call Center Framework

HEART Call Center Framework Nov 8,2000

Transcript of call Center Framework

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HEART Call Center Framework Nov 8,2000

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Table of Contents

Vision Statement Goals & Expectations of

the Call Center Introduction of the Call

Center I) Info Sessions II) Training Agents and

Coaches III) What do we offer IV) Orientation V) Shift Work

Training Agents Training Coaches Marketing Evaluation Adults Learn Best


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Vision Statement

Provide resources to enable participants to acquire basic

work and soft skills, gain experience in networking

their skills to employers and make contacts for present and future employment.

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Goals & Expectations 1) Core Meetings

once a week - Continuity

2) Create a Training Program

3) Info. Sessions for Agents(Weekly) Regular time frame - Sign up sheets to determine approx. class size

Pre-registration Line ERC

4) Call Center is open 2 days a week (Full or half days) Clarify Shift times/Routines

5) Enhance Job Search Expand job search process

6) Call Center Manual to follow for Core Staff

7) Call Center Manual for Agents

8) Time Line to start Call Center - November 16/00

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Training: Agents

A) script - Foolproof Time - shifts (90min) Develop skills Facilitators - coaches &

mentor Active job search Expectations of the

Agents - Discuss at training sessions

Interactive and Networking

Accessible Resourceful ERC Daily routine Lay out Briefings Educate the Meaning of

“Soft Skill” (exercise) Agent(s) getting involved

5%-10% of people coming to research & conceptualize Call Center

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Training: Coaches

File system Data base Coach “manual” Locked cabinets Trust and patience Language issues Developing procedures Evaluating standards Identify call lists - no

repeat calls

Problem resolution Troubleshooting Confidentiality Commitment Mock scripts, info.

Session, briefings Design, implementation

and delivery Info. Sessions Highlight

training sketch

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Unknown Rejection Customer service

abilities Acceptance Lack of confidence New career Risk

Skills: organizational, communication, self-confidence, technology

Change Training Experience Trust

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Open house - Who is Attending? Meet & Greet

Reinforcing job search Flyers to employers

(follow up) Phase Outline of “Who We

Are” Vision Statement

Friendly, Flexible and Approachable

District Offices Employment Teams -

related to workplace Placement Workers -

Community Frontline Staff Community Centers


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Info. Sessions/Training Obtain outside source

- Chris/ Durlop Evaluation Tool

Core Staff

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What Do We Offer?

A) Our Skills Communication Networking Skills Presentation Skills Marketing Skills Info Sessions Training Development

of professional attitude

B) Boundaries recognize our

strengths and limits working within the “ERC” Framework

Resume writing and Training workshops

already in place

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Information Sessions

1) Agents Address Expectations Evaluation commitment - time

frame Goals Pre-registration

2) Coaches One on one attention

with agents Resume or in process

(referral to workshop) Agenda and Goals

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Adults Learn Best When...

They are Pro-Active Learning meets current

needs There is low stress There is a variety of

learning modes & effective tools

Learning styles are considered

Time is given to integrate information

Past experiences are respected

Learning focuses on skills and strategies

Goals are achievable when they are realistic
