Calling All Shadow Experts!!

Calling All Shadow Experts!!


Calling All Shadow Experts!!. Since you have learned so much about shadows…. You have been selected by Principal Rebecca to create a shadow puppet show for the entire school!! . To begin, please click on the picture below to view an example of a hand shadow puppet show. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Calling All Shadow Experts!!

Calling All Shadow Experts!!

Calling All Shadow Experts!!

Since you have learned so much about shadows

You have been selected by Principal Rebecca to create a shadow puppet show for the entire school!!

Hand Shadow PuppetsPlease click on the TV screen to see a video about how to make hand shadow puppets.

To see pictures of how to make hand shadow puppet animals, click on the picture of the hand.

Now, click on this picture to watch a clip from a shadow puppet show using poster-board cutout puppets.

Here is Your Assignment: In groups of 5, you will be responsible for:- Choosing which type of puppet show you would like to create. - Gathering information about how to create your puppet show.- Working together as a group to create your puppets.- Finding or creating a story to tell for your puppet show.

Please click on a picture to choose which type of shadow puppet show you would like to create:Hand Shadow PuppetsCutout Shadow Puppets

Your Puppet ShowWhat story will you tell? You can use a favorite story, make one up, or pick a book from the classroom library.

What characters will you need to make for your story? Feel free to make up your own creatures!

MaterialsWhat materials do you need to create your show? Please ask an adult for the materials you need.

Dont forget to think about what we have learned about shadows as you create your show!

Additional ResourcesClick on the flashlight to play a shadow game.

Click on the boy to hear a poem about shadows.

Please stop here and get started on your show!

Cutout Shadow PuppetsClick on the pictures below to find people, animals, and other characters that you can print and cut out for your shadow puppet show.

Or, click on the picture below to see how these children created their own puppets:

How to make your puppet theater.Click on the picture to learn how to make a shadow puppet theater.Ask an adult for help with reading the instructions and gathering your materials.

Your Puppet ShowWhat story will you tell? You can use a favorite story, make one up, or pick a book from the classroom library.

What characters will you need to make for your story ? Feel free to make up your own creatures!

Your Puppet ShowWhat story will you tell? You can use a favorite story, make one up, or pick a book from the classroom library.

What characters will you need to make for your story? Feel free to make up your own creatures!

MaterialsWhat materials do you need to create your shadow puppet cutouts and your shadow puppet theater?Ask an adult to help you gather your materials.Think about what we have learned about shadows as you create your show!

Additional ResourcesClick on the flashlight to play a shadow game.

Click on the boy to hear a poem about shadows.

Please stop here and get started on your show!