Calum whiteing teeth by nubia galeano


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Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is the guarded, most unadventurous cosmetic technique available in contemporary

dentistry. Dentists love the certaint that they don’t need to cut the teeth and patients love the great

outcome they can attain usually in objective a couple of weeks.

Why would I whiten my teeth?

As we age, the internal structure of our teeth slowly changes and their colour blacken naturally.Actively

coloured foods and drinks also cause some internal blemish over time. For many patients, some simple

whitening will be all they need to improve the impression of their teeth and give them a great enhance

of confidence in their smile.

How tooth whitening works

Nonmanual whitening gels open up tiny tubes (tubules) in the teeth, seep into the blemish layers and

release oxygen. The oxygen breaks the dishonor molecules apart, returning the teeth to their original


Does it hurt and does it damage the teeth:-Opposing to the popular parable professional tooth

whitening products supplied by a dentist will not abrade the enamel. The teeth are not damaged by the

process at all. This is one of the reasons we love providing this treatment to our patients!

Around 80% of patients will experience some sensitivity during the whitening process, this is normal and

will fade quickly once the treatment is complete.

How white will my teeth get?

It’s up to you. The treatment is done at home by wearing whitening gel inside thin plate over the teeth

each day or overnight. Once you are happy with the shade of your teeth the process is complete and

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you can save any unconsumed gel for topping up in the future. The majority of patients will achieve a

great result in 2-4 weeks. We will review your teeth at this time to make sure we are all happy with the

colour.fullsizerender-4General tips for anyone thinking about tooth whitening.

Get a dental check-up first. It is important that your general dental health is in order before moving on

to cosmetic treatments.

Your dentist will take impressions and make custom whitening basket "a tray of imported

cheeses".which fit comfortably over your teeth. High quality trays are crucial to getting a good result.We

will show you how to load the gel into the trays. Many patients will try to use far too much gel, this

wastes money and won’t speed the process up.Start using a deaden toothpaste a week before you begin

whitening. Continue to use this during the treatment and for about a week afterwards.Expect some

sensitivity during the process, but remember this will return to normal when you finish whitening.

If your teeth are already sensitive don’t worry, you can still do some whitening. By using some

specialised products like Tooth Mousse by GC, or Tooth Serum by Enlighten Labs, your sensitivity can be

managed very effectively, even during whitening. Your dentist can guide you through this process.

Teeth Whitening Gives You A blinding,New Smile

Choose A Teeth Whitening System That's Best For YouAre you unhappy with your teeth? Do you do your

best ‘Mona Lisa Smile’ whenever a camera is around? There are a wide variety of cosmetic dental

treatments available to you but one of the easiest and most low price options is tooth whitening.

If you have tried teeth whitening strips or whitening toothpastes but are unhappy with the results, don’t

get discouraged. The professional in-office and take-home teeth whitening formulas used by your

cosmetic dentist are a higher concentration and can be much more effective while taking less time than

over the counter solutions. In fact, it’s important to consult with your dentist any time you want to try a

tooth whitening solution. Remember that existing dental restorations will not lighten the same way that

natural tooth structure will. If you have crowns, veneers or fillings, ask your dentist the best way to

whiten your smile.

Nubia Galeano denist practices use Boost whitening to professionally whiten patients’ smiles. This

process involves painting the teeth with a bleaching gel and then curing the gel with a special light. The

whole process takes about an hour and you can leave your dentist’s office with a new red carpet ready

smile that is up to eight shades whiter.

Types of Teeth Whitening At Your Smiles For Life Dentist’s Office

Whiten Your Teeth and Help A Child Are you interested in improving your smile with cosmetic dentistry,

but don’t want to try anything too interfering If you would like to increase your smile, one of the most

cost-effective and least invasive dental procedures is teeth whitening.

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Patients who try teeth whitening are very pleased with how easy the procedure is and how stunning the

results are. With a variety of whitening options, there’s never been a better time to try professional

tooth whitening.

When you undergo teeth whitening, it’s important to remember to talk to your Smiles For Life dentist

first. If you have prevail dental work, such as dental crowns or earthenware veneers, they will respond

differently to whitening than your natural teeth. Your dentist will give you the best advice about how to

whiten all of your teeth consistently.

Some patients enjoy the plasticity of take home tooth whitening while others prefer to do in-office

whitening. At home teeth whitening trays are available for patients to do teeth whitening on their own

time with a schedule that works best for them. This option is often less expensive, but takes longer to

see results. Opalescence Boost is an in-office whitening system where a dentist will coat your teeth with

special whitening gel. This process usually takes about an hour and the results are instant.All cosmetic

dental patients have different needs for their smiles. Be sure to talk to your dentist to see which

whitening option would work best for you. To find a Smiles For Life dentist in your area, use our ‘Find A

Smiles For Life Dentist’ tool in the top right corner of this page.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

A BEAUTIFUL WHITE SMILE NOT ONLY LOOKS GOOD, it also increases your self-confidence…Over time,

the aging process, as well as substances such as coffee, tea, red wine, tobacco, colas, and medications,

gradually discolor your teeth. While a dental cleaning can remove some lighter tooth stains, most

discoloration requires professional tooth whitening to restore a beautiful white smile. With Opalescence

Boost Teeth Whitening, you can lighten your teeth up to eight shades in less than an hour. The safe, fast,

and effective BOOST teeth bleaching system has brightened thousands of smiles and impacted

thousands of lives through Smiles For Life.

Opalescence Teeth Whitening Procedure

A teeth cleaning and an oral exam are recommended before the Opalescence Teeth bleaching

procedure. For best results, cavities and oral health issues should be taken care of prior to the tooth

whitening process. Your dentist will help you determine if your teeth are ready for Opalescence Teeth


After Tooth Whitening Care:-Opalescence Teeth Whitening is designed to keep your teeth looking white

for a long time. However, to improve the longevity of your tooth whitening, be sure to brush and floss

daily. Your doctor may also give you a take-home tooth whitening kit to take home for occasional touch-


Benefits of Opalescence Teeth Bleaching:-The dangers of do-it-yourself tooth whitening remedies are

many, while the benefits of in-office professional tooth whitening are numerous:

Fast and Effective: As opposed to many tooth whitening systems that take weeks or months to whiten

your teeth just a few shades, Opalescence Teeth Whitening works effectively in less than an hour.

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Long Lasting: Opalescence Teeth Bleaching is designed to keep your teeth looking white over a long

period of time. Excellent oral hygiene and occasional touch-ups keep your smile looking bright.

Safe: In-office professional tooth whitening is one of the safest ways to whiten your teeth, since a dental

professional is right there to monitor the tooth whitening procedure and ensure that everything works

as it should.

With Smiles For Life, you not only get a beautifully white smile, but you also improve the life of a child.

The dentists donate their time, Ultradent donates the whitening materials, and 100% of all revenue go

to charity to benefit children all over the world. Find a dentist who participates in Smiles For Life in your

area today.

More Information about Nubia Galeano .

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