Can TV Lead to Alzheimer

Can TV lead to Alzheimer's? People who watch too much television could increase their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, warn doctors. But those who pursue more physical or mentally-stimulating pastimes, such as gardening or reading, are less likely to suffer the degenerative brain disease, a study found. Researchers analysed 193 patients with symptoms of Alzheimer's together with a group of 358 healthy people of the same age and from a comparable social and educational background. Both groups were questioned about the way they spent their leisure time between the ages of 20 and 60. Twenty-six common pursuits were covered, including football, swimming, gardening, theatre, watching television and rollerskating. The results showed that those who later developed Alzheimer's had, on average, taken part in fewer types of recreational activity for less time and at a lesser intensity, but had watched more television. Dr Robert Friedman, who led the study at the University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, said: 'These findings may be because inactivity is a risk factor for the disease, or because inactivity is a reflection of very early sub-clinical effects of the disease, or both.' He accepted it was possible for television to be intellectually stimulating, but believed that was probably not the case in America, where people watched an average four hours a day. Dr Friedman added: 'When you watch TV you can be in a semi- conscious state where you really are not learning.' Other studies indicate that people with high intelligence or with a good education are less likely to develop Alzheimer's.


TV Alzheimer

Transcript of Can TV Lead to Alzheimer

Can TV lead to Alzheimer's?People who watch too much television could increase their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, warn doctors. But those who pursue more physical or mentally-stimulating pastimes, such as gardening or reading, are less likely to suffer the degenerative brain disease, a study found. Researchers analysed 193 patients with symptoms of Alzheimer's together with a group of 358 healthy people of the same age and from a comparable social and educational background. Both groups were questioned about the way they spent their leisure time between the ages of 20 and 60. Twenty-six common pursuits were covered, including football, swimming, gardening, theatre, watching television and rollerskating. The results showed that those who later developed Alzheimer's had, on average, taken part in fewer types of recreational activity for less time and at a lesser intensity, but had watched more television. Dr Robert Friedman, who led the study at the University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, said: 'These findings may be because inactivity is a risk factor for the disease, or because inactivity is a reflection of very early sub-clinical effects of the disease, or both.' He accepted it was possible for television to be intellectually stimulating, but believed that was probably not the case in America, where people watched an average four hours a day. Dr Friedman added: 'When you watch TV you can be in a semi- conscious state where you really are not learning.' Other studies indicate that people with high intelligence or with a good education are less likely to develop Alzheimer's. If inactivity does raise the risk of contracting the disease, it could explain why it is more common in Western societies than in the developing world. Dr Friedman went on: 'A protective relationship between high activity levels and Alzheimer's disease may explain partially the low prevalence of the disease in rural India or urban Nigeria. British experts gave a cautious welcome to the latest findings. Dr Richard Harvey, director of research services at the Alzheimer's Disease Society, said: 'As you get older, if you continue to be physically and mentally active, obviously this is going to improve or maintain your quality of life more so than just sitting in front of the TV. 'Earlier studies suggest that people who do stimulating things such as crosswords or playing Scrabble are at less risk.' He added: 'But that may be because these people are more likely to be of higher intelligence and therefore have a lot more nerve cells. 'They are therefore naturally more protected against Alzheimer's because they can lose more cells before showing the symptoms.' Alzheimer's disease is a progressive illness where a build-up of abnormal proteins causes the death of nerve cells and disruption of the transmitters that carry messages.

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