scandal and the "United we Roll/ Yellow Vest" rally in the nation's capital this past week.

    Please see attached invitation

    All Day National Teach-In Topic: The New Taboo - Respect for the Rule of Law in Canada

    Hosted by: Canadians For the Rule of Law

  • Freedom of Speech The Chilling Legacy of the Rushdie Affair

    When Salman Rushdie published The Satanic Verses in 1988, at the age of 41, he regarded it as among the least political of his works. In the weeks following the book’s publication, Muslim protests and threats swelled in Britain (Rushie’s home country) and abroad. On 14 February 1989, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran’s supreme leader, saw a Pakistani protest on TV and issued an edict declaring the book to be against Islam and calling on Muslims everywhere to murder Rushdie and anyone who had assisted in the book’s publication. In the nightmarish eruption that ensued, dozens of people were killed, including the book’s Japanese translator, and many more were threatened. With Iran’s multimillion-dollar bounty on his head, Rushdie was forced into hiding, under heavy guard, for nine years.

  • Indoctrination Philadelphia’s Please Touch Museum Indoctrinating Kids with Islam And why in this wide-ranging exhibit exposing children to Islam is there no mention of Islam’s founder Mohammad? Mohammad is the perfect example for all Muslims, so why is he not prominently presented and in great detail? No mention for parents that Islam’s founder married a girl no older than many of the children seen in the pictures on the museum’s webpage? No mention that Islam’s founder consummated that marriage to a six-year old when she was nine? And that Islam permits marriage of underage girls to men of any age.

    Antifa Antifa Thug Worked for Chief DNC Trainer An activist now charged with assaulting two U.S. Marines as part of an Antifa mob has ties to Heather Booth, a senior Democrat and chief DNC trainer who founded a training academy devoted to the teachings of the late pro-violence community organizing guru Saul Alinsky.

    Facebook, Google Facebook Still Championing Blasphemy Laws

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg now appears to be more intent on censorship than ever. In a recent memo, written in mind-numbing, bureaucratic obfuscatese, he described his plan to discourage "borderline content", a concept appearing to be so meaningless as to encompass anything that Zuckerberg and Facebook might ever want to censor. This is how Zuckerberg defines it:

    "One of the biggest issues social networks face is that, when left unchecked, people will engage disproportionately with more sensationalist

  • and provocative content... At scale it can undermine the quality of public discourse and lead to polarization. In our case, it can also degrade the quality of our services.

    Around the World


    Muslims threaten to kill the Austrian chancellor after closing mosques & deporting imams An anti-terrorism probe has been launched in Austria after the county's chancellor Sebastian Kurz received death threats. The threats are linked to the government closing seven mosques and expelling dozens of imams over links to extremism.

    Democratic Republic of


    Awful human cost in squalid Congo cobalt mine that Michael Gove didn’t consider in his ‘clean’ energy crusade Almost every big motor manufacturer striving to produce millions of electric vehicles buys its cobalt from the impoverished central African state. It is the world’s biggest producer, with 60 per cent of the planet’s reserves. His name is Dorsen and he is one of an army of children, some just four years old, working in the vast polluted mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where toxic red dust burns their eyes, and they run the risk of skin disease and a deadly lung condition.

  • Iran

    Iran’s Revolution: Forty Years Later

    Revolutionary Iran, forty years later, is a much more dangerous country. It is on the way to becoming a nuclear power. It is building delivery systems, namely ballistic missiles, to actualize its ambitions to control the Middle East and beyond. In the meantime, the Islamic Republic of Iran is using terrorist groups to cover its nefarious designs. Hopefully, the Warsaw conference has shined a light on the danger Iran poses to the region and the world, and with some providential luck, it might help bring about a regime change.


    Should NATO help Sweden?

    Almost half of Swedish women are regularly prisoners in their own home because it is too dangerous to go outside. Religious police and gangs are controlling ever larger areas. There are not enough police to stabilize the country. There is no help in sight for the Swedes, and Sweden is becoming an ever-greater security threat to the surrounding NATO countries. Should NATO react?

    United Kingdom

    Shamima Begum is Something Worse Than a Criminal

    What a peculiar era we live in. We rain terrible judgement upon those who commit minor so-called transgressions, whether by misgendering a trans person or being white and wearing a MAGA cap. Yet when it comes to serious wrongdoing – whether that’s rampant knife crime in London or the massacre of cartoonists in Paris or British-born Muslims joining a foreign

  • religious cult that slits the throats of British citizens in the Syrian desert – our judgement dries up. We consciously withhold moral judgement, in fact, for fear of giving offence or stirring up a largely imaginary mob.

    But here’s the thing: we are not talking about burglars or drug-dealers here. We are talking about traitors, quislings, modern-day Lord Haw-Haws. This is an entirely different order of offence to a crime against property or against a person. This is a crime against all persons, against all Britons. Rehabilitation has nothing to say here. Redemption is not the aim. A society that feels sympathy for its own traitors is a society that has truly lost the moral plot. At best, it means people will get off more lightly than they ought to; at worst, it will act as an invitation to other aspiring traitors and terrorists in the UK who will view this moral cowardice as a green light to their own acts of betrayal.

    A day after Corbyn said ISIS bride should be let back into UK, Labour's John McDonnell once called for anyone who fought for Israel to be stripped of their British citizenship Yesterday Jeremy Corbyn argued Shamima Begum, who gave birth to a

    baby boy in a refugee camp on Sunday, had 'a right to return' after fleeing

    the country to support ISIS in 2015. John McDonnell argued Britons who

    fought for Israel against Palestine should face the threat of losing their

    citizenship in a letter that emerged today - 24 hours after Jeremy

    Corbyn said jihadi bride Shamima Begum should keep her passport.

