CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL · PDF fileChapter 19- Vault Privy Requirements 37...

CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION RESOLUTION R5-2017-0048 APPROVING THE LOCAL AGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR PLACER COUNTY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH WHEREAS, on 19 June 2012, the State Water Resources Control Board (hereafter State Board) adopted Resolution No. 2012-0032, which in part approves the Water Quality Control Policy for Siting, Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (hereafter the OWTS Policy); and WHEREAS, the OWTS Policy allows Local Agencies to propose Local Agency Management Programs (hereafter LAMPs) for California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region (hereafter Central Valley Water Board) approval, as conditional waivers of Waste Discharge Requirements; and WHEREAS, the OWTS Policy requires Central Valley Water Board staff (hereafter staff) to solicit comments from the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water (hereafter DDW) regarding a LAMP’s proposed setbacks and notifications to water purveyors; and WHEREAS, on 10 May 2016 the Placer County Division of Environmental Health (hereafter PCDEH) submitted an informal draft LAMP, along with a preliminary completeness checklist (hereafter checklist) per staff’s request; and WHEREAS on 13 September 2016 DDW concurred with the proposed setbacks and notifications contingent upon an appropriate workshop by 13 May 2018 to define public agency responsibilities and procedures for OWTS Policy implementation; and WHEREAS, on 17 October 2016 staff and PCDEH completed discussion on the draft and checklist; and WHEREAS, on 2 November 2016, staff requested comments from the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (hereafter Region 6); and on 3 January 2017 Region 6 provided comments that require no changes to the LAMP; and WHEREAS, on 24 January 2017, the Central Valley Water Board notified PCDEH and interested parties of its intent to approve the LAMP, and provided them with an opportunity for public hearing, and an opportunity to submit comments and recommendations, both on the draft LAMP and checklist; and

Transcript of CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL · PDF fileChapter 19- Vault Privy Requirements 37...



    RESOLUTION R5-2017-0048



    WHEREAS, on 19 June 2012, the State Water Resources Control Board (hereafter State Board) adopted Resolution No. 2012-0032, which in part approves the Water Quality Control Policy for Siting, Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (hereafter the OWTS Policy); and

    WHEREAS, the OWTS Policy allows Local Agencies to propose Local Agency Management Programs (hereafter LAMPs) for California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region (hereafter Central Valley Water Board) approval, as conditional waivers of Waste Discharge Requirements; and

    WHEREAS, the OWTS Policy requires Central Valley Water Board staff (hereafter staff) to solicit comments from the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water (hereafter DDW) regarding a LAMPs proposed setbacks and notifications to water purveyors; and

    WHEREAS, on 10 May 2016 the Placer County Division of Environmental Health (hereafter PCDEH) submitted an informal draft LAMP, along with a preliminary completeness checklist (hereafter checklist) per staffs request; and

    WHEREAS on 13 September 2016 DDW concurred with the proposed setbacks and notifications contingent upon an appropriate workshop by 13 May 2018 to define public agency responsibilities and procedures for OWTS Policy implementation; and

    WHEREAS, on 17 October 2016 staff and PCDEH completed discussion on the draft and checklist; and

    WHEREAS, on 2 November 2016, staff requested comments from the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (hereafter Region 6); and on 3 January 2017 Region 6 provided comments that require no changes to the LAMP; and

    WHEREAS, on 24 January 2017, the Central Valley Water Board notified PCDEH and interested parties of its intent to approve the LAMP, and provided them with an opportunity for public hearing, and an opportunity to submit comments and recommendations, both on the draft LAMP and checklist; and


    WHEREAS, on 7 April 2017, the Central Valley Water Board, in a public meeting, heard and considered all comments pertaining to this action:

    Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Central Valley Water Board hereby approves the Local Agency Management Program submitted by the Placer County Division of Environmental Health.

    I, PAMELA C. CREEDON, Executive Officer, do hereby certify the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Central Valley Water Board, on 7 April 2017.

