Call for International Assistance With Medical and Humanitarian Aid

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad, his Kin, and his Companions PRESS RELEASE Call for international aCtion Saturday 26th February 2011 To the religious leaders of all faiths, to the political leaders of all countries, to the heads of all international organizations, and to all men and women of good will. As servants of the brave and dignified Libyan people, the Muslim Scholars and Tribal Leaders of Libya are united in informing you of the following: We are grateful for all the great efforts that are now being made to stop the massacre of our people. However, we urge you to please hurry and redouble your efforts. We have already lost thousands of our brave youth, and the injured are now in the many thousands. Please urgently send into Libya as much medical and humanitarian aid as possible. The Egyptian-Libyan border, Benghazi Port, and Misrata Port are now open, and we urge Libyans inside and outside the country to help in every way they can with logistics and distribution. We very much appreciate the early response from Turkey and from the In- ternational Red Cross/Red Crescent in this regard. Internationally, we expect all punitive actions and measures to be directed and applied to Gaddafi personally, his family, close associates, and their mercenaries, and any other complicit parties. We do not support ‘sanctions against Libya’ or anything against Libya. All actions and measures should be against Gaddafi himself, his family, their close associates, and their mercenaries. Judicially these criminals have no official governmental positions, and DO NOT constitute the Libyan government. They have NO immunity. The approach that should be taken by all who are trying to help us is that of urgently issuing and applying International Arrest Warrants for clearly committing crimes against humanity, to be pur- sued in the International Criminal Court. The brave Libyan people will endure and are now more unified than ever, through the Network of Free Ulema - Libya Page 1 of 2

Transcript of Call for International Assistance With Medical and Humanitarian Aid

Page 1: Call for International Assistance With Medical and Humanitarian Aid

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

Blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad, his Kin, and his Companions


Call for international aCtion

Saturday 26th February 2011

To the religious leaders of all faiths, to the political leaders of all countries, to the heads

of all international organizations, and to all men and women of good will. As servants of

the brave and dignified Libyan people, the Muslim Scholars and Tribal Leaders of Libya

are united in informing you of the following:

We are grateful for all the great efforts that are now being made to stop the massacre of

our people. However, we urge you to please hurry and redouble your efforts. We have

already lost thousands of our brave youth, and the injured are now in the many thousands.

Please urgently send into Libya as much medical and humanitarian aid as possible. The

Egyptian-Libyan border, Benghazi Port, and Misrata Port are now open, and we urge

Libyans inside and outside the country to help in every way they can with logistics and

distribution. We very much appreciate the early response from Turkey and from the In-

ternational Red Cross/Red Crescent in this regard.

Internationally, we expect all punitive actions and measures to be directed and applied to

Gaddafi personally, his family, close associates, and their mercenaries, and any other

complicit parties.

We do not support ‘sanctions against Libya’ or anything against Libya. All actions and

measures should be against Gaddafi himself, his family, their close associates, and their

mercenaries. Judicially these criminals have no official governmental positions, and DO

NOT constitute the Libyan government. They have NO immunity. The approach that

should be taken by all who are trying to help us is that of urgently issuing and applying

International Arrest Warrants for clearly committing crimes against humanity, to be pur-

sued in the International Criminal Court.

The brave Libyan people will endure and are now more unified than ever, through the

Network of Free Ulema - Libya

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grace of God and the blood of our martyrs. We are certain of, and look forward to, the in-

evitable victory, promised by God to the oppressed of the earth.



We are a network of some of Libya’s most senior and most respected Muslim Religious Scholars

with various specializations and tribal backgrounds from across our beloved Libya. Our network

also includes some of the most respected Sufi Teachers in our country. Some top Judges, Lawyers,

Doctors, Engineers, University Professors and Intellectuals, as well as Writers and Poets, are also

members. Our network includes both men and women, old and young, locally educated and ed-

ucated-abroad. We are not a political party, and our only agenda is that of upholding the highest

religious, spiritual, moral, and human values, and the service of our beloved Libya. We are diverse

groups of different schools and outlooks, and we believe in the richness of plurality, and the wisdom

of dialogue and communication with all other faiths and cultures. Our network is only one dimen-

sion of Libya’s very rich and sophisticated Civil Society, which has always been there, but has had

to go clandestine for many years because of the regime’s repressive policies. In the New Libya,

all these seeds will sprout into a rich and vibrant culture, unified, and mutually respectful. For the

time being, security conditions do not allow us to publish a list of members. We will publish such

a list as soon as we can.

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Page 3: Call for International Assistance With Medical and Humanitarian Aid

بسم اهللا الرمحن الرحيم

بيان صحفي

كل البلدان، وإىل رؤساء املنظمات الدولية كافة، ، وإىل القادة السياسيني يف إىل القادة الدينيني من مجيع األديانوإىل مجيع الرجال والنساء من أصحاب النوايا احلسنة؛ حنن العلماء املسلمني وزعماء القبائل يف ليبيا، بصفتنا

:لنعلمكم باآليت متضامنوناحملترم، املوقر خادمني للشعب اللييب الباسل

اليت تبذل لوقف املذحبة ضد شعبنا، إال أننا حنثكم بأن تتكرموا باإلسراع ذه حنن ممتنون جلميع اجلهود العظيمة .عديدة اجلهود ومضاعفتها، فقد خسرنا حىت اآلن اآلالف من شبابنا الشجعان، وعدد املصابني يبلغ آالف

انية؛ فاحلدود املصرية ما تقدرون عليه من املساعدات الطبية واإلنس الفورنرجو منكم أن ترسلوا إىل ليبيا على الليبية وميناء بنغازي وميناء مصراتة مفتوحة اآلن، وإننا حنث الليبيني داخل البالد وخارجها أن يقدموا املساعدة

ويف هذا الصدد نقدر كثريا جدا االستجابة العاجلة من تركيا . بأي وسيلة ممكنة باإلعانات واملؤونات الضرورية .ل األمحر الدولينيوالصليب األمحر واهلال

واإلجراءات العقابية إىل القذايف شخصيا وعائلته التدابريوعلى الصعيد الدويل، نترقب توجيه كل .والذين جلبوهم من املرتزقة وأي طرف مشارك يف جرائمهم ومساعديه املقربني

فكل التدابري واإلجراءات العقابية ينبغي أن تكون . أو أي شيء ضد ليبيا‘ العقوبات على ليبيا’وإننا ال نؤيد ومن الناحية القضائية فهؤالء ارمون ليس . ضد القذايف ذاته وعائلته ومساعديهم املقربني واملرتزقة لديهموإن النهج الذي ينبغي . ؛ وهم ليس لديهم حصانةلديهم مناصب حكومية رمسية وال يشكلون احلكومة الليبية

وإنفاذها، لقاء مذكرات اعتقال دوليةيتخذه كل الذين يسعون إىل جندتنا هو أن يقوموا على الفور بإصدار أن .احملكمة اجلنائية الدوليةما ارتكبوا على حنو جلي واضح من جرائم ضد اإلنسانية، وأن جيري متابعتها يف

وحنن على . بل بفضل اهللا تعاىل وبدماء شهدائناوهو اآلن أكثر تضامنا من ذي ق وسيصمد الشعب اللييب الباسل .يقني من النصر احملتوم الذي وعده اهللا لعباده املستضعفني يف األرض، ونترقب بلهفة هذا النصر

للنشر الفوري 26/2/2011صدر يوم السبت ليبيا -شبكة العلماء األحرار

Page 4: Call for International Assistance With Medical and Humanitarian Aid

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