Campaign to elect the progressive president

Campaign to Elect the Progressive President How can people change society? Did this period of industrialization and reform move America closer or further away from its founding ideals?

Transcript of Campaign to elect the progressive president

Page 1: Campaign to elect the progressive president

Campaign to Elect the Progressive President• How can people change society?• Did this period of industrialization

and reform move America closer or further away from its founding ideals?

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How do presidents get elected?

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Types of Campaign Adds

BandwagonCardstackingContrastGlittering GeneralitiesMudslingingPlain FolksTestimonialTransfer

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BandwagonAn attempt to convey a sense of momentum

and to generate a positive “everybody’s doin’ it” so you should too” mentality.

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CardstackingUse of statistics, often in a one-side

manner. It may omit information that is crucial to drawing an informed or balanced conclusion.

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ContrastJuxtaposing positive images of one’s

candidacy with negative images of the opponent in the same ad.

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Glittering Generalities-

Usually the first type of ad used in a campaign. These spots are usually used to introduce a candidate to the voters. Ads are almost always positive. Designed to leave a good first impression. Uses vague words and phrases that have a positive effect on the viewer and appeal to a variety of interests.

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Mudslinging Called attack ads. They make assertions

about the opponent in a variety of unflattering ways. Name calling and/or groundless assertions about one candidate by his/her opponents. This advertising strategy is used by a candidate primarily to create a negative impression of one’s opponent. This strategy may backfire and create a negative impression of the candidate who is responsible for the creation of the negative ad if used excessively or in a manner that is perceived as tasteless, false, deceptive, or going too far.

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Plain FolksAn attempt by a candidate to appeal to

the average voter as just “one of the people.”

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TestimonialEndorsements from celebrities or other

well-known people.

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TransferUse of popular symbols to create a

positive connotation for the candidate or the use of negative or controversial symbols to create a negative connotation of one’s opponent.

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Directions 1/31. A president is assigned to your group.2. Read information about the three

progressive presidents from the textbook.

3. Fill in the graphic organizers.

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Create the following graphic organizers.

Theodore Roosevelt

Definition Why is this important?

Square Deal


Interstate Commerce Commission

Pure Food and Drugs Act



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William Howard Taft

Definition Why is this important?

Payne-Aldrich Tariff

Bull-Moose Party

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Woodrow Wilson

Definition Why is this important?

Election of 1912

Clayton Antitrust Act

16th Amendment- Federal Income Tax

Federal Reserve System

19th Amendment- Female Suffrage

17th Amendment

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Directions 2/34. Storyboard ideas for your add.5. Conduct additional research.6. Write the script for your add.

Include factual information from your textbook and other resources. This information should be hilighted or underlined.

Use the different types of strategies used in political campaign adds.

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7. Revise the script.8. Rehearse the script.9. Find other materials for your product.

Speech ideas- costumes, posters, buttonsPodcast ideas- sound effectsVideo ideas- visuals, sound effects

10. Create your final product.11. Turn in finished product and rubric.

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Choice of Products1. Three minute oral speech 2. One minute radio add (podcast).3. Thirty second television add (video


Please note: Your product must clearly include the participation of all group members.

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Processing ActivityRank the following Progressive reforms in

order of importance and be ready to defend your answer. Trustbusting Interstate Commerce Commission Pure Food and Drugs Act Conservation NAACP Payne-Aldrich Tariff Clayton Antitrust Act 16th Amendment- Federal Income Tax Federal Reserve System 19th Amendment- Female Suffrage 17th Amendment

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Trustbusting- Various progressive reforms sponsored by President Roosevelt

Interstate Commerce Commission- Set up to enforce the law prohibiting railroad owners from fixing prices in given areas

Pure Food and Drugs Act- Halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling

Conservation- Preserving some wilderness areas and developing others for the common good

NAACP- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People which tried to gain full equality among the races

Payne-Aldrich Tariff- A compromise that moderated high tariff rates and angered the Progressives

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Vocabulary Clayton Antitrust Act- Prohibited corporations from

acquiring the stock of another corporation if that would create a monopoly

16th Amendment- Federal Income Tax- A graduated tax of individual earning and corporate profits that raised money for the government

Federal Reserve System- decentralized banking system, controlled by the federal government that controlled credit and the money supply

19th Amendment- Female Suffrage- Women gain the right to vote

17th Amendment- Direct election of senators