Can the Future You Intervene in the Present


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Transcript of Can the Future You Intervene in the Present

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“Can the Future You intervene in the Present?”

Interesting question.

I believe it’s entirely possible. Think about it for a moment. At a point

somewhere in the distant future, you happen to have a memory of a past

event, went with it, reviewed it, relived the emotion of whatever it was that

you did, and you’d wish you would have done something opposite to what

you were going to do, said something completely different, or said nothing

at all and it would have been the right thing to do, zigged when you should

have zagged?

And right there you automatically begin to rewrite the scenario and see it as

how you want it to be. You take charge and in your mind have the

conversation go your way. Or you did whatever it was that you were

supposed to get accomplished in the first place, instead of buggering off to

your mates’ house to watch the game, or just to waste time and ‘chill”.

Lo and behold! Life became all that much sweeter for some reason.

Whatever could have happened? Then, if all lights are shining, and all gears

engaged, you make the connection, and you begin to realize, Wow! I did

that! Way cool! You go on your merry way and that possibly important

 piece of information is set to one side, that revelation you should have

listened to is instantly filed away, and then you go on with life and the

opportunity is missed.

Sad, isn’t it? My purpose here is not to mock, I assure you. I believe what I

write, and if I didn’t believe it, why would I write it?

(I’m glad we got that out of the way.)

Back to what I was saying. Dissemination is the sign of genius or of 

madness. It’s all just in the degrees. But imagine if you will, the possibility

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of having an influence on future events! Does that thought excite you? Even

for a moment, just think a bit about it a little. Right now, at any moment,

you’ll have a random thought, and when you do, concentrate on it. Try to get

a good look at the circumstances of the time, and see if you can’t influence

that episode a tad.

For some reason, you have the urge to do this, or call that, or turn left instead

of right, and although it might seem out of character to obey this impulse,

you go ahead and do it anyway. You don’t know why you did it. You did it

anyway. But then, one day, many moons from now, you’ll have a random

thought, about a past happening, a memory, and you’ll look at it, and you’ll

think to yourself, Hey! I remember that! Sure glad I did…said….. You can

fill in the blanks, I’m sure.

So, the next step in the progression of the issue is to start thinking aboutdoing it on a regular, or in most cases, semi-regular basis. Think about the

future. I encourage you to do so. You live in the present. The past was a

moment ago, and only lives on in your memories. Live in the Now. Past and

‘future’ are only concepts, to be created, dismissed, or re-created, at your 


I believe that names like ‘day-dreamer’, should be given an entirely new

meaning and importance. Many of our great thinkers that have had an impact

on our present ‘civilisation’, were day dreamers, too.

How do you think the men and women who run mighty conglomerates and

live the kind of lifestyle you’d pluck out all of your eyebrows with a pair of 

 pliers to get at, gets to live the way they do? Many of them work hard at

what they do, it’s like second nature with them. But they started somewhere.

That thriving business they now have, was just a ‘day-dream’ once.

The difference between ‘them’, and ‘you’? Those people over there put

themselves on the line, and went for it. There’s always a way. Did your 

father ever tell you that? If not, he bloody well should have. Unfortunately,some of us had to learn the hard way.

In my mind, my imagination, I sometimes see myself on a podium

addressing large numbers of happy people who are genuinely glad to see me,

and are actually interested in what I’ve got to say to them. I love it. It’s

 beautiful there.

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So, back here in the so-called present, I’m in the Now. Then I get to creating

a different version of how I want to see the way my life work out. Like the

Queen song, “I want it all”, that’s me. I DO want it all. I do want a better life

for myself. I want to be the one sitting in the Hyatt-Regent, or someplace

like that, in the bar all nice and relaxed, with my mitts wrapped around a fine

Pilsener, a bottle of fine Bourbon and shot glass close to hand, and a

wonderful meal under my belt.

So do you too want to have it. You too want something like this, or near 

enough to it. Name one thing you don’t have, but would give your eyeteeth

for. Go on, I dare you. Something you’ve always said you would have

sucked at. What would happen if you actually tried to seriously attempt that

thing, and for once in your life devoted yourself entirely to, without doubt,

hesitation, or reservation?

If you applied that kind of principle to every area of your mundane

existence, imagine what the possibilities are. Or could be! You project

yourself into the future, and you look back and you think, okay, I’ll do it this

way instead. Make it as real as you can, like it is actually happening, or has

happened, whatever, you call the shots here. It’s your future we’re talking


Let the older, wiser ‘you’ advise you. Advise the future ‘you’of whats

happening, and be grateful for any advice received. If you don’t listen to

your intuition, you keep fouling up and your ‘life’ is a shithole. Pardon the

French. You got the point, I hope.

You want to know what else I believe? The fact that we do it all the time,

and we’re unconscious of the fact that we’re doing it! Think back. Those

feelings of dejavu? Annoying, aren’t they? Just a possibility, mind. You

never know.

I think that the conclusion of this little missive, is that we got to sharpen upour thought processes. A little. Or a lot, as the case may be. It’s scary getting

something going. Hell, yeah. I can identify with that. But once events start to

gain momentum, then you get to see a lot of good things happening.

You are the one driving this buggy. Where do you want it to take you?

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Open your eyes and look.

What do you see?

 Posted by kind permission on behalf by The Pohutukawa Temple of the Living Flame.

Completed and proofed,

15:58 pm Friday, October 2,2009.

The material in this posting is free to use as you wish. Download it, print it off, quote it if  you feel moved to do so.

May the Spirit of The Eternal Flame, residing in all our hearts, guide you to a muchbetter Future!

 Bless You!