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calculation | consulting why deep learning works: perspectives from theoretical chemistry (TM) c|c (TM)

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calculation | consulting why deep learning works:

perspectives from theoretical chemistry


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calculation|consultingMMDS 2016

why deep learning works:perspectives from theoretical chemistry


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calculation | consulting why deep learning works

Who Are We?

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Dr. Charles H. Martin, PhD University of Chicago, Chemical PhysicsNSF Fellow in Theoretical Chemistry

Over 10 years experience in applied Machine LearningDeveloped ML algos for Demand Media; the first $1B IPO since Google

Tech: Aardvark (now Google), eHow, GoDaddy, …Wall Street: BlackRockFortune 500: Big Pharma, Telecom, eBay

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Data Scientists are Different

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theoretical physics machine learning specialist



experimental physics data scientist

engineer software, browser tech, dev ops, …

not all techies are the same

calculation | consulting why deep learning works

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Problem: How can SGD possibly work?Aren’t Neural Nets non-Convex ?!


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can Spin Glass models suggest why ?

what other models are out there ?

expected observed ?

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Random Energy Model (REM)

Temperature, regularization and the glass transition

extending REM: Spin Glass of Minimal Frustration

protein folding analogy: Funneled Energy Landscapes

example: Dark Knowledge

Recent work: Spin Glass models for Deep Nets

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condensed matter theory is about qualitative analogies

we may seek a toy modela mean field theory

a phenomenological description

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What problem is Deep Learning solving ?


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minimize cross-entropy

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Problem: What is a good theoretical model for deep networks ?


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p-spherical spin glass

LeCun … 2015

L Hamiltonian (Energy function)X Gaussian random variablesw real valued (spins) , spherical constraintH >= 3 (p)

can be solved analytically, simulated easily

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What is a spin glass ?


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Frustration: constraints that can not be satisfied

J = X = weightsS = w = spins

Energetically: all spins should be paired

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why p-spherical spin glass ?


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crudely: deep networks (effectively) have no local minima !

local minima

k=1 critical points

floor / ground state

k = 2 critical points

k = 3 critical points

the critical points are ordered

saddle points

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why p-spherical spin glass ?


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crudely: deep networks (effectively) have no local minima !


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any local minima will do; the ground state is a state of overtraining

good generalization


Early Stopping: to avoid the ground state ?

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it’s easy to find the ground state; it’s hard to generalize ?

Early Stopping: to avoid the ground state ?

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Current Interpretation


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•finding the ground state is easy (sic); generalizing is hard

•finding the ground state is irrelevant: any local minima will do

•the ground state is a state over training

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recent p-spherical spin glass results


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actually: recent results (2013) on the behavior (distribution of critical points, concentration of the means)

of an isotropic random function on a high dimensional manifold

require: the variables actually concentrate on their means the weights are drawn from isotropic random function

related to: old results TAP solutions (1977) # critical points ~ TAP complexity

avoid local minima? : increase Temperatureharder problem: low Temp behavior of spin glass

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What problem is Deep Learning solving ?


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minimize cross-entropy of output layer

entropic effects : not just min energy

more like min free energy (divergence)

Statistical Physics and Information Theory: Neri Merhav

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infinite limit of p-spherical spin glass

A related approach: Random Energy Model (REM)

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Random Energy Model (REM)


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ground state is governed by Extreme Value Statistics

old result from protein folding theory

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REM: What is Temperature ?


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We can use statistical mechanics to analyze known algorithms

I don’t mean in the traditional sense of algorithmic analysis

take Ej as the objective = loss function + regularizer

study Z: form a mean field theory;take limits N -> inf, T -> 0

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REM: What is Temperature ?


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let E(T) by the effective energy

E(T) = E/T ~ sum of weights*activations

as T -> 0, E(T) effective energies diverge; weights explode

Temperature is a proxy for weight constraints

T sets the Energy Scale

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Temperature: as Weight Constraints


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•traditional weight regularization

•max norm constraints (i.e. w/dropout)

•batch norm regularization (2015)

we avoid situations when the weights explode

in deep networks, we temper the weightsand the distribution of the activations (i.e local entropy)

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REM: a toy model for real Glasses


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but it is believed that entropy collapse ‘drives’ the glass transition

the glass transition is not well understood

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what is a real (structural) Glass ?


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Sand + Fire = Glass

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what is a real (structural) Glass ?


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all liquids can be made into glassesif we cool then fast enough

the glass transition is not a normal phase transitionnot the melting point

arrangement of atoms is amorphous; not completely random

different cooling rates produce different glassy states

universal phenomena; not universal physicsmolecular details affect the thermodynamics

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REM: the Glass Transition


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Entropy collapses when T <~ Tc

Phase Diagram: entropy density

energy density

free energy density

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REM: Dynamics on the Energy Landscape


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let us assume some states trap the solver for some time;

of course, there is a great effort to design solvers that can avoid traps

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Energy Landscapes: and Protein Folding


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let us assume some states trap the solver in state E(j) for a short time

and the transitions E(j) -> E(j-1) are governed by finite, reversible transitions (i.e. SGD oscillates back and forth for a while)

classic result(s): for T near the glass Temp (Tc) the traversal times are slower than exponential !

in a physical system, like a protein or polymer, it would take longer than the known lifetime of the universe to find the ground (folded) state

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Protein Folding: the Levinthal Paradox


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folding could take longer than the known lifetime of the universe ?

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Old analogy between Protein folding and Hopfield Associative Memories

Natural pattern recognition could

• use a mechanism with a glass Temp (Tc) that is as low as possible

• avoid the glass transition entirely, via energetics

Nature (i.e. folding) can not operate this way !

Protein Folding: around the Levinthal Paradox

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Spin Glasses: Minimizing Frustration


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Spin Glasses: Minimizing Frustration


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Spin Glasses: vs Disordered FerroMagnets


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the Spin Glass of Minimal Frustration


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REM + strongly correlated ground state = no glass transition

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the Spin Glass of Minimal Frustration


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Training a model induces an energy gap, with few local minima

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Energy Funnels: Entropy vs Energy


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there is a tradeoff between Energy and Entropy minimization

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Energy Landscape Theory of Protein Folding


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there is a tradeoff between Energy and Entropy minimization

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Avoids the glass transition by having more favorable energetics

Levinthal paradoxglassy surfacevanishing gradients

Energy Landscape Theory of Protein Folding

funneled landscaperugged convexityenergy / entropy tradeoff

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Dark Knowledge: an Energy Funnel ?


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784 -> 800 -> 800 -> 10 MLP on MNIST


10,000 test cases, 10 classes

99 errors

same entropy (capacity); better loss function

fit to ensemble soft-max probabilities

146 errors

784 -> 800 -> 800 -> 10

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Adversarial Deep Nets: an Energy Funnel ?


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Discriminator learns a complex loss function

Generator: fake data

Discriminator: fake vs real ?

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Random Energy Model (REM): simpler theoretical model

Glass Transition: temperature ~ weight constraints

extending REM: Spin Glass of Minimal Frustration

possible examples: Dark Knowledge

Funneled Energy Landscapes

Adversarial Deep Nets


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