Can I Be Arrested For Assault For Using A Belt To Strike My Childs Rear End?

Issues Connected with Child Assault Cases Abuse of all sorts and at any stage of life has major effect on the victim, a few which might be noticeable to people and many might not be but the detrimental consequences are found. Although, child abuse is the most detrimental by mutual consent since the victims can't fight for themselves and in almost all situations the abuse is unprovoked. Children are regarded as clay that can molded in any shape and any type of abuse only for one time leads to scarring them and affecting their general development. There are several kinds of abuse like physical, sexual, emotional or a mix of some or all them at routine durations. The effects of any sort of abuse may be felt all through the child’s life somehow.


Queens Criminal Lawyers Zelenitz, Shapiro, & D'Agostino explain if you're capable of being arrested for assault using a belt to strike your child.

Transcript of Can I Be Arrested For Assault For Using A Belt To Strike My Childs Rear End?

Issues Connected with Child Assault Cases

Abuse of all sorts and at any stage of life has major effect on the victim, a few which might be noticeable to people and many might not be but the detrimental consequences are found. Although, child abuse is the most detrimental by mutual consent since the victims can't fight for themselves and in almost all situations the abuse is unprovoked. Children are regarded as clay that can molded in any shape and any type of abuse only for one time leads to scarring them and affecting their general development. There are several kinds of abuse like physical, sexual, emotional or a mix of some or all them at routine durations. The effects of any sort of abuse may be felt all through the child’s life somehow.

It has amounted to stringent legitimate actions against culprits and practical initiatives by law enforcement specialists such as police officers, prosecutors and judges. There are rules which has made it difficult to people with child abuse arrests and claims to be around weak targets like restriction of access to colleges and nurseries for specified time frame and medical help in cases where accepted. These measures are vital in every way as children are the possible future of a country and

if they are scarred due to no fault of theirs, what does it present for the nation’s development as a society.

Therefore, it becomes really vital to determine if the accused person is truly violating laws or simply at fault by negligence and ignorance. It is vital to know the distinction between the legitimate jargons since the violations levelled are against them determine the future of their plan of action along with life. Thus, it is essential to reply a few questions that sound absurd to ask but are truly beneficial to know the info before such as ‘Could I Be Arrested For Assault’ For Using A Belt To Strike My Childs Bottom?’ or ‘Can offenses be pressed for hitting my child as a punishment?’. Hence, the answers to these inquiries are simply of course while regarded by lay people that have minimum knowledge of the legal system. Yet it is true that arrests could be made in case a youngster is slammed by a belt or smacked for assault as well as other violations such as intent to lead to harm the health of a kid and possession of unsafe tool in case of the belt. The cases have larger impact if the police is called just after the incident and there is always practical steps from the legal authorities as a reaction to them.

Therefore, it is of utmost significance to phone skilled experts Attorney David Shapiro or the Attorney David Shapiro soon after the police arrest is made. They have the required skills, expertise and experience to evaluate the situation and to decide the ideal method in regards to the defendant. The police arrest is embarrassing and troublesome due to which the earlier the case is discussed with appropriate people the better chances are of perseverance.

Zelenitz, Shapiro & D'Agostino, P.C.

138-44 Queens BoulevardBriarwood, New York 11435

(718) 599-1111