Câmpia turzii


Transcript of Câmpia turzii


Câmpia TurziiCâmpia Turzii Câmpia Turzii, a Câmpia Turzii, a

veritable fortress metallurgy of the veritable fortress metallurgy of the country, is country, is among the oldest settlements in the among the oldest settlements in the area. Economic potential is given equallarea. Economic potential is given equally to local resources, the large y to local resources, the large number and variety number and variety of economic, favorable of economic, favorable geographical position, tradition and  geographical position, tradition and  experience that it holds in experience that it holds in most sectors.most sectors.

InformationInformation Câmpia Turzii is located Câmpia Turzii is located in in

TTransylvania, on ransylvania, on the Aries River. the Aries River.

The 15 National The 15 National Road and the 60 European Road and the 60 European Road bind the other cities. Road bind the other cities. 

The The city covers an area of 2379 city covers an area of 2379  h hectares, of which ectares, of which 30% is built, 30% is built, and 70% terrain. and 70% terrain. 

The land is fertile, the The land is fertile, the best for growing best for growing vegetables and cereals.vegetables and cereals.

(In the picture you can see (In the picture you can see Câmpia TurziiCâmpia Turzii))

HistoryHistory Campia Turzii (Aranyosgyéres Hungarian, German or Gieresch Jerischmarkt)Campia Turzii (Aranyosgyéres Hungarian, German or Gieresch Jerischmarkt).. City Campia TurziiCity Campia Turzii was founded in 1925, 25 September, by uniting the two  was founded in 1925, 25 September, by uniting the two

communitiescommunities located next to each other, located next to each other, Sancrai and GhirisSancrai and Ghiris.. Entering the country's history of the two settlements, Entering the country's history of the two settlements, Sancrai andSancrai and Ghiris, is  Ghiris, is

set inancient written documents attesting their existence.set inancient written documents attesting their existence. During the interwar period was a net head Turda County.During the interwar period was a net head Turda County. It became City Campia TurziiIt became City Campia Turzii  in 1950.in 1950. On November 11, 1998,On November 11, 1998, by by Law no. 204 Law no. 204,,  Campia TurziiCampia Turzii is declared a  is declared a


PopulationPopulation Câmpia Turzii Câmpia Turzii

has a has a population of  population of  30,000 people 30,000 people and ranks in the and ranks in the top four places top four places in the in the county(Cluj).county(Cluj).

Educational InstitutionsEducational Institutions Educational process is Educational process is 

conductedconducted in three middle schools, in three middle schools,  hhiigh gh school and technical school and technical college profile theory. college profile theory.  Further studies Further studies are conducted are conducted in the two universities: in the two universities:  Academy of Economic Academy of Economic Studies and University Studies and University College Technical, College Technical,  Economic and Economic and  Administration.Administration.

““Avram Iancu” School is Avram Iancu” School is the school where we the school where we learnlearn!!

Public InstitutionsPublic InstitutionsINSTITUTIONS

POLICE ensures Protection of the People.

HOSPITAL that is available for the sick and injured people

FIREFIGHTERS involved in extinguishing the fire.

HospitalHospital The The Hospital “Hospital “CampiaCampia--

TurziiTurzii”” is located near the city center. It  is located near the city center. It includes four majorincludes four major sections: the Interiorsections: the Interior DepartmentDepartment,, Pediatrics, Division of  Pediatrics, Division of Surgery and Department ofSurgery and Department of Gynecology. Here all patients Gynecology. Here all patients are treated in the best conditions, specializare treated in the best conditions, specialized doctors anded doctors and skilled assistance. Hospital has an ambulaskilled assistance. Hospital has an ambulance nce  that arrives at home to treat the that arrives at home to treat the patient orpatient or to go to the hospital to to go to the hospital to be treated.be treated.

City HallCity Hall The The

current headquarters of current headquarters of the City and City the City and City Council dates Council dates from 1945. Since then, from 1945. Since then, every primary so every primary so far has helped far has helped create an image as  create an image as  representative of the city. representative of the city.

In 1990, in Campia In 1990, in Campia Turzii the first elections  Turzii the first elections  held in post revolutionary. held in post revolutionary. 

Romanian Romanian Orthodox Church, dedicated to Orthodox Church, dedicated to   ””Virgin MaryVirgin Mary”” There is There is

evidence that putting the evidence that putting the church foundation was machurch foundation was made de  in land acquisition, ie1910.in land acquisition, ie1910. Inside the  Inside the church was rebuilt in church was rebuilt in 1983 and was painted in 1983 and was painted in  Byzantine style.Byzantine style.

So how So how can today, looked outside, can today, looked outside,  the the building has a cruciform plbuilding has a cruciform plan, while the an, while the sideapses inscribed sideapses inscribed in a polygon shape. in a polygon shape.

Romanian Romanian Orthodox Church, dedicated Orthodox Church, dedicated to the Resurrectionto the Resurrection On 30 July 1943 laid the On 30 July 1943 laid the

foundation stone of the foundation stone of the church and have started church and have started construction works. construction works. 

Interior finisher took Interior finisher took  place in 1970 when he wplace in 1970 when he was decorated wall so as decorated wall so  remarkable in terms remarkable in terms of iconography and styleof iconography and style. . 

The The painting is executed in painting is executed in the Byzantine style andthe Byzantine style and cruciform in cruciform in plan construction. plan construction.

Romanian Romanian Orthodox Church, dedicated to "St. Orthodox Church, dedicated to "St.

Archangels Michael and Gabriel"Archangels Michael and Gabriel"

Its Its construction began in construction began in 1928 and lasted 1928 and lasted for two for two years, was finished andyears, was finished and consecrated in consecrated in 1930. 1930. 

The building is in the The building is in the form of a form of a cross with the lateral cross with the lateral apses and the altar in apses and the altar in the the shape of polygons with shape of polygons with five sides.five sides.

Romanian Orthodox Church no. Romanian Orthodox Church no. 44

Mechel Campia TurziiMechel Campia Turzii The company was founded in 1920,

starting his work as a producer of wire and nails. Currently, under the leadership of the Russian concern Mechel, the company occupies asignificant place in the steel industry due to the diversity of its product supply, implementation of efficient environmental management system and manufacturing process automation. After privatization in 2003 the company continued modernizing technology flows, working conditions and environment.     There is tradition in the field of metallurgy, the manufacture and marketing of cablewire for springs, wire bead automotive, wire and welding electrodes, wires and strandsfor prestressed concrete, aluminum wire cable, wire, soft black matte hard wire, wiresoft zinc, traction cables, nails, rolled, steel bars and concrete paths.     Experience in this field for over 80 years, specialized personnel in all activities,diversified range of products offered and focus on quality and environment are in S.C. Mechel S.A. a reliable partner for both its traditional customers, as well as potential new partners.

ParksParks Campia Campia

TurziiTurzii’s’s parks are  parks are  often full of people. often full of people. Children play, peopleChildren play, people walk walk and speak and speak, the , the park is quietpark is quiet and and beautiful. Central beautiful. Central  Park is an attraction Park is an attraction because there is a because there is a  beautiful fountain. beautiful fountain.

Photos from Campia TurziiPhotos from Campia TurziiPanoramic viewsPanoramic views






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