Camp Extreme Small Groups 2004

Small Group Lessons Monday 4:00-4:15 1. What is a goal? 2. Writ e 1 goal th at you have this week. 3. On the ext reme p age of your jo urnal …wri te words that mean extreme. Write a defini tion of extreme or draw a pict ure of something or someone that is extreme. Monday 7:00-7:30 1. 1. Revi ew ver se- 2 Thessalonians 2: 15- “So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.” 2. Revi ew: What is extr eme? How c an you take an extreme stan d at home, school, church, etc? 3. Write at least 1 sente nce or dr aw a pict ure – “How can I take an extreme stand?” 4. Pray t o ask God to he lp you t ake an e xtre me stand.  Tuesday 8:45-9:15 1. What i s a de voti on? 2. How do yo u have a devotion? 3. What do you do in a dev otion ?- read the bib le or bibl e study, pr ay, worship, write in a journal, etc. 4. Devot ion- T he Fis hing H ole ( read story )*** See devot ional for questions 5. Pray  Tuesday 10:30-10:45 1. What does extreme trust mean? 2. Revi ew ver se: Phi lippi ans 4:6 “ Do not be anx ious abou t anythi ng, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” 3. Have you ever trust ed God compl etel y? (Have stu dents wr ite in  journal) 4. How can we trust God? What c an we do to s how th at we trust God? (Have students write in journal) 5. Pray th at God wi ll help u s to trus t Him e xtre mely .  Tuesday 7:00-7:30 1. Review verse: Ephesians 5:8 “For you were once darkness, but now you are li ght in the Lord. Live as chil dren of light.” 2. What do es L.i.g.h.t. stand for? Living In God’s Hands Toda y 3. What does that mean? 4. How c an you live as a c hild of lig ht? 5. Pray t hat we can shine Christ’s love t hrough our life.

Transcript of Camp Extreme Small Groups 2004

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Small Group LessonsMonday 4:00-4:151. What is a goal?2. Write 1 goal that you have this week.3. On the extreme page of your journal…write words that mean

extreme. Write a definition of extreme or draw a picture of something or someone that is extreme.

Monday 7:00-7:301. 1. Review verse- 2 Thessalonians 2: 15- “So then, brothers, stand

firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether byword of mouth or by letter.”

2. Review: What is extreme? How can you take an extreme stand athome, school, church, etc?

3. Write at least 1 sentence or draw a picture – “How can I take anextreme stand?”

4. Pray to ask God to help you take an extreme stand.

 Tuesday 8:45-9:151. What is a devotion?2. How do you have a devotion?3. What do you do in a devotion?- read the bible or bible study, pray,

worship, write in a journal, etc.4. Devotion- The Fishing Hole (read story)*** See devotional for

questions5. Pray

 Tuesday 10:30-10:451. What does extreme trust mean?2. Review verse: Philippians 4:6 “ Do not be anxious about anything,

but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, presentyour requests to God.”

3. Have you ever trusted God completely? (Have students write in journal)

4. How can we trust God? What can we do to show that we trust God?(Have students write in journal)

5. Pray that God will help us to trust Him extremely.

 Tuesday 7:00-7:301. Review verse: Ephesians 5:8 “For you were once darkness, but

now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.”2. What does L.i.g.h.t. stand for? Living In God’s Hands Today3. What does that mean?4. How can you live as a child of light?5. Pray that we can shine Christ’s love through our life.

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Wednesday 8:45-9:15- You Can Overcome

1. Read story.2. See journal fro questions3. Pray

Wednesday 7:00-7:301. Review verse – Matthew 16:242. In journal, write 1 way you can be extreme.3. Write 1 thing you have learned.4. Review your goal, how are you doing?5. Pray and ask God to help you deny yourself, take up your cross

and follow Christ.

 Thursday 8:45-9:15 – What’s It Worth1. Read story.2. See journal for questions.3. Pray.

 Thursday 10:30-10:451. Review verse: Galatians 5:222. In journal answer, how can I walk in the Spirit?3. What are the fruit of the Spirit?4. What does walking in the Spirit look like?

5. Pray that we walk in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

 Thursday 7:00-7:301. What is an extreme life?2. Review Luke 9:233. What does deny yourself mean?4. What does take up your cross daily mean?5. How do we follow Jesus?6. What does an extreme life look like?7. How can you live an extreme life?

8. Pray that we daily deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus.

Friday 8:45-9:15 – Take me to the Edge1. Read story.2. See journal fro questions.3. Pray.

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Friday 10:30-10:451. Review Luke 9:232. How will I live the extreme life?3. What was my goal? Did I meet it?4. What does extreme mean? Commit to being extreme for Jesus.

5. Pray that we live the extreme life.