CALU Newsletter Aug 2012

8/20/12 8:06 AM ChangeALife Uganda Aug '12 Newsletter: New Health Center Dedicated Page 1 of 7 Having trouble viewing this email? Click here EDUCATION NEWS During our July visit to Uganda, we received an exciting educational report from Andrew Wesige, Headmaster of St. Lawrence School. The school was ranked the number one public school (UPE School - Universal Public Education) in the Nakasangola School District in 2011 based on the test scores of the students finishing Primary 7. This is a significant achievement! In 2007 when CALU began helping St. Lawrence School, it was a poor, substandard, unranked school with no students progressing to Secondary School (high school). Not only are St. Lawrence School students achieving AUGUST 2012 CALU Staff Attends Dedication of Completed, Furnished Health Center in Migyera Over 200 residents of Migyera, dressed in their finest, took seats under two large tents shading them from the afternoon sun to witness the formal dedication of their new St. Francis Health Center in Migyera, Uganda on Wednesday, July 4. Under a third tent sat dignitaries from state and regional government, Bishop of Kasana-Luweero Paul S. Semogerere, and ChangeALife Uganda's Rev. Lawrence Kitzito Kimbowa, guests, and members of the U.S. ChangeALife Uganda team. Speakers, including a representative of the local townsfolk, praised and thanked the commitment and generosity of their "American friends" who helped to complete construction of the clinic and provide funds to equip and staff it. The newly improved clinic now provides infant and family wellness care, and soon, maternal health services. The clinic staff treated 300 patients on the days immediately preceding opening day.



Transcript of CALU Newsletter Aug 2012

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During our July visit toUganda, we received anexciting educational reportfrom Andrew Wesige,Headmaster of St. LawrenceSchool. The school wasranked the number onepublic school (UPE School -Universal Public Education)in the Nakasangola SchoolDistrict in 2011 based on thetest scores of the studentsfinishing Primary 7. This is asignificant achievement!

In 2007 when CALU beganhelping St. LawrenceSchool, it was a poor,substandard, unrankedschool with no studentsprogressing to SecondarySchool (high school). Notonly are St. LawrenceSchool students achieving


CALU Staff Attends Dedication of Completed,Furnished Health Center in Migyera Over 200 residents of Migyera, dressed in their finest, took seatsunder two large tents shading them from the afternoon sun towitness the formal dedication of their new St. Francis HealthCenter in Migyera, Uganda on Wednesday, July 4. Under a third tent sat dignitaries from state and regionalgovernment, Bishop of Kasana-Luweero Paul S. Semogerere,and ChangeALife Uganda's Rev. Lawrence Kitzito Kimbowa,guests, and members of the U.S. ChangeALife Uganda team.Speakers, including a representative of the local townsfolk,praised and thanked the commitment and generosity of their"American friends" who helped to complete construction of theclinic and provide funds to equip and staff it. The newlyimproved clinic now provides infant and family wellness care,and soon, maternal health services. The clinic staff treated 300patients on the days immediately preceding opening day.

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higher academic goals, but32 students have graduatedand now attend secondaryschool!

Congratulations to theteachers and students of St.Lawrence School for theseimpressiveaccomplishments.

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Speaking on behalf of CALU and its many supporters in NewJersey, President Jean Semler said, "We are honored to have theopportunity to work with the people of Migyera to improve thequality of care you receive. We came today to celebrate with youthe opening of the new St. Francis Health Center, and also to seewhat else is needed to enable the clinic staff to provide morecomprehensive health care services. We will continue to workhand-in-hand with you and the staff to make this a premierhealth center." The festive celebration included a medley of lively native dancesby the children of St. Lawrence School and a buffet dinner forattendees.

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An African PicnicFundraiser

CALU will celebrate itssuccesses in helping peoplein Migyera and Nabbingo,Uganda during "An AfricanPicnic" at KnightsbridgeFarm, 181 WhipporwillValley Rd in Middletown onSaturday, September 29from 5-9 p.m. The public isinvited to attend. The celebration will includea DJ, beverages, food, ponyrides, soccer, Uganda-themed activities, ands'mores under the stars.