    - Original signed by -PAMELA C. CREEDON, Executive Officer

  • On-Site Sewage Manual



  • On-Site Sewage Manual

    Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction and Organization of Manual............................................................................. 3

    Chapter 2 - Connection to Public Sewer ................................................................................................ 3

    Chapter 3 - Site Evaluation .................................................................................................................... 4

    Chapter 4 - System Permit Requirements............................................................................................ 12

    Chapter 5 - The Issued Permit ............................................................................................................. 14

    Chapter 6 - Construction Inspections ................................................................................................... 15

    Chapter 7 - System Repairs, Modifications, or Expansions.................................................................. 16

    Chapter 8 - Authorization Notice .......................................................................................................... 17

    Chapter 9 - Standard System Requirements........................................................................................ 18

    Chapter 10 - Pump System Requirements........................................................................................... 22

    Chapter 11 - Alternative System Requirements ................................................................................... 24

    Chapter 12 - Capping Fill System Requirements ................................................................................. 25

    Chapter 13 - Pressurized Distribution System Requirements............................................................... 26

    Chapter 14 - Deep Trench System Requirements................................................................................ 29

    Chapter 15 - Intermittent Sand Filter System Requirements ................................................................ 30

    Chapter 16 - Subsurface Drip Disposal System ................................................................................... 33

    Chapter 17 - Septic System Abandonment Requirements ................................................................... 35

    Chapter 18 - Holding Tank Requirements ............................................................................................ 36

    Chapter 19 - Vault Privy Requirements................................................................................................ 37

    Chapter 20 - Portable Toilet Requirements .......................................................................................... 37

    Chapter 21 - Seepage Pit Requirements ............................................................................................. 38

    Chapter 22 - Seasonal Wet Weather Testing....................................................................................... 40

    Chapter 23 - Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring.......................................................................... 40

    Chapter 24 - New Supplemental Treatment Systems........................................................................... 43

    Chapter 26 - New Component Review Process ................................................................................... 45

    Chapter 27 - Off-Site Sewage Easements ........................................................................................... 45

    Chapter 28 - Large System Requirements ........................................................................................... 45

    Chapter 29 - Septic Tank Materials and Construction .......................................................................... 46

    Chapter 30 - Distribution Box Materials and Construction .................................................................... 49

    Chapter 31 - Diversion Valve Materials and Construction .................................................................... 49

    Chapter 32 - Dosing/Pump Tank Materials and Construction............................................................... 49

    Chapter 33 - Effluent Pump, Control, and Alarm Materials and Construction ....................................... 51

    Chapter 34 - Off-Grid Power Supply .................................................................................................... 52 1

  • Chapter 35 - Pipe Materials and Construction...................................................................................... 53

    Chapter 42 - Definitions78 Chapter 43 Reporting.89

    Chapter 36 - Vault Privy and Portable Toilet Materials and Construction ............................................. 54

    Chapter 37 - Reconstruction of Residential Structures Damaged by Fire or Natural Disaster .............. 55

    Chapter 38 - Artificial Drain Design, Materials and Construction .......................................................... 56

    Chapter 39 - Tables ............................................................................................................................. 57

    Chapter 40 - Fees................................................................................................................................ 61

    Chapter 41 - Diagrams......................................................................................................................... 62

    Appendix I Resolution of the Board of Supervisors Adoption of Updated Manual Appendix II - Regional Board LAMP checklist


  • Chapter 1 - Introduction and Organization of Manual

    This manual establishes technical and procedural requirements for on-site subsurface sewage disposal in accordance with the On-site Sewage Ordinance. The Placer County Division of Environmental Health (hereafter, Division) is the agency responsible for the application of this manual.

    The State Water Resources Control Board adopted a statewide, Water Quality Control Policy for Siting, Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS). The OWTS Policy became effective May 13, 2013, conditionally waiving the requirement for owners of OWTS to apply for and receive Waste Discharge Requirements in order to operate their systems as long as the conditions set forth in the OWTS Policy are satisfied. As directed by the Board of Supervisors to address local conditions and maintain local control of the program, the Placer County Environmental Health Division submitted a Local Agency Management Program (LAMP) to the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (the Central Valley Region for the