    Dealing with Europe’s ISIS Returnees Precious few Brits, I would wager, could name even one of the girls who’ve been brutally raped by Muslim grooming gangs. But everybody in Britain now knows the name of 19-year-old Shamima Begum, who left Britain in 2015 to join ISIS. Begum, who this weekend gave birth to her third child at a refugee camp in Syria, has said that she wants to go back to the U.K. and live at her parents’ home in London. Even though she’s refused to

  • express the slightest remorse for her treason, people across Britain have fretted over her fate.

    United States

    ‘Rule by tyranny’: American-born woman who joined ISIS must be allowed to return, lawsuit says

    If the “ISIS bride” is a U.S. citizen, she is owed certain rights, but she also bears responsibility “for all of her conduct before U.S. courts,” he noted. “It’s a significant punishment, and she’s willing to bear it.” Why? “The answer is an 18-month-old child,” her attorney said. “If she’s a citizen, he’s a citizen, and he gets a life. She said, ‘I ruined mine.’ She doesn’t want to ruin his.”

    America's Newest Muslim Martyr is a Monster

    A year before raping and murdering a 15 year old girl, Domineque Hakim had shot and killed Reinhard Mabins, a 13-year-old boy, and Ernest, his

  • older brother. He was convicted of all three murders. The killing of the Mabins boys earned Hakim life in prison, while Tiffany’s rape and murder put the monster on Death Row.

    At the last minute, Hakim wanted his Imam with him in the death chamber. The case went up to the courts, up to the Supreme Court, which turned Hakim down. The media insists that Hakim had been deprived of his rights because he was a Muslim. The truth is that his victims were deprived of all their rights, while he was showered with privileges because he was a Muslim. And Tiffany, who cried “God, God, help me. Please help me, God”, as Hakim was raping her, has had her prayer eclipsed in the media by her rapist’s chant of the supremacy of Allah and Mohammed.

    Other Articles The Cost of Democratic Socialism A defining feature of the 20th century was the struggle between capitalism and three major types of socialism: Communism, national socialism, and fascism. All three types of socialisms, as well as Cuba and Venezuela today, failed to duplicate the accomplishments of capitalism in raising the standard of living. Yet, a supposed new brand of socialism, “democratic socialism,” is emerging in the United States.

    'The Road to Shariadom' in America

  • For three generations, the Muslim Brotherhood in America has been building an observant Muslim base to integrate sharia and promote Islam. Their work is beginning to bear fruit as evidenced by the burgeoning of Muslim American political power. This a horrifying prospect given that Islamic doctrine unalterably prohibits the separation of mosque and state, mandates the supremacy of Muslims over non-Muslims and codifies the dominion of men over women. We should be alert and recognize that this movement represents a growing threat to democracy and American values.

    The Strange Paradoxes of Our Age by Victor Davis Hanson

    The common thread to the paradoxes that we encounter daily is the inconsistency of progressivism itself — or rather its ad hoc adoption of any means necessary to be justified by an anointed end, which is the quest for power and control. Progressivism is not an empirical or coherent creed, but contrary both to human nature and the record of history — in its arrogance that an elite, if only provided with enough money, power, and good intentions, can create heaven on earth rather than hell.

    15 Recent Hate Crime Hoaxes That Might Make You Suspect There’s A Trend

    The script checks all the right victim boxes for a good outrage fantasy. Watch this montage of outrage as the mainstream media hilariously buy into it. Over and over, they ironically ask, “Who could believe that something like this could happen in 2019?” Who could believe it? So addicted are they to the narcotic of outrage, that the mere fantasy of the attack is all they need to believe it true.

  • YouTubes

    Bill Warner, PhD: Making Islamophobia a Crime

    The APPG is a group of members of the UK Parliament who have issued a document that defines Islamophobia. Their goal is to make Islamophobia a crime. Islam is defined as whatever Muslims want it to be. The APPG says that free speech will not be affected as long as the speaker does not cause harm. Harm is defined as anything said that offends a Muslim, even if it is true. The APPG are elitist globalist totalitarians.

    Imam Tawhidi Speaks from Auschwitz In this new video, Imam Mohammed Tawhidi delivers a short message from Auschwitz condemning anti-Semitism in the American government - specifically Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, whom he calls out as "absolute frauds and Islamists."

    Clarion Project’s Ryan Mauro Discusses USA vs EU

    Ryan gives some perspective about the conference that everyone's talking about in Warsaw. This is really a battle between the USA & Israel and the EU over Iran's missile and nuclear ambitions.

    Immigration is Going to Destroy Our Nation!

    At the recent local meeting in Dover, party leader Paul Golding of Britain First gave a rousing speech about mass immigration. Immigration is wildly out of control and our open borders are leading to an avalanche of migration into our overcrowded island.


    Please forward this Newsletter to others.

    There is STRENGTH in numbers.

    ACT! For Canada The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues

    related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We

    therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website. This newsletter is not the official newsletter or communication of ACT! for America, Inc. This newsletter is independently operated by ACT! for Canada named on this communication. The statements, positions, opinions and views expressed in this website, whether written, audible, or video, are those of the individuals and organizations making them and do not necessarily represent the positions, views, and opinions of ACT! For America, Inc. or ACT! For Canada, its directors, officers, or agents.