Guests will meet CALU'sRev. Lawrence KizitoKimbowa whose personalstory and descriptionsof life in rural Ugandainspired Jean Semler andher husband David Thelento found the charity fiveyears ago. Father Lawrencewill personally thanksupporters and friends whoworked "hand-in-hand" withUgandans to empower those who are poor. Ticketsfor the fun-filled party are$100 per adult or $250 perfamily and can bepurchased on-line at

Proceeds will benefit thework of CALU in Uganda.

The CALU Team included President Semler, Vice PresidentDavid Thelen, Health Care team Karen Hinckley, MBA, SusanPeacock, R.N., Evelyn Wells, M.D. and Lito Fune, M.D., both ofJersey Shore Medical Center, and Rosemary Carroll, member ofthe CALU Board of Directors.

Dr. Wells listens to a fetal heart beat. Drs. Wells and Fune worked a full day treating patients alongsideclinic Medical Director Dr. Ronald Lubega. Early laboratory testsof 98 patients revealed 20 cases of malaria and 10 of typhoid. Of198 patients tested for HIV, 15 were HIV+ including twochildren. Since then, the number has grown to 86 HIV+ patientsand other serious health problems have been identified. Dr. Lubega and nurse Martha visit with a mother recovering frommalaria. Friends of CALU were inspired to provide the funds needed forthe clinic after the unnecessary and tragic death last year ofChristopher Bakwana, a child who contracted malaria, apreventable and treatable disease. The boy did not have access toa nearby clinic.

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Unlike Christopher, this young boy is treated for malaria. "Now children in Migyera will have access to quality healthcare," said Jean Semler. "Our wonderful new facility is here toprevent deaths of other children from malaria."

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MoneyForMedicine Health Center Qualifies as AIDS/HIV TreatmentClinic Beginning August 16, the new St. Francis Health Center inMigyera will become part of the Ministry of Health as it beginstreatment programs for the 86 patients who tested positive forHIV.

In correspondence to Rev. Lawrence K. Kimbowa of CALU,

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Pheona Busingye of Mildmay Uganda, a national program thatprovides comprehensive care for patients with HIV and AIDS-related health problems, said Mildmay will start an outreachstation at St. Francis Health Center this month, and it also hasbegun the process to accredit the Center as an antiretroviralmedication site. Mildmay Uganda recommends a team comprised of a physician,nurse counselor and data management supervisor to manage theHIV clinic. Mildmay Uganda will provide HIV treatment drugsfree of charge to the patients as well as testing kits for the healthcenter. Jean and Dave began the CALU journey in 2007 with the idea ofproviding medical care to those who need it. The dedication ofthe health center made that idea a reality.

MoneyForMedicine CALU Pledges Completion of Women's Care Unit While the new St. Francis Health Center is providing child andfamily wellness services, the maternity rooms remain unfinished.

"We are determined to provide the equipment needed for theantenatal, delivery and recovery rooms as soon as possible," saidJean Semler, CALU President. "Women's health, particularly pre-natal and obstetrics, is vital to our health care program."

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Items needed include: Doppler fetalscope; large sink for thedelivery room; incubator with UV light; safety goggles; nine IVstands for beds in delivery, recovery, antenatal rooms; threemobile GYN lamps; GYN exam beds with stirrups; waterproofcovers for beds; side cupboards for each bed; two autoclavesterilizers plus two additional drums; antenatal scale; bloodpressure pump and cuff; bedpans, kidney shaped basins, gloves,masks and other supplies.

Summer Religious Ed Students Get Involved!For the fourth summer, religious education classes at St. PiusChurch in Old Tappan, NJ raised money to sponsor a CALUstudent. Because of three classes' fundraising efforts, ErineoKawooya will attend school again this year. Erineo and thestudents write to each other, sharing stories of school, home andinterests. The Old Tappan students enjoy receiving Erineo'sletters, which are always filled with pictures and descriptions ofhis school accomplishments. Thank you, St. Pius Summer CCD!

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Change A Life Uganda | 58 Fairview Avenue | Brick | NJ | 08724