Call for Paper! Iconic 2014 (Regulations for Abstracts and Scientific Papers)

 REGULATIONS FOR ABSTRACT AND SCIENTIFIC PAPERS The authors are allowed to submit their contributions to the conference in both types of articles (i.e., essay and scientific paper). The number of submitted contributions is not limited for one author. However, the corresponding author of the accepted paper/essay shoul d be registered in presenter registrat ion. In other words, she/he cannot register to conference only as an observer. All contributions will be reviewed by our editor team which includes representative s from Ikatan Ilmuwan Indonesia Internasional (I4). The selected papers have a chance to be published by  Indonesian Scholars Journal . For more detailed descriptions, the author may refer to the writing guideli nes of respective articles. Before submitt ing the contributions, please r efer to our submission guidelines by clicking  here. Abstract/Scientific Paper All authors who submit an abstract of a paper must confirm that they have not previously published these data, that have not previously presented them at a large scientific meeting and that they are not planning to present or publish them prior to the dates of this ICONIC 2014 conference. Author submitting abstracts for presentation at this ICONIC 2014 conference should consider the following: 1. Abstract and final paper should be written in English and formatted according to the provided MS-Word templates, which are available on the conference website. To download the templates, click here. 2. For the abstract, the page number is only limited to two pages for review. If the abstract is accepted, the authors have to submit a final paper (i.e., four to six pages of standard ICONIC 2014 paper template) to the same website.

Transcript of Call for Paper! Iconic 2014 (Regulations for Abstracts and Scientific Papers)

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