Can Censorship of Art Ever Be Justified

CAN CENSORSHIP OF ART EVER BE JUSTIFIED? • Ahmed Raza Lodhi • Ali Raza Ismail • Mohammad Haseeb • Mehdi Raza Jaffery

Transcript of Can Censorship of Art Ever Be Justified

CAN CENSORSHIP OF ART EVER BE JUSTIFIED? Ahmed Raza Lodhi Ali Raza Ismail Mohammad Haseeb Mehdi Raza Jaffery


Censorship is the suppression ofideas and information that certain people, individual, groups or government officials find objectionable, offensive or dangerous

Introduction (Continued)Censorship is essential in society to: Eliminate discrimination on basis of race and sex. Protect children. Maintain stability. Restore what censor sees as lost moral values.

Introduction (Continued)Art forms that can be censored based on age or other characteristics: Books Magazines Movies Videos Music Work of art

Pro-Censorship Freedom of expression has limits, so any other form of art should have the same restrictions. Censorship can also be a finely tuned system of protecting our children. Censorship may actually help the artistic cause (winning support of public).

Pro-Censorship (Continued) Many forms of modern art seek to push the boundaries of what is acceptable, or aim for the lowest denominator in taste. Excessive violence in the media can lead to similar behavior in viewers (studies in the USA have shown this).

Against-Censorship Censorship of children's literature is deciding that no child, regardless of age or maturity level, should read a book. Censorship stems from fear that people will discover how life really is: There is hate, racism and prejudice.

Against-Censorship (Continued) People need the opportunity to discover for themselves life's lessons. E.g: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, is often a target for censors because of the word "nigger" in the text